
A Final Dream



09-08-2014, 05:16 PM

He had known his time was coming. So he had called a small council, the day before, and spent a long, sweet many hours with his family. Now, he wandered through the wild jungle within the walls of the Island. Soon enough, he found a place that felt right; a small clearing, with orchids dotting the edges of the clearing, lending a gentle perfume. He sighed, settling comfortably on the soft grasses, lowering his head to rest between his paws. It hadn?t been the death he?d envisioned for himself, truth be told; he?d had a thought of dying in battle for his pack. But? Perhaps this was the right ending to his own personal tale, after all.

His eyes flickered shut for a moment, and he allowed the sounds of the island to flow through him. The transition from one realm to another came with a sigh, and gentle relaxation of old muscles that had served him well through his life. However? Pawsteps broke through his relaxed state of mind. In another realm, he opened his eyes, aware at once of the strength flowing through him. He could see clearly, from both eyes, and the aches that had seeped into his joints during the stay on the Island had melted away. Silver paws came into his view, and for a moment, he thought Surreal had chosen to follow him. But the paws were too small.

He followed the legs upward to a face he?d not seen in so very, very long. Akana, her emerald eyes glowing with warmth and love, stepped forward, dainty as a butterfly on the winds, but as strong as the winds could blow. Her voice was a dulcimer caress on his ears as she lowered her head, pressing her nose to his muzzle. ?Welcome home, Cormalin. Welcome home.?

-End of Thread, and Exit through Death-