
We all want to be big stars



9 Years
Athena I
02-14-2015, 10:36 PM

Leo wandered through the stones and ruins, his curious sapphire gaze tracing over them although his mind didn't really question their existence. They were interesting to look at and if someone were to come up to him and tell him their history he would listen with interest, but he also wasn't going to go out of his way to figure them out. He felt like that was how he was living his life a lot these days. He had an interest in a bunch of different things, but none of them really caught his interest enough for him to really delve into them. This fact had been on his mind since his mother had asked them all what they were interested in at the last meeting. He honestly hadn't known how to answer. Luckily she had given him a position on her council so he didn't have to specialize in something like hunting or fighting. It still bothered him that for some reason he had no idea what he liked though.

He paused at a puddle of water to lap up the cool liquid before peering down at his reflection once the ripples had subsided. Bright blue eyes stared back at him, framed by a face of deep russet fur with one white ear standing out against it all. He was the reverse of his mother with just a hint of his father's red hues mixed in for good measure. With a soft sigh he lifted his head and glanced around him again, his ears perking with interest when a new scent reached him. His gaze drifted easily around him as he looked for its source, hoping it would be someone friendly to talk to.

Andromeda I

Ebon Knight

3 Years
02-15-2015, 07:18 AM (This post was last modified: 02-15-2015, 07:29 AM by Andromeda I.)
Her brothers had opted in the end not to visit Pantheon, so not to leave Gaia alone Andromeda had of course stuck with her sister but now their visit had come to an end and they had travelled back slowly. The last little stretch they had parted briefly, she suspected her sister wished to speak with Solo before they finally got to Ebony and she had left the couple to have their privacy, venturing off alone for a little while.

Perhaps they ought to have gone straight to Ebony, called right away for Kass and let their family know they had returned. Andi herself was eager for a reunion though she wouldn't go without Gaia. Instead she stuck close to the pack lands, close enough in fact that the lands she found herself upon had in fact been claimed by Ebony. It was close enough to home but enough that she could enjoy opportunity to wander before she reunited with family. Of course joining Ebony wouldn't steal away her freedom this time, but Andromeda had to admit this moment to herself was rather wonderful.

Though apparently about to be ruined. She heard him before she scented him, the light wind in the air not in her favour for scents. Initially she wondered if Gaia had come to find her, though her sister would have surely called out and when the scent finally reached her nose it was neither familiar nor female. Sight too confirmed this fact as she moved into view of the russet male, orange gaze would watch him carefully and she stood in silence, attempting to decipher if the man was friend or foe.



9 Years
Athena I
02-16-2015, 04:46 AM

His gaze finally landed on the golden fea that the scent had come from and he watched her curiously for a moment. It was very obvious she had not come looking for company, if her reserved expression were to be believed, but he hoped she wouldn't mind him at least saying hello. He was always one that was up for meeting someone new. He smiled, retaining the easy, relaxed stance he had before as he turned toward her, moving closer but still keeping a respectful distance between them. Her scent wasn't one he recognized, nor did he smell any distinct scent of a pack on her either. A loner then. That was fine by him. He was a loner himself not long ago and he even envied her a bit. The freedom to do and go anywhere you wanted had its perks.

Leo dipped his head in greeting as he came to a halt in front of her. He was never one to forget his manners and he liked for others first impression of him to be that of him being a gentleman. "Hello there," he said, smiling again and taking in her golden-hued form. When he saw others with an interesting hue to their fur it made him wonder if it ran in their bloodline like the russet and white hues that he and most of his siblings carried. Yet another random inquiry that he would probably never know the answer to. "I'm Leo."

"Talk" "You" Think

Andromeda I

Ebon Knight

3 Years
02-16-2015, 05:05 AM
For a moment there was silence between the pair of them, Andromeda certainly wasn't about to make the first move and if it didn't involve showing her back to the stranger she may have considered heading straight back to find her sister. He didn't seem hostile, smiling in a manner that wasn't completely unpleasant and giving a rather polite greeting. She wouldn't take any chances upon the matter however.

Leo. A rather short name to the girl so used to mouthfuls being considered the normality. He offered no family name, though whether that meant he had none, lacked respect for them or simply thought complete introductions unimportant she couldn't be certain. It was somewhat amusing really that Leo was in fact the one with the longer name. "Andromeda Olympus." She responded, granting him the use only of her full name. The Olympus family lacked the importance it once had, with her mother's abandonment of the family they had scattered, fallen to pieces. Some still held power though they would never all be united as they once had. The Gods had favoured them once and now for whatever reason seemed to have lost interest.



9 Years
Athena I
02-16-2015, 02:37 PM

She would give him her name, no more no less. He had under estimated how little she wanted to be bothered apparently. That wouldn't discourage him though. It would take more than a short answer to drive him away from talking to a pretty girl. "That's a lovely name," he responded with a smile. He would chuckle softly to himself as he compared it to his own full name. "I really should ask my mother sometime why she cursed me with the longest name of all time. Aaron Leopold Adravendi-Mathis. It's such a mouthful! That's why I don't even bother with it most days. Heaven forbid someone try to call me Aaron, or even worse, Leopold." He chuckled to himself, probably much more amused by his own rant than she would be. He shrugged and finished off with a simple, "Leo is easier."

He wondered if he should be getting back to Fiori, but he decided they wouldn't miss him if he stayed out for a while longer. He was still figuring out what the limitations and boundaries associated with being in a pack were and sometimes he worried that he would get in trouble if he was gone for more than a day. He also kind of wondered if he would be this worried if the alpha wasn't his mother. Maybe he would be even more worried. There was no real way to know he supposed.

"Talk" "You" Think

Andromeda I

Ebon Knight

3 Years
02-16-2015, 03:02 PM
Compliments were rather new to the girl. She didn't really know anyone outside of her family, the brief stint in Yfir hadn't really been a chance to make new friends and nor had she ventured out of her comfort zone to really speak with the wolves in Ebony, her soon to be packmates. Her family was her world, and it finally seemed to make sense why she chose to follow them without question, she knew nothing else. Not that this conclusion was one she would settle upon herself, it explained some things but it still hadn't registered in her mind.

She would be left uncertain as to how to respond to his compliment upon her name. Her mother could have given her a far worse title of course but she had known her name her entire life to think of it as lovely or anything was rather strange. He would soon move on to discuss names, his own lengthy title putting shame to even her own. Aaron Leopold Adravendi-Mathias. Four names.

He would declare it was only Leo that was to be used from the list though. Andromeda on the other hand embraced her full name, she was proud of her heritage still no matter how much or little strength the name may have held these days. Andi was tolerated for the ease of speaking, though it wasn't so openly thrown around as Aaron Leopold requested to be Leo. Andi was simply reserved for family.

"I shall try to keep that in mind." She responded, though whether she would see Leo again she had no idea. Unlike him she had no desires to stretch out a conversation, wouldn't drop to shallow viewpoints on looks and whatever lustful interest it caused in others. Surrounded by her family it was another area she was rather inexperienced in. She had observed Gaia's happiness with Solo though never considered any such relationship of her own. How did one even go about finding themselves a husband? Well by enduring awkward moments like this would be a start. Though it wasn't for any potential relationship developments that she remained in place.

"Why are you here Leo?" She could catch the faint scent a pack upon him. Either he had left one a while ago or recently joined. All she knew was that the scent didn't belong to Ebony, was it accident that he was here or did his pack, old or new have some business with her brother's pack?