
Time Changes All



4 Years
Extra large
02-15-2015, 12:08 AM

It was amazing how different time made things.

Seerten had found these cliffs only hours before, and had stayed until the sun set. He was starting to like it all the way up here, in the meadow of many coloured flowers. He flopped onto his back then, the damp grass soaking the man's thin fur along his spine. While he shivered slightly from the cold, his chocolate eyes were drawn to the thousand of stars that dances above his head. They looked so close all the way up here, and he stretched out a pale paw to swirl it among them. Ten grinned softly, it was as if he were stirring the stars in the sky, causing them to glimmer and shine even brighter above him. Those little lights fascinated him, and he spent many hours just gazing up at them. What exactly were they? Were they like the sun, or the moon? While they may shine bright, some more than others, they were so... tiny. How long would it take to reach one, if he had a way to even get up among them? What a day that would be, to live among the stars. Seerten's mother used to tell him that once they died, they went to a place among the stars, and even became one themselves. He didn't know how much of that he believed, but it was a very nice thing to think of.

The spotted hybrid also remembered an elder wolf telling him that the humans used to study the stars, that they even used them for travel. The brightest star in the sky he named the North star had guided many of them around, how they knew that they were going in the right direction. He also told him that a 'constellation', or a grouping of stars, rotated around it. How strange it would be, to have something constantly moving around his head. He couldn't help but let out a chuckle, comparing it to a bee constantly buzzing around his head. Paws flopped over his chest, looking almost pink with the lack of fur that was there. His head tilted in the grass, his folded ear falling open in this position. Those stars were truly such amazing things.

Seerten's small smile vanished at he once again thought about his mother, wondering if she was among those stars like she said. He had lost her when he was just a pup, a fire tearing their family apart. He didn't even know if his brother and sister were around, or if his mother had found them. Not knowing if they were dead or alive constantly bugged the hybrid. He just needed to know... If only those stars spoke, surely they would know all things.

Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.



5 Years
02-15-2015, 01:27 AM
It was almost like a invisible line pulling her. It has always been this way; She would breakaway from her littermates to find the highest point to just look at the stars. But as she crested the top of the rise she saw a shadow in the grass. Astrea stopped, watching as the male pawed at the sky, a silly grin filling his face.

She turned her head then looking up as well watching the distant suns twinkle softly, seeming to call to her. Being close to the stars makes her feel like nothing ever could, and the closer she was the more calm came over her, like she belonged among them but gravity was not willing to give up its hold on her.

She moved forward now not even thinking, her thin body moving in front of the male, her dark pelt blending into the background as the bright purple stars that cover her flanks shine in stark comparison. She got lost in the call, her pale blue eyes becoming distant as she thought about the turn her life has. Siblings she forgot coming out of the woodwork to take her and her littermates in after the parents who she adored abandoned them. It felt like the stars has changed around her, like she had become a different wolf all together even though she still has the same stars on her pelt that she had since she was small.

Can life change that drastically that quickly? Can just one event cause a ripple so large that it changes not only your life but everyone's around you? Is that is what people mean when they talk about catalytic events? She sighed as she sat down, her tail curling around her body, her mind slowly returning to the now.

She blinked and turned to look at the male who was now just behind her. "Hi. Sorry. Did not mean to intrude." She turned back to the sky. Her eyes becoming slightly unfocused but she was not completely lost in her own mind now. "They called to me."



4 Years
Extra large
02-15-2015, 01:03 PM

The sound of soft paw steps hardly even disturbed the man as he gazed at the lovely stars, his thoughts too focused on his mother. Would he ever see her again? He had never known his true father, only a man by the name of Stolz had helped Sayang raise her three pups. But now they were all gone, and where too he had no idea. It was impossible to track them down after the fire, and he had began to lose hope. But he blinked slowly when a shadow fell upon him, stopping the moon from shining upon his spotted body. The stranger seemed to pay no mind to him, her eyes cast towards the very same stars that he had been looking at moments ago. She said nothing though, and as his eyes roamed down her body they rested on the star like pattern splattered across her tail. Interesting. Perhaps he was dreaming, and she was one of the star wolves that his spotted mother always talked about. But she said nothing, and neither did he. His chocolate gaze flickered back up to the sky as he let out a soft sigh, simply relaxing in the silence. He didn't mind it, really. It was nice just to sit here and not have to bother with social stuff. Most thought that he was strange anyways, it generally took him so long to answer one simple thing. So what if he liked to sort his answers out in his head first? Then he didn't come off as such a fool...

His own eyes had shifted closed as he simply relaxed, tail coming up to cover his practically bald belly. They snapped open when he heard her sigh though, ears perking as she shuffled to look at him. Seerten sat up into a seated position, shaking out his strange mix of coats as he offered her a small grin. Aww, she thought that she was bugging him! How sweet. No, he wasn't one to be bothered by company, he rather liked the silent ones though. Pausing for a moment to think, he just slowly shook his head. "Well actually... its no bother at all. I don't own these cliffs, only just found them today," he said softly, voice ever calm and steady. He watched as she turned back up to them, saying that they called to her. Well, now that he knew it wasn't a dream he let out a soft chuckle. He looked back up as well, nodding his head even though he knew that she wasn't looking at him. "Its no surprise, really. It appears as if you were born from the stars themselves." Turning his gaze back down to her, he glanced at her dark coat with the appearance of the sky on her lower half. Only when he realized he was staring at her butt did he race his eyes, cheeks burning hot as his ears pulled back slightly. Well, one of them, his folded ear hardly moved at all.

Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.



5 Years
02-16-2015, 03:05 PM
Astrea began to space out again until the males voice. She smiled, he was a nice fellow. She waged her tail once, calmed by his soft spoken words. She took her eyes away from the sky for once and looked toward him. He was a odd looking one, but not ugly in any since of the word, just odd. His neck and tail fluffy like any wolf's but the rest of him sleek, with short fur covering the rest of him. She could easily see his sleek muscles twitch as his legs moved about him. But most noticeable of all was his spotted fur on his white backdrop.

She almost laughed at his comment about being born of the stars. He was sweet, if only he knew that her parents where indeed mortal and that instead of basking in there bright light every night she was tossed aside like last weeks bones and unwanted. "No I was born of mortal parents, though..." She let her thoughts hang, gathering her feelings about what has happened in the past week. "Maybe the stars gifted me like the other elements gifted my siblings."

She got up then, her eyes never moving from the male, He seemed extremely interested with the stars and her pelt, did they call to him too? Where the black dots on his pelt also stars? She was was a bit curious now about him. She moved closer to him, but left him plenty of personal space as she again sat down, her tail curling around her dark front paw. "Do they call to you too?" She wanted to know that the calmness that she feels is real, that the call she feels every night and sometimes every morning is real. That maybe the love she felt for the ever distant stars was real and not just a crazy fantasy.



4 Years
Extra large
02-16-2015, 11:08 PM

She turned her attention on him, and the boy tried not to loom over her smaller form. There was still quite some distance between the two of them, at least 4 feet, but he still rose above her. He felt a little anxious about his height now, almost feeling like he was going to intimidate her. But she seemed far from that, her demeanor matching his own. They were both sitting there rather calmly, the topic of stars taking up their attention. It would seem that they both cared for the shiny objects over their heads whatever they my be. She said that she was born of mere mortals, which caused the spotted one to chuckle softly. "And I was born of two very different creatures, and yet came into this world being my own. Just because they were mortals, doesn't make you any less of a star goddess," his voice was steady and rhythmic, his head tilting to the side as he spoke his sweet words. To him though, he was merely just stating a fact. There had been stories of wolves of great power coming from every day wolves, so why should her case be any different? She spoke of other elemental siblings, and he shuffled slightly. He had to bite his tongue to keep from stating that stars were not an actual element, a rare thing indeed for him. But she had not actually stated that she thought of the stars as such, just that her siblings held elemental looks.

She stood up and moved towards him then, his chocolate brown eyes holding her gaze as she did so. His ears twitched slightly at the closeness, his chin having to dip down towards his chest so that he could keep looking at her. He gave a bit of a smirk, he was used to being taller than others -- but not quite 10 inches taller. His gaze roamed down toward her tail as she curled it around her rump, those shimmering stars capturing his attention again. When her voice called out to him he found her face again, although the thought made him look skyward. Did they call to him? He often felt like it, and liked to think that at that moment, his mother and siblings were looking up at the stars as well. It was the only connection he had with his family. Several moments passed before he looked back down at her, his massive head slowly nodding. "My mother used to tell me many stories about the stars, and they have held my interest for awhile. She believes that when we die, we become part of the stars. Its nice to imagine being up there among them, a very calming notion," Seerten commented, his gaze captured in hers. He liked to talk to others like this, but realized that he had no idea what to call her. "By the way, my name is Seerten."

Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.



5 Years
02-17-2015, 03:32 AM
She was not aware of how tall he was, it was a bit shocking but not unnerving in the slightest. After all her two eldest brothers are larger then her as well. She just smiled at his unease, he was cute in his silly way. And a bit shocking to find someone who love stars as much as she. Then he started to speak. And his cuteness turned into adorable cheesiness. "Star Goddess, eh?" This was the most fun she been having in a long time. And her amusement only mounted as she seen his face after she spoke of her siblings. She could almost read his mind. "Yes I know, stars are not elements. But most of my other siblings are." Her eyes danced with amusement, how could she not be amused by him? He was a sweet guy, and she had a feeling he did not even know it.

She gazed up at him, her smile never leaving her muzzle. Especially when his eyes focused on her tail again. She knew he found her markings almost mesmerizing, he is one of the first really. Others did find her stars appealing but once the shock of her purple spots wore off they quite staring, but he seemed unable to look away. Which gave her such a great feeling, like she was the most beautiful wolf.

She was taken out of her fantasy when he started speaking again. He spoke of his mother. Which was sweet. His mother must be a very important part of his life. She wondered why he was not with her then? Did something happen to her and that was why the stars held his attention? Did he think him watching the stars bring him closer to a dead mother? If Astrea did not think he was adorable before she thought so now. "I understand. It is a nice thought to live among them when our time on earth is over." She hummed to herself, she didn't think most of her siblings understood her sadness at being so far from her namesake, the sun and the moon are really the only ones who could.

When he introduced himself she almost lifted a paw and smacked herself in the face. It was unlike he not to at least tell him her name, they have been talking for a few minuets and normally stuff like that should come up in the first minuet of a conversation. "Apologies. It was rude of me to intrude and not introduce myself. I am named Astrea."



4 Years
Extra large
02-17-2015, 03:57 AM

She didn't seem to be phased by his height at all, which was a huge relief to the giant. Never before had he felt this way about how tall it was, but perhaps that was because he had never felt so close to another before. It felt almost as if they had known each other for a lot longer, which was absurd. They had only just met, and yet... he could not deny his feelings. It was so foreign to him, to feel this way towards another. He had been on his own for so long that maybe it was just that he had not had a conversation like this in a long time, usually a conversation with an older wolf to add more knowledge to his growing store. It was quite fun though, watching the woman before him grow more and more abused by him. Usually wolves found him annoying because of his fascination with the stars and his eagerness to learn new things, plus the way that he talked at times was... irritating. She tossed some of his words back at him, and he smirked and simply nodded his head. Yes, it was told in many legends of the human history, of morals becoming gods and goddesses. So why could it not happen to wolves as well? Some very old tales told the same, but they seemed rather too close to the human ones to stand out in his mind. He blinked though, focusing on her as she seemed to read his face quite well. Letting out a chuckle, his different shaped ears perked forward. "I wasn't going to say anything about it, it would seem that you knew what you were talking about. It is hard to read through words at times," he said softly, his baritone voice finally speaking after another break of silence.

He could practically see the questions dance in her pale gaze, causing him to tilt his head. He liked to both ask and answer questions, so he would not hesitate to answer hers. Well, probably just to think it over. She spoke of understanding his words, which drew his gaze back up to the stars. "Do you think that you would look down at the others on earth if we did wind up up there? Or would you simply be too amazed with the things around you to even care?" Seerten asked, his chocolate eyes searching the skies. If his mother was up there, would she be watching him? Or would she be too busy shining bright, competing with the other stars to try and be the very brightest? He would ask all the questions he could possible think of, who knew how old some of those stars were? It was a shame to be so far away from them, he had so many things that he wanted to ask, that burned to be answered in his mind.

He had been looking up, so when she began to apologize his gaze was brought back to her face. He shrugged his spotted shoulders, not caring too much about it. They had been too caught up in conversation, something that often happened to Ten. But when she introduced herself, a large grin spread over his maw. Her name was very, very fitting, and he wondered if she knew where the origin of it came from. He eyed her for several more moments, his habit of over thinking his words always making him pause. "Astrea. Fitting. It seems that your tale could not be more spot on," he commented with a laugh. "In human history, the Greeks wrote tales about a woman named Astrea. She lived with the humans in something called the Golden Age, a time of greatness among the humans. But as always, the darkness followed them as wicked deeds took over their hearts. Astrea fled, and sought to join the constellation called Libra. A nearby constellation called Leo saw Astrea, and recognized that her mother was a powerful woman named Dike, and allowed her to live among the stars. It is said in their books that Astrea will one day return to Earth, and bring back the Golden Age once again."Seerten's fluffy tail wagged behind him, he always loved to shared the things that he knew.

Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.



5 Years
02-20-2015, 06:15 PM

She liked Seerten, she really did. He was a quiet one but very insightful. Yeah he may ponder his answers longer then what was viewed as normal but she did not mind, he was sweet either way. She find hum charming, even his looks where good; no he was not the normal color or markings or even have the same fur as a normal wolf, but he was still a very handsome guy. Uniqueness of his spots caught her eye. She more then once traced them with her eyes making shapes, it was almost a game that she subconsciously played without him or even herself knowing. And at this moment when she was doing that exact thing he was asking a most intriguing question.

She tilted her head at him, her pale eyes going from his spots to his very brown eyes. What would she do if she was a star? She blinked, now that was a great question. A question though easily asked was not so easy to answer. "It is hard to say, I would probably feel like it was a homecoming, but then my siblings are mostly from this earth so I would miss them, so I would look after them the best I could." And that was the truth, if for whatever reason she was whisked away to the stars she would still look after the ones she loved from this planet. She shines brighter with them around wither they know it or not.

She took her off his face and looked up, her eyes searching as his eyes did. What did he see when he looked at them? Did he just see a ball of light like many wolves or did he see something or someone special? Astrea had a feeling that he thought of someone really important when he looked up into the night sky. She wanted to ask but did not want to dig into a painful past. which she feels it would be painful to him if she asked and she did not want to be the cause of any of his pain.

She traced the stars much akin to how she looked at his spots, to only be interrupted with a story. A story that seemed kind of familiar. Did someone else ever tell her this? She did not know but maybe her mother and father told her one night? Its a old memory so it may be them telling a young pup a bedtime story when she could not sleep. She could understand how a wolf who named there child Astrea would know that story but it is amazing to know another wolf would know what her name sake was. But she could not remember if the story even told if Astrea the human goddess did come back or not. Maybe that is what Seerten is getting at, that she may be the reincarnation of Astrea the goddess... She laughed, "Maybe I am Astrea ready to start the next golden age." Astrea flicked her tail laying it close to his body without even thinking. She looked up at him then, her eyes filled with good humor. "So you calling me a 'star goddess' may be a bit closer then I thought." She smirked then her eyes shinning. "But I wouldn't put a bet on it though. I'm just a wolf with stars on her tail."




4 Years
Extra large
02-22-2015, 12:51 AM

She might have thought that he didn't notice, but he could very well feel her pale gaze upon his form. Not that he wasn't used to it, when you had a coat like him it was often stared at. He looked like someone had taken two different animals and spliced them, mixing them all together to make the strange looking creature. It didn't bother him though, he liked himself just the way he was. Really, if he would have been given the option to change he wouldn't take it. What if he hadn't turned out the same way if he had looked different? No, he was made to be the way that he was. But as he spoke, her gaze rose up from his form to meet his own chocolate gaze. That small smile was still on his lips, head turning slightly to the side as she spoke. It was one that he had thought about many times, if he would even be able to look down at those below. Or if he even had anyone left on this earth to look down upon. His smile faded as his nod was stiff, his whole body standing slightly more ridged. It tortured him that he didn't know where his family was, and that it had been nearly two years since he last saw them. Shuddering slightly, he shook his head to scatter the thoughts. Here he was having a pleasant conversation with a very pretty lady, and he was thinking about his lost family. But the truth was, it was very hard to forget about them...

When he was telling his story, he saw something akin to a memory in her eyes. A light of recognition. So she did know the story then? When she teased about being the human Astrea coming back to earth, his head tipped back and let out a boom of laughter. His gaze slowly moved back down to her, a large grin still on his maw. "But you're better than mere humans," he said after a few moments, his chocolate eyes alight with humor, "do you still see humans around today? No, but we are," Seerten looked down briefly as her tail flicked closer to his own fluffy tail, a soft hum leaving his throat. He thought that it was strange, but did not oppose to its closeness. He flicked his own tail, brushing it over hers for a brief moment. She commented about him calling her a star goddess, staying that she wouldn't put a bet on that. His face grew more serious as he slowly shook his head back and forth. "You are more than just a wolf with stars on her tail. You are Astrea. You are yourself, and there is no one else out there like you," his voice was tender and sweet, his head moving down as he attempted to press his nose to her forehead. "Is there anything else out there like you? I doubt it."

Seerten pulled himself back, finding himself crossing a few boundaries. Clearing his throat, his pale cheeks grew hot as he looked up towards the stars again. A soft sigh pushed thought his lips, body shaking slightly as he tried to ease himself. Perhaps it was the feeling that they were drawn to the stars, causing them to be drawn to each other. Or maybe it was that they were both truth speaking wolves. They were able to connect through such a short time. After several moments he looked back down at her, a tiny smile on his lips. "Do you live around here Astrea?" he asked, wondering if she had a long journey to make tonight. "If not there are a few caves here, I wouldn't mind some company," he blushed again, an uneasy chuckle rumbling in his throat, "I mean there is more than one den, so you don't have to be crammed up with me. Or..." chocolate eyes looked back up at the sky, his head tilting to the side once more. "or we could spend the night outside. Its very beautiful tonight."


Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.



5 Years
02-24-2015, 06:33 PM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2015, 06:34 PM by Caeli.)

She smiled at him, he was extremely thoughtful and sweet. She looked up at him, her nose mere inches from, she curled her tail slightly enjoying the fell of him close to her. Which is a bit odd seeing they just met, but she didn't want to think to much about it, not now; maybe later when the moment was not as perfect. "I cant even tell you what a human is." She tilted her head. Her pale eyes puzzled. She wanted to ask about the human, apparently many ruins remain of them, large stone and metal structures that seem to reach into the sky. At that idea her ears perked, if she could find one still standing she could almost get to the stars... Right? Astrea shock her head, smiling wistfully, there was nothing like that around, not on the island she lived. It would have to be a thought put on hold.

She smiled brighter as Seerten went on to compliment her. She felt beautiful when he talks like that, like she was truly unique. She pushed her nose onto his cheek humming softly, enjoying the feel of his off fur. "No there is not other me, but maybe there are more with stars, I cannot say if the stars blessed others like me or not."

She pulled her head back and looked up at his warm brown eyes again, charmed beyond words by him. No other made her feel like no other was like her, that nobody could compare to her. "You are a charmer, you know that Seerten? A white knight." Her white knight.

She was content at that point to simply sit, bask in his admiration, a new and unbreakable bond forming between them. She was unsure what kind of bond at this moment in time, and was unconcerned about analyzing it at this moment; all she wanted to do was sit, happy and content with her lot in life. But it seemed that time ticked ever on, and that her time with the large charming boy was over. She looked up and the moon was high, and her time on this cliff with this knight was over. She sighed "I live on Mount Volkan. I would be charmed to stay, but if I am not back home an army of siblings will be looking for me." She smiled ruefully. "I may be able to slip away unnoticed for a while but not all night." She got up, her pale eyes never leaving his brown ones "Can I come back?" She waited for his answer then turned and left, shouting over her shoulder. "See you later Ten!"





4 Years
Extra large
02-24-2015, 08:49 PM

She seemed to have no idea what or who humans were, and he let out a small chuckle. There was a place here that he had seen a few human artifacts, things called weapons and armor littering the area. He would have to take her there one time, when it wasn't so late at night. "One day I will tell you all about them, if you want. I don't know too much, but I would be pleased to share my knowledge with you." That was one of his favorite things, to share things that he had learned on his many adventures. What was the point of learning all these things if he couldn't share it with others? It would just be forever locked in his head, and while he had a lot of fun knowing all these things, there really wasn't much else purpose for it. Plus, humans were an interesting subject, and a very hard one to gather things about. A lot of wolves that had known about humans, or better yet had even been kept by them, were dying off. There weren't many left, and Seerten really had to dig deep. But he would find out something, he always seemed to.

Soon Astrea was up on her very tippy toes, her damp nose pushing into his cheek. He felt himself leaning into her touch, his face vibrating softly as she hummed against him. Even though they had just met, he felt a sort of connection to her. They were each so similar in so many ways, and it left him feeling like he had known her for ages. She agreed with him saying that there were no others like her, and he smiled down at her sweet little face. Of course he was right, he generally was. The part that she said about others being blessed from the stars caught his interest. More around like her? He highly doubted it, she was the only one that he had come across in his years of traveling.

As she pulled back, his gaze captured her own again, chocolate colliding with pale blue. She called him charming, to which he snorted softly. A white knight? He doubted it. "There are very few who I have saved in my life time, certainly not enough to be called a knight, m'lady." He said in a teasing matter, his cheeks still insanely hot. He was not used to being so open and close with another, even more so in this short of time.

His smile left his face as she looked at the moon, telling him that she had to leave him. He felt his heart sank, his mouth opening to protest. But he snapped it back shut, there were always other nights that they could meet. And she lived close by, the Mount wasn't far from these cliffs. She asked to come back, and his head nodded eagerly. Of course, he loved her company and would feel slightly lost without her around. So strange that they bonded in such a short time. She turned to leave, and he found that he started to pad after her. He only paused when she turned around to say goodbye, a single large paw raised still. "See you then, my star goddess." He whispered, eyes watching her until she faded away among the stars.

-end thread-


Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.