
where do my interests lie?



5 Years
02-13-2015, 09:56 AM
Vitus was...exhausted. Not physically, no, despite how little of actual rest he seemed to be getting, but he was exhausted emotionally. He didn’t know where he stood anymore, didn’t know where his place was in this pack, or even if their family was stable. He was exhausted of feeling frustrated, angry. It wasn’t so much that he knew what he was mad about, infact that was the most of it. He was nearly clueless as to why he was upset, as to why he was feeling such tension around. Was it that they didn’t belong here, or rather, they were unwelcomed here? No, he was sure that wasn’t it. Amalia was welcomed, and even the...alpha, or whatever her title was, he wasn’t sure, seemed to accept him. Then, what was it? With a gravelly growl he trotted through the trees, exploring the grove that he had come to accept was his home. He had taken it a lot easier than the rest of his brothers had, he assumed. It wasn’t like him to get attached to a packland, he just knew he missed the snow that he had grown up in because that’s where he felt more comfortable, and there was less tension. But maybe that was a lie too. With a shake of his head he squinted his eyes through the morning light, clearing his throat just slightly. It felt like sandpaper, and he constantly had the taste of acid and copper at the back of his throat. Perhaps that’s why he was frustrated too...Oh, it was so exhausted. He sighed softly and moved to sit beneath a pine, his bright eyes staring down at the ground beneath him. This was hard, this emotion thing...

"Burn Baby Burn"

[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-17-2015, 11:53 AM
Though Amalia's family seemed to be settling in fine here, she knew she didn't know her and Athena's children well -- and they were her own grandsons. It was strange to consider that she had grandchildren now, and though they were not family by blood she knew she had to consider them her own, as Amalia truly considered them her sons. Though she knew little about them, she couldn't help but feel vaguely uneasy about the boys, though she would never profess this out loud. They were of Armada blood; their grandfather was an enemy of her family and she couldn't help but be reminded of all the Adravendis had suffered through each time she saw their faces. Epiphron could only hope they could replace the memories with new images, that she might grow fond of the boys in time.

Today, she intended to find Vitus. He had seemed quite mature for his age, when he'd spoken to her at the meeting, offering his service to protect her and the pack. Was he truly interested in being a warrior? He would certainly benefit from training from either Birna or Bjorn, though first she wanted to be sure this was a path that he wanted. So it was with ease that she ventured through the mangrove, searching for Vitus quietly. Her gait was not hurried, though it didn't lack purpose either.

She found him sitting beneath a tree, and a warm smile lit up her features as she approached him slowly, not wanting to startle him. "Vitus," Epiphron would greet the boy with a gentle flick of her tail, a bit of interest shining in her sapphire gaze as she dipped her head in greeting. "Gotten used to the mangrove yet?"



5 Years
03-30-2015, 08:14 PM
Vitus sat beneath his tree, staring at the ground before his paws as he thought. Thought of all the things that had happened to he and his family, thought of his father and his mothers and his brothers, but mostly he thought of his place in life and in this pack. In the pack he had come from, he had known exactly the path he was supposed to take. The pack was to be strong, warrior types, but here...was a little different. There were more soft wolves than he was used too, more gentle expressions and timid voices. Sure, he was quiet but that didn't mean that he was shy, or timid. No, not in any way. Instead, he was rather outgoing in a sense. He would be the first to stand in a fight, the first to take up a physical challenge, the first to volunteer to hunt, but not the first to say a word, or the first to make a friend. Infact, did he really have a friend? He wasn't so sure at this moment. Suddenly her voice jolted him from his thoughts, and he lifted his gaze to the woman that lead the pack.To his alpha...his grandmother.

With a small smile he would quickly stand and bow to her respectfully, before he motioned for her to sit with him. At her question he nodded his head. Sure they had come from the north, where coats needed to be thick and dark to hold their heat, and his paws were large to accomidate, and..yes, he missed knowing where he stood in life but he was getting use to it. "wet" He said in his raspy voice, tilting his head towards the waters before he chuckled as best as he could, shaking his head slightly and looking back up to her. "'re y'u well?" He asked as politely as he could, turning his head to cough just slightly at the tickle, or rather scratching along his throat and vocal cords. But he wouldn't cease talking, it was the best way to communicate and to keep from getting into misunderstandings.
[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-05-2015, 09:27 PM (This post was last modified: 04-05-2015, 09:28 PM by Epiphron.)
Despite how she felt about the Armadas, these children seemed as though they were as much Adravendi as adopted children could ever be. As long as they wanted to, these children would be her family, even it if took time for them to get used to her. Her sapphire gaze was genuine, and perhaps a bit timid -- thoroughly uncharacteristically so -- as she studied him. For a moment their stares would lock, and her smile grew even if only subtly. She dipped her head in return to his bow, only mildly surprised at his respectfulness; he had shown her the same courtesy at the pack meeting, thanking her for letting his family live here.

A soft chuckle left her lips at his words. "Very wet," she agreed with a gentle nod as she lowered herself close to his side. The habitat here had certainly taken some getting used to, though it was becoming more like home with each day that passed. She was quiet as she watched him, considering. "I am," she answered with a content sigh. "What about you, Vitus?" Epiphron couldn't help but wonder about his voice, and why it sounded the way it did, though it certainly wasn't something she was going to ask him quite yet.