
oh my god, this is my song



3 Years
09-07-2014, 05:55 PM

Him and Drago wanted to explore a bit. And so, the two side by side, made their way across the lands until they came to a beautiful place...Valhalla's old heaven. Wolfpaw Lake. Drago wasn't very exhausted but Ixionn's feet hurt and he was so hungry. His friend was also pretty the two agreed to part ways to find something to eat. But they'd reunite once they filled their bellies. Drago was sure a nice little traveling buddy. The two talked about each others families and how they grew up on the way. Ixionn even sung for awhile. It wasn't very good singing...but eh. At least his friend liked it!
Ixionn casually slithered his way over to the large lake, paws gracing the earth and squishing the soft grass as he neared the quiet water. He figured he'd fish a bit. The boy has never tried fish but they seemed tasty enough...and he had pretty quick paws! The masked prince slowly leaned over the edge of the lake, staring in with a sly smile. He would sit for a moment and stare into the water...until suddenly, a fish came to the surface. Ixionn dove into the grass and hid his face...but relaxed his eyes onto the shiny moving figure.
It either did not notice him, or ignored him, because it just continued to drift by casually. The young man took this into advantage. His red eyes never left the fish...not once. But after a moment or two, his upper body flung down to the water and he snapped his jaws around the fish, paws gripping at the ground to keep his balance. He slowly pulled up and felt the fish wriggle frantically in his mouth. It forced him down onto the ground and he fought to keep it still. But it just kept moving and squirming. It's tail fin, too, kept slapping his nose.
Finally the boy tossed it out into the grass with a gasp, growling with frustration as it continued to wriggle around and jump along the earth. Ixionn made his way forward and threw his paws down onto it's eyes. Then, he grasped it's tail fin and beat it against the nearest rock until it was a bloody pulp. It seemed to stop thrashing...which made the prince hopeful. But it took more than several minutes for it to completely die. In that time frame, his blue iguana returned, legs moving across the ground fleetingly.
Drago crawled up his tail and made his way up onto Ixionn's back, long toes clutching his neck. He laughed softly and patted at his shoulder with his long tail. "I'm stuffed!" His strange eyes seemed to scan the distance, a confused look playing along his face. "Did you have any luck catchin' something for yourself, Ixionn?" Ixionn laughed and smirked, tail waggling behind him as he gestured toward his beaten fish. Drago gaped and slowly hid his face in the russet fur of the boy. "That thing wouldn't give up!" The iguana made a fake, playful gagging sound. "Ixionn, that is disgusting! I can even smell that nasty combination of blood and fish!" He cried out and crawled up onto the boy's head, staring down at the dead fish.
The boy giggled and rocked from side to side, tail still wagging in the air like a flag. He stuck his tongue out. "I don't think it's that bad...but hey, ya'wanna share?" Ixionn smiled up at his blue friend. Drago just snorted and hissed, sprawling out across the head of the young boy. "Maybe once I'm dead you can stuff a piece in my mouth! That is nasty!" The prince giggled and shrugged, staring down at his meal and slowly leaning down to lick off some of the lingering blood.


09-07-2014, 11:39 PM

The large crow had been watching the boy and his strange pet, his head bobbing to and fro when he watched the boy beat the fish. B flinched slightly, he preferred swallowing the fish whole instead of pounding the fish to death ruffled his feathers. B would have swallowed it whole! It was then that the wolf's friend climbed upon the brown wolf, something that had him tilting his head even further. Green striped crest would move with him, trying to figure out what that blue critter that seemed to like the feeling of the wolf's fur on his belly. Finally, the bird had had enough of just watching, it was so boring! So he spread his wings, hopping down until he was at the last branch. Taking a leap into the air and a few flaps onto the ground, he hopped carefully towards the pup and his friend. Clacking his beak in a nervous way his head bobbed to and fro, always wary around the predatory beasts. But this one was young, and he liked pups. "B thinks you killed fish wrong, caw! Silly woof has to eat it while its still fresh! B likes them a lot better that way." He called, his yellow eyes resting on the strange creature atop the boy's head. He looked to scaly to eat, plus he had big scary claws and a strong tail. Not prey that B liked to pick on, oh no.

B looked at the masked wolf, his quick head movements making the elongated feathers on the crown of his head sway in the movement. "Oi, Oi! What is the silly lizard sitting on your head? B likes your colours sillt lizard, nice and blue! B doesn't have many colours, caw! More then most crows, yes yes!" He cawed happily, taking a few hops closer to the pup and poking his beak closer to the fish. "B likes fish, oh yes he does! Would smallish woof mind if B had some fish?" He asked, daring to take a few hops closer, beak pointed towards the fish even though his yellow eyes remained on the boy.



3 Years
09-08-2014, 05:41 PM

Just as Ixionn leaned down to take a bite from his meal, a feathery creature came fluttering down before him. It looked like a crow...but it had a pretty emerald crown of feathers atop it's head. The masked boy admired the fancy little bird, but cocked his head as it began to speak. "B thinks you killed fish wrong, caw! Silly woof has to eat it while its still fresh! B likes them a lot better that way." Ixionn couldn't call this bird dumb. It talked a bit funny...but it was amusing and unique all the same. The prince slowly lowered his head and allowed Drago to take a peek at this bird, too.
It looked almost nervous being so close to him and his food. Did it think he would scare him off? Ixionn smiled and breathed out a soft laugh. His tail thumped softly against the earth. The bird's head always bobbed and it never stopped, talons shuffling across the earth and yellowy eyes staring into his red eyes. Until they drifted up to Drago, who was puzzled and wrapped around Ixionn's head silently. The bird questioned the lizard and all the same complimented his pretty color.
Ixionn and Drago both looked to speak right afterward- but B cut in with one last statement. More of a question. "B likes fish, oh yes he does! Would smallish woof mind if B had some fish?" The bird hopped closer, and Ixionn focused his eyes in on the fish. Then to B. He grinned and nodded slowly. "Sure, sure! Just leave some for me if you could. I'm starving..." The boy raised his chin and turned back to Drago. The iguana hissed softly and made his way between Ixionn's shoulders. "Don't cry to me when he eats all of it!"



09-09-2014, 12:07 AM

The boy said that he was starving, and to save some for him. B then shook his feathered back and forth as he hopped a step back. "No, no, smallish wolf eat! B can catch his own fish, oh yes!" Hopping back towards the lake he looked down at all the little fish, his yellow eyes taking in their quick movement when his shadow was cast upon them. Hopping down the lake until his shadow was on the ground beside him, B went back to watching the fish. And then one came close enough, the bird snapped his head down, beak easily closing around the slimy creature. B tipped back his head and opened his mouth wide, the still flopping fish easily sliding down his throat. B let out a strange laugh, hopping back towards the two critters. He eyed the strange lizard closely, not liking how it seemed to not care for B. B was a nice bird, he was he was! Turning his eyes back to the wolf, he clacked his beak together happily. "That is how B fishes, caw! Nice and fast, yes oh yes. B has to be fast with fish, they swim away if B is too slow!" Letting out another chuckle, he turned to the lizard. "Oi, why don't you like B strange scaly thing. B has never seen the likes of you, so B does not know what you are! Or your name, no no! B has shared his name, but B does not know smallish woof or blue lizards name. Shame, shame! B likes names, easier to know someone, caw!"
