
I'm So Lucky, Lucky


02-22-2015, 10:54 AM

Summer had come, and, thank the gods, Nona was safe. The calico gentleman had been in a much more relaxed state, waking to find himself beside his beloved. Her condition after she had been searching for herbs and come back had terrified him. He had been fussing over her since her return, and was careful not to let her out of the den for too long alone. There was certainly no leaving packlands without him by her side at this point -- he was scared to death of losing her. Nona gave his life light, gave it meaning. If he lost her he would surely, surely be lost. There was no precaution that would be overdone in making sure that she was safe.

The man had rose early, distracted momentarily by his mate's heat scent. He would smile, giving her a loving lick on her head before he left the den. The sun had risen well over the land by the time he was heading back to the den. There was a duck in his jaws, breakfast for his beloved. Though there was of course the chance Nona was already up and awake. His ears would twitch, a bright light in his dark green eyes. If she was, well, he hoped she was hungry! The critter had given him a little bit of trouble to hunt it down... shifting positions a couple of times before he had managed to catch it. But in the end predator had outwitted prey.

The calico gentleman would arrive at the den and poke his head inside, searching for his beloved.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Tealah



4 Years
03-04-2015, 06:23 PM

Nona had awoken shortly after Allen had left the den. For now she was content with sitting in there and sorting out her herbs into her typical piled combinations that she could grab quickly depending on the situation she had to attend to. Nona knew all to well at this point that she couldn't leave the pack lands without Allen and let alone be outside the den herself for long periods of time though she would try to escape to the rapids every so often to think about stuff. Nona greatly understood though that Allen was doing what he could to keep her safe and after all who could blame him after what had gone through when she came back home with her injuries.

He was her light that helped her keep moving and what would've happened if she didn't come back home at all, what if she had succumbed to far worse injuries than what she had sustained. The thoughts pulsed before she spun around and saw her mate at the entry of the den and a smile flashed across her maw when she saw the duck. There was a burst of laughter that erupted from her then and as she slowed to more of a chuckle she began to speak, "My dear Allen, you got me breakfast as well... what else have you been doing my love?" and thus once more her laughter picked up again. Nona was happy to see Allen though as she made a sort of beckoning motion for Allen to come to her. For a quick moment she had turned her head enough to take a look at the herbs she had gathered and piled together before letting her gaze go back to Allen.



03-06-2015, 06:00 PM

Laughter, such gentle sound would come from his mate’s maw. The sound was the sweetest of music to his ears, and the male would find his tail wagging as Nona addressed him. A grin would find it’s way to his maw and a chuckle of his own would leave his lips. “A bit of everything, if I can help it. Patrolling the lands, keeping an eye out on you... Finding what herbs around here I think can be useful. It seems the older I get the more busy I become.” The man would grab the prey and move inside the den with his beloved, looking around.

“...and what on earth have you been doing? Organizing your plants?” He honestly felt bad about restricting her from leaving the pack lands without him by her side, but with the scare she gave him last time could he be blamed? He would lean in closer to her, nuzzling her shoulder. “What do you think? Should I let you out for good behavior?”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Tealah