
Let My People Go



7 Years

02-08-2015, 01:50 PM

He had lost. He wasn't even able to protect his own family. The thought of going back to Abaven without Rhythm made him feel sick, so even though he was bleeding and broken he still made his way slowly towards Imperium lands, following the fading scent of his sister. He hadn't even stopped to talk to his sister and brother who had watched his shameful fight, to watch him yet again able to protect his pack. Perhaps he should just give Abaven away all together, just move his family somewhere else. But it wasn't fair, there were others in the pack, more than just him. He sighed, flinching as he tried to get to the border. He couldn't just give up, but oh gods did he just want to give into the guilt and quit it all. Then he wouldn't have to feel this awful feeling, one that made him just want to climb into a dark hole and die.

Bass reached Valentine's land, and he felt a flicker of rage rush through his aching body. Tipping back his head he let out a howl for him, before he flopped to the earth. There, he was going to bleed on the damn boy's land, see how he felt about that! But he wasn't going to give up on his sister, he would fight Valentine right now if he had too. He didn't care if he got more hurt, anything was worth it to get her back. But he had failed his family, his poor sister was dragged off by that black bastard. His lips pulled into a snarl, that spineless alpha sent a big fat goon to fight for him. He didn't even have the guts to come and fight for her himself. If he had, perhaps he would have been more open about letting him court her. But now... now he was die on his border before he let her keep her here a single night.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
02-08-2015, 02:24 PM

Deep in his den, Valen slept. Outside, the sky was clear and cloudless, and the moon shone brightly overhead, easily illuminating the ground below. His sleep was peaceful and dreamless, months of playing King having transformed him into a light sleeper. Bass' howl easily roused him, and Valentine, far from being annoyed at the summons, slithered from the den without complaint. He didn't know Abaven's alpha well, but he knew enough about him to guess that he wouldn't wake him up without a good reason.

He closed the distance with ease and it wasn't until the fallen form came into sight that Valen became alarmed. Abaven's alpha lay sprawled across the border, the moonlight highlighting the blood that marred his light coat. The brute raced forward until he was standing over Bass. "Bass! What's happened? Is Abaven under attack?" More importantly.... "Is Rhythm okay?" He had half a mind to roll her brother over and shake the answers out of him.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



7 Years

02-08-2015, 02:40 PM

It didn't take long at all for the massive alpha to show, standing over him and asking if they were under attack, and if Rhy was okay. A dark laugh left his lips, his head rising from where he had been smugly bleeding all over his borders. Shakily he stood up, flinching as his severely bruised shoulder moved. "Don't play stupid with me, Valentine," he growled, tired eyes cutting upwards to his dotted face. "You know damn well where Rhythm is, forcibly taken from me by that black, masked bastard," his voice was dangerous, he would quickly attack this man even if he was already injured. "Were you too lazy to come and challenge for her yourself that you had to send off a goon to fight for you? to you take pride in letting others fight for you while you rest easily in your den?" Bass' words were spat at the man, his hackles raised as he growled at him again. But that is when he saw something in his blue eyes; actual concern. The Azat blinked, stopping mid growl as he squinted up at the man. Either he was a good actor or he really didn't know about this... That or he wasn't thinking that Bass would lose. Well, he wasn't planning on losing anyways, he felt like shit for that. He already thought of dropping his pack, because it would seem that he wasn't able to protect them. The white man looked up at Valentine, trying to figure out what as going on. "Did you... even know about this?" He asked, his voice softer than it had been before. But how could that be...? Who else would want to take Rhythm here?



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
02-08-2015, 03:40 PM

Out of all the possible responses he thought he might get, Bass laughing up at him wasn't one. It irked him and as such his ears fell back to make his feelings known. Here he was offering concern, not only for the bleeding little bastard, but for his pack and his sister. He then proceeded to accuse him of some kind of vague wrong against Rhythm - a statement that caused Valentine's hackles to rise in agitation. Black masked bastard? Someone with a black mask? What?

The continued accusations had him lurching towards the smaller male, seeking to tower over him. His neck arched, chin instinctively tucking over his throat as he glared down the bridge of his nose at Bass. "Enough," he spit, lips curling as he sought to halt the torrent of confusing -and unfounded- accusations. Perhaps he was getting a bit pompous, but no one would speak to him like that on his land.

He wasn't sure what to make of what Bass had to say. Coldly, he parted with the words, "If I want something or someone, you better believe I'll fight for them myself." Sensing that something had gone on without his knowledge that either involved members of his pack or Arcanum's, he ground out, "I don't know where Rhythm is and I don't know what you're talking about," But if Rhythm was in danger, he needed the facts immediately. Valentine was getting closer and closer to forcibly shaking the story out of Bass since he insisted on spewing venom instead of information. "But you better make it clear right now." He didn't care what Bass thought of him. Didn't even care if he was winding down and ready to carry on peacefully, he just wanted to know what had happened to put Rhythm in harm's way, and he wanted to know immediately.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



7 Years

02-08-2015, 03:52 PM

When Valentine got riled up, his hackles stood back up as his calm feelings vanished. So he really didn't have a clue, did he? "Someone from your pack called me to the battlefield to challenge for Rhythm. A high rank I assume, as it is our laws. He was black, same height as me, and wore this mask... a ram skull I think?" he asked, still growling as he fell back to a seated position. He was sore and tired, and had little patience for this game. He needed to get the bite checked out on his neck before he caught evil cooties or something. Golden eyes looked up at Valentine, it was obvious that he cared for his sister. Letting out a shaky sigh, his head shook back and forth. "Look, we obviously got off on the wrong paw... or at least I did. If you care about Rhythm please just let her come home. I know that that black bastard won the fight, but I just..." Bass dropped his head, swallowing hard. He had failed. He hadn't been able to protect her from the kidnapper of sorts. "I followed her scent here, I had just thought that you sent someone to claim her. Because... why else would someone from your pack come for her?" Raising his head, he calmed his hackles and hoped that Valen would as well. They weren't going to get anywhere by yelling at each other.

Grumbling, he shifted his weight to the right to take it off of his injured shoulder, huffing out another sigh. "I'm protective of my siblings, I'm not sure if you have any that you are close with. While I know that she cares for you too -- I can see the difference in her -- I just don't want her to leave home. I guess you can say that I sort of became the father figure after we left our parents to come here. But this... this is not okay Valentine. I get that you didn't know about it, but its kind of a really big deal." He said, trying his hardest to keep his voice calm. His eyes were somber, his pride had been dashed down with losing the fight, the thoughts of not being able to protect his pack were thick in his mind. But it had been the first fight in awhile that he had been in, he had been so busy with his children that his skills had become soft. Or maybe it was all an excuse. "I'm sorry for accusing you, I really am. I was a fool to push away your concern like that, your a good man." Bass nearly choked on the words, but they were spoken regardless. He went to say more, but snapped his jaws closed again. He had said enough already.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
02-08-2015, 04:45 PM

Finally Bass began to explain what had happened. About halfway through his speech, Valen began to pace. He was largely unaware of what he was doing, his attention equally divided to both listen to Bass and to trying to unravel the mystery. Only one wolf of his wore a skull and that was Hati. But why? Hati couldn't possibly know anything about Rhythm. Even if he had found out about her somehow, why would he go after her? He couldn't possibly think Valentine would let him keep her considering their relationship, so why? And if he had taken his alpha's love interest in the hopes of spiting him and starting something, why hadn't he come directly to him? Bass shouldn't have been able to beat the victor home, especially in his condition. Why, why, why?

"... why else would someone from your pack come for her?" Finally Valentine spoke, "I don't know. No one even knows about Rhythm and I excep-" He froze as a small thread, a tiny connection, made itself known to him. Cascade. He'd even told her- no. Valentine's teeth gnashed together as his theory began to fall into place. He'd even given her permission -albeit, sarcastically- to try to win Rhythm over.

He continued his agitated pacing, his jaw working and his overall demeanor suggesting an intense inner struggle. "No," he agreed sharply, "It's not okay and yes, it is a big deal." Finally he stopped before Bass. "I have a theory and I'm sorry you and Rhythm got caught in the middle of this." He fixed Bass with a piercing gaze, his anger not directed at the other but simply leaking through. "If you would allow it, I'd like one of my healers to look you over. In the meantime I'll sort it out."


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



7 Years

02-08-2015, 05:09 PM

His eyes followed the male as he started to pace, moving back and forth as he obviously tried to solve his mystery. He would pace as well if his damn shoulder wasn't so sore. After a long moment of silence he finally spoke, saying that he told no one but... but who? Obviously something had dawned on him, and his brow rose. That was his business though, and he was too tired to dig into Valentine's mind. Bass was pleased that this angered Valentine, he had come here expecting a fight but it seemed that the alpha was in the same condition that he was. He offered him a healer, and his pride was too slashed to reject it. Plus, it was still quite a walk home. He wasn't even sure if he could go home, not without Rhythm. "I will accept a healer, I would be a fool to turn down your generous offer," he said softly, starting to warm up to this mountain of a man. He cared about his sister, and even though it still angered him a bit, he was starting to see that she had found a good man. "But please, please bring Rhythm back to me. She was dragged off before I could say anything and I just... I need to see that she is unharmed." He did not whine or beg, but there was obvious concern laced in his words. The man who fought him was a fierce warrior, stronger than anyone he had fought before. He had no doubt that he would harm Rhythm if he had the chance. Valentine had also apologized to Bass, and he shrugged his shoulder, wincing again when he moved his left shoulder. Damn, he was going to have to remember that. "No need to apologize, all is fair in love and war." Bass said with a smirk.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
02-08-2015, 06:20 PM

Bass accepted, and Valentine, without sparing a moment, howled for Ellis. "I'm sure Ellis will be here soon. She'll take good care of you," he commented, his tone not quite holding the same hospitality as his words. In his mind he was already gone, mentally sweeping the knolls for where Cascade might be. Surely she hadn't taken her prize back to where their children slept!

"...bring Rhythm back to me." Valentine nodded briskly. Tersely, he said, "As soon as I've sorted this, I'll bring her here. And she will be unharmed." She better be, anyway.

"No need to apologize, all is fair in love and war." Valentine was so far removed from a positive attitude that the statement didn't even register as an attempt at humor. Instead, he took it as a serious statement and nodded wordlessly. "I'm sorry to leave you here to wait alone, but I'm eager to get to the bottom of this, as I'm sure you can understand." With that said he turned and sulked off, aiming for the center of the knolls.

-exit Valentine-


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



3 Years
Extra large
02-08-2015, 10:09 PM
The boy had heard the call at the edge of the borders, though it was not his business so the tall boy had paid little attention to it. He was usually awake during most of the night hours, he preferred the cover of shadow to the daylight, not that he wasn't ever around in the day.. he just preferred the night. When the call for Ellis came though, Revenge was quick to respond. He knew his mother's friend and his healing teacher had been somewhat.. absent recently. Not that she was gone really enough to notice but he had been lacking on recent lessons. Just in case the woman was not able to proceed Revenge would seek out the source of Valentine's call.

What he found was not his alpha, but the form of a rather sad looking wolf. He was quite injured, but Revenge would be as prepared as he was taught to be.. well kind of. His pale lips had grabbed a few minor things, nothing that could really have prepared him for what he found. Though the cobwebs, lavender, and horsetail were quite perfect for the situation. He didn't know this brute, but he would be as polite as possible, he was obviously Valen's guest as well as being in need. He would approach somewhat cautiously, ears to his head and tail low neutral expression on his features. Putting his herb collection at his feet he'd say, "My name is Revenge Destruction," He usually told strangers his last name.. right? This guy seemed somewhat official maybe it wouldn't hurt. "I'm not Ellis but I can help you, do you mind if i clean your wounds?" He wouldn't invade his personal space yet.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



7 Years

02-08-2015, 10:58 PM

The man nodded at Valentine's words, really to tired to say much else. He didn't mind being left alone at the border, it wasn't like he was going anywhere fast anyways. When the almost silent sound of paw pads met his ears he jumped, teeth bared and hackles raised. The sound was coming from the border itself and not within the pack like he was expecting, but the boy who showed up carried herbs and smelled of the pack before him. Calming, he grunted a greeting, not paying much attention until the boy spoke of his name. Destruction? Amusement lit in his tired gold eyes, his gaze traveling the tall boy's figure. "Greetings, I am Bass Destruction," he said with a soft chuckle, dipping his head. "I am Azat of Abaven, here on business, and well... bleeding all over your border." Revenge asked if he was allowed to clean his wounds, and the Alpha nodded, growing very tired. Blood was trickling down either side of his neck, minor wounds all around but the most major were the puncture wounds on the back of his neck, only inches above his shoulder blades. And his left shoulder was very badly bruised, but there wasn't much to be done about that. "Who sired you?" Bass asked suddenly, not really recognizing his first name.



3 Years
Extra large
02-08-2015, 11:36 PM
There was a moment when Revenge was tempted to stop and make a hasty retreat, but as a slight recognition came over the man it seemed the coast was clear. Easily he would come up, ears perking slightly at the answer he was given before he asked if he could go about his duties. There were a lot of his family, his father had quite a few brothers and sisters, and he didn't even know half of them Little did he know that he had more cousins and extended family within the east. Eager to get the bleeding stopped Revenge wouldn't waste his time with small talk, instead he'd go straight for the still bleeding wound at the base of Bass's neck. He wouldn't clean all of the fur, just enough that the wound was free of dirt and the fur around it was not caked.

The question was given as he picked up the horse tail, he'd apply the herb to the wound before giving any kind of answer, even going so far as to offer the lavender to the Azat wordlessly. "My father's name is Scorpion." He'd say simply before checking over the Destruction once more. "Did you come from Uroril too?" Revenge knew a little of the lands previously inhabited by the Destruction name. He did not however, realize that Ahlon even existed.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



7 Years

02-08-2015, 11:50 PM

He flinched slightly at the touch of the boy, still jumpy from his battle and it stung like a bee to have them touched. He knew a bit of herbs, enough, but had no idea what to do with the lavender that was offered to him. He wrinkled his nose, it smelled like females and almost like a mother. He slightly remembered it being offered to Wren, but he wasn't focused on the herbs when his wife was giving birth. Revenge offered him little speech, which made him a bit nervous. Bass was one who liked to talk, and this silence would have made him shuffle on his paws if his left shoulder wasn't hurt. Sighing, he eyed the lavender again. "Do I... eat it?" He asked slowly. It smelled good, but he couldn't imagine that the tiny purple flowers would taste as good as it smelled. Blinking at the stem, he instead pulled his eyes up to the other when he offered a short bit of conversation. He said that his fathers name was Scorpion, but it didn't really ring any bells. Not that it really irked him, their family was so vast that he didn't even want to start to narrow it down. When he asked of homelands, he shook his head. He had heard of Uroril, but only enough to know the name. "No, me and most of my close blood relatives came from Ahlon. We left our parents and came to these lands when we were a year old, and our parents are over there still." Bass' lids grew heavy as a yawn broke his maw, but he wasn't leaving until Valentine and Rhythm came back. He would refuse to leave without her, and would sit here and bleed on his border all night if he had to.


02-09-2015, 01:06 AM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.
...and so I would wander.
When the howl went up Ellis was a flurry of fur and herbs. She had been collecting things in the range, though close enough to hear Valentine's call. It started her, but the meaning was clear. She needed to get back and treat someone within Abaven. The usual bundled up leaves within her jaws, supporting various, currently unsorted herbs, the female would scurry off in the direction her alpha called from. She knew little of the inner dramas of the pack, nor what might be going out outside it, so she was certainly less than prepared for the scene she arrived to. Luckily Revenge was there -- inexperienced as he was he was still a good first aid giver. The female would arrive in time for the white male, covered in wounds, to ask if he should eat the herbs presented to him. Clearing her throat, the small healer made her presence known.

"Yes, but only eat about half. It'll help you, but if you eat the full amount you might end up resting at Imperium's borders for a while." She had set the bundle of herbs at her paws, gaze going over to Revenge. Now was as good a time as any to see what he had learned, what he knew. "What have you done for his wounds thus far?" Cleaned them at least she would assume, perhaps administering some medication, though some catchweed would still be needed to make sure he didn't rub the mixtures off right away. The small woman was in full healer mode, gaze settled on her pupil.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

"Settle down." Said my heart.
...and so here it was I would settle down.

Table by:: Tea



3 Years
Extra large
02-09-2015, 01:10 PM
Before Revenge could answer his distant relative's question bright yellow eyes would come to spy his teacher, Ellis. He was almost surprised to see her, but the relief he felt would overwhelm that. Bass's answer would on earn a nod. They were family... somehow, which meant Revenge had a duty to make sure he recovered fully. Ellis's question would not catch him off guard. Though his knowledge was much more shallow than her own he thought he'd done a good job of the worst of his wounds.

His attentions would shift to his teacher as she asked him to show her what he'd done so far. It wasn't much, but he'd stopped the bleeding of the worst of them. "I've not been here long, but I've cleaned around the wound," There was still dry blood staining Bass's pelt, but nowhere important. "and I've applied a mixture of cobwebs and horsetail. And offered him some lavender.." And that was really about it. Revenge was a minimalist. He only carried a couple of herbs with him, but they seemed rather effective in his mind. He hadn't used any herbs at all to help Bellona out..

The thought of her made him cringe internally, he'd found her tiny presence pleasant and enjoyable. Knowing that she'd perished not long after their meeting had hit him hard.