
Criss cross apple sauce



5 Years
Dire wolf
02-12-2015, 05:36 PM (This post was last modified: 03-09-2015, 08:27 PM by Amachi.)

"I'll break the silence and watch it fall to pieces"

The swamp was not an obstacle for the towering beast, gray eye sweeping over the dim lighted place. Tree's pulled out of the water that was more mud than liquid. This made it hard to make her strange markings noticeable. The dim light filtering through to the watery floor was only enough to note the gray and strange veins running across her fur. The base of the fire was light gray, but her face was marked with a darker mask and then splitting out into vein like markings all throughout her body. Her rump was darker, leading the veins to be the same light gray as her similar base from before. The woman's tail dipped into the mud, her head tilting to the right side as of where she stood. Neck stretching on her muscles as her dark gray ears pulled forward. She was practically a beautiful, lean, mammoth. The mud was only up to her ankles maybe a little above, when she finally spotted a semi-dry spot the woman would drag herself forward to walk onto it. The red tip on her tail flicking off the mud. The red underneath her eyes sparkling a little in the slight moonlight. Otherwise it would have been much brighter.

Amachi raised herself suddenly, her head held higher than she normally would. Though that being she was taking in her surroundings. The dark greens, browns and blues entering her cornea's. As her chest heaved in, feeling her heart beat inside of her chest at a normal rate. Boredom was slightly apparent on her as she huffed out a small piece of air. The scent of the place was just water, most of it at least. Not counting the leaves and maybe a bit of flesh from the shrews and mice that lived underneath. The odd gooey scent of slugs pulling by on the tree's and her ears picking up the noises of the running water. Lowering her head again, she had to think for a moment about what she was going to do next because exploring was in her interest but she did not know how the wolves here acted. Though she was convinced the whole world hated her.

Amachi was considered a monster, cast out by her own parents because of her size and because of her strange markings. Not that it bothered her, she never understood that emotion it was a totally foreign concept to her after all. Never could she consider feeling something towards someone like that if she wasn't them and didn't know how they felt inside of their own body. Amachi felt her own way, as did they, it would be foolish to assume they were the same to have the same morals and so on. She turned her body to face the left direction, she was also a little eager to meet the wolves native to these lands considering she was a foreigner. She knew enough to defend herself so that was easy enough. Her tongue pulled over her snout for a moment as if she was waiting for something exciting to happen. Though there was no emotion displayed on the beasts face.

"Talk" "You" Think

Marina I


7 Years
03-13-2015, 07:32 PM

The island was nice, but at the same time Rainbow knew it could not forever be a home. Still, with Fenris back in her life the beast felt a bit at ease. The loss of Lydovne still weighed heavily on her mind, eating at her conscious. She would breathe in, each step within the squealshy mud ringing in her ears. It was a sound that was, honestly, a bit annoying, but she was dealing with it to the best of her ability. She felt frustration bubbling under the surface, a strong desire to both actively do something and yet, at the same time, all she wanted to do was get back to the island with Fen and play with him. He was an amazing man, so loving. She missed his touch already.

The female would stop, a scent caught in her nose. The scent was of another female. Close. Perhaps she would have some idea how to get out of this god forsaken swamp. Right now that was her primary concern, rather than getting into a fight where she could very well get drowned in this stupid mud. It wouldn't surprise her, honestly, if it sucked her into the earth. Rainbow would stalk forth, purposely searching for the female. But what she saw, well surprised her.

This had to be the most unique female she had seen next to Dione. In some ways moreso, certainly. Rainbow would breathe as she looked at the hind end of this female, for a moment hesitating to even speak. Then she would open her mouth, head tilting to the side as the words struggled to leave her. "Excuse me... Could I trouble you for a moment?"

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



5 Years
Dire wolf
03-14-2015, 08:30 PM

"I'll break the silence and watch it fall to pieces"

Amachi's silverish gray eyes would move over to the smaller female. Larger than most she may be but Amachi was used to towering over everyone. It was one of the reasons it made them so afraid of her half the time. That fluffed out tail of hers flicked again, spraying mud against the side of a tree as her massive lean body turned towards the peculiar female. It made her blink, the markings upon her back took her back a bit. It was not quiet something she had seen before, she herself was odd but the colors upon her back were those only of flowers. Amachi would make her eyes twist for a moment, trouble her for a moment? For what? It wasn't like she was native here, or was this another foreigner, perhaps that explained the odd colors. Amachi would rather remain silent but as she stepped forward a little she offered a small smile.

"Depends on what you need." She would say rather kindly. Amachi wasn't going to put herself in danger for a stranger, while it was something she did sometimes the backdrop was where she belonged. "My name is Amachi Mackury." she would greet the other. Names were an important point of communication. Though Amachi wasn't very good at remembering them if they were only mentioned once.

"Talk" "You" Think

Marina I


7 Years
03-15-2015, 07:06 PM

Gods above this other woman was big. No, huge. She was far larger than Rainbow was herself. But the woman didn’t mind. She was already larger than most in the land, and that was good enough. Still, the stranger was quite a sight. A unique beast for sure, and certainly more beautiful than her own form. She was just a rainbow skunk and the maiden before her? She was a beautiful flower. The female was glad that she was being polite as well.

“I was wondering if you might know the way out of this place. I feel like I just keep getting more and more lost.” Rainbow would give a frustrated sigh. “Sorry about troubling you with this hun, but I really need to get home to my family.” She would give a soft smile though, remembering her manners. “As for me, well, wolves in my homeland call me Rainbow Syndrome. Call me Rainbow, however.” The female would give a small, although awkward bow, front, muddy right paw crossong over her chest.

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



5 Years
Dire wolf
03-15-2015, 07:32 PM

"I'll break the silence and watch it fall to pieces"

Now Amachi felt a little bad, maybe her first words came across a little rudely. She hadn't meant them to be, but she did have a habit of saying things she didn't mean. The other was being kind, and it made Amachi lift a smile to her face, as her stature still held at a neutral level. Amachi was an expert at finding ways out of cramped spaces; despite her size. Using all of her senses and memory to figure a way out. She made some room on the dry bank for the other to climb onto if she wished, Amachi was actually sort of glad. Though as soon as Rainbow bowed, Amachi would frown a little getting a bit uncomfortable. Her body started to heat up as she dipped her head, "No no it's nothing, I'm sorry if I seemed rude before." Amachi would flick her tail from side to side nervously.

"It's not a problem Rainbow, I can get you out but I can't lead you home, I'm new to these lands pardon me." Amachi would say now that she was a little bit more comfortable. She raised her head again, she was lucky to run into these wolves, everyone back at home had been so different. Her gray eyes would look at the place she came, she did suppose that was enough exploring this place for now.

"Talk" "You" Think

Marina I


7 Years
03-24-2015, 09:25 PM

The rainbow beast would blink her sharp eyes, shaking her head. Rude? “You were not rude at all.” She would say softly. The rainbow beast picked up on the fact that her actions had made the other woman a little uncomfortable, though that had not been her intention. The last thing she wanted was to take her only chance out of here and possibly run her out.

The female would give a small smile, letting her gaze linger on the other even as Amachi looked around. “It is really just the swamp I’m worried about. It seems like every time I take a step I’m getting more and more lost. It truly is a hassle.” The female would heave a sigh. “I’m certain I could find my way back if I could just get myself out of this place... So certain of it.” The female would let her gaze stray for a moment.

“I’ve been here a short while, Amachi... And I can say most of this land has proved to me they are no better than the savage area I once hailed from. Monsters lurk everywhere...” Her words were spoken softly, almost distant.

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



5 Years
Dire wolf
05-12-2015, 01:02 PM

The beast would tilt her head at the girls words, it was true though. Even underneath her own skin demons lurked thirsting for something more than the mundane life she chose to have after being so easily rejected by her society that she grew up in and once called home. Once something was lost, you could never regain it. Not fully anyway. She smiled a bit though, keeping her mood a secret as she flicked her tail at Rainbow coaxing her to follow the strangely colored and huge beast. Amachi started to trek through the mud aiming towards the back of the swamp. Where as there would be the opening since she could smell normal air. It would be a bit of a walk though.

"What brought you to Alacritis then?" Amachi would ask, her gray eyes looking back at the other. Hopefully she was not tredding on thin ice. You never knew when you could offend another, wolves had all their tics in strange places if you had to ask her. As she stepped onto another piece of dry land she shook her legs free of mud, waiting for Marina before she would go to continue.
