
'No one' Doesn't apply to me!

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-13-2015, 10:20 PM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2015, 12:18 AM by Valentine. Edit Reason: Typos, man )

Motif so easily agreed to Shaye's request, and the little girl felt kinda bad about the little white lie she had told her mother. But... honestly, it was better if her mother didn't end up worrying about her, and besides, nothing bad was going to happen. Motif was just being silly... telling her she couldn't see Rhythm. Rhythm was family, and love, and honestly it would be just fine if she went and saw Rhythm, and if she meant that Rhythm was too busy settling in to see Shaye, well that was silly too because Rhythm always had time to see her. Yes, she was going to go and find her Auntie.

Her mother kissed her forehead, and then Shaye was running off into Abaven, she started to go toward her fathers den first, until Motif was out of sight, then she changed directions and went back to Rhythms den. What she was going to do was hard, and following Rhythms scent from the pack wasn't an easy thing, she got lost and turned around and went half way around Abaven before she finally found a much stronger trail – she found Bass, Rhythm and Motif's scent all together, all coming back and going into Abaven, and she was sure this must be where Rhythm had gone to – because clearly her loving siblings had seen her off and walked her to the new territory. She skipped along outside of Abaven, feeling pretty big and strange going out of Abaven lands, but she also didn't know enough to be afraid.

Following this trail was easier, and she didn't get lost. She found where it led into another pack lands, and she scented the new lands about her strongly. She was raised politly, so she stopped just outside the territory, she could tell where that was because there was a thick smell of the pack before her, and she remembered it being like that when she Motif and Shaye had all gone to Abaven territory, when they had come home from the islands! So she stopped there, raised her head, and she proudly howled for Rhythm, having no doubt in her heart that the lovely woman would be more then happy to see her.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
02-13-2015, 10:47 PM

She could have burst into tears as she heard the voice of Shaye roll across the hills, she wasn't sure she could get off the ground fast enough as she bolted from the den. This was the fastest she'd moved in days, and the need to feel her niece at her side was real. Though still the fear that she would hold the same opinion as Motif and Bass would suddenly slow her. Fear would pump through her veins as she crested the last hill, Shaye's form the sweetest of images, perfectly placed on the border.

Tears would run down the girl's face now, her relief and joy evident, but she still couldn't bring herself to embrace her young niece. Her thin frame approached the smaller girl, though she was so close to being her aunt's height already. She was growing up too fast. "Shaye," She'd whisper, having no idea of how much her mother had told her. "I've missed you." She'd admit as her haunches coiled beneath her and she sniffed lightly, wiping the tears from her eyes with a dark paw, waiting for the reaction she would get from the young girl.


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-13-2015, 10:58 PM

It would be a very, very short wait before Rhythm appeared before her. She would see, with some exasperation, the tears that streaked down Rhythm's face. Through she would wait until Rhythm was properly before her before saying anything, and then it wouldn't be until after Rhythm spoke first. Exactly as Shaye had predicted, Rhythm was happy to see her, and had missed her, but before she could comment on that there was something far more important she had do address.

She stalked up to Rhythm and stopped before the older girl, where she half went up on her hunches to bring them to the same height and stare Rhythm right down, a clear scolding was in the girls eyes. “Rhythm, I don't know what it is with everyone today, but I feel like every time I turn around, someone has stubbed their toe! Honestly, I can't be everywhere at once, so those short times i'm not with you you are just going to have to be more careful, okay? Promise me you'll stop stubbing your toe when i'm not there to watch your steps” she demanded, still staring Rhythm right in the eyes, so she would know just how serious the little girl was.

She then sat back on her hunches with a 'hurmf' her tail flicking lightly behind her. “And, I also want to know why you thought you could leave without saying good bye to me, and people aren't telling me everything all right and proper, there making it all confusing and talking to me like i'm a kid that doesn't understand, but I can get it, so you can tell me honest, okay Rhythm? Like.. if it was because you liked Valentine very much, like Shai likes Motif very much, and you needed to move to be with him like Shai moved to be with me and Motif, then I can understand that, but if that's not it you can tell me the real why too, okay?” her voice was matter of fact, and firm, trying to sound all grown up so Rhythm would talk to her and explain things, unlike what Motif had done to her. Besides, she loved and needed Rhythm, so if they weren't going to be living as close together she had every right to know why.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
02-13-2015, 11:45 PM

She was quite fearful as Shaye was dead serious at her approach, she had no idea what she would need to expect from the young wolf but so far she was nervous. She'd lock similarly colored eyes with the young girl, her form coming closer obviously ready to unleash it on her aunt. The words to come were probably what she was least expecting, and they'd bring forth another wave of tears. The relief was incredible, but she wouldn't interrupt her niece's serious demeanor. What came next was also not expected. She was so sweet and so so completely innocent, she felt her broken heart warm at her words. She'd catch her breath, nodding as seriously as possible before explaining. This was what she wanted, and she would have it.

Rhythm would scoot forward, wanting her niece in between her front paws as her chest lowered to the earth. "I didn't stub my toe this time. I was so happy to see you that I couldn't help but cry." She'd find herself back in the habit of smiling with Shaye, not because hat she had was pleasant to say but because she really couldn't help herself. "I was so happy to see you because a not so nice man tried to take me away from you and Abaven a couple nights ago. Uncle Bass fought very bravely to keep me, but in the end I had to leave with him. He brought me back here, to a woman who heard about Valentine and I going on a date, and she thought that I should be here with Valentine. She went behind his back to get me here, but Valen decided he liked the idea and asked me to stay with him." So far the story wasn't so bad, but it took a rather bad turn. "I kind of liked the idea too, but I knew that it would make it harder to come and see you. The distance wasn't too great though, and Valentine wasn't about to keep me away. Back to your uncle though, he followed me and the not so nice man back here, thinking that it had been valen behind the kidnapping after all. He came to make sure I came back to you, but after he learned I wanted to stay he got really angry." This was the part she would need to be careful about. No matter what she didn't want Shaye's view of Bass to be effected negatively. Not even when he'd been so harsh. "I wanted to come and tell you, but I'm not allowed in Abaven anymore." She'd watch her niece carefully, unsure if she'd been too honest. "I thought I'd never see you again."


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-14-2015, 12:18 AM

Rhythm seemed to be taking her seriously, and she would respect her Aunt for that, through Shaye's serious demeanor would melt a little into a smile as she looked up at the woman she loved. When she couldn't find Rhythm she had worried, and felt lonely, so being with her now soothed that, and she made no complaint as Rhy scooted closer, having the smaller girl between her for-paws, her chest lowered to the earth to be closer to Shayes smaller height.

First of all, Rhythm would explain that she didn't stub her toe, she was just so happy to see Shaye that she cried, and the little girls brow furrowed at this odd explanation. She had never felt so happy to see someone that she cried – she got happy enough to dance about and wag her tail and lick their faces, but never cry. Really, she had had little reason to cry in her life, and had certainly never seen her dad do so, so the idea of emotions out there so strong in both the negative and the positive to make someone cry was still kind of baffling to her.

Then, she would go on to explain her story and Shaye could immediately see she was getting the hard truth, not an adults edit, so she listened very carefully. She frowned as she explained a bad man had come to take Rhythm away and Bass fighting hard to keep her – that didn't sound very good at all! But she kept the surprise off her face and said nothing, not willing to ruin this chance at hearing the truth. The first part of the story was hard enough to wrap her head around, and Shaye's lips moved as she silently repeated some of the stuff to herself ... I had to leave with him. Valn liked the idea and asked me to stay... he brow furrowed further as she thought all this through, and well she had some questions, she still waited.

Rhythm then explained that Bass had come for her, and Shaye nodded her head, knowing that Shai would always come for Shaye no matter what trouble she had gotten herself into, and Bass was kind of like that with Rhythm – and of course Bass would want to bring Rhythm back to Shaye, they where playmates, and they belonged together. “I.. hmm” she said, and closed her mouth again, only to open it a moment later. “i'll ask from the start first, okay?” she clarified with Rhythm, then jumped into it, trying to be very grown up with all of this, so that Rhythm would keep her in the loop more often, so that she could trust Rhythm to tell her the truth. “First, why does a bad man live with Valentine, does that mean he's still here in the same pack as you? Because if it was Bass's pack, I wouldn't have thought Bass would let bad men stay, but... I guess I don't know how that works” she admitted, and she didn't give Rhythm a chance to reply yet, but continued on. “If your staying here does that mean your a part of Valentine's family now? Instead of mine? And Bass was very angry, did he tell you you couldn't come back after trying to get you back? But what if you missed me and wanted to come back and live with us again, would Bass not let you do that either? And I guess.. if you cant come to me I will have to come to you” she added in at the end.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
02-14-2015, 12:29 AM

Shaye was incredibly mature during her whole explanation, her features serious as she gave minimal interruption through the whole interview. Of course the girl would have questions at the end, and Rhy would answer as best she could, especially after such good behavior. The first was a little difficult. "I don't know what happened to him, but I haven't seen him since then." She refrained from telling her he'd told her he would rip her ears off. That hadn't been a pleasant introduction. She had a lot of follow up questions too. "Those are very good questions Shaye, I don't know if I've got all of them figured out myself." Did she see the truth in these words, that they weren't just a cop out? "I would love your visits though." She'd lean forward and kiss Shaye's nose lovingly. "And I'll always be part of your family." She'd find herself smiling, her tears dried considerably. She didn't know if she'd ever have Motif back, but knowing she still held Shaye's love was the best medicine she could have received.


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-14-2015, 12:38 AM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2015, 12:39 AM by Shaye I.)

Rhythm wiuld admit that she didn't know what happened to the bad man after and Shaye bit her lip, a new sensation flooding her system and she was silent well she examined, and discovered for the first time the feeling of worry. She looked up into Rhythm's familiar, wonderful blue eyes and Shaye's expression would be sad. She reached out a paw to gently touch at Rhythms check, and once more she would stare seriously at Rhythm “If the bad man tried to hurt you, would and can Valentine protect you?” she asked, her tone oddly raw as she worked through this new emotion inside of her.

She would grow even sadder as Rhythm admitted that she didn't know the answer to all her questions, praising her also that the questions where good ones. For a moment she was afraid that this answer also covered the one she had asked about family, until Rhythm leaned forward, kissed her nose, and told her that she would always be a part of her family. Her face broke out into a smile, as she managed to get past the funny feels and aches in her stomach that where so new to her. Shaye would then place a paw on Rhythms shoulder and gently kiss Rhythms nose right back, rubbing her own nose against hers also before pulling away again. “Then i'll visit every day, and maybe sometimes we can do sleep overs, and i'll talk to Bass and get him to understand that he doesn't need to be angry because I understand why your here, well, I sort of do, and then you can have sleep overs with me too and everything will work out” she decided, speaking quickly in a growing excitement


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
02-14-2015, 09:47 AM

Rhythm could have never expected the emotion that would fall onto her niece's face, there was a sadness and worry that the young girl was much too innocent to hold on to. She had no reason to worry, her safety was almost the full reason for Valen's request that she stay here. She could answer this question with confidence. "You can bet your pretty little feather that Valentine will not let anything happen to me." Physically at least, they'd both been powerless to stop Bass from his crushing decision.

She'd lean forward for the kiss as she answered at least one question, an answer she never wanted to change. No matter the distance or who they were with. Shaye would forever be a part of her heart. Rhythm was able to bring a smile back to the young girl's jaws as she returned the kisses eagerly. Her voice making a promise Rhythm would treasure. Though hearing about her determination to speak with Bass made her worry, but she was still an Abaven member and would have to answer to her brother eventually. She didn't want to see her hurt. "I would love to see you every day, and sleepovers sound wonderful!" her voice was pleased, but the tone would change as she moved on. "I don't know if your uncle will change his mind though." He'd been firm in his punishment, and she had no doubt that even Shaye's wonderful innocence could not sway him.


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-14-2015, 12:59 PM

Rhythm mentioned her pretty feather, and that thought reminded Shaye of something, but she tucked it away for the moment, to deal with when the the time was right. Rhythm then went on to say sleepovers sounded wonderful, and well Shaye smiled at this there was one step further that would have been perfect. “If Bass did change his mind, would you come back and live with us again? I mean, if you did, I would only have sleep overs in your den as often as you did or didn't want me to, and I would go Sa-ss-Salmander hunting with you, or wouldn't or anything that you wanted” she added, hoping that maybe, just maybe, Rhythm could come back and live with her again, and then she wouldn't have to do this big sharing with Valentin. Rhythm would see that Shaye could be perfect and she would never make Rhythm want to leave again.

“Wait here” she would say, and walk off a little way. She knew she had seen the perfect thing.. and sure enough. She picked a small batch of Blue Myrtle in her mouth and returned to Rhythm. “I know its my feather, but this will have to do for now, you can hold onto these and I can hold onto my feather and we can miss each other together” she said proudly, and.. before she forgot, there was just one last thing she needed... “And I want to meet Valentine, can I do that Rhy?” she asked her Aunt.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
02-15-2015, 09:42 PM

Shaye's next question would tug at her heart strings, she'd never found herself able to say no to her niece, and even as she asked Rhythm felt her expression fall a bit. She felt in strongly within her, the pull to follow her young niece back to Abaven and act like she'd never met Valen before. She might have been spared a good amount of pain, but her heart knew something that she didn't. "You know we can to that here too silly. Even if Bass never changes his mind. There are more creeks here to explore too." She'd kind of avoid the moving back part. "I'll always want to catch salamanders with you." She'd be sure to assure Shaye as she suddenly decided she needed something. Rhythm would be told to stay put and she would nod her head obediently as the tall girl ran off. Though as soon as she disappeared she would see her returning with beautiful blue flowers in her mouth.

Rhythm's gaze was obviously pleased as Shaye dropped them at her feet, explaining their purpose perfectly. The plan sounded flawless, and she would treasure her flowers as long as they lived. She wouldn't think about them wilting, but instead took them from her niece graciously. "They're beautiful, and I think your plan will work perfectly." SHe would nod, nuzzling the girl as she asked one more question. When did she get to meet Valentine? "He's a very busy alpha, but he does need to meet you if you'll be here a lot." As she hoped she would. "I can call, and see if he'll come and meet you." She added before lifting her features to call for the titan.


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-16-2015, 04:18 PM (This post was last modified: 02-16-2015, 04:25 PM by Shaye I.)

The little girls tail took up a light rhythm behind her as she watched her Auntie before her and waited for a reply. Rhythm told her that even if Bass didn't change his mind, they could do that here, and Shaye grinned, she would get Bass to change his mind, and then they wouldn't have to worry about it any more/ she leaned forward and pawed gently at Rhythms chin. “Don't worry Rhy, we'll get to do it at our creek again” she promised lovingly.

Then she had gone off and gotten the flowers, and would beam at Rhy's response, carefully she would raise a paw and swipe at her head a little until her paw found her little feather and then she would bat it very gently to make it sway, and smiled at Rhythm. She loved her feather very much, and she knew Rhythm would treasure the flowers, so they would be okay until Shaye came back.

Then Rhythm would half agree, half not, to her meeting Valentine, but when she called, the little girl would gratefully sit on her hunches on the outside of the border and wait patiently for the Alpha to appear. She was getting kind of tired of all this adult stuff, and wanted to go away and play again really soon, she just had to do this one more thing first.

" Speech"

Art by Kat



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
02-18-2015, 09:25 PM

Today was a lesson in stalking. At his side, Angelus wiggled in barely contained excitement. Together they lay on top of a knoll, their gazes locked on the herd of buffalo at the bottom. "Now, dad? Can we get closer?" Valentine shook his head slightly. "Not yet, pay attention to the ones on the fringe. They'r-" A howl for him rose above the knolls and his son shot him a look before whining, "Daaaaad." Already Valentine was on the move, slinking back the way they'd come. The howl was Rhythm's. "I'll be back. You just wait here." The brute locked eyes with the boy. "Stay put. I mean it Angel. You don't make a move without me." The boy promised (grumpily, but Valen took it anyway) and Valentine took off in the opposite direction.

Reaching the scene, the brute ran a curious gaze over Rhythm and the girl. "Well, hello," Clearly someone from Abaven. A relative perhaps? He queried gently, "And who do we have here?"

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
02-18-2015, 09:54 PM

Rhythm couldn't help but smile at her niece and be so proud of how grown up she'd been about everything. Much more grown up than Rhythm herself had been. She felt like the baby, not being able to pull herself together. Though, with Shaye there beside her an obvious joy had returned to the delicate she wolf. The pair hardly had to wait as Valentine appeared over the knolls, his features curious as his gaze fell upon her and Shaye. With a quick hello and a question he'd ask of the pup.

Rhythm beamed at the opportunity to introduce her young niece, she'd pull her form from the earth before giving her name. "This is my niece, Shaye. Motif's daughter and the first wolf to steal my heart." She'd add appropriately, as she had many times over with her brilliance and beautiful innocence. "We wanted to know if you might let her come hang out with me here." She couldn't help but glance lovingly at the young girl, this was her passion in life.


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-19-2015, 03:01 AM

Rhythm would howl and a short while later, Valentine would appear. She would spare a moment to grin at Rhythm, before bounding to her feet when the other girl did. She stood beside Rhythm, her little frame leaning slightly against her larger friend. She would look up at Valentines fantastic blue eyes, and grin with that little thought that they all had that little similarity between them – the color of their eyes.

“Hi” Shay would say, a little shyly, dragging a paw through the dirt before she remembered she was suppose to be acting grown up, and stilled the movement, her body still and alert as she looked up at the Alpha male. Rhythm would speak, and Shaye would beam happily at the introduction, knocking her muzzle against Rhy's side as she said that Shaye was the first to win her heart.

She would frown at her Auntie however when she mentioned that they wanted to ask permission for Shaye to visit – Shaye had kinda thought that was a given, if Rhythm was here, then Shaye should be allowed to be wherever Rhy was, they where best friends, and that was just how it worked. No, Shaye had asked to see Valentine for a whole different set of reasons. The little girl would clear her throat, and trying to look very serious and grown up she would walk forward to stop before the Alpha, she would look up at him, a little defiantly and speak. “Alpha Valentine, Rhythm is a very special person, and she had chosen to live here, that means that you're her Alpha and you have to look after her, so I want you to promise me you can do that, that she will be safe and happy here, and in regards to that, I want to know what happened to the bad man that kidnapped and poer, uh, pertintinialllily” her tongue tripped over that word and she frowned in annoyance at herself, before going on “and possibly scared her, and I want to know that he wont or cant do it again.” she finished, she struggled not to fidget, and to keep eye contact with him as she spoke.
" Speech"

Art by Kat



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
02-21-2015, 12:14 AM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2015, 12:16 AM by Valentine.)

Rhythm introduced the girl as her niece and Valentine smiled warmly at her. The request was an easy one. "It's very nice to meet you, Shaye. And of course. Just howl at the border whenever you visit so I know you're here and come on in." That's all he required. That didn't apply to those he hadn't met; the brute disliked the idea of allowing anyone into his borders who he hadn't met before - even if the guest in question was family to a packmate of his.

At first he'd believed the girl to be shy, but she soon proved him wrong by opening her mouth and letting a little speech roll out. As for the word she struggled with, he had absolutely no idea what she was trying to say but rolled with it anyway. The big word aside, the question was an easy one. Valentine doubted he could explain the many facets of the situation to her, about how Hati, as hateful as he was, had thought he was acting in the right, and about how Cascade had been the real culprit.

Growing serious, the brute sought eye contact with the child. "Rhythm is safe here." He meant it; she needn't worry. "As for him," Valentine paused for emphasis. He strongly doubt that Hati was the issue. Regardless, with Rhythm under the Imperator's protection it would be very unwise to attempt to harm her. "Well, there's no need to worry about him anymore." If Cascade was the real problem and Hati was simply a pawn, there was little to fear now aside from the occasional whirlwind of grump as he flounced off to do whatever it was broody brutes did, but every member had to deal with that sooner or later.

   "Talk" Think "You"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
02-21-2015, 12:46 AM

Shaye offered Valentine quite the adorable hello, acting much more bashful than her normal self. Not that Rhythm could blame her, really Valentine was a rather intimidating wolf. Not that she had anything to fear, especially as he welcomed her into the pack. So Shaye would step up bravely as make sure for herself that Valentine had her safety at the forefront of his mind. Still incredibly proud of the young girl's grown up attitude Rhythm's chest would puff out as she watched the interaction between the two, her smile brighter than it had been since before she'd been brought here.

Dark haunches would coil beneath the girl as her bright blue and purple gaze lifted from young pup to towering giant, the scene filling her with a much needed hope that the rift that had formed in their family might be repairable after all. She had Shaye back though, and with her part of her heart felt mended. She knew she wasn't completely whole, only more time would fix that, but Shaye was a turning point on her recovery. "Thank you, Valen." She'd say almost too quietly as soon as his gaze had found her once more.


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-21-2015, 12:54 AM

The brute was easy with his allowance, asking only that she howl at the border before she entered, which was easy enough guidelines to follow. She was glad he wasn't making a fuss over visiting Rhythm, it might get tiresome sneaking in and getting into trouble just see her favorite person in the world. She stayed quite on that point, other then to nod her head in silent agreement, looking up at Rhythm as she did so to smile lovingly at her Aunt – all she had to do now was sway Bass around to letting Rhythm visit or come back fully, either way she would be seeing a lot of her Aunt.

When it came to her very serious question, Valentine would look her in the eye, and she would meet his gaze without flinching, showing with her body language that she would not give an inch with this. Clearly, she had Motif's fire, but without the experience or sensibility to moderate it. Valentine would begin to speak, starting off by promising that Rhythm was safe here, but she didn't move her gaze from his, waiting for what was coming next. Valentine then spoke about him and said there was no need to worry about him anymore, vague and unsatisfactory, similar to how she had felt after Rhythm's answer to this question. The little girl frowned, and sat on her hunches, still looking up at the taller wolf as she took a few minutes to think everything through.

She would hear the soft word spoken by Rhythm, and would look back at her Aunt once, more and take a deep breath, all this grown up stuff was tiring, but she wouldn't let herself forget why she made this effort. “If you promise there's no need to worry” she finally agreed, rising off her hunches she turned and moved a few steps back to Rhythm and rubbed against her Aunt, smiling at the woman with all the love she possessed “You'll be fine here, and we'll get this all fixed up, and then you can come home again” she promised.
" Speech"

Art by Kat



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.