
Looking For Stars and got the Storm



4 Years
Extra large
02-23-2015, 08:27 PM (This post was last modified: 02-23-2015, 08:34 PM by Seerten.)

He had followed her scent from his cliffs to the ocean, his paws hitting the black sand. He had to look down in wonder, moving his head to and fro and watching as it glimmered before him. Obsidian. He knew what it was. Hmm, there must have been a huge deposit of it here, years of battering from the waves breaking it down into this soft, sand like state. It was very interesting that it still glimmered though, no matter how far down it was broken it still shone just like the full stone. He could have laid here all day looking at this sand, trying to discover more and more about it. But no, he had come here to see Astrea. Right! That was his purpose here. Clearing his throat the large beast stretched up to his full height, carefully glancing around the shore. It was about mid-day, a time that he never saw his dear friend. What did she even do during the day? Look up at the clouds and long for the stars? He smirked, interesting. She was so far away from the stars down here, he knew now why she was upset that her family had moved. He had extended his home to her, but she had not wanted to leave her siblings behind. That he would do as well, he missed his brother and sister. Growing bolder by the moment, he strut down across the shore, his odd shaped and coated body casting a massive shadow down across the black sand. He smelled her and those that could only be the rest of her family. But he couldn't pick up her scent on its own, just mingled with them all. He dipped his head into a den, but quickly retreated. He didn't want to wake or disturb anyone, but he had come all this way to see his little star goddess. Plus, she always came to the moontouched cliffs to visit him, and so it was his turn to seek her out.

"Talk" "You" Think

Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.



6 Years
02-23-2015, 11:37 PM


It could be said that Voltage was a little too protective of his siblings. Ever since he had met the stranger on their beach, even if she was really harmless, he had been on his toes. This place wasn't nearly as secure as he thought it was, but it wouldn't take long before their scent bathed this place and strangers would think twice about entering their chosen lands. But for now, Voltage was secretly doing rounds under the guise that he was just wasting some of his bountless energy. He didn't want to worry his family, if they could possibly worry about such a thing, not untill he knew that it was getting safer here for them. Obviously the first few days, weeks, or even months to get all the kinks out. He sighed softly as he trotted along the black sands that made up his home, feeling them warm against his paw pads and yet somehow cool from the ocean breeze. It was at that moment that a very unfamiliare scent filled his nose and he blinked, lifting his head. Eyes grew wide as he saw a large, strange white brute walk close to the dens and peer inside. His heart suddenly beat quickly in his chest, and he quickened his pace, trotting after the man. "Hey!" He called over the distance, lips curling as he stared at the stranger. "Isnt it a little rude to go poking your head in someone else's den?" He said with a growl, his fur raising along his shoulders and the back of his neck. Voltage was not a happy camper with this stranger.


Voltage Elementas



4 Years
Extra large
02-24-2015, 01:24 AM

It wasn't long before he heard a voice calling out to him, telling him that it was rude to peek into dens. His massive head rose as he eyed the electric man, who's teeth were curled back into a snarl. Seerten simply sniffed at the den once again, it was faint scent but had no powerful claim to it. He went back to eying the other wolf, simply blinking at his not so happy composure. Taking one of his awfully long pauses that he did before speaking, he just eyed him. It was really several moments before his pale muzzle finally opened. "Well actually, there is no scent marking this den. Hardly rude if the one who owns it cannot mark their territory," Ten's voice was level and smooth, he was not jesting nor teasing the smaller male. He was really just speaking the truth, with a shrug of his thinly furred shoulders. "Plus, it is hardly rude when you are accepting an invitation." To that, one of his brows rose in the others direction. "Its actually quite rude to treat guests with snarls and accusations." Oh Ten... His voice was so nonchalant, he was simply just speaking his mind.

Although he had every right to move across this land, he stood where he was staying, didn't even move to sit his rump upon the sandy ground. His chocolate brown gaze was level as he studied the other, taking in his yellow markings that streaked across him like lightning. His scent was somewhat similar to Astrea's, enough that he knew that this man was family. Several beats of silence had passed yet again, something that the other would get used to if he spent enough time hanging around Seerten. "You are Astrea's older brother right? I have met your star goddess, as well as her sun and moon," he couldn't help but smile fondly as he thought of his dear friend, his little star goddess. It had been at least a week since he saw her, something that was not usual for them. When she lived on the Mount she had come to the Moontouched Cliffs almost every night, but now she had moved a half a days run away from him. "Astrea is a dear friend of mine, and I have not seen her for quite a few days now... I am concerned about her." It rang true in his low baritone as well, his smile soon vanishing as he looked at the beach around him. He wouldn't have been so worried if she hadn't promised to come and see him more often. He missed his star gazing partner...

"Talk" "You" Think

Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.



6 Years
02-25-2015, 02:56 PM
Voltage's expression didn't falter, and infact it even got more angry. His eyes would narrow as he listened to this stranger's no-nonsense response, and it pulled another deep growl from the boy of lightning. "Can you not smell us along this entire beach? This is our home, boy, and you are sticking your head in it!" He said deeply, the desire to protect his family and his siblings from any threat. It would have been different if the stranger had apologized, or even better, called when he entered their home! That's it, they would have to make it official soon. The moment they settled they were going to make this an official territory, and he would have to howl for entrance. He growled deeply, his fur raising along his shoulders and his face twisting into anger and malice. But then he said a name..his sisters name. More specifically, his beloved star sisters name, and he blinked, his lips uncurling. "What's your name, and how did you meet her?" He said with a deep growl as he looked this man up and down. He certainly wasn't someone that Voltage could take alone, he was going to have to call upon Glacier to help him kick this...thing from his home. Oh, Voltage was just a little too over protective, that was for sure. But this man seemed to have some connections with his family, and it had Voltage calming down just a little. But that didn't mean he still wasn't a threat! Oh, he was going to have to talk to his siblings about letting him know when they invited strangers, so he knew they weren't threats or not.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
02-25-2015, 10:45 PM

Astrea yawned, stretching out her legs ash she shook out her fur. She looked up to see it was late afternoon, about the time she woke up every day. She was a late riser after all, which Voltage assured her at one point was normal, so was her need to sleep outside under the stars, which is why she was out on the little cliff side where the older two brothers cleared out a spot for the triplets.

She hummed to herself then and started to make her way though the cave that connected the hidden cliff view to the rest of the caves and then stopped as she heard voices. One was definitely Voltage, another... Could it be? Why was he at the beach? She never saw him leave his cliffs, did he come to see her? She perked her ears at this point, her starry tail waving behind her, but as she moved closer to the two her mood plummeted. Why was Volt growling... He only did that when there was danger near, and Ten could not hurt a fly let alone another wolf.

She picked up her pace coming to a stop at the end of the family den to see Ten's recognizable spotted bulk and Volts equally recognizable yellow streaked frame. She whimpered then as she raced forward and placed herself between the two males. "Volt. Stop. What are you doing?" She practically whispered the question, fearful for both her brother and her close friend. "He is my friend." She looked back at the male then turned back to her brother. "He was probably looking for me, he wouldn't hurt the family." She pressed her ears back against her skull. What could Ten have done to cause Volt to act like this, even if he stood outside the den he did not enter and she could tell by his relaxed posture he was not acting aggressive. But she also knew Volt, he took his job as the family protector seriously, if anything where to happen to any of them she was sure that would break him. The family was to him like the stars are for her, she knew.

"Please Volt, do not hurt him."



4 Years
Extra large
02-28-2015, 03:13 PM

Seerten was a very level headed man, although when the lightning struck wolf called him a boy, he felt his hackles raise slightly. He may be younger, but he was no mere boy. He was mulling over his response when more words were spat at him, demanding to know what his name was and how they had met. "Our meeting was by sheer accident, I assure you I mean you and your family no harm," he said clearly, about to introduce himself when his chocolate gaze was pulled elsewhere. Astrea raced to the scene, concern on her pretty black face. He couldn't help but let out a chuckle as she jumped between the two, as if to stop a fight. Ten was still seated on his rump, he was no where near coming close to her brother. With amusement in his gaze, he rose and padded up to her, nuzzling behind one of her ears. "Its okay, Astrea. He is only trying to keep his family safe, I can appreciate that." He said softly, briefly looking up at the yellow coated man. He too, knew how important family was, and it made his heart sting. He missed them so much, and would give anything to find them again. Clearing his throat, his different shaped ears pulled back slightly. "If I am not welcome here, I will leave. I was just saving the star goddess from the long trek to where I stay. I thought that it may settle your fears." His voice was not accusing, just his normal, leveled tones. Astrea was no child, but he too feared for her safety when she left the cliffs. So he thought that he was taking the better route by coming here instead, only to be met by an over protective brother. He laughed softly, gazing fondly between the two wolves. If his brother and sister were still with him, he would react the same way. Plus, there were so many of them here, so many mouths to feed and keep safe. He didn't want to intrude on any of that, so if he was asked to leave, he would do so without argument.

"Talk" "You" Think

Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.



6 Years
03-11-2015, 05:57 PM
Voltage continued to glare, huffing when Seertan assured him that he meant no harm. Perhaps it was because he was on edge, his fur ruffled by constant “trespassers” and his own inability to fully settle. He was constantly wracked with worry, constantly pushed and pulled with the tide and this could almost be considered a straw on the camel’s back. Volty normally loved strangers, but this man, with how large he was, and how he so easily moved upon their homeland and looked into their dens, it made his hair rise. He couldn’t handle it, this overwhelming sense of protective instinct that he felt when he looked at this stranger, and the fact that he seemed to seek the more “delicate” of his siblings. It certainly ruffled the boy’s feathers. But then she made an appearance, jumping between the two of them. He stared at her, stormy eyes narrowed but he said nothing. His lips would fall back over canines but that was the only movement he made. Voltage was upset, but that didn’t mean he would have jumped into a needless fight. With a heavy sigh he merely shook his head, his fur slowly falling along his neck. Slowly he lifted his gaze back up to Seertan, his ears lifted and twisting towards him as he listened to his words. And he sighed, heavily. All aggression seemed to flood from him at the very sight of his sister, and with it went his strength. Without his snarling, his curled lips and narrowed eyes, it was obvious how exhausted Voltage seemed to be. And he slumped, slowly lowering to his haunches as he looked to the side, clenching his jaw and staring down at the ground. "I wasn’t gonna hurt him.." Voltage whispered as he looked back up at his sister, offering a small smile as he shook his head. "It’s nice that you’ve made a friend. But next time…warn your big brother when you do, so I can expect company.." His deep voice was tired as he slowly raised himself up to his paws, raising his gaze back up to Seertan. "No, stay. …sorry." He rumbled as he turned his gaze away again, perhaps embarrassed, or perhaps he was settling for the company with his sister in his presence. Either way, he felt his strength just leave him, his scattered sleep and stress and anxiety catching up with him in that moment. "I hope this doesn’t…color your impression of me."

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
03-15-2015, 04:52 PM

The tension in Astrea's body eased as she saw Volt's glare eased but soon escalated when he slumped. Ten temperately forgotten Astrea rushed forward as he seemed to shrink in on himself. "Voltage?" She pressed her nose to his cheek willing the power she just absorbed from the stars flow through her to him. She was not sure it would work but her suspicions about her older brother could be proved or disproved in this one moment. The mystery of her bother maybe cracked in this one moment, only if this one moved worked. She hummed, feeling the energy of the stars shift in her body, would he take what she offered? She hoped he did, he was her brother, she loved him, she only wanted to help him when she could.

She stopped humming as she pulled away the moment broken, power ebbing its movement, settling back into her. She will need to restore her power, but not now, she could do it tonight, maybe Ten will let her go back to his cliffs; where the power came to her in massive waves.

She turned back to the big male, a large smile breaking out on her face. Now that the escapade of the moment passed she now appropriated why this all happened in the first place. Seerten had fallowed her, just to come see her! She hummed again, deep in her chest, almost akin to how a cat sounds when its at its most content. She moved to Ten then and pressed her nose to his cheek. She had no idea she missed this big male so much until he showed his face around the family den.

"I am glade you came, Ten. I have missed you." She moved her nose and then turned back to her brother, her pale eyes bright with affection. "I will try to give you a heads up the next time I make a new friend." She laughed her starry tail wagging lightly behind her. She watched as her brother turned his head and then apologized. Her tail lowered then, her head tilting to the side slightly. He looked lightly embarrassed, why? He was protecting the family, Ten was large and imposing, so she understood Volt's reaction to him so there was no need to be embarrassed. "Come on Volt, Ten understands why you reacted this way!" She looked back at Ten, a goofy smile much like the ones he gives her spreading her maw. "Right Ten."



4 Years
Extra large
03-21-2015, 11:35 AM

It would seem that Astrea being there calmed down the male, and he just looked tired. Seerten watched as his star goddess rushed forward, trying to comfort him and ask if anything was wrong. His own eyes reflected her worry, perhaps he had been too bold in coming here. He didn't wish to cause any trouble, and yet it seemed like he had bitten off a little too much with this trip. It was all worth it to see Astrea though, he would do anything for the little woman. He made a move to leave, to fix what he had caused, but the voice of Voltage told him to stay. He paused in his steps, turning his massive head back to the man. He dipped his head in a thanks, but didn't speak. Not until the man hoped that he had not ruined things between them. Ten couldn't help but chuckle, eyes sparking with delight. "No, I admire your need to protect your family. You're a strong man, and I am a big doofus to come here and stick my nose in things. It is I who should be sorry, not you. I do apologize, next time I will be more cautious." He really didn't like seeing the thunder boy upset, and the thought that he had managed to cause it. It wasn't like him at all, really. Astrea turned her head back towards him, heading over to him once again. He lowered her head as she reached for his cheek, rumbling happily at the contact. She told him that she had missed him, and he pulled back to catch her pale gaze. "And I you, my galactic princess," he said in a teasing matter, nuzzling her left cheek before pulling his head back up again. Astrea then confirmed his earlier words, and he nodded his head when she turned to him. "Of course I do. With all these woman running about, and all quite the lookers, I would be quick to defend them as well." He said after one of his classic pauses, looking down at the star spangled girl and winking at her. From what he had seen in her litter mates, he doubted that there was not a single one of them that were stunning.

"Talk" "You" Think

Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.



6 Years
03-26-2015, 11:37 PM
Voltage was tired, exhausted, he knew that now. Even those that seemed to have countless and unbound energy could fall into a rut at times. He hardly slept through the night anymore, often sleeping where he could and when he found time. And when this stranger had come, he had expended his extra energy on bristling. So he sighed, smiling warily at his sister before he would take a step back to give them space. Instead, Astrea seemed to have other ideas. She stepped forward, pressing her nose into his cheek, and he would smile. It didn't work like she hoped, he couldn't absorb her energy and rejuvinate his own, but it felt nice either way. With a small chuckle he'd turn his head to press a kiss into her cheek, nuzzling into her furs.

When they assured him he shook his head, feeling his exhaustion prickle at the sides of his eyes. He felt heavy, it was an odd feeling. "It is still embarrasing." He said with a small laugh, lifting his gaze from his sister up to the big spotted stranger. "I still extend my apologize, but you are quite right. My sisters are precious, and I will go to the ends of the earth and bare the pains of death to protect them." It was not only a statement, but a promise. Do not harm her underlined it's meaning, and he would stare at Ten squarely before he smiled again, relaxed and nearly carefree once more. "Please, enjoy our home. Astrea could show you the cliff side that we had found for star viewing, I'm sure you'd enjoy it as well." It was a suggestion, and he turned his gaze to Astrea as he said it, smiling gently. It was extending permission to the stranger, but also showing her that he trusted her judgement. "We are to make these lands official, soon, so what you stand on will be packlands. Please, in the future, howl at the borders? You are welcome here, but it doesn't hurt to give me and my kin a little warning." He would smile, dipping his head to the pair before moving to turn, to give them their space and allow Astrea to show them around their home.