
never danced like this



13+ Years

Treat 2019
02-22-2015, 03:26 PM

She didn't realize how much fun she was having hunting prairie dogs until she'd found the rattler. He was giant, and Rhythm was oh so thankful that he had a noise maker at the end of his tail otherwise she might have stepped right into the hole he was residing in. He was maybe a foot below the surface and she had almost put her paw down right in the middle of the hole. That wouldn't have been pleasant. She jumped back away from the hole as soon as she realized but the snake was already disturbed, the incredible serpent was already slithering from the hole, racing away in the opposite direction of her. His body would continue to retreat from the hole until she was sure he was ten feet long. A morbid curiosity would take over and she found that she had to follow it to it's next den.

It was obviously a danger to anyone that happened across it, and what if it decided it wanted to eat one of the smaller pups? She couldn't just let it go no matter how awesome it was. If it left the knolls she would leave it alone, but as it raced towards one of her favorite prairie dog dens she knew he wasn't going anywhere. Following him from a distance she knew the moment he entered the dens. Ten dogs raced from the burrows and Rhythm's bright eyes would widen. Eagerly she'd chase after a particularly rotund one, it hadn't been expecting a wolf on the other side of its door.

Snake forgotten Rhythm grabbed up her prize quite pleased with the outcome of her close encounter.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



2 Years
02-22-2015, 06:35 PM
It was his second full day of officially guarding Imperium, and he was still busy familiarizing himself with the layout of the land. He was fairly confident of his mental map of the range, but the knolls was another story. It was hard to view it all from any one point, and so he found himself spending much of his time here, trying to find the best vantage to overlook as much land as possible. There were few guards of Imperium, and although everyone was capable of keeping the place safe the true responsibility fell upon his and Lysis' shoulders. He, for one, knew that he did not want to be the one to let a stranger slip through his paws. As he scaled a particularly decent hill he found quite the spectacle below. She was, perhaps, forty or fifty yards away, following something with a great amount of interest. He scanned the earth in front of her in just enough time to see the serpent slither into the prairie dog den. Oh, that wasn't good. The dogs scattered in every direction, looking like oversized ants in a frenzy. He watched them go, and watched the woman snatch an unsuspecting one in her jaws. A smile creased one half of his face as he descended the hill and moved toward her. “It's the heat,” he commented out of the blue as he neared her. “The snakes are more active in this sort of weather.” There had almost never been snakes in the North, but the few times he'd come across them he had learned that they were often found basking in the sun. In the south they merely needed to exist to feel the heat, and so they were much more dangerous here. “We ought to kill it if it comes out, one that large could easily take down an adult wolf - and a pup wouldn't stand a chance.” Until now he had been staring intently at the hole, but when he brought his eyes up to her he breathed in sharply. “Hello Rhythm,” he uttered, still surprised to have run into her again.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
02-22-2015, 07:56 PM

She would subdue the struggling creature with a quick bite, easing its suffering and completing its transition to tasty meal. She found that her little knoll valley was mostly unvisited, though she had attracted the attention of Soliloquy she really had little doubt that there were other males within the pack that might come knocking on her door. Such an instance would come about now right before she broke into the skin of her catch the sound of foot steps would first alert her. Her brilliant gaze would switch quickly from the meal at her paws to the form of Kyarst. She'd tilt her head curiously at his appearance as he spoke first of the snake she had followed. He had to have seen most everything that had happened in the last few moments to know she'd followed it here.

He'd make an easy comment as he watched the burrow it had descended into, if it came out they really should rid the pack lands of it. Though where it decided to come back out Rhythm had not a clue, all of these burrows were connected in some way, it could have stayed down there for days and left out another hole and they would have never known the difference. She'd smile softly at his greeting then, catching his gaze as he uttered her name. "Hello, Kyarst." She'd echo with amusement in her lyrics, "It's nice to see you again." She'd say with honesty, though he still held a dangerous aura Rhythm couldn't deny the pleasantness of the night they'd shared together curled in that den waiting out the snow storm.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



2 Years
02-23-2015, 07:11 PM
The odds of it coming out again were slim. It had been frightened and chased by a wolf, and it was most likely more inclined to slither into the furthest extremities of the burrow as it could and enjoy the lull of the heat. He wasn't entirely inclined to fight it, anyway, a rattler that big could easily take one or both of them down - and he couldn't claim to be the best snake hunter around. 'It's nice to see you again,' she would speak softly and kindly after greeting him. “It is nice to meet you somewhere other than a freezing, blizzard battered mountain.” He breathed a sigh and resisted the urge to rock onto his haunches, somehow he knew he couldn't be comfortable with a serpent so near. He allowed his tail to flicker idly behind him as he looked her over rather casually. She was still a pretty little thing. “Tell me, is this a haven for all of the pretty women in the world, or is it just a coincidence that you're here in the very pack I just joined?” Oh, he was laying it on thick today. On occasion his eyes would cease their roving over her frame and flicker back to the hole to ensure the serpent wasn't planning an attack. His tail continued it's idle twitching, wavering on occasion when a particularly strong gust of wind came through.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
02-24-2015, 09:43 PM

She could tell that the proximity to the venomous creature was making Kyarst rather nervous Rhythm held no more fear of it. Still, she'd rather go somewhere more pleasant for her meal. Though he'd still reply in a gentlemanly type fashion, commenting on the much more pleasant weather. She couldn't agree more and would smile amusedly at the comment, "yes it's much more comfortable." Though she'd still feel a flutter of nervousness in her stomach as his eyes looked her over. Her face flushed and her ears fall to her head humbly as he offered her an over the top compliment with the knowledge that they were now in the very same pack. She'd scoff, but there wasn't much fight in it as her bright blue and purple gaze found his again. Had she known he'd just met her cousin Mercy she might have commented on it being up to her Destruction blood. "More coincidence probably, I only joined recently myself." She'd answer before looking back to her plump catch. "I'm going to find somewhere less snake infested to eat my catch if you want to come." She'd ask him a similar question to the one the first time they'd met, chuckling softly she'd pick up the prarie dog not waiting for his answer. She'd glance at him before turning to head back towards the general location of her boulder covered den.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



2 Years
02-25-2015, 05:00 PM
He loved the effect he had on her, and found himself restraining a chuckle when she rather bashfully took his compliment. She was pretty, did she not know that? Her gaze met his and a smile crept across his features as his tail batted lazily behind him. So, she had just joined Imperium as well. “A fellow newcomer, what rank do you hold? I'm Praesidio,” he queried with interest. He was rather happy with his placement, but that wouldn't stop him from striving for a higher position in a suitable amount of time. 'I'm going to find somewhere less snake infested to eat my catch if you want to come.' Of course he did. The smile returned to his face as he took a step toward her. “I'll tag along I suppose,” he uttered rather casually. He'd given the place a good once-over, and it wouldn't hurt to take a short break from his duties. He was supposed to get to know his pack mates better, wasn't he? His tail twitched lazily behind him as he gestured forth with his muzzle. “Lead the way, Rhythm.” He would put more sultry emphasis on her name than entirely necessary, but how could he not?


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
02-26-2015, 02:46 PM

Kyarst was pleasant company even if he did make her stomach flop within her gut, the excitement was a nice change of pace from the thoughts that usually played in her head. A lot like Valentine he mad her feel dangerous, the feeling was difficult to describe but she couldn't deny its allure. Kyarst would ask her rank and her ears would still stay quite close to her head. She was ranked with Valentine's lovers, a fact that still didn't quite sit right with her. She'd tried not to think about it too much especially coupled with Cascade's first few words with her. These realities made her uncomfortable, and she'd yet to really talk to the blue tinged alpha about it.

She'd try to focus on Kyarst and just hope he didn't linger on the topic, she didn't wish to. He sounded quite proud of his place and she couldn't blame him. A rather important position compared to.. well her own even if they were equals in the pack. "Odalisque." she'd answer him with little other comment before telling him of her plan to move. If he wished to pursue the topic she'd answer him, and for a moment she'd wonder if he noticed how it effected her.

She wouldn't miss the smile he flashed her as he accepted her offer to travel along, the aloneness she felt was far more cruel than the over excited cravings she felt for any male that happened to cross her path. Being in season really was the worst. Quite surprised at the rather clean thoughts she'd been able to keep around the Armada man she'd push away the encroaching fantasies. She felt like she wanted to purr as her name slipped from his lips, still he'd cause a slight shiver up her spine, but she'd bite it back as she took her prey into her jaws. She'd flash him as much of a smile as she could with the thing in her mouth before letting her paws carry her up the knoll.

Unless he spoke Rhythm would remain quiet throughout the journey, with the prairie dog in her mouth verbal communication was impossible. She'd also try to keep her form relatively neutral, who knew what it might try and say to her traveling companion. Eventually she'd lead them back to the giant boulder with the tree sticking from its base. Her den was nestled beneath but she preferred the top. Home sweet home. The girl would drop her kill, not really intending to eat in front of him. "I'll share if you're hungry," she'd note as she looked back to the dark wolf.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



2 Years
02-28-2015, 09:32 PM
She answered him as they prepared to move to her chosen location, 'Odalisque' was her title. He hadn't heard of that one, but it sounded important.. or perhaps exclusive? He wasn't entirely sure what it sounded like. Her body language, however, seemed unsettled and so he wouldn't push the topic any further despite his obvious curiosity. An ear flickered idly as he followed along wherever she chose to lead him, her perfume stronger now that she was moving. It was her season. He found his heart beating faster, pounding in his chest, but he tried to segway his thoughts elsewhere. They neared a tree growing out of a boulder, and he eyed it - trying to be more interested in it than her scent. He wasn't doing a very good job, however, and very nearly bumped into her as she slowed and looked back at him. He caught himself at the last second and stopped abruptly, his emerald gaze meeting hers. What had she said? He hadn't truthfully been listening. He wracked his brain for a moment, and then remembered hearing her say something about sharing. “Oh no, it's your kill. I'm supposed to be on guard anyway, I will eat later.” He didn't imagine sharing part of a minuscule kill while patrolling was part of his job description so he would trot toward the boulder and leap on top of it, getting a better vantage point. In efforts to change the subject, he would return to a previously discussed topic: her rank. Long forgotten was her unsettled body language. “So what exactly does an Odalisque do, I'm quite curious.” Perhaps if he had paid more attention and remembered how she'd reacted before he would have avoided the subject, but Kyarst was not often known for his subtlety. He did not rest his gaze upon her as he waited for a response, and instead continued scanning along the furthest distance he could see, monitoring for danger or suspicious creatures.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
02-28-2015, 11:14 PM

She held her tail closely to her hips, very much aware of how she stunk of fertility. She'd notice the look of distant focus on Kyarsts' face, seeing the sudden stop he'd make as she slowed to a halt. Her ears would fall slightly as he rustled up his thoughts, leaving her to her meal. She would nod as he fled to her boulder, realizing hot flushed she'd become with him so near the distance was refreshing. She'd sigh, letting her haunches fell to the earth as she watched the fit beast survey the land. Not that he would let her relax for long as he offered his next question absentmindedly. What did an Odalisque... do. Her face would grow red as she found her prairie dog to be all to interesting as she thought of the answer in her mind. "Hunting primarily, as well as an individual's chosen main skill." That's what they did but not necessarily what they were. Though she did answer his question technically. She wasn't quite comfortable enough with the definition to really explain it for real. She didn't think 'going on dates with the alpha' was a very good answer, and she certainly did not want to think of what other duties those of her rank might be taking up with him.

To change the subject away from any more questions the girl would shift the attention back on his rank, he was either really into his duties or he was trying to ignore her perfume as much as she was. "You seem to be taking to your duties well." More of a distant observation as she tore the skin of her catch exposing the tasty flesh within. She'd focus on it and not the cute butt that was facing her.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



2 Years
03-02-2015, 09:34 PM
She would fail to meet eye contact with him when he asked about what exactly her rank did, but it didn't matter much considering he was primarily focused on scanning the landscape as far as he could possibly see. He did glance back at her, though, and noticed she seemed awfully interested in her kill. Was he keeping her from her meal? He hoped she would eat even with him there. He wasn't the sort of wolf that you avoided eating in front of. Rhythm soon offered him an answer, she hunted and did something of her own. What was her chosen skill? He thought to ask, but hesitated to do so. She didn't seen perfectly willing to speak in lengthy terms and so he would avoid asking her more. 'You seem to be taking to your duties well.' Ah, she was good at switching the focus onto him. He twisted his emerald gaze to her, offering a small smile. “I've always been the protective sort, it runs in my blood.” Armadas were all horribly possessive creatures, not only with mates and lovers, but with family and borderlines. There was nothing that suited him better than fighting for what he loved and wanted to protect. That was Imperium, now, and he would defend her borders until his dying breath - even if he shifted into a different rank. He watched her tear into her kill before lifting his gaze to the horizon once more. The buffalo were far away, near the outskirts of the Knolls. They did not seem spooked, so he knew that there wasn't a wolf around that area. He had taken to reading the herds while patrolling, it made it easy to cover a larger portion of ground. “It's thrilling, for me, knowing that the entire pack depends on my eyes and ears.” Those same eyes swiveled to her as he said this, curious as to what she'd think of what he had to say.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
03-03-2015, 11:43 AM

Thankfully he didn't press her, and even Valen had yet to really ask about her skills of choice. Though she'd been more of a messenger in Abaven the girl found that she had a talent in healing as well. Jer quick change of focus wouldn't go unnoticed and as Kyarst's gaze found her she could help but glance back up at him. His smile would cause a nervous flutter of butterflies in her stomach that she was sure she should have been used to by now. Autumn really couldn't come soon enough. His words brought a comfort though, even if Valentine had taken a more personal commitment to her protection knowing that he'd also given Kyarst the responsibility of pack protection there was no way anyone would think about touching her.

She'd shift her attention easily back to her meal before she could be caught staring as he went about his scouting, she'd take a few dainty bites before she heard his voice once more. She'd find herself looking up, knowing full well what he said was true, she didn't put much if any thought about her safety here. She didn't patrol the border or scout for intruders. "It soothes my woes knowing I've got Kyarst Armada to watch my back." She'd chuckle slightly, wondering if he'd also watch her backside if she gave him the chance. Though she already had in leading him here..

With the few bites of Prairie dog she'd had her stomach really had enough. Her appetite had been less than impressive with the changing of the season. Leaving the rest of her kill for later the girl found herself leaping upon the boulder to stand near Kyarst's left side. "So, what do you look for?" Her question was curious as she looked at him before searching the horizon herself. She spent a lot of time atop the boulder, the least she could do was to keep a slight look out herself.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



2 Years
03-03-2015, 07:20 PM
She spoke about not being worried with him watching her back, and he wondered for a moment if she was being serious. Did she truly think him a great protector? It would certainly stroke his ego if she did, but he had grown suspicious of compliments after receiving several fake ones in the past. Still, he chose to believe her this time, and allowed his chest to swell for a moment. She soon joined him atop his lookout post, standing at his left side. He allowed his eye to watch her through his peripheral vision as she asked him what he looked for. A smile crept across his lips, for he was very proud of his lookout skills. He was proud of just about everything, really. “Well for starters, it's best to keep your vision broad. A lot of guards like to watch a small area for a long amount of time, when in reality it's much better to take a wide and quick glance. You're more likely to notice something off if you glance, because if you start to look really hard your mind will imagine oddities and dangers.” He allowed his emerald gaze to sweep a large amount of the terrain before turning back to her. “Something that's kind of trademark for me is watching the buffalo. They are prey animals and are very easily spooked, plus.. they have a lot more eyes than I do. If they are acting suspicious it's likely that there's some form of danger near them. It may not be a wolf, but a snake can be just as much a danger as anything else.” He paused, taking a breath and realizing how much he'd spoken in just the past few moments. “Sorry, that was probably more than you wanted to know.” He let loose a light hearted chuckle, finding himself in a particularly good mood ever since joining Imperium. It was nice to have something to do again, something to protect. He allowed his hips to fall upon the boulder, resting into a seated position as he scanned the horizon.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
03-03-2015, 08:57 PM

She had no real reason to think him an accomplished protector except that Valentine had invited him into Imperium as well as giving him such a rank. She would think nothing but the compliment she'd given. And though she'd offered it with humor she did mean every word. She wouldn't miss the proud smile that played on his lips as she moved her gaze to the landscape around them. With ears tuned to his words she would watch the horizon, taking his advice and ferreting it away for later use.

He'd turn back to her and her bright gaze would find his eyes again, Kyarst offered her then a trick that he'd thought up all himself. Really as he explained it was quite cleaver, she was pleasantly surprised to know that Kyarst held not only good looks but an intelligent mind. Finally the man took a breath, chuckling slightly as he apologized for all the information. Rhythm would shake her head, "No, I appreciate it a lot. It'll be nice to have an extra job while I'm just sitting here." She didn't hunt, study healing, or collect herbs all day everyday. Scanning the territory seemed like a nice pass time.

She'd sit down with him then, letting a soft sigh filter from her dark lips as she took another look at the lands that were laid out before her. The peace that had fallen over them was welcomed, already the day was starting to come to and end and the coolness of the afternoon had settled around them.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



2 Years
03-04-2015, 12:05 PM
She shook her head in response, letting him know that she appreciated the information. He had been rather long winded about it, but he supposed that what he'd told her had been interesting in some way. He had no clue if she'd even bother to remember it, but he had passed it on nevertheless. She settled at his side and he felt an excitement beating in his chest, similar to that which always appeared when a woman was near him - particularly a woman in heat. He tried to ignore the feeling, focusing his efforts on surveying what was around him. She seemed to be doing the same, and for a moment a peaceful silence fell over them. The day was cooling off, ushering in the afternoon and the evening soon enough. He laid a sidelong glance upon her, posing a question that was perhaps far too personal. “Where are you from, Rhythm?” A brow raised in question as he glanced at her through his peripheral vision, head still turned toward the horizon.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
03-04-2015, 06:35 PM

Rhythm had every intention of using the information he'd given her, maybe someday it would be the difference between a win and a loss in times of war. The peace that settled over them would push the thoughts of possible turmoil from her mind, though her thoughts were still clouded by the distraction of her needy body. She knew exactly how close Karst was to her, and though she felt prickly she wasn't uncomfortable.

Her eyes would almost meet his as he glanced slightly towards her, her visual focus trying to keep on the horizon she'd try not to watch him to closely. His question was easy enough, and she would be able to answer it easily. She didn't mind sharing her story with the man beside her. A soft smile would play on her lips as she turned her attentions more towards the dark being, "My family all come from a land called Dimenticato, mostly from a pack called Ahlon." How much did he want to know? Not sure she'd take a page from his book and give him more information than he probably needed. "My parents inherited the pack from my grandparents, but by the time i'd reached adulthood all of my siblings had left to come here. When I reached Alacritia my brother had taken on the mantle of leadership and I lived with him up until recently." That's where she was from. "And you Kyarst?" Her voice was soft and inquisitive as she tilted her features slightly to listen to his answer.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



2 Years
03-04-2015, 07:17 PM
She would lapse into her tale, giving him time to look her over without looking suspicious. Wolves often didn't pay much attention to the listener's eyes when they told stories. It was something else he'd come to know. It was a secret he wouldn't readily share. A neutral expression remained on his face for the duration of her story, though his interest was there, just below the surface. She came from royalty, a lineage of Kings. He found such a thing fascinating, as it was what he had been born into as well. His tail tapped the earth as she finished her story, and he would pose a question before her own. “Were there no ruling Queens where you came from?” He only asked because she had plainly said her brother had taken up leadership. Why not she? There was the chance that she didn't want the role, but he suspected she might - who didn't, after all? But she had asked him of his birthplace, and he would not deny her the information. After an amount of time passed he began his own tale. “I was born here, in Alacritis. I am a child of the north. My pack was called Glaciem, but it is not of the pack that is now called Glaciem.” He would make that part extraordinarily clear. The Glaciem that stood now was pitiful compared to what his Glaciem had been. “I was born a Prince, son of Isardis and Sendoa Armada. My father fathered many sons, but only two were truly his - myself and my brother, Kuvio. I would have been chosen heir, but the plague took Glaciem by the balls and shook us until we bled. I lost both of my parents to it, in a manner of speaking.” Neither had died of the plague, but they might as well have. His mother had lost her mind, and his father.. perhaps he had never had his mind to begin with. Kyarst would fall silent then, his expression somber and almost mournful. He would do anything, kill anyone, to see them again.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
03-04-2015, 10:11 PM

He was right, she didn't much notice where his eyes were on her because her own gaze was quite caught up in his own form as well as the occasional look out towards the horizon. He seemed interested in what she had to say, at least slightly, so she knew she hadn't given him too much information. He'd add a quick question before she asked him what his life was like, but he'd pause to give her plenty of time to respond. "My parents and grandparents both ruled as equals, though if you ask me my grandmother was always the one who was really in charge." SHe'd smile more brightly at the fond memories of the first Novel and Dutiron, their recent loss still unbelievable in her mind. They'd always been a constant in her life, and knowing they were gone still tried to bring tears to her eyes.

She'd never really given much thought to leadership herself, surely she had the lineage to boast. She had every right to her own thrown, but was the weight of leadership really what she wanted? Rhythm wouldn't think on those thoughts for very long, instead the girl listened as Kyarst gave her a retelling of his past. He had been born here in these lands, to a scenario similar to her own beginning. It seemed that the dark Armada had endured as many, if not more, plights in his journey to Imperium. His expression had changed though not drastically she could see the pain his loss brought. Rhythm wanted to resist the urge to lean closer, but she knew those feelings. She might have experienced them just a bit differently, but she was no stranger to loss.

She would shift a bit closer, her gaze more directly focusing on his features, if he wished her comfort all he had to do was bridge the small gap that separated the two. "I'm sorry," she'd whisper, her voice quiet and her features lowered in respect for those lost. She didn't know how to tell him that she knew how he felt, so instead she would fall quiet again. With a shy but supportive smile she'd offer him an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on, even if his proximity set her skin on fire.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



2 Years
03-04-2015, 10:34 PM
He would file away the knowledge that both her grandparents ruled but it was her grandmother in charge for later use, and then of course he lapsed into his own tale about how he'd gotten here. His tale had left him saddened and morose, but his sidelong glance at her would reveal her closer proximity to him. She had moved closer in efforts to comfort him, he suspected. An ear flicked back over his skull, followed by the other as he allowed himself yet another moment to grieve for his parents. She was looking right at him, and for a moment he felt at peace. He leaned in the extra few inches, allowing his fur to tangle with her own, his hot flesh to meet hers. Her scent had not gone by the wayside, but until now he'd been able to ignore it fairly well. Already he could feel the heat rising between his hind legs, and he flicked his tail idly, hoping to draw his attention away from the sensation. “It's alright,” he finally answered, his tone hushed and lacking his usual amount of confidence. “They were fierce warriors, both of them. They had more victories under their belts than anyone,” he started, wondering how far he intended to go with tidings of his family. “No one ever expected it would be an illness that felled them. My father nearly beat it... and then he disappeared.” Everyone had thought Isardis would beat it, that he would return to them in only a short time. He always had before, and yet this time was different. He shook his head, leaning away from her and eyeing the horizon as if it might run away from him. It was a defense mechanism of the Armadas. Shove down your feelings and focus on the task at hand, and he was extraordinarily skilled at doing just that.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
03-04-2015, 11:23 PM

Kyarst didn't seem like an emotional being, but as their innocent conversation continued she suspected she was getting a peek at a side of him that a very precious few wolves had seen. She didn't enjoy seeing anyone in distress, but knowing that he'd been able to even give her a glimpse into those vulnerable thoughts made her feel accomplished. They barely knew each other, and yet here were intimate details of his life laid out for her. She felt honored with such trust.

He would lean in closer to her, his expression somber as he remembered his dam and sire. She could even feel the moment of peace that passed between them, a perfect moment that could have lasted an eternity. The only disturbance was the eager feelings that welled in her abdomen, though it wasn't her body that ruined the quiet. Kyarst's voice would be heard as he assured her that all was well. He'd give her more of a backstory, he'd tell her who it was he mourned. His father had disappeared.

It seemed though that he'd given her all he was willing to share, and she felt regret that he pulled away from her form. Her eyes would seek the opposite horizon, her words failing her again as she slipped forward, letting her chest fall to the boulder. She'd been tempted to off him further comfort, wanting nothing more than to simply touch him. Though part of her felt like it wasn't just her heat that was so eager.

Rhythm wasn't exactly sure where to go from here, she didn't want to push her new found friend. Obviously he held her in some esteem after their almost emotional minute. Maybe it was her turn to share. "My grandparents passed only recently. They were older, but instead of age they caught a sickness that eventually took them." Neither of them could boast a warrior status like Kyarst's parents but they had created quite an empire for themselves. Destruction blood could be found all over Alacritia. Though she knew very well that Novel and Dutiron's death hadn't effected her as badly as the loss of her nephews, the thought of them would have put her to sobbing. She had no doubt Kyarst would get weirded out if she just started bawling in front of him.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



2 Years
03-14-2015, 07:42 PM
He swallowed hard on the lump in his throat, trying to fight it down into his gut where he could better control it. He couldn't let the extent of his feelings show. That would mean weakness and weak was not something he ever wished to be portrayed as. He swallowed again, this time managing to keep the lump from bringing tears to his eyes. He wouldn't cry in front of her. He couldn't. In efforts to distract himself he would let his tail bat lazily against the perch they sat upon, his ear flicking toward her as she began to speak. Her grandparents had recently died, taken by an illness. He knew the feeling well, although he had never known his own grandparents. He had scarcely even known his father, though their connection was still strong. “I'm sorry,” he commented sincerely. “It must have been hard to lose them. Were you close?” She had to have been close enough to feel the weight of their loss, but exactly how close had she been? He felt the loss of Drashiel and Roman, though their relationship had never been the strongest - particularly since he had left Alacritis for nearly a season and a half.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.