
Even Hurricanes Have Names



2 Years
02-24-2015, 11:54 AM
they love the way i walk
'cuz i walk with a vengeance

You know why habit rhymes with rabbit, 'cuz your whole life disappears down a rabbit hole. When you grow long sensitive ears to better hear the sounds of sirens coming for you, it becomes an instinct to escape down that hole before your predators find you. Well, Fayelon is the rabbit and her inner succubus is her predator. She wanted no secrets, no lies, no betrayals so she could at least live with herself without waking up in broken dreams and despair. But what happens when the darkness in your life comes crawling back, lurking in the deepest, darkest shadows just waiting for the right moment to strike again -- well that big fat cloud of darkness in her life is her brother. It's almost always impossible to get rid of it, one reason why is because that dark energy clings to the vulnerable and innocent and sadly right now Fayelon is in her most vulnerable state of mind. The only real way to destroy it is to damn her brother back down to hell. But that will take time.

The  almighty phoenix maneuvers from beneath a pile of moss and prickly leaves. The realignment of her spinal cord pops compulsively by a swift move, she sighs at the repositioning of her back and slowly begins to stand to her foundations. Ushering her way through a fortress of trees and bushes, wandering these blasted lands without nary a sight of any four-legged creature since she came to Alacritia. The slender beast stretched down a path, detecting movement from ahead of her Fayelon rounded her scapula's and pinned her ears to her cranium. Dark black lashes blinked in sync motion as she watched the hoofed beast move against the thick aroma of darkness orbiting around them. She watched carefully as the body stirred once more. Undetected among the thicket she was protected behind, the gladiator preformed a steady, predatory volt around her being. The muscles under multiple points of her epithelium rippled, tightening with the anticipation of her first hunt in what felt like centuries to her being. After a few pondering moments and analyzing she finally drew her skeletal fractions back and sprung forth onto the herbivore.

Fayelon began using her sharp irises to rip through the tenderloin of the beast, her phalanges held the carcass down as she devoured it's essence. Hunger was one element in this dreadful world that wasn't so easily subdued or persuaded, so quite frankly she caved in to temptation and fed her way out of it's hazardous imprisonment. Having not being able to stick to her regulated diet since she has stepped foot onto these new lands has defiantly driven her mad, starvation isn't something to take cold-heartedly. Now with a full stomach, energy and strength regaining it's compulsion and pumping blood throughout her bodice -- fueling her with the stamina and endurance that she so greatly needed at this moment.



2 Years
02-24-2015, 12:17 PM

Not far away, a gray youth was moving in a manner that suggested he was battling someone, but there was no opponent - the fight was entirely in his imagination, a way to practice his skills without needing to fight one of his sisters (again) so that next time Daegmar decided to take an interest in them she would find somewhat less fault in his technique than usual. Not that he expected to ever impress her. Daegmar was unimpressible. Atreides paused in his shadow boxing, though, when the wind unexpectedly carried the scent of another wolf to him. A wolf without the pack's scent.

Bounding forward the young male was surprised to see a lone wolf tearing at a fresh carcass, no pack members in sight. He slowed, but not out of caution. There was nothing of caution in his laughing gaze as he drew nearer to plant himself before the intruder. "You're trespassing," he told her bluntly, a crooked grin and a laugh perhaps giving the impression that he wasn't serious. But the grin and the laugh were from exhilaration, not a joke - he was certain that none of the Imperialis kids had gotten to chase a loner out of pack lands.




2 Years
02-24-2015, 01:07 PM
they love the way i walk
'cuz i walk with a vengeance

Fayelon hadn't gotten more than five steps before someone decided to show up, her posture com-busts into a million pieces and her pin-straight black fur prickled at the ends. An average sized crown began to rotate in the direction the source of one's bark had come from. Her dark crusading physique relaxed when she examined the rather large over-grown pup in front of her, a grin splitting her countenance into as she held back a chuckle. Realizing that he was no threat nor harm the older women quickly responded, calm and soothing like always yet a brisk wrath of irritation and raw violence. "Is that how you greet someone who is new to the land? I may be trepassing but how was I supposed to know."

Fayelon positioned herself rightfully beside her kill, long strong legs spread eagle as it was her instinct to be prepared for a fight, then again she couldn't get into a scramble with a pup. Shaking her dome the black furred goddess tucked her chin into the base of her heart-shaped chest, eyes that burned two different colors of galactic remedies analyzed the young males lineaments and exterior. Her own proportions were crumbling with layers of muscle displays, Faye took in his "bad boy" profile and smiled at his determination to try and sound high and mighty. The fae's physiognomy so happened to change in both mental and physical aspects when returning her attention onto the dead animal beside her. "Are you going to try and chase me away now or do you want to exchange names and telling me what I am trespassing on?"



2 Years
02-24-2015, 01:16 PM

He cocked his head to the side as the female whirled on him and spoke. Boy, she didn't sound very happy. What bug got up her nose? He was just pointing out the obvious was all. "By using your nose, of course... The border patrols keep the border pretty well marked so I'm surprised you didn't smell it on your way in. Are you scent-blind? That's got to be pretty inconvenient." As for exchanging names... hm, was that allowed when you confronted a trespasser? It hadn't exactly come up in his lessons, and frankly Daegmar probably would have mauled first and asked questions of what was left of the intruder, but why not? "My name's Atreides Armada. This is Imperium land and I don't think my alpha would be very happy about someone taking our prey without asking."




2 Years
02-24-2015, 02:20 PM
they love the way i walk
'cuz i walk with a vengeance

Her interest at this point was below the negative line and he honestly could careless whether or not she stole from one's turf. Pack or no, if she was hungry she will damn well hunt wherever she liked. The pup was a bug in her ear that she can't get rid of and that was ten times more annoying than being interrogated. But she held her ground and spoke only by answering his statements. " Scent-blind? No. Not giving a rats ass? Yes. See, I smelled your pack mates scent on the borders before I trespassed, but since I am not used to this kind of "order" then I sought out food in the process of entering. Giving the fact that I hadn't eaten in days of being here, I decided to take the first chance of fresh meat I could get. Call me stubborn or call me arrogant, I'm not going to starve myself because of some useless border patrol. Or whatever you hounds call it." Her foreign accent clung to the earth's biosphere, her eyes narrowed in hostility feeling the air around her start to settle in fast and thicken from the tension.

With a rich, commonly not heard of Greek accent Fayelon addressed her title appropriately. "The names Fayelon Sin'Clair. An outsider to these lands and an alpha eh? Instead of talking about them, why don't you go ahead and fetch me your alpha." Faye snapped the last part out, the muscles in her bodice stitched together to form a more intense, defensive stance that held bravery and knowledge in its wake. Sure she didn't know much about packs nor alphas, but she might as well start testing her luck while she still has some left.



2 Years
02-24-2015, 02:40 PM

Atreides laughed. He shook his head in incredulous wonder at the loner's bravado, and laughed. "Really?" he asked her, his muzzle crinkled in an amused expression. "That's what you're going with? Even the babies in this pack get trained 'fore they can walk and you want me to go get Mister Valentine so you can disrespect our alpha? Ma'am I tell you what, if I call any of the grownups they'll probably tear you up and that wouldn't be any fun for you or me, would it? So I'm not going to call for Mister Valentine, or any of the grownups. I'm just going to ask you nicely to leave now that you've had your fun, haha, and you've got a fully belly so I think you'll do just fine hunting on loner land from now on, and I'll leave you alone to do whatever you want to once you hit the other side of our border. And if you don't wanna do that, I'll have to make you. Neither of us would like that much." His green eyes continued to watch her lazily but the mind behind them was alert and focused. He'd been trained in fighting literally since his first day out of the den and he was an Armada... he wasn't, despite his gangly-puppy appearance, the easy pickings she seemed to be assuming he was.




2 Years
02-24-2015, 03:09 PM
they love the way i walk
'cuz i walk with a vengeance

Fayelon took two steps towards the little fool then abruptly halted, glancing down at him for a while longer until a grin sprouted upon her lineaments. Her ligaments were dark and not-so-vulnerable. When the tip of her tail twitches and the shifting of her retinas give away no promises, as the words spill out like fire from her lips she embraces the clarity in it all. "Hmm, haha, as you wish.. Young grasshopper." The massive black python slithers past him, off in another direction that she saw fit. Should he follow and make sure she excludes her way out of the premises, that is all up to him. Although she sorta liked the company form someone other than her other half constantly pondering her, making her go crazy day-by-day. So she stopped, swooped her dome across her right scapula and breathed chants to little wolf. "For someone so young you sure do know how to handle authority huh? You'd make quite the alpha or shall I say King as my people call our superior.. Shouldn't you follow me and make sure I cross over? Or just set me free and hope I leave? Which, mind you, I'm not the best femme at taking orders from youngsters." Her Greek tidings held little irritation or aggression. Instead her expression held amusement. Shrugging her shoulders up as she didn't wish to wait for an answer, Fayelon sashayed away into the dense forest, leaving an echoing chuckle behind.



2 Years
02-25-2015, 08:07 PM
He had been patrolling, as was expected of him and was tasked of him. Things had been quiet for quite some time, and so he thought to greet the voices he'd heard in the distance. A small smile formed on his features, as he really was enjoying himself here in Imperium. The pack had marched off to battle only a few days after he had joined, and he was proud to be among a group of wolves that actually did something. Glaciem had become so passive after his father's illness, it had been pathetic. He neared the voices at a placid trot. A child's voice rang clear, and for a moment he thought to avoid the confrontation with the infant. He wasn't known to be the best with children. Alas, curiosity won in the end and he neared the pair of wolves. One was the child he'd heard, and the other was someone he hadn't seen before, or smelled - for that matter. The woman was smaller than he, and smelled of no distinct pack - not even Imperium. Hackles raised at once as he picked up his pace and placed himself between the boy and the stranger. The woman seemed to be moving away, but Kyarst didn't like the idea of her being here in the first place - not when most of Imperium's warriors were far away battling Lydovne. “I'll make sure you get back where you belong, trespasser.” the Praesidio would speak definitively. An eye shot to the youth who had encountered and engaged the stranger. “Has she been any trouble?” he queried, knowing that if she laid so much as a paw on the boy he would have to do something. A growl brewed deep in his chest, frothing and bubbling in his lungs. “Go.” he warned the stranger. If she chose not to obey his command, there would be consequences. Already he felt himself curling his shoulders forward and aligning his crown with his spine. A hushed tone escaped his lips, so much so that he was sure only the boy would hear. “If things go south, I need you to do something for me - for Imperium. Find Lysis Armada or Nagendra and bring them here. Got it, kid?”


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



2 Years
02-25-2015, 09:45 PM
they love the way i walk
'cuz i walk with a vengeance

Yet another ghostly figure comes sauntering up, all high and mighty. As this should probably make Faye's skin crawl it didn't do anything but make her utterly irritated, in fact she couldn't wait to step foot off this land. Her bloodstream felt like a lit inferno as he demanded for her to leave, such blunt aggression and not much to back it up with. The larger male specimen turned to the pup, breathing orders towards the youngster about others. As if this is going to change anything, the black haired goddess shook her dome in annoyance. Making an effort to measure the two then analyze the outcome of what could happen if she didn't go and stayed instead, would she be mauled or thrown behind bars? Who knows? Who really fucking cares? Fayelon chuckled slightly with a huge grin canvasing onto her features, her laughter did not cease until she was turning 'round to venture forth further into the forest. Spilling fire from her lips. "No need, I'll be on my way. Tell your alpha or whoever is in charge that I said thank you for the meal. I'll leave the rest for you hounds to pick off later like a bunch of vultures." With that Fayelon disappeared in the darkness and continued down a path that she thought was the way out of this hell hole. "Should have never left home. Wouldn't be dealing with bull-headed brutes right now."