
Frequent Biter Miles


02-09-2015, 09:57 PM

She stumbled and fell, inflicting more damage upon herself with every step. But she needed to return home. Blood caked her chest and forelegs, the gash stretching from shoulder to shoulder having slowed its bleeding by now, but it was far to deep to be left untreated. Her ribs were on fire with each step, or rather, limp. Her left foreleg clung to her chest, not coming anywhere close to the ground. Her coat was matted with leaves, dirt and blood. Bruises and minor cuts covered her entire bodice and her head throbbed like a bitch. Nostrils inhaled the scent of her home, though it barely registered. She half walked, half fell just over the border, exhaustion finally claiming her and forcing her to the ground. She could go no farther, nor did she have the strength to call anyone.

Kylar was gone. He had said his goodbyes and was gone before she woke up. He had had the decency to treat her wounds as best he could, but nothing survived her trip home. Pain riddled her body, making muscles quiver. All she wanted to do was sleep, to allow the darkness to swallow her up so the pain was no longer there. With shallow, labored breathes, eyes fell closed, all she could do was wait for someone to find her. Hopefully she would still be alive by then.



02-09-2015, 10:41 PM

Isis had been traveling for days now from the north where she had resided for a short time, stopping only she believed her body could not handle another step or needed to feed. There was no time to be dawdling, stopping every time she came across another wolf just to chat when it was clear they were just passing through briefly. And play, she was too old for the childish games she had once enjoyed playing with Erion when they were pups. The only things she was into were anything to improve her skills, or just to beat somebody into the ground if they thought they were better than her before even seeing what she could do. No matter, she always enjoyed giving a demonstration, feeling her ego boost when others were impressed.

On the cool spring breeze the girl had caught something rather interesting, her nostrils flaring at the metallic scent caressing her nose. It was blood, fresh blood at that. Her pawsteps came to a stop, head raised high to allow her turquoise eyes to scan the area she had ended up in. She was rather curious to find where this wolf was, easily distinguishable from many prey items she had come across over the time. The only issue she didn't like too much was the scent clashing with this one, very strong, almost erie. A pack was very close by.

The Sovari girl moved on, keeping her ears alert in case something tries sneaking up around or behind her, making sure to keep turning her head so that she could catch any sound from behind. Meanwhile her eyes and nose were working, scanning the moor and its mounds for this unknown bleeding wolf. For a little bit she didn't spot anything, just a slow rolling mist moving across the land, nothing out of the ordinary. But when she was about ready to just turn and leave the area, she had spotted the creature, limping before finally dropping to the ground.

Isis moved quickly but cautiously, making sure to check over her shoulders, head held low this time as she approached within seconds. The young female approached from behind, coming to a sudden stop when she realized the wolf was just past a marked pack border. Great... This could either be a sticky situation, this wolf knowing she was here and luring her to be ambushed or it was seriously just hurt and looking for help. Whatever it was, all Isis knew was that this woman looked to be in genuine pain, and needed a healer as soon as possible. Lucky for her, Isis's father had been a healer and she had learned a few things.

"You look like shit." She commented, voice low and smooth as she glanced around the area before focusing on the injured woman, taking a few small steps to the right but not crossing the border just in case. Her fur was coated in a mixture of blood, dirt and leaves. Cuts littered her body, and from the angle Isis was at it looked like there was an especially large gash somewhere beneath her neck. If she was wiling to be helped by some stranger then Isis could quick find some moss, some water and come back to clean the woman up a bit before inspecting the damage done. "A bear fuck you up?" The girl had never seen such a creature but from the stories she has heard, they could really mess you up, even kill a wolf with one hard hit to the head.



02-09-2015, 11:05 PM

It would be the strangers voice that pulls her eyes open. Unfocused coral gaze searched momentarily before finding the grey woman to still outside pack lands. Well, at least she had some decency not to trespass, even if she was insulting the queen. "I feel like shit." She would growl, though it was far from an intimidating sound. The stranger didn't get any close, though a question spilled from her lips. A bark of laughter would part from her jaws, only to be cut short by a gasp of pain. A bear attack..... That would have been much better. "Something like that." Words were hoarse, weary as she struggled to look up at the woman. "I don't suppose you know anything about healing, do ya?" She could be hopeful, she was pretty sure that Freya would try and prolong her suffering before doing any good. The little bitch would only wind up dead herself if she tried to help. But she knew that the odds of this woman knowing anything were slim to none, so she was settling into her fate of having to deal with Freya. Perhaps the the threat of serious pain would keep her from doing anything stupid....



02-09-2015, 11:27 PM

Isis smirked at the woman's response, even it it was with a growl, but it wouldn't deter the young Sovari girl. She remained where she stood with turquoise eyes looking over the woman, running over the same spots over and over, trying to get an idea of how bad her wounds are before any help was asked or declined. And when it came to her second question about the bear, the injured woman laughed, or at least tried to before pain racked her body with the action. There must have been unseen damage to her body if it hurt just to laugh, maybe fractured ribs, or just severe bruises along her chest. The girl could only guess for the time being.

The woman said something like a bear attack had happened to her, which only drew Isis more towards her like a magnet. If not a bear then what was similar to such a thing to cause this much damage? Followed with that, she asked if the girl knew anything about healing. To this the girl lifted her head with a cocky grin, a wink quickly in pursuit as she side stepped once more. "You are in luck, I happen to have learned a thing or two from my old man back when he was in a pack." She chimed, her tai swinging up into the air and beginning to wag much like a child who was just praisd by a parent or their pack leader.

There was just one thing preventing her from just jumping into action and helping the woman out, an invitation was needed to cross the border. "Buuuuuut." She added on after a moment of silence, motioning with her head towards a marked plant just beside her. "You're in a pack's land, and seeing as I am a loner I don't exactly look forward to being smacked around or claimed as a prisoner for helping somebody out." She finally said with a raise of her brow, head tilting to the side, waiting for permission. The moment it was given she would be gone like a bullet and be back as if she had been there the whole time.



02-16-2015, 12:39 AM

It seemed today was indeed her lucky day. The girl was healer, and hopefully one that actually knew what she was doing. Coral gaze soaked up the girls excitement, she looked rather proud of herself, but the silver woman didn't care so long as she could keep her alive. Relief spread slowly through her veins but the girl's next turned her veins to ice. Lips peeled back in a display of displeasure. But realization settled in. She was a smart girl. She wouldn't enter without permission. "My dear, I'm the fucking Queen." Rasping words were sickly sweet, though laced with venom. Pain radiated her entire body and this Queen was being smart, though right now, she didn't want smart. She wanted to stop hurting! A low growl left her lips, her eyes trained on the girls face.
