
magrory babu up for grabs!



5 Years
02-09-2015, 12:49 AM (This post was last modified: 02-09-2015, 12:55 AM by Sigyn.)
Hola amigos, tis I, Den.

Due to inactivity, I have taken back Australis. He will be up for adoption again, and I would loooove to see him played more around here, given that he is the only son of my first char on Alacritis. I have also taken back Zlata, who has fallen inactive as well, but I plan to take her myself and play her, so eventually there will be some feelsy reunions I hope! (I will most likely be changing her name to something else, so PM me if you want to know what it is)

Australis was previously played by Azzy, who has requested that his personality, name and design not be reused, but his history may be used if the player would like. His profile can be found on old Ala here for reference if you would like. I would like for him to remain male, if that's alright.

A little backstory-
Aurora was the last remaining descendant from a long, prestigious lineage and heir to a throne that had once been extremely powerful had the forest fire not decimated every bit of her territory and more.
Magnus had lost his parents at a young age, due to the malicious intent of a certain female. He ended up leaving home and wandering for a while, whereupon he met his first love. She too passed away, only this time due to a mysterious illness.
The two met when Magnus joined Ludicael, and fell in love quickly. They were married soon after, and Aurora bore two children, a boy and a girl. Soon after the birth, Aurora fell into a repressive state, and left the family without much warning, almost as soon as the babes were weaned. This can be blamed on the stillborn lookalike of her youngest sister she bore as well. Magnus abandoned the family as well, for reasons that still remain unknown. Soon after returning, Aurora was killed just off the coast of the Ibis islands by a shark. Magnus soon disappeared. The children were left to fend for themselves before they had even reached a year. Australis ended up joining Secretua, and Zlata disappeared after some time of living as a rogue.
(If anyone would like to use this information, Zlata had ended up returning to her mothers homeland to see what remained of her heritage. There, she will have learned her maternal tongue and also taken on the traditions of her mother and wear a pair of feathers in her hair somewhere on her body.)
The children are 2 years old as of Spring year 5

<b>OOC Name:</b>
<b>Name:</b> Something Russian would be preferred
<b>Appearance:</b> 100 words/lineart?
<b>Personality:</b> 150 words
<b>RP Sample:</b>



4 Years
02-09-2015, 12:51 AM
Lolaf wants to throw Keiki at whoever takes him, since they were pack mates and she feels sad about him leaving... just saying
[Image: VAzkBpg.png]



5 Years
02-10-2015, 08:58 PM (This post was last modified: 03-17-2015, 04:55 PM by Nagendra.)
Jaroslav Bane
OOC Name: Acrylic

Alternate names: Kirill, Vespasian, Vissarion, Diocletian, Saturn, Janus, Arkady, Rasputin, Gavriil, Svetovid, Dragomir, Zahkar (I really have no preference)
Size: 37" x 172 lbs.
A white golem – a frigid breath of wind across snowy plains. Jaroslav is the very picture of cold and callous, both in his pale appearance and detached expressions. His short and wild fur is a pallid white, choked of any color. The only markings he bears are the contrasting and curiously sparse smudges of black on the tip of his tail and along his lower jaw. His eyes are steel gray – a color that would typically be dull and uninteresting, though his are alive with the flicker of hostility and guardedness. He seldom smiles.

In terms of structure, he is large creature, both tall and hefty and abundant in thickening young muscles. His head and chest are broad and his legs sturdy – all in fairly average proportion to one another. Without any particularly defining features, the most notable thing about his build is the simple fact of his burliness. The young man is certainly meant to be a brawler. His intimidating stature is supported by his violent disposition, and the dominant and swaggering way he carries himself. The very aura around him is oppressive, and his presence immediately threatening.

Alignment: Chaotic neutral
The face he shows to the world is not one the world wants. It is bitter and rude, and abrasive in such a manner that repels most. ”Good,” he would say to that. Who needs them anyways? Channeling venom and acid, he scrapes away all attempts at friendliness and generosity with hate and scorn. He is untrusting and suspicious of everyone, condemning all as two-faced bastards upon first glance. His indifference is eternal and his apathy boundless. He openly flaunts his selfishness and seems to be the very embodiment of anything anyone could hate in a person, garnished with a shitty temper. Someone with a sharp mind and a keen eye might pin it as an emotional defense, and they wouldn’t be wrong. Not one caustic aspect of his personality is fake though – made merely for defense. It’s all very genuine, but there is reason to his anger and rhyme in his prickly disposition. The only part orchestrated about it is the way he has trained himself to act so all the time. It is his shield – his Great Wall – and from behind it, he is safe.

Beneath the loathsome rancor of his outside self, Jaroslav hides a mess of insecurity and hurt. His mistrust is born from fear, and his noxious ego a carved mask to cover the true bleeding core that is his self-doubt. He is not completely apathetic and cruel, but merely stows the feeling part of himself deep inside where it may be safe. His heart has been sieged too many times, and has since been restricted by the tightest defense, although it protects nothing (no one) other than its own scarred flesh. In the dark, cobwebbed corners of his thoughts and feelings, he is lonely. He doesn’t know what to do about it though; he is too afraid of being abandoned again. Be it friends or lovers, all pose a threat in that aspect. It is very likely that if he were to become somewhat close to anyone, he would become extremely controlling – again, out of fear.

While the fear is a driving force behind the young man, it still hasn’t quite squashed his ambitions. In secret, he is allowed to dream, and when he does, he dreams of control. Not the tyrannical sort (although it might end up so), but true control over his own life. He sees a gateway to that in leadership, and aspires to become the head of a pack. Somewhere within that idea he believes some kind of redemption for his assumed inadequacy lies.

RP Sample:
The world became dipped in shadow as the sun sank down towards the horizon – an oddly sluggish action for the fiery symphony that surrounded it in the sky. Bold orange and red set the heavens ablaze, shimmering in the beast’s gray eyes as he watched silently from his place atop the cliffs. The air outside was pleasant, warm and clear with the beginnings of night’s fresh perfume settling about. There were no winds about, everything still. The birds had quieted down to prepare for bed, and in the nooks of the rocky cliffs and the safety of the evergreens, little insects had begun to pipe up to take the birds’ places. It was a nice evening.

Jaroslav enjoyed it to a degree, but remained brooding. Anyplace else, he wouldn’t have felt the need to seem so sullen in isolation, beneath such a pretty sight as this. However, this was a rather special place. Not this specifically – the cliff he stood on like some stoic sentinel – but the general area. Alacritia. Here again. He wondered who else was here. Them? A faint frown warped the emptiness on his face as he narrowed his eyes at the masterpiece above. He didn’t doubt that they’d popped in and out as they pleased, drifting like leaves in the wind. A soft snort left his nostrils, and then he shook his head, brushing away the thought. Part of him didn’t want to come back here; it hurt to think about it all. But part of him longed for his birthplace. He just hoped he wouldn’t see them again.

Another exhale was intended to cleanse him of the upsetting mental debate, and in its success, Jaroslav would focus once again on the sunset. It was quite beautiful. Another minute was taken to drink in every satisfying aspect of color and abstract form before he rolled his shoulders and turned around. With his shadow stretching in front of him, the young man would begin to pick his way down the rocky mountainside.

Important Notes: From what I've read of his past, he's been abandoned a lot. If I were to play of him, a significant portion of his personality would be affected by that, and he'd be a rather angry sort of character. If you don't want him to be angry/violent/issues guy, just say, and I'll move on~ c: I won't be heartbroken or anything xD


02-24-2015, 02:33 PM
OOC Name: Croatoan
Name: Makar
Appearance:  [Image: free_chibi_wolf_lineart__read_rules_if_u...8jcrtb.png]

Personality: 150 words
RP Sample:



10 Years
Extra large
03-17-2015, 05:07 PM
Okay, because Acry has crafted such a beauty and the character is soooo what I would be expecting to be born from such a situation, Acrylic now gets Jaroslav! Posting with Lirika so you can snoop her profile if you want xD Can't wait to see him around!!!