
Fight Like Your Gods and Monsters



2 Years
02-25-2015, 04:12 PM (This post was last modified: 02-26-2015, 08:29 AM by Fayelon.)
you fondled my trigger
then blamed my gun

Trudging through the vast landscape, the young femme's phalanges crushed tiny petals of dead leaves beneath her, the soothing sound humming in her ear drums. The black phoenix prowled onward, sands of the Obsidian Beach implanted on either sides of the path she followed. High above her head, the tune of morning birds sang their song, the melody soothed her aching muscles as she had been traveling for some time now. It was their song that brought the quiet and distant fae to her senses, her dome rotating in the direction of a silhouette in the fading horizon. Fayelon hadn't known what it was, but it suddenly interested her and brought her rounding a corner to silently trail behind -- a fair distance between her and the stranger.

The wind carried the scent of the man and to her surprise he was alone, usually she found male specimens with one if not more, female companions. To her suspense, she drifted off to another world, wondering what he was exactly doing out here. Becoming increasingly curious, her absence of ones spoken remedies, let alone touch has been greatly missed by her inner goddess. Shaking her head to rid of the wonders of this male, the loner slithered her way further upon the man, her midnight black cloak gathered as much muscle fragments as she could to press together tightly so she didn't make a single rustle. Though not paying any mind to patches of grass below her, she had taken a step forward only to hear the loud crunch of the grass hidden beneath her weight. Fayelon's sapphire blue and ocean green propellers rolled in irritation, and this time she eased herself out to become less tense and more wary.



5 Years
02-26-2015, 04:10 AM

Tropical vegetation was a species of flora he never imagined himself taking a liking to. They weren't his usual pine forest, but nevertheless, they were equally still trees. He found it most comfortable being further off from the shore as no one else happened to be around. The rest of the family were either touring the caves or busy enjoying the part of the beach that satisfied them. It meant more peaceful alone time for himself. The sound of endless pulling waves echoed within his ears, another sound his hearing would have to adjust to listening to. After listening to the many exotic sounds of the coast, it only told him how quiet and lonely woodlands seemed. It didn't seem like much of a productive morning, sitting beside the rustled palms and overlooking the sapphire ocean. He was more of the thinking type than the doing type.

A faint feminine scent twirled amongst the lingering stench of salt in the air. Despite the fact he had been surrounded by kin his entirely life, the scent was taken as no surprise. He had no intentions to investigate as the scent probably belonged to a passing loner. His life may have only been involved with family, but he was not dumb enough to believe his family were the only wolves inhabiting the continent. If anything, his curiosity grew as the stranger's scent grew stronger. Perhaps this loner was not passing by after all, were they following him? He decided to play along with this game, displaying no signs of finding her. In his mind, he complemented her stealth, all until her position was given away by the grass beneath her paws. Whether or not he had discovered her earlier, he found this moment the right opportunity to toss himself into the scene.

"Sneaking up, are we?" Luxurious and rich words rolled smoothly from his tongue, tone ever so amused. His head whipped around to finally rest his bronze vision upon the woman whose path happened to entwine with his, a polite smile sliding to his warm features. A multicoloured gaze caught his eye almost immediately, a trait almost unusual to him. She was of the boldest of shades, a delicate raven in her form. Perhaps her personality would not reflect that, but only their encounter would reveal it.



2 Years
02-26-2015, 09:14 AM (This post was last modified: 02-26-2015, 09:24 AM by Fayelon.)
you fondled my trigger
then blamed my gun

Dragging her digits across the earth's materialized furnace, she came to an immediate stop when the male species spoke. Prompting her four paws on the ground, leaves twisting and turning around her fair measurements. Her claws were in fact extracted to a degree, approximately cutting deep into the fine layers of fertilizer beneath her. The silent reaper was encased with the lovely proximity shades of the darkness, although since his dome was already snaking in her direction she might as well step out of the black blanket. His facade was neither intimidating nor playing any role as a predator, instead he seemed calm and collective almost as if he didn't have a care in the world. Fayelon's apparent change in caliber she managed to allow a soft smirk split her outer exterior complexion.

His tone was on point with the rhythm of the wind, the glorious odor of fresh sea salt in the air beckoned her towards its crusading tentacles of raging current. For a short period of time she analyzed him with soft delicate oculars, her left eye glowed an eerie sapphire blue and her right burned a bright ocean green; giving her straight raven tainted feathers a gleam. Faye ushered her way over to the man, taking in his own posture and the sign of his fur coat. His eyes are what drew in her attention but she didn't dawn on those fiery pupils for long. Once she was satisfied the goddess sat back on her haunches and let ancient remedies of Greece start to pour out from vast chambers.

"Sorry to intrude on whatever it is you were doing. Not quite familiar with these lands just yet, it's easy for someone new here to get lost." Velvet whispers into the wind as she glanced over at the god beside her, she hadn't expected him to be so kind. You last two encounters with brutes didn't go down so well, then again she was "trespassing". The mere thought of those two imbeciles made the tiny hairs on hr neck and spine start to prickle. Shaking their faces out of her mind she focused on the nameless drake, smiling warmly in effort to give back the same vibe he proposed to her. "Names Fayelon Sin'Clair."



5 Years
02-27-2015, 01:27 AM

With confidence, the ebony female emerged from her shaded standing position and approached him without fear. She returned the smirk across her features before mimicking his seated frame. It was a silly way to commence the meeting with an apology over nothing, and so he sought to correct that.

"There's no need to apologize." The man assured softly, turning his skull to absorb her appearance within his charming gaze. He wanted to send the message across to her that he was doing nothing of such importance, unless sitting was deemed so. A snort escaped from his crevices, followed by such words. "There was nothing to intrude on."

However, now that this encounter had begun to shape into a conversation worthy of such value, he hoped none of his family would barge into the scene. So far this meeting seemed pleasant, a different taste compared to his usual familial interactions. Perhaps he needed to stray from his home more often, judging by the wolves he can come across.

"I am quite new here myself, seeing as I've recently arrived with family." They seemed to have something in common. Being absorbed with his natural fascination with the world around him, he wanted to know if she had the chance to explore or where she had travelled (if travelling was her style). Eventually these inquiries would be asked, but not all at once. "What do you think of these lands so far?"

The name she had given him would be repeated over and over in the walls of his mind, carefully stored within his thoughts. It was one he hoped not to foolishly forget, but with such a lovely match between a name and appearance, how could he?
"A pleasure, miss Faye." It was only polite to introduce himself as well, and so he did with a respectful dip of his crown. "Terrae. Terrae Elementas."



2 Years
02-27-2015, 10:23 AM
these bitches think they're the shit
 so i send them up shits creek

Nothing to intrude on, eh? Fayelon managed to rampage quickly through her thoughts as he spoke in sync motion with his activated jaws. The ebony painted vixen glanced up at him, tilting her head as he spoke of his family and how he was also new to the lands. Something similar in common with each other, expect she came alone -- although who knows if her brother is out there somewhere; hunting her down. Either way she escaped her home and arrived here on these barren fronts, filled with exotic creatures of the night. Some of which she has no desire to ever come across again.

His questioning gleam spoke of many things, yet when he opened those large embouchures the inquire came falling apart one by one. It took Faye some time to engage herself in his wringer of humble questions. What do I think? well, there's a lot she could say, both rich in criticisms and compliments. But that would take a life time for her to explain the good and bad things about this place. So she kept it sweet an simple, "i think its lovely here, so far at least." Fayelon shot the God angelic bullets of her illuminating crescent moons, flashing him her most charming and elegant smile before asking her question. "What about you?"

Ah, finally, his name. Something worth holding onto, she knew that much. Like a broken record she replayed each unspoken remedies of his identity into the dark corners of her mind, storing it where she will never forget such a name. His looks and persona wouldn't take a train ride to the lost and forgotten anytime soon, considering he had sparked her interest quite instantaneously. In the cavity of her chest a mutated wolfish purr of sorts bellowed in the depths of her funnel, it traveled perfectly up her thorax and out from the crevices of its harbored prison. "Lovely to meet your Terrae."



5 Years
02-28-2015, 01:09 AM

She gave a short reply, finding the lands simply lovely. He was more adjusted to his brother's way of responding with complicated and deep answers. Then again, what more could she say? The inquiry was returned back to himself, of which a reply he had already formed in his mind. He found the lands more than lovely, more than any words could describe. Even though he was yet to gain the opportunity to travel across continent, from what he had seen and experienced the earth wasn't just a home. It was his element.

"Despite my home being different from what I'm used to, I have grown to appreciate all landscapes in their shapes and forms." His words were melodious and carefree like leaves caught in the wind. A chocolate gaze cast itself across the waters, looking out upon the beach he proudly called home. Head turned once more to rest his softened eyes on the sable dove, matching a ravishing smile and intrigued optics. If he had given enough hints, perhaps the female may be able to sense his strong connection with the earth.

"I never knew anyone other than family in my previous home." This was, in fact, a positive point with his new life. Although he had been surrounded by kin in his earlier years, he behaved no differently around strangers. His confidence and articulation mirrored the same ways he behaved with family.



2 Years
02-28-2015, 01:38 PM

The onyx succubus elongated her front legs to diminish the irritated tightness in their taverns. Fayelon stood to her foundations, shaking off whatever debris in the air that made contact with her coat. She'd circulate 'round again to return her attention back to Terrae. He used a bundle of tidings to explain himself about the magical creations of landscapes all around him, he certainly knew how to alternate himself in ways Faye couldn't unless she felt strongly about a certain topic. Of course, these thresholds were obsidian and divine, she had yet to discover more parts of this earth.

Where did you come from? If you don't mind me asking. Her radiant smile and adored Greek tongue were nevertheless remarkably intertwined with her body languages. Taking it upon herself the charcoal designed she-devil sashayed down the mound and out into the plush warm pillow of sand, digits caressing the aquatic substance that lapped violently at her paws. Fayelon glanced beyond her shoulder so her different shaded retinas scanned the God whom stood atop the hill, if he decided to join her in a refreshing swim about the bay then he'll follow but the dame needed a quick dip.




5 Years
03-01-2015, 12:49 AM

In the corner of his vision, he would find her figure rising to her paws and giving a shake. Perhaps she was a little uncomfortable with her seating position. Once she had adjusted her seating, the inquiry of whence he came from slipped from ebony lips.

"Oh, I don't mind." The earthen brute assured before flashing a grin. He was relieved to hear the female inquiring questions. Their encounter would be drained from interest if no queries were queried. His chin lifted in the air to catch a warm breeze, allowing it to rustle his mocha mane.  Eye lids closed as he entered a deep state of thought. Memories of his old home were quite fuzzy, but not too vague. He had quite a comfortable previous life of nothing but family and explorations. After that, he was kicked out into the unknown at the peak of his adulthood. "Let's see. My old home was a small island off the...eastern shore. I was one of the first few to travel here and settle in a temporary home while we awaited for the rest of the family to arrive. Now we're here."
Perhaps he was an explorer, but certainly not an ocean explorer. The family's temporary base was somewhere in the east, so hopefully that was where his previous island was located. It didn't matter anyway as he held no intention of returning.

He had planned to return the question back to her, however, as his gaze watched her form with interest it happened to slip away from his mind. After trailing down the mound with no such flaws, she stood closer to the shore with cerulean waves lapping her paws hungrily. Desperate to beat the summer's heat, he soon joined the woman with a salmon tongue lolled out and a tricoloured tail swishing with every step he took. It was only then he realised how badly his limbs desired the sharp jolt only cold water could deliver. Slowly and lazily, he allowed the salty liquid to absorb into every pore belonging to his ankles. After a few moments of observing the tide tug and pull his weight before retreating in an endless cycle, he shot a curious glance to the peaceful Faye beside him. A plan hatched in his mind, and no matter how immature it seemed, he would still follow it through. In one swift motion, he dragged a forepaw across the water towards her in the hopes to cause a splash. Throughout this, a cheeky grin would stay plastered to his features. It was a test. Did the lady have her sense of fun?



2 Years
03-01-2015, 09:11 PM

Terrae, the God, made progress in maneuvering upon her throne. She waded further into the depths, watching his moral posture and the way he held himself against the gushing of the frenzied current. Fayelon's corpus was bubbling with a newly found interest in the man, her digits barreling deeper into the sleek platform of sand beneath her phalanges. Such a gorgeous corporeal embodiment of all different shadings of natural coloring, his facial expression held a devious grin and his body language told no lies within their roots.

His tall tales about his old home land never went unnoticed as she gazed at the larger beast in front of her. He had family? Has she ran into them? Possibly not, but maybe one day she will for she plans to keep him in mind for the later future. As they had hit it off immediately on her stumbling into his scenery. A angelic chuckle ripped through her insolent trap door, following words of pure toxins. Ah, I see. Well I came from a different atmosphere, a much darker aroma than this one. Being a Greek descendant I traveled far and wide to end up here.. in this magical galaxy. My family on the other hand are long passed the point to ever breath air into their lungs, aside from my brother Castro. He may have followed me here and if so than my past sure knows how to keep up with me, not that I entirely hate my family but there is a strong dispute and hatred that is not too thin from insanity."

Yes, quite a mouthful, but it was spoken like a wise prophet. She indeed had troubles with her family, or what's left of it at least. Her brother is the real issue in this whole ordeal, the two never got along, let alone showed any kind of compassion or love for one another. They are more like enemies, always trying to be the better villain than the other, aside from aiming to kill each other on a day-to-day basics. Though thankfully Fayelon won't have to worry too much about that bastard for a while.

The vixen cast her venomous optics out onto the waters fresh sea salt aquarium, finding peace in its waking climax. She was dawning on the past, about how her selfish crazed mother and her kingly brutal father. She gathered in a breath of fresh air and let it out as her crown began to rotate in Terrae's direction. She printed a fake smile onto her visage, although it wasn't long before that small smile faded when the chilly substance came crashing down onto her face and along her torso. She was now fully drenched from head to tail. She might have gotten mad if it were anyone else cloaking her with water, but she couldn't get infuriated with him. Actually laughter erupted from her chambers, shaking her coat to spray droplets onto the male specimen. Grinning devilishly towards him the dame drew entire bodice back into a playful pose than with ease and elegance Fayelon propelled herself into Terrae's frame. Hoping to cause the same damage he had done to her pelt, as it was intended for fun and excitement she planned to get even.




5 Years
03-03-2015, 05:12 AM

Mentally, important words that caught his attention were pulled from her phrase with ease, stored in his memory for future reference (if there ever would be a need). While he was one of many in the Elementas family, the female spoke of herself being a Greek descendant. Because he was unfamiliar with the strangers around him, he knew nothing of this Greek family, if they were a family. Followed by the descriptive language that rolled from her tongue, this family certainly had a different setting from his. With his kin, blood held its importance above else. Never was there such words of hate used within the family, unless referred to his long gone parents. They were no use to the family other than to bring in more litters to kick out from the island once they reached adulthood. Why that had happened to his siblings he did not know. However, throughout the negatives that swallowed the subject with a dark atmosphere, there was one positive that stood out. If it wasn't for such unexplained and perhaps careless behaviour from his parents, he would never have had the opportunity to start somewhat of a new life.

The information was spoken as if she were a wise wordsmith, cunning with her use of text yet fluent in the way it was presented. Was it another thing they both shared in common? Literature, speaking and general knowledge were his most advanced and developed aspects of his behaviour. Although, once in a while, he would require some coaxing from his quiet shell. However, this encounter happened to do more than pull him away from that shell. What else had this meeting opened up? He was yet to find out.

It was the moment of truth. His attempted splash worked just as planned, drenching the ebony lass in foul salty liquid. The smile printed on her features faded as the water soaked such pristine fur. Any expression could be displayed on her face at that moment, and he half expected it to be of annoyance or perhaps rage. It was a risky move he had chosen to do, especially with a newly made acquaintance. Yet it was laughter that brought relief to his worried self. Despite the droplets of water being relatively small, a dry coal and chestnut body flinched at the sensation of these droplets. Of course, it wouldn't end there. Judging by the look of her grin, the lass was yet to go along with more of her plan. Her body pulled back before it was thrusted forward, the force of such movement sending a wave of water crashing upon him. The same effect (or perhaps greater) that he had caused for her had happened to him. To sum it up in one simple word, it was revenge yet playful revenge. A shudder rippled through his form as the cold feeling gradually escaped his skin, leaving his fur in the same condition as hers. As much as he wanted to, the male was nothing like his aquatic sister, who probably spent more time along the shore than she did on firm ground. A strong connection with water could come in handy at that moment, but he'd have to work without one.

"I'd say we're even," He began with a lazy smirk. "unless you want to make the next move."



2 Years
03-03-2015, 05:33 PM

A demented grin played a foul game on Fayelon's characteristics, fooling around with her entire vessel as her being would probably be considered to close to Terrae's. But at the moment she could honestly give a rats ass, she was entranced in his milky-way orbits and his aligning of muscle fragments, the way his body structure fit entirely too well with hers. The ebony she-devil took a risk and let her black wet nose commingle with his, until she realized what she was doing and her eyes slowly drifted open. It was all overwhelming in the matter of seconds, her appendages restrained from their original position over-towering him and with a shy and embarrassed grim look on her face she sat back onto the warm sand. Her fluffy ebony tail lay across her four paws as she let her dome dangle.

Sorry for the ah.. tackle. She managed to split angelic tidings out from the roof top of her dungeon. Sure she felt awkward now afterward but that wouldn't dare stop her inner goddess in charming the masculine furthermore, in which she shot him a tri-colored galactic gaze and returned her smile of warmth. Her goddess was a pawn to these flirtatious devices.. considering she rarely ever flirted with any specimen. Sometimes she can be indecisive and this causes her inexperienced flirtation -- luckily she had her other half ready to leap into action when called upon. So, without any hesitation she moved closer yo, until her shoulder was basically touching his. She hasn't been this close to someone in what felt like decades. Her chambers rattled open, crackling with a chuckle of sorts before hymns of mystic melodies rang out. So, Terrae do you have a sense for adventure?




5 Years
03-04-2015, 04:26 AM

While her thoughts passed unnoticed by the striking brute, it didn't mean his own mind wasn't busy assessing the woman. Surely making acquaintances and friendly bonds weren't as easy and effortless as they seemed to be. Had he just stumbled across the right matching personality? It was a new unfamiliar feeling fluttering deep inside. Although he found beauty in every creature and landscape, there was something about the onyx dame that engaged his upmost attention. Mentally, the thoughts were shaken from his head. Why was he imagining such things?

A small wet surface collided with his nose, lids flying open to find the woman responsible for their brief contact. For a moment he was slightly confused by the sudden move. Was it normal for newly made acquaintances to display such signs of affection? Once reality flooded back to her mind, embarrassment flushed her aura as she recoiled. He kept rather silent, blinking several times before pushing the memory aside. Judging by the apology that shortly followed, it seemed to be a careless accident, which meant there was no deeper meaning behind it. If there was, he hadn't discovered it just yet.

A mimicking smile splintered across his features as her shoulder brushed his. It was a positive thing, wasn't it? With fur entwined, he'd hold onto that feeling, intentions of shifting his seated position sealed away in the depths of his mind. Another gentle inquiry carried him away from his daze, the subject being of his sense of adventure. Ah, everyone required a sense of adventure or they simply were a boring soul (to his point of view). Despite having a quiet personality, there would always his thrill for excitement hidden somewhere in his emotions.

"Of course." Words drifted through the air with perfected smoothness and articulate pronunciations. He flashed her a more noticeable yet irresistible smile, continuing softly. "I find it an important part of one's personality. Do you?"



2 Years
03-04-2015, 02:05 PM

Fayelon loved the wondrous excitement she got when adventuring across misty mountains and grassy moorlands, just pure serenity if you'd ask her. She smiled softly, turning her dome in the direction the wind carried whispering notes of her name. Yes, the ebony femme surely had a sense of adventure -- didn't everyone? But her's was something far more extreme and divine, having tested her luck quite a few times with hazardous landscapes just to spark her raging satisfaction of getting her blood pumping and feeling the rush of adrenaline igniting a flame in her vessel. Why of course! I absolutely relish in it. It soothes my troubled mind and calms my demons. The world is a mysterious being, breath taking in its beauty and the wonders it holds never ceases to amaze me.

The Greek tunes played off her tongue like a flowing waterbank, loving how they sounded so queenly and angelic in her own auricles. She'd turn to glance up at Terrae, wondering silently what he was thinking. After what seemed like a life time she stood, shook her temple and began to carry  herself along the shoreline of the Obsidian Beach. Breathing in all its lovely odors of fresh sea salt and the strong smell of pine oak in the air. She sighed heavily, lost in the aftermath of her thoughts, drawn in my temptation as she slowly was led down the bank. Looking over her shoulder every now and then to see if the God was either following or still positioned where they last shared flesh-to-flesh contact. Her sense for exploration was starting to revive itself and work its way to her appendages, setting her course further ahead towards what looked like a cavern. Calling directly over her scapula at Terrae. Hey, for someone who likes adventure then show me some fun! She halted at the entrance of the cave, grinning from ear-to-ear and her tail twitched from side to side as she awaited his waltz towards her.




5 Years
03-05-2015, 03:51 AM

Divine words painted such landscapes and adventures flawlessly in his mind. The amazement, excitement, serenity, it was as if he could experience those very thrills when the pronunciations came to his ears. Then there was the mysteriousness of it all, the world never the same place with each expedition. Not only was there beauty within the earth, there was so much to learn as well. With each adventure, he returned a little more wiser than before. She had a way with her vocabulary, didn't she? Perhaps that was one of the many aspects he admired and took a liking to. His own description of the subject would be as close to hers as it could get, unless the female challenged him to a describing contest. If there was anything he could possibly brag (and annoy) about, it would be his adventures.

His gaze studied her trailing form as she neared her assumed destination of the caverns below the sand. A sweep of the underground connections was planned when he first settled at the beach, but the thought had somehow slipped from his mind. The furthest he had seen were which caves were inhabited by each sibling. Of course, there was more uncharted territory he was saving for the perfect moment. Now that opportunity had risen, and they could both discover the unexplored the caverns, if she wished so. As if his very thoughts were taken from his mind and spoken by fluent feminine vocals, she called him over to take her on their own adventure. A playful grin couldn't help but to spread wide across his face as he caught up to her position in long powerful strides.

"Adventure?" Mischief set alight to the burning sparks in his feisty caramel eyes. Head lowered to form the serious gentleman position of bowing, although his suave words rattled with laughter. He'd grant her the first move to commence their exploration. "Ladies first."



2 Years
03-06-2015, 11:10 AM

As the stud came strutting up Fayelon shifted a little, taking a quick glance over his proportions before taking up his offer and slithering through the portal. The venus was swallowed in black, enveloped by it, devoured by it. With her already black as night fur coat she blended quite well with the darkness orbiting around her being, although her orbs gave away her position as she grazed her dome back over her scapula to beckon Terrae forth. Come on! Don't be scared! She teased sweetly and even though it couldn't be seen in the dark, a sly grin pieced its way onto her canvas.

Fayelon barreled further through the vast cavern, slowly following the light that shinned with evolution in its waking climax as the femme drew closer. The small spec grew wider, expanding in size as the she-wolf neared its haven. Finally coming upon the entrance of what seemed like glowing crystals in the mist of an aquatic hot spring, the welcoming fragrance of the cave allowed her pores to relish in its soothing remedies. Her mystic gaze traveled from each corner, taking in its beauty as best she could before the wonders of this place were lost to her forever.

ooc;; sorry dear my internet just came back on and my muse dropped when I started writing this :/




5 Years
03-06-2015, 07:53 PM

Engulfed in darkness, large paws trudged behind the smaller frame of the female as she began the exploration. Calling back to him, she ensured the man not be scared. Scared? Why would he? He was too caught up with his deep concentration with the cool stone built around him to worry about any fear. With the rhythmic patter of their steps and the hollow echoes surrounding him, it easy to slip away into his thoughts. It brought him back to the conversation he once had with his elder brother some time ago. An inquiry rose, questioning if he felt the same strong pull to his element underground as he did with natural life on the surface. Of course, he didn't know at that time. Swaying on his limbs and focusing on the energy flowing around him, he surely had that answer.

The male's figure silently sneaked closer to hers, not daring to disrupt their synchronised steps. Wrapped in her feminine aroma, he held onto that scent for a few moments longer. Why did such scents have to be so teasing? As light erupted further down the tunnel, he shrunk back into his previous position, keeping some distance between them. His previous thoughts were shaken out of his head as the two steered into the open cavern. Mirroring the woman's awe, his gaze trailed across the beauty of the cave. Intricate crystals grew along the stone surface, illuminating the cavern with a mystical glow. Was it real what he saw? It seemed too delicate to possibly be recreated in a physical object. Who knew caves held such things? In the midst of the intriguing geological formations, a body of water laid undisturbed. Moist air drifted around him, resembling the assumed temperature of the warm spring before them. The cave was the perfect environment for aromatherapy or any healing for that matter. Such smells, temperature and water were as beneficial as they could get. As those thoughts drifted away from his clearing mind, he slowly approached the spring in a daze. Dabbing a paw into the warm water, he peered back at the gazing lass, hoping she would join him.



2 Years
03-07-2015, 02:35 PM

Envy swallowed her whole as she gazed at the mystical crystals and colorful lights that beamed off each corner of the cave, absolutely breath taking. Lost in her own little world the lovely onyx woman began to work her appendages across patches of grass and rock materials, feeling the furnace beneath her very carefully so she could gain more of a connection with this place. Sweet revenue, something she could most defiantly call a spa. This cavern was indeed one she'll never forget, hell she might even stop by for a quick dip in the hot spring.

Fayelon was too drilled into the fact that such a beautiful kingdom could be buried underground in a cave that seemed useless, that was before she found the glowing light that was this place. A devious grin cascaded onto her feminine physique, circling her head in the direction the mortal God stood. The look he gave her was both intriguing and held a silent unspoken question. She tipped her crown towards the male, slowly rotating her bodice so that she was padding up to stand rightfully by his side -- her black fur brushing against his milky-way tri-colored coat.

Her sharp grin formed into a genuine smile, one that wouldn't so easily evaporate. It took her some time to draw her attention back onto the masculine for she was still in awe of this wonderland, although finally she pried her mouth open to spill tidings out between her daggered bicuspids. This place is simply.. magnificent.. no, there's no words to describe how beautiful it is. Her voice was soft and gentle, glancing down at the sparkling calm water below, it's warm temperature pre-heated her entire vessel in one quick wave. Her eyes darted up to look at Terrae, her smile never faded and she felt her cheeks become rosey red and she'd look away. Dipping her right paw in the springs moist substance she almost purred like a cat at its warm embrace.




5 Years
03-11-2015, 12:56 AM
Sorry for the wait, internet problems and all.

While some of his family had temporarily abandoned the home over the fact it wasn't satisfying, from the start Terrae was clearly determined to find a piece of the beach that suited him. He had been expecting greenery, and that was certainly what the beach lacked aside from small patches of grass and a few palms. Others had what they wanted right before them with no effort finding them whatsoever. It had been a challenge pretending to like his new home only so he would not bring disappoint to the elder brothers. His life would have been almost boring if his and Faye's discovery had not been accomplished. A cave beyond compare, all to themselves. He held no intention to blab this secret to the family. It would be his and the female's to share.

As he thought, no words could describe the natural display surrounding them. She attempted to describe the area, but despite being a talented wordsmith she only gave up at such a task. The woman seemed to have more of her interest caught with the alien-like formations blooming on the stone walls, not that the "spa" was the only intriguing aspect of the miniature paradise. They were like flowers, flourishing freely with no limitations to the heights they reached. And like the whole cavern around them, they were flawless jewels. If only he could turn a part of the formation into a pendant and use it as a priceless gift, and that would only happen if he would dare break such a creation.

Unlike the roaring rhythmic waves upon the surface, this was a completely different environment providing relaxation rather than playfulness. Heat radiated from the bubbling spring, clinging to his fur and demanding him to enter. Usually he was a strong minded character, but with such an irresistible decision, how could he resist? The man shot the female an expressionless glance before it faded into a mischievous grin as another forepaw was dabbed into the whispering water. What was he waiting for? The rest of his body slithered in without too much noise amplifying from the spring, swallowed by the cleansing liquid. A shiver trembled through his spine as his body melted over the sensation and warmth.

"This can be our little secret." A soft coo slipped from his lips, almost a breath-like whisper. Hazel optics glimmered in the unique glowing light as he lifted his chin to trail his gaze over her curved form. His tone resembled that of a child's, whenever puppy secrets were told to be kept. "No-one else needs to know about this."



2 Years
03-16-2015, 07:20 PM

The Pharaoh waded into the heated furnace that could be described as a hot spring, a spa. He spoke of secrets and promises to her, quite to her retribution that the two of them will share the hot spring -- for it was there's to behold and there's to keep, so long as no one else finds out about this wonderland. Her lips were sealed, hopefully she can depend on the male's chambers to keep shut as well. The black python slithered forth into the misty lava that ignites a flame inside her bloodstream. Her slim bodice swayed further, trying to explore its vast complexity and she took in all of its raging temperatures to its highest advantage.

She wanted to get a good feel of this place and as far as she knew it was certainly a keeper, still though she worried that she might spend the wonders of this cavern by herself instead of sharing it with someone. She hoped and silently prayed that Terrae would be the one to bond with her in a paradise like this one. Fayelon exhaled heavily as she settled into the depths, her tail stirring across the waters surface while her brilliant nebula's grazed the male's. She flashed him a pearly white smile as her bicuspids peeked out. She'd take in a few more precious moments before speaking up, currently in a daze with the warmth that invaded her pores and loosened her aching muscles; feeling a weight lift from her shoulders as the tender and tight tendons in her body went numb with release. Ah, yes, indeed you are quite right. No one's presence shall be shared within these walls instead of our own.




5 Years
03-20-2015, 04:14 AM

Agreement sounded in his ears, a secret sealed and securely stored in his mind. In pleasant silence, his gaze observed the starless furred woman slip elegantly into the heated liquid. The longer she took her time with doing so, the strength of his torture increased. As much as he wanted to admit, staring at one's movements was certainly an activity he had never engaged in. Perhaps it was the humid atmosphere slipping through his ears and messing with his thoughts. Whatever problems that once dwelled in the walls of his minds had now shrunken to a point he couldn't remember what they were. If he could recall, they would seem utterly useless and unimportant. The male had ventured into a sanctuary to escape the flawed reality his identity was stuck in and beyond the border were all his negative dilemmas with the hunger to consume his psyche. As much as he yearned to bathe his physical image in the heavenly spring like a slothful deity would do so, he had a life to return to upon the surface. Fortunately, the haven wouldn't be moving any time soon but what about the soul who shared the discovery of the cavern?

"I would hate for this to be our first and only encounter, so if I may ask," Where was the usual confidence in his masculine vocals? For a moment, he paused with hesitation, wondering whether or not to finish his words. Rather than the leaving the female in irritated suspension by cutting off his sentence, he continued while mentally bracing himself for her answer. Did she share similar emotions? "Would we be able to relive this moment?"