
Get in my BELLY~! {IMP HUNT}

Mercy I


5 Years

02-19-2015, 04:38 PM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2015, 07:11 PM by Evelyn.)

The girl walked across the Range, her heart beating fast in her chest. She had grown up here, had walked away from her family here. But now their scent was faded, nearly vanished. Mercy swallowed hard, her purple eyes squeezing shut. This pain in her heart was not something that she was used to, and she hated it. Her eyes snapped open, a hardness replacing the pain that tried to ail her. Her stance widened as if she was about to start a fight, her pale head snapping upwards as she let out a howl for the pack. A hunt, she would call together a hunt. She remembered the herds of elk that wandered here when she was little, and perhaps something like this would get her mind off of the other memories that surrounded this place. She was not going to let this pain get her down. She didn't care where her parents were, they did a shit job of raising her anyways.

Mercy lowered her head and forced herself into a seated position. She hoped that Valentine wouldn't mind her calling together a pack hunt, but she just needed something to do. She had been in two fights in the past few weeks, trying to impress him in the training with Arcanum as well as protect his honor. Their honor. A smirk rested on her maw as she thought about tearing into that tiny little boy, but she shook it all away. It was time to bite into some real food, she wasn't here to attack a pack member. But running, biting, tasting blood? Oh yes, that would take away all this pain that tried to drag her heart down. It would make everything else numb, make it all fade away.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
02-20-2015, 11:20 PM

A howl went up, the voice immediately drawing a smile from the brute. Ah, Mercy. Bless Dione and her shaggy little green head. Very little about the gremlin's time in Imperium pleased him, but her bringing Mercy to the pack did. Without hesitation, Valentine tipped his had back and added his voice to the call, adding strength and yes, a command, to it. From there he set off to find her.

Within minutes she was in sight. His stride lazy, the brute strolled up and seated himself beside her to wait out the arrival of others. “You picked a good day for it,” he observed, his eyes taking in the distance. A recent rain had cooled the land somewhat and with it, the tempers of the grazers had dropped as well. They'd taken up meandering across the low places instead of stampeding through. They were fat, lazy and ripe for the taking.

OOC: Hunt is mandatory for adult Servus and Odalisque, and other adult members are encouraged to participate.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
02-21-2015, 12:25 AM

She knew that if she didn't try and get out and do something she might just waste away in her new den. Though the motivation to move had been easier to acquire with the visit she'd gotten from her young niece. Living with out Motif was no easier than it had been, but Rhythm was able to bear it a little bit better.

The sound of a lone she wolf would catch her ear from across the pack lands, and as Valentine's joined her the girl knew that a hunt was the perfect solution to getting mind off her troubles. She'd be able to bond with pack mates and get some time to see Valentine. The latter of those two perks excited her more of course, though she would blush in admittance. She'd done her best to avoid seeking him out actively, and from his sparse presence she could only assume he was doing the same of her. Taking a deep breath she'd brave the outside world, tucking her tail slightly as she gracefully made her way over the knolls.

The dark pointed girl would make a timely arrival, her features brightening slightly at the sight of Valentine as she made her way towards the waiting pair. Both wolves much taller than herself. She'd approach from downwind and sit a more than polite distance from either of them. "Hi," She'd greet almost shyly as she dipped her head to both alpha and leader of the hunt.




4 Years
02-21-2015, 01:10 PM
The sound of a commanding howl would cause her to stir within the den she and Soliloquy still shared. She hadn't slept well since they'd become captives in their own home and she took every moment of sleep she could get now. It was painful knowing that when she was summoned she was expected to be there. Living as a,, slave was one experience she had never anticipated. The harsh reality would take hold and draw the girl from the den slowly, her demeanor broken as her pale paws carried her to the gathering of wolves. She'd keep her eyes downcast, doing her very best to keep from looking at any of the gathered creatures. She was here to hunt, she didn't wish to socialize. Settling down somewhere close yet not quite part of the group she would wait for her command, silently praying that Soliloquy would find his way here as well as their pups. The more they gave to Valentine, even though he'd taken everything from her, the better their chances of release.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



5 Years
02-21-2015, 01:34 PM

Dægmar was taking a break from motherhood, letting the pups sleep off their training or wandering about the packlands. For the most part she let them do as they pleased as long as they stayed within the borders and attended their training sessions. A summons rang out from Mercy and Dægmar lazily got to her feet. She wasn't quite sure what the summons was about but she was ready to do something else for awhile. As she joined the gathering of wolves she nodded in greeting and grinned. "So what's the occassion?"




7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
02-21-2015, 08:46 PM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2015, 08:47 PM by Cascade.)
The call, coming in the midst of play-in-the-mud time, was a welcome relief to Cas, who had ended up coated with more mud than she'd have preferred to be - enough of it that much of her fur was spiked out in tan clumps rather than her usual ebony. Oh well. Chasing them back to the den, she admonished them to stay close to the den - after all, the call was for hunters, and a group of hunters meant prey much too large and dangerous for inexperienced youngsters - with a hint of bribery and with a final statement of "Angel's in charge" for after all the boy was big enough to sit on anyone who misbehaved, she took off at a lope to the range. Mercy was there, the first voice she'd heard calling, and Valen too, whose voice had been the one to lend authority to the call. She grinned at the young girl, who had been developing into quite the productive member of the pack now that Dione was gone, and let her eyes sweep over the group. Not a whole lot, though Daegmar had unsurprisingly shown up to represent the pack so far only one of the slaves had... oh hold on a moment. Her eyes lit on Rhythm, and her grin took a decidedly wicked turn. Look who'd decided to show up? Little Miss Sunshine herself.

"Hey, Daegmar," she greeted as she brushed against the mottled gray warrior, giving her a 'dude watch this' sort of wink as she moved confidently forward. "Mercy! Leading us on a hunt are you? What sort of excitement do you have for us? Hey Valen! The kids are back at the den, Angelus is in charge. I told them you'd come play in the mud with them sometime if they didn't leave the densite so they should be staying put." She sought to press her shoulder against Valen's in greeting - the mud that spiked her own fur had dried so hopefully would not transfer to his blue-gray pelt - before she flopped down next to him and Mercy... seemingly ignoring Rhythm and the other Destruction slave equally thoroughly, and peering up at Valen with a gaze that was absolutely, totally innocent of anything.
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



3 Years
02-23-2015, 08:23 AM
Truth be told there was a big part of Soliloquy seriously tempted to ignore that howl; most certainly the egotistical part of him. he despised this situation and even more so he despised the fact that they were still stuck in it, not once had he seen his children had any inkling of an idea as to whether they were ok.

He may not have been the softest, most emotional of men though he had come to be somewhat of a decent father it seemed and he honestly cared for the well-being of those three kids. They were his, not Valentine's even if temporarily they were in his care and his pack. Surely a way out would soon present itself. If it didn't hurry up, perhaps the time would come for him to challenge once more.

Isolde however didn't quite have the same determination that Soliloquy did or simply had more common sense than he did. Eager to stay out of trouble she was more obedient and would rise from the den at the call. For her sake, and perhaps for the sake of the children as well the man eventually dropped that stubbornness and chose to join her in answering that stupid summoning.

He wouldn't arrive too late after her, though a number of wolves were present. His eyes would spot four familiar figures, Isolde, Mercy, Rhythm and of course dearest Valentine. The man he chose to ignore, even his niece he wouldn't seek to speak with just yet though he would honour his distant relative a greeting as he passed her. "Hello Rhythm, daring to put up with this lot as well then?" He spoke softly, for her ears only. "That's Isolde over there, care to come join her with me?" He gave her the offer though didn't waste too much time before continuing his steps towards Isolde, nuzzling her briefly for support as he stood close to her side.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-26-2015, 01:34 PM
Hati heard the call to a hunt and rose eagerly to his paws to head to the range at a lope. He moved to join the group gathered, anticipation at sinking his fangs into something to rip and tear making his mouth water, but he very nearly slunk right out again when he saw a familiar ebony figure and the brown bitch he'd captured. He might have said fuck it anyway and turned around and left had Daegmar not been there. Damn, and he was in her line of sight too so he was probably already caught. Looking considerably more shifty than usual the burly male skirted around the group to drop his haunches beside Daegmar, his body hunched and defensive. Just his fucking luck that both bitches and the alpha would be here. He'd been doing a pretty fair job of avoiding all three of them up to now.
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



5 Years
03-01-2015, 11:06 AM

Ears swiveled and the warrioress grinned as Cascade greeted her. Playfully Dægmar reached out to nuzzle the other woman's cheek. "A pleasure to see you as well Cascade." The green-eyed woman smirked as Cascade winked at her. Oh goodness, what poor creature was the Saxe woman bent on torturing this fine day?

Gaze drifted to Mercy, ahhh so it was to be a hunt. Excellent! With three mouth's to feed and keep in line Dægmar hadn't had much of an opportunity to really feed herself or hunt on her own. A pack hunt would be good to feed their rapidly expanding member base. Dægmar chuckled a bit at the thought of their mighty king forced into a mud hole to placate his children. Well played Cascade, well played. She dimly wondered if such a play would work on Hati? Now wouldn't he make an adorable mud monster?

Emerald gaze slid sideways as she eyed Hati with a grin on her face before turning to Mercy. "So, what is our quarry for today? I've got a hankering for some buffalo."


Mercy I


5 Years

03-01-2015, 01:06 PM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2015, 01:18 PM by Mercy I.)

Valentine was the first to arrive, his howl had added a demand to her call. She couldn't help but grin when he padded up to her, her elongated tail thumping on the ground. He told her it was a good day, and she just shrugged her shoulders. "Thought I would give you a day off from all of those little tyrants," she teased. About to say something else, she was caught off guard by a dark woman who walked in next. Brows furrowed as she saw the markings under her eyes, tell-tale Destruction marks. And her nose band... But that wasn't what caught her attention. It was that when her eyes fell of Valentine her whole face lit up like the Northern Lights. Mercy's grin turned into more of a sly one, head turning from Valen to that woman. Ohho there was somthing going on there, a knowing look in her eye as she nudged Valentine, as if to say 'well done'. She was pretty, but seemed scared. She knew better not to comment on it though, otherwise she was sure that she would wind up missing an ear.

Not pleased at who slipped in next, she didn't even turn to look at Isolde. Her brother had told her that he was Soliloquy's newest catch, and that Valentine had in turn caught them. Well, at least they were actually here to do something, not just cowering in a den. She noticed the spots, and figured that the new little mini-wolf monsters that were hanging out with Cascade belonged to her. Poor girl, seemed to be pretty young. Daeg appeared next, and she dipped her head at the darker woman. She liked her, she was a very good warrior and someone with skills that she looked up to. She asked what was going on when Cascade slipped in, and Mercy's face brightened more. She had something planned, she always did. And she was coated in mud. "It looks like you had a little day at the mud spa with the puppies," she said with a giggle, nodding her head when she asked if she was leading the hunt. Purple eyes followed her as she brushed up against Valentine, trying very hard not to snort when she said that the pups would be waiting for him when they got back. Valentine all coated in mud? Now that was something that she had to see.

Hati slipped in and sat beside Daegmar, and she dipped her head towards him. He kind of freaked her out, with that creepy ass mask. But her attention was taken off of that when she was asked what they were going after. Her head nodded with vigor when she suggested buffalo, her claws digging into the earth. "I was feeling buffalo too, but I wanted to be sure that we got enough wolves in here first," she commented. They were pretty scary, and would be very impossible to take down with only three of them. "But I've been watching the herd, and they have been more close knit because of their calves, and they are way more attentive than usual. There has been one lagging behind the herd though, looks like a twisted or broken left hind leg. But we have to be careful and make sure to run the rest of the herd, because they've been more bold in trying to keep us back. Well... at least just me when I was stalking them." Purple eyes glanced around the group, and then to Valentine to see if she was okay in all of this. "Cascade, you are probably the more agile wolf that I have met," cat-like came to mind when speaking of the violent tinted woman, "so I think that you would be the best one to try and cut the hurt buffalo from the herd. You're fast enough on your paws to avoid any danger from the horns. Daegmar and Hati, I think you guys would be the best ones to go at our target from behind, trying to take it down from behind. Me and Valentine can wait a bit ahead of the herd to come in once its been cut. And Isolde and Soliloquy, can I count on you two to keep the herd running?" She asked, eyes cutting towards them. And then her eyes pulled towards the brown female, the Destruction girl that she did not know the name of. "Can you help in the running too? I can always assist in that if you would like." Mercy's eyes looked up towards Valentine, trying to see what he would prefer. This was her first time doing it, but she thought that she had done it okay. She didn't know what the others specialties were, but she looked lithe.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
03-08-2015, 04:37 PM

"Thought I would give you a day off from all of those little tyrants," she teased. Tyrants was...somewhat appropriate for the stage his kids were at. He chuckled and was on the verge of commenting when Rhythm joined them. “Miss Rhythm,” he greeted her warmly before motioning her over. She was part of the pack, there was no need to distance herself.

Soon after came Isolde whose appearance earned a curt but approving glance. After his Servus came Daegmar and then Cascade, whose arrival was announced with her usual volume and zeal. She bumped her shoulder against his and he returned the gesture amicably, not minding the bits of dried mud that crumbled and stuck to him. “Sounds fair.” Although if he had his guess, Valen doubted every last one of them would be there when she returned. It was just a feeling.

Next came Soliloquy. He got the same approving glance from Valen as his bitch had. Good. How wise that they came when called. It saved him the time and effort he would have had to put into finding and maiming them had they not. Last but not least was Hati, who slunk in looking positively miserable. His presence earned a mixed reaction from Valentine. On the one hand he was pleased to see that the brute was willing to participate. On the other, even though the brunt of the blame rested on Cascade's shoulders, without Hati, the interpack drama wouldn't have been possible.

The King didn't have time to dwell on it as Mercy quickly got down to business. Quite content to take a follower role, he listened intently as she spoke, even nodding occasionally in approval. It all sounded good. Of course, they wouldn't know exactly how good her judgement was until the hunt was over. Sounding good and being good were two very different things.

Once everything was all said and done, he then circled the herd and settled into the tall grass to wait as the other hunters took up their positioning.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
03-11-2015, 11:22 AM

She'd get a warm greeting from Valentine and she was sure that her grin might fall off her face and into the moist earth if it grew any larger. She found herself scooting closer to him at his gesture, but as Cascade appeared she'd scoot away again, though not entirely because of her. Soliloquy's voice would distract her from most of Cascade's antics, which was for the better. She was still employing the 'if i didn't see it it didn't happen tactic'. Though it worked well enough for now she knew that eventually she was going to be forced into accepting some cold hard truths.

Her bright gaze would be drawn to the spotted girl that would curl into Soliloquy's side. She didn't seem to be taking her stay in Imperium very well, but Rhythm could hardly blame her. With another affectionate glance towards her tall alpha Rhythm followed after her cousin. Turned out it was a pretty good move because she was going to be working with him and Isolde to keep the buffalo moving. Rhythm would then make an educated guess about the pale female's identity, Revenge's sister Mercy. She would nod in acceptance, and as Valentine moved out so would she with Soliloquy and Isolde. Their job was to keep the herd running. Easy enough.. right?

Dainty paws carried her down into the knolls and the simple sight of them would cause a stampede. The herd started moving almost immediately, and already Rhythm could see the injured cow already. It seemed even the herd knew who the weakest link was as she was pushed to the outermost place in the formation. The girl would howl, the eager sound working mostly to keep the beasts startled into running but to also let out a little bit of excitement as she was sure the rest of the group would soon cut her off.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



4 Years
03-12-2015, 12:03 PM
The girl would keep her eyes on her paws until the larger form of Soliloquy surrounded her. He brought her confidence but that didn't help her status within the pack. She would glance at Rhythm as she drew more near, Sol had mentioned her when he brought her the prairie dog that had been slain by her jaws. Though that did not mean she was any more eager to make friends.

She'd listen as their jobs were divvied out, all she was going to have to do was run. That was easy enough, she didn't have to show off some untrained skill. Everyone knew how to run. As they started to filter out she would fall in step behind Rhythm, eventually coming ro run at her side. The further they got from the group the better the young Adravendi felt. Running would make her feel freer than she had since becoming property. The wind in her face and the buffalo before almost brought a smile to her face, but she doubted that expression would truly return until she had her children and her freedom back.

She'd keep running until their target was brought down, her stride would match Rhythm's perfectly as the pair drove them on with Soliloquy's help.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



5 Years
03-21-2015, 11:55 AM

Excellent! Dægmar's stomach practically rumbled at the thought of buffalo meat. She was glad that Mercy was on the same page as herself. The older woman listened intently to her instructions. She and Hat would go after the beasts hind end and try to drag it down from there. One of the most dangerous tasks, one misstep and her skull could be kicked in but that was the kind of thrill she lived for. Once the instructions were issued the wolves fell into place.

Corded muscles tensed before springing lose as Dægmar launched herself into the throng, just a bit behind the others until a target had been picked. Once it had her speed kicked in as she raced for the beasts hind end, jaws snapping as fangs cut into the lower left thigh of the beast. Dægmar staggered back, wary if the buffalo should try to kick back, though at the moment it seemed intent on trying to keep up with the rest of the herd rather than pausing and wasting time to fight back. Well, that wasn't going to do. With a vicious snarl Dægmar dove back in.
