
Changes In The Currents


02-15-2015, 03:39 AM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.
...and so I would wander.
Ellis felt as though there was small hole in her heart, tugging at the strings and making her worry. The scent had been faint, but somewhere here it lingered. Theisinova, her daughter, her baby, had moved through here. The scent was stale, but her daughter was alive, back in Alacritia. Perhaps she was with Mack. Perhaps she was searching for her again? Maybe Othello? But though she worried some, which was natural for a mother in her position, Ellis was also very happy. This meant her daughter was alive, that there was still a chance of seeing her again. The chance was there, and it gave Ellis the will to carry on and find something to do with her life. The right path, she prayed, though who could truly be sure? The woman would walk on, hope in her chest if nothing else, and the calm of being away from the knolls lifting an invisible weight from her shoulders. Her feelings were mixed, but overall a good mixed. It allowed her to explore this place, and enjoy her exploration of this place for the first time.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

"Settle down." Said my heart.
...and so here it was I would settle down.

Table by:: Tea



4 Years
02-15-2015, 10:14 AM
The alabaster brute came here for what? He was not sure what led him here: into these woods. His yellow optics focused on everything that they could catch, from the birds to the leaves; everything seeming to be at peace and harmony with one another. The birds sung their elegant, soft tune as the brute gave a small huff. His mate, the one that he loved and cared for dearly, just up and left him. He was upset and flustered why this happened, but he continued to walk amongst the landscape, eyes closed when he could smell a small stream that cut through the woods, the water reverberating through his ears.

"Where do I belong?" He would ask himself, lying down in front of the stream, his claw making ripples in the stream as some fish had swum around him. He paid no heed to them and a few tears ran down his eyes. He missed his old mate, the one whom he thought he would spend the rest of his life with, but, it would seem that she was really gone. He closed his eyes and let his depression take over him.


02-22-2015, 01:14 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.
...and so I would wander.
Ellis would keep on, her teal-green eyes searching for some sign of life. What she would come to find was not the multicolored form of her daughter, nor the brown shades of her son, but instead an older gentleman laying by a stream. His coat was light, his sunny eyes seemed to be pained. Ellis would pause, debating on whether or not to speak to the other male. The past time she had come to a male down and out it had not ended as planned... yet... curse her gentle heart she would approach the stranger. The female would breathe out, coming up beside the man. He actually didn't seem much older than her at all. The female would lower her head, trying to meet with his gaze. "Hey there..." Her voice was gentle. "What seems to be troubling you? Something I can maybe help with?"

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

"Settle down." Said my heart.
...and so here it was I would settle down.

Table by:: Tea



4 Years
02-22-2015, 01:36 PM
Suzaro was pondering about his mate, whether she would be alright or if he would ever see her again, but, he doubted that for not even a second and didn't want to be her mate anymore if she were to just up and leave him alone. His thoughts were short-lived when he happened to see a woman, someone who seemed to be around the same age as he was, and with a kind and gentle heart. The thought of her speaking to him reminded him of Trica, but he did not even bother to think about her anymore. He met the woman's gaze, her coat was mixed with both light and darker colors, absolutely stunning.

"I'm fine, Ma'am, if you don't mind I would really like to think about my old mate alone. She just up and left me, I do not know why." He was speaking to this woman, just when he said that he wanted to be alone...great. His yellow eyes looked into her own before looking out ahead of him. "Sorry, I do not mean to sound rude to you, a lot has happened during my first year being in this land and I have not really had many favors or any friends come my way yet."


02-23-2015, 08:03 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.
...and so I would wander.
Fine? He hardly sounded fine... and despite him saying that he would rather be alone to think of her he sounded so sad, like company was what he needed more. A mate who up and left him... it sounded hard. The female would hesitate, listening as he again began to speak, apologizing. She would dip her head, her teal-green eyes would shine with sympathy, and rather than walk away, as she probably should have, the soft hearted healer would speak softly. "I can understand your pain. When I first came to Alacritia it was full of ups and downs as well. I was force to have children... I had an accident and was separated from my children, my friends. I lost another set of friends I thought I was going to be with until I grew old. If there was one thing I've learned is that life is not easy... but you must take the company, the kindness that is offered when it comes. If you neglect to do so you'll be alone... lost in this world and wandering like a wraith forever."

Ellis would tilt her head slightly to the side, trying to offer a smile. "No one really wants to ever be alone... why don't you come for a walk with me? Getting your mind off your troubles, rather than dwelling on them, is sure to be more help."

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

"Settle down." Said my heart.
...and so here it was I would settle down.

Table by:: Tea



4 Years
02-23-2015, 08:14 PM
Suzaro's yellow eyes focused among the woman's teal colored optics. For someone whom he had just recently met, she seemed kind and gentle; a wolf whom he really needed to have in his life for the moment. She spoke about how she had various types of accidents happen to her, and he could not fathom being forced to have children, but he could relate on losing children and friends as well. "I can relate on losing friends and children. My mate was carrying our pups when she had left me, and before she had pups, she had a miscarriage and he was devastated and sad that she thought that she killed our pup. I kept reassuring her, but she just vanished from my life almost a year later," he spoke, a small sigh escaping his tone.

He stood up and followed the woman, her eyes seemed calm and gentle enough to follow, and she seemed to hold great wisdom inside of her. He could sometimes be wise, but, he was considered a killer back in the day, would he really have the guts to tell this woman about his killer instincts and lifestyle when he was younger? He was not so sure of the matter.

He walked alongside Ellis and happened to come upon a small stream that held fish inside. He slowly walked into the water and when he happened to have clamped down upon one, it wiggled its body inside of his maw, causing him to collapse and get soaked and wet, shaking off his coat as best as he could thus losing his prize as his white pelt slightly hung low as he looked to Ellis in embarrassment and sat down onto the shore.


02-23-2015, 08:52 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.
...and so I would wander.
It became all the more understandable why the loss of his mate devastated him so. They had coupled, planning to have children, yet his lover had miscarried and in the end he was left alone. It reminded her some of Othello’s birth, and the multicolored fae would give a small shudder. She didn’t want to think so negatively... No. She would find her friend again, and they would move on. They would find some way to pick up and move on.

Ellis would begin to walk with the stranger, a male whom she just met, yet she felt she wanted to help. That was the role of a healer, a helper, to give aid and fix the hurts of other. Even emotional ones, though they were far harder to manage. She would breathe in, pausing as he tried to fish, though it would be unsuccessfully caught. She would try to give a reassuring smile, sitting on the dry area of land.

“Sometimes you lose them.” She said, refering to the fish. “The important thing, like most aspects in life, is to keep trying. To never give up, even when you fail. It will get better, even if it’s hard for a long period of time.” The healer would breathe out, giving a gentle smile. “Take a deep breath, calm yourself, and try again.”

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

"Settle down." Said my heart.
...and so here it was I would settle down.

Table by:: Tea



4 Years
03-03-2015, 06:00 PM
Suzaro stood up and moved back a little bit, shaking his pelt as water flew off in all directions, making sure that he was far enough away that he did not get the woman whom he had just met wet from the remaining water that was in his coat. His yellow colored eyes shifted over to meet the woman's teal-green gaze, giving a rather confused look upon his face.

"Tell me, why would you help a complete stranger such as myself; especially someone whom has done a lot of things, things no wolf should ever do," he hung his head in shame, remembering being the evil brute that he once was before he met his mate before she left. "If you would have ever known the real me, you would never wish to help me, you would rather wish me to be dead and rot in the underworld."


03-11-2015, 05:04 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.
...and so I would wander.
Ellis would watch as the man moved back some. After shaking out his coat his attention would shift to her, his yellow gaze meeting her own teal-green gaze. He looked confused, speaking words that should have honestly should have made the fur along her spine prickle. Yet Ellis would not be afraid, and upon his continuation the healer would give a soft sigh, getting to her paws and coming closer to the man. She was smaller than him, yes, so she had to look up into his eyes.  But she would not cower away, focusing her attention on the man alone.

"The man you were before does not need to define the man that you are now. You do not need to think that you don't deserve help, that you deserve to die. If you were still such a man you would have done something horrible to me the moment I spoke to you. You don't want to be evil, do you? You want to find a better path for yourself it seems. Why else would you have sought a mate? Wanted children?" Ellis would speak in a gentle tone.

"I am a healer, sir, and healing of the heart and mind is a task we must still face. Your heart is in pain, your mind is troubled by your past. Please, let me help you. I don't know if it's my place, and maybe in the end it's not right for me to meddle, but healing others is what I've vowed to give my life to do." The femme would set her paw over his own. "Come on... take a breath and clear your mind. Let all thoughts leave you."

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

"Settle down." Said my heart.
...and so here it was I would settle down.

Table by:: Tea



4 Years
03-11-2015, 07:36 PM
The alabaster brute could feel a gentle paw go over his own, and his eyes widened slightly. No one had ever touched his paw, and, despite this movement, he calmed down and closed his eyes. He thought about possibly finding a new mate and possibly a pup who was alone and needed companionship. Suzaro heaved a small sigh and opened his eyes after a couple minutes. He did not understand why she, a healer whom he had not met or seen before would be willing to help him at such a predicament. He would meet her teal gaze and gave a small smile, "Thank you." He spoke with a small smile across his face, even though it was not seen very well by her.


03-24-2015, 06:58 AM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.
...and so I would wander.
Ellis kept her paw gently over his own, watching as the white furred man calmed. She figured it had to be hard, but she was not one who would lose faither in another simply because what they were going through was rough. She had faith that he would recover, that he’d come back stronger. Sometimes things didn’t work as you planned so you had to discover something new. Carve a new path in life for yourself. She had discovered this truth when dealing with Imperium. The pack hadn’t been for her... But that was alright.

Ellis would give a small nod as he thanked her, her smile brightening. She would feel her heart lighten, and she would keep her paw gently over his own. “You are welcome, my friend.” She would pause, realizing that neither of them knew each other’s names as of yet. “My name is Ellis Cathal by the way. I’m from a place called The Valley of Winds... Though I’m not sure if you’ve heard of it.” She would give a soft chuckle. “What name do you go by, stranger?”

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

"Settle down." Said my heart.
...and so here it was I would settle down.

Table by:: Tea



4 Years
03-26-2015, 02:43 PM
Ellis Cathal, that name continued to ring in his head. He would give a small smile to the female, a look of kindness I his eyes. He was happy to be around this woman, for she was just like Trica. She would ask his name, but, why would she even want to know? He would tilt his head slightly before giving a small sigh and giving in to her request. Even though he did not like his name, he would say it anyway to the dame.

"My name is Suzaro," he would speak as his yellow eyes met her own. She did have beautiful eyes and he would blush under his fur faintly. "And, you do have a nice name," he would give a friendly smile, not wishing to scare her or anything. She had been a big help to him.


04-21-2015, 05:08 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.
...and so I would wander.
Ellis would give a nod as the man introduced himself. Suzaro. It was a nice name, one that seemed to roll in her mind easily. The white male would compliment her, and Ellis would give a small wag of her tail. "I thank you for that compliment, my friend." The woman would say. "You do as well, and a nice smile too." The female would gently remove her paw from his own, looking out at the terra around them. "I want you to breathe in, Suzaro. Take a deep breath, and let your thoughts flee from you. The good, the bad... let your mind empty. Let yourself relax, and forget everything." The female would close her eyes, breathing in deeply. "Let yourself find a state of tranquility... of peace... and we'll continue to talk."

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

"Settle down." Said my heart.
...and so here it was I would settle down.

Table by:: Tea