
Just Havin' Fun, Don't Care Who Sees



3 Years
Dire wolf
02-21-2015, 10:52 AM
BEWARE: Cursing lies below

Fresh meat had never tasted so good. Mithras looked down at the dinky little deer, surely stunted in it's growth, and with a limp besides. Or rather, it had had a limp, but now that particular disfigured shoulder was safe and sound within his gut. He locked his jaws around another chunk of meat and pulled it away. Sweet and warm even then, he gorged himself. Between bites he growled out, "Ebati pustini. Ebati pesok. Ebati prokleto toplina!" He'd escaped the western lands, the dry and arid climate that was no home for any creature in this season.

This lush land, these forests and greens and water was much, much better. He tore out another mouthful of flesh, gulping it down. It probably wasn't the most mannerly, graceful thing he'd ever done but damn it all, he was hungry! If Caia was back on the other coast some how, she'd have to come to him because there was no way he would- ...Alright fine, so he'd probably go back, but she'd certainly never live it down.

(Hover over pink text for translation)
"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



5 Years
02-21-2015, 11:59 AM

Astrea had heard of this place. She had wanted to come in the spring but forgot until the change the season changed. She hoped she was not too late, it was indeed still early summer, maybe one last tree was in bloom. She wondered looking at the trees. Many had indeed already leafed there heart shaped leaves but not all, the rest still sported the lovely pink flowers. She wanted to dance about between the trees, the mix of pinks and greens where amazing and lovely, if only Seerten was here, he some how made every experience better. But for whatever reason she could not locate the tall spotted boy so she made her way here.

She moved though the trees her pale eyes taking in the lovely sight. But soon stopped as she saw a very familiar sight. No she did not know this wolf, but she knew his pelt. She looked at the likes every night, her eyes forever tracing the beings that called to her every night, unable to look away until day claimed the sky again and freed her from majority of the compulsion to look up.

Stars, his pelt was stars, a swirls of reds and blues and purples, more varied then her own. He was a lovely creature, stars swirling even on his face. Astrea looked down, her pale eyes tracing her own stars. They where lovely too but stuck in one color, much different to his.

She moved forward as if in a trance, but stopped before she got to close to him, her pale eyes still tracing his starry pelt. Her eyes glaze over, as she retreats into her mind. She was not the only wolf blessed by the stars? How many more where there? Did the stars call to them too? She wanted to know, she wanted to ask but was unsure how to even breach the subject to a wolf she just meet, so instead she called, "Hello?"




3 Years
Dire wolf
02-22-2015, 09:31 AM
Mithras looked up from his meal with a better spirit than he'd borne so far in his journey. Had a voice interrupted him a day earlier perhaps he would have been a bit miffed, but now he was well fed, and that made a world of difference. The woman spoke this culture's broken language, and when he first laid eyes on her he believed she was yet another blandpelt. But then he saw the vaguest hint of purple in her coat, a bit or iridescence. The boy's brows lifted. Still, she was nothing like Caia and if she were from his homeland she would have spoken his language. "Hello. You are doing well this day?" he asked, words disjointed, feeling like boulders tumbling from his lips. Where was the flow, the elegance. He only wished that Caia were there, so that this weight might be lifted from his shoulders. In another life he might have sashayed himself to this woman's side and charmed the hell out of her, make her laugh or cry or something just to prove that he could. But just then he did not have the willpower to do anything but eat and sleep and search.
"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!