
I'm So Sorry


02-26-2015, 08:29 PM
Ooc::Only Ritselli is seeking acceptance.

He had been dragging his daughter all over creation and for what? There was still no sign of his beloved, no sign of Elli or his other two daughters. Honestly? It broke his heart. It made his heart and mind ache. Why? Why had they disappeared? What had he done to deserve this? What had Ritselli done to deserve this? He would set the little one down, watching as she curled up, shivering in a ball. She was cold... hungry... exhausted. There was nowhere he could have left her safe to hunt... and he was killing her by dragging her out here with him. Suka would give a low whine, licking the child's ear. His daughter already was out of it... he couldn't keep this up. He needed to make a choice... and that choice was what was killing him.

There was already a pack near here. He could smell their borders that he lingered outside of, and Ritsuka would slowly breathe in, feeling his body trembling some. He didn't want to think about what would happen to his child if he kept this up. He would need to leave her behind, somewhere safe, and continue on alone. He just prayed that the pack he lingered near was of a light nature. So, picking his daughter up he would allow himself to travel to the borders, worrying more and more that his journey could have already compromised Ritselli her life.

Once there the male curled around his daughter, letting out a soft sigh. He would raise his head, letting out a howl for the alpha. 'Please,' He thought. 'Take her in... please.'



02-27-2015, 01:14 PM

Her father was hurting. He didn’t know where her mother was, nor her sisters, and thus the search began. The scent trail became cold... And they were lost. Ritselli would whimper within her father’s jaws, curled up. She was cold, hungry. He had tried getting her to eat meat but it was hard on her stomach... It was early for her to be switching from milk to meat yet. But what else could he do with her mother gone? Ritselli had no idea what they were going to do; she just let her father carry her where he would, heading further into the lands of Alacritia, and never letting her down alone for long.

Finally they would stop again, her father howling for someone. Ritselli would curl close to his chest, shivering and whining. She didn’t understand why her father had brought here here. He seemed so sad too, curled around her so. Ritselli would look at him, speaking softly. “Papa? When are we gonna find Mama and my tisers?” He didn’t answer her, just licked her ear quietly. He seemed even sadder now... Had she done something wrong? The little girl had no idea her whole life was about to change... And her father would soon be gone from it.

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-02-2015, 06:32 PM (This post was last modified: 03-02-2015, 06:33 PM by Epiphron.)
The call of a stranger would rouse Epiphron from her quiet thoughts. There was nothing familiar in the male's call, that rang out across the lands that she had come to know as her home, which only further picqued her curiosity. With ease the sovereign of Fiori would rise to all fours, moving quickly across the flat terrain toward the border. As she drew closer, she noted that a man and a smile child lingered there. Head would tilt to the side as she closed the distance between them, tail curling in a display of dominance above her back.

Only when in earshot would she speak, wondering why they had come here, if they had any reason at all. "You stand on the borders of Fiori," she instructed him matter-of-factly, her tones quite proper though certainly far from harsh. "What is your business here?" Her stare was vibrant as she let it moved from the man to the girl, who looked like she might be his child, noting neither of them looking particularly well. Were they in need of help? Or did they have some other business with them?

COPYRIGHT argent 2015


03-05-2015, 09:01 PM
A female would soon call once she was in earshot. Ritsuka would lift his head, at a loss on how to answer his daughter. Oh this broke his heart, and he wondered if she could ever understand. Sadness reflected in his eyes as he looked at the female with the tattered ear, a soft whine escaping him. Oh he could only pray that mercy was in this female's nature. Ritsuka would let a sigh pass his lips before he began to explain to the female their cause for being on the borders of her home.

"Ma'am, my name is Ritsuka Sotakiu. I am a recent father, however it seems that my mate and my other two daughters have vanished into thin air. I'm unsure what has happened to them... but alone I am unable to care for my remaining child. I can not be the parent she needs. I can't take care of her properly when I'm searching for the rest of our family so fervently. I fear that if I keep her with me in my search that I may lose her... and so... I would like to beg that you take her into your pack. I know she is another mouth to feed, but she comes from strong lines of good wolves. She can grow strong, and be an asset to your pack. Please..." The man would beg the woman. The thought of being turned down scared him. It could very well seal Ritselli's fate if she was.



03-05-2015, 09:07 PM

Still no answer came, even though she waited. But what did, or rather who did, come was a stranger. Ritselli would turn her green eyes upon the woman, her eyes round with wonder and awe. She carried herself much like her papa and mama used to, before her mama disappeared and her papa became sad. The little girl would give a soft whine. Why was this stranger talking to her daddy? He had called for her? Confusion, not understanding how packs worked and what a "Fiori" was the girl would shift her gaze back to her father. She would press into his coat, ears lowered as she listened to him speak. But then he started talking about leaving her here... with this woman? The girl would let out a high pitched whine, tears starting to fill her eyes. "Nooo! Papa I want to stay with you! Don't make me stay pleasssseeeeee." She would cling to the man, shivering heavily. "I don't care if I'm hungry or a little cold! I'll be okay, and I'll be a good girl I promise! Let me stay with you!"

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-13-2015, 06:55 AM (This post was last modified: 03-13-2015, 06:56 AM by Epiphron.)
This was uncomfortably reminiscent of when Arian had arrived on the borders with her birth mother, when she'd learned of her friend Natsu's death, and she'd been asked to take in their daughter. The decision to care for her had been easy, and naturally she had grow to care for her as any of her other children. Her gaze was narrowed as she watched the man speak. His voice betrayed the fear he felt, and her stony gaze would soften as she listened, ears perking.

He couldn't care for this child any more. It was painful for him to admit, she was sure -- and more painful to watch the girl plead with her father to stay. Her brows furrowed in careful consideration, and she nodded slowly. "She can join us," she offered tenderly. Though she was not entirely selfless, as a mother she had a soft spot in her heart for children, and knew how hard this must be for the both of them. "We have a quite capable force here. Certainly someone will jump at the opportunity to be her caretaker." Epiphron couldn't help but think of her daughter, who wanted a girl of her own so badly; who knew if this child would even need parental figures in her life? Perhaps she might just be raised by all of Fiori. The idea wasn't such a bad one. "What's your name, young one?" The female would inquire tenderly as she turned to face the girl, noting that her eyes were brimming with tears.

COPYRIGHT argent 2015


03-13-2015, 11:33 AM
His heart truly broke for his daughter, for the little one he had come to love so. She was truly a child of his flesh and spirit, a being who deserved a life far better than the one she had thus far. Ritsuka would breathe out softly, giving her a loving kiss on the forehead as the woman addressed him. The man thanked the gods mentally, over and over. The woman's words were gentle, tender. Someone would care for his daughter, she would be safe. She would be allowed to grow up and be an adult. Suka would dip his head gratefully to the alphess, feeling tears threatening to form in his own eyes. He would not allow it, however, and forced himself to be strong for his little girl. Seeing her father cry as he left would do her no good at all.

"Shh my little one." Ritsuka would whisper to her. He would kiss her head again. "Someday... I promise we'll meet again. But right now you need to stay here in Fiori, okay? Be strong." The man would look back to the woman. To linger would just make things harder for them all. He would give a nod to the alphess. "Thank You, alphess of Fiori. I won't forget this kindness." The man would turn away, glancing just once more at his daughter before he took his leave.

-Exit Ritsuka.-



03-13-2015, 12:13 PM

He was going to leave her here! Ritselli couldn’t believe it. The last part of her family was going to leave her all alone here. She would shiver, sniffling as the woman gave her permission for her to stay. Her father would give thanks to the woman, and promise the girl that someday they would meet again. But she didn’t want to meet again -someday- she wanted to stay with him! Ritselli would let the tears fall, a loud whine being given. No! No no no! She wanted to beg her father to stay, to chase after him. But she knew that this was what the man wanted... What he thought was best for her.

The girl would swallow hard, watching her father as he started to leave. Then her gaze would shift back to the stranger she was left with, ears lowering. Her entire posture spoke of submissiveness, a trait that would fade as she aged and gained confidence. She would fight back a low whine, forcing herself to speak up and answer the woman’s question. “M-my name is Ritselli Sotakiu-Silenci.” The girl would manage. She would lift her gaze, trying to find courage. “Are Fiori wolves... Nice?”

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby



7 Years
03-13-2015, 12:36 PM

She had heard the cry, the sound of the girl screaming had touched her ears as well as her heart. Raising to her paws she quickly ran towards the sound, coming just in time to see a tan man leave the area. Blue eyes lingered on the small girl, catching the tail end of her words. She looked over to her mother for a moment, and it almost broke her heart to see that tenderness in Pip's eyes again. She had always had a soft spot for puppies, something that Amalia had as well. Slow paw steps brought her closer to the girl, little rabbit tail wiggling behind her. Ama leaned against her mother for a moment before she plopped her small form on the earth, head lowering to the ground to bring her close to the little one. She was sure to still leave some space between them, just in case the poor dear was frightened. Seeing the tears in her green eyes wanted to make her rush up and hold her close, but she knew that it wouldn't be wise. "We are all very nice wolves, my dear. I am sure that you will love it here!" Amalia's voice was level and calm, even though on the inside her tender heart was melting for the girl. Glancing back at Epiphron, a single brow rose toward her Alpha mother. She had arrived late, and hadn't caught the reasoning for the little one being left behind. But the poor dear was obviously under fed and in need of some herbs. Looking back at the pretty little girl, her smile grew on her face. "Would you like to come with me? I can show you around, and I have some pretty tasty things for you to eat if you like. And you can meet my sons, and all the others that stay here!" Her excitement was building, and she just wanted to hoard this little princess all for herself.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-14-2015, 01:31 PM
This was all too familiar to her. This girl reminded her so much of Arian, when she'd been dropped off on the borders of Seracia, terrified to leave her mother but wanting to stay strong regardless. Ritsuka was struggling to stay composed as he spoke to her, though his pain was obvious to her. He spoke briefly to her, offering his goodbyes somewhat quickly before thanking her for letting the girl stay in Fiori. Epiphron would nod quietly, not wanting to interrupt the moment. He had to turn and leave quickly, for it would only get harder the longer he stayed.

After a moment the girl would face her, meek in her posture, and her gaze was soft as she eyed her.  "We're glad to have you, Ritselli," she'd introduce her, caught by surprise at her daughter's arrival.  "We try to be nice, yes. I'll be surprised if you don't like it here." Amalia was quick to jump in, wanting to tend to the girl and see that she was taken care off immediately. Surely she could use the care of a healer, and a good meal.  "She'll be staying with us," Epiphron explained softly to her daughter, eying Ritselli a bit sadly. "Amalia is my daughter, and she will see you are give a good meal and place to sleep. You can trust her." A gentle smile adorned her features as she noted the joy that suddenly flooded Amalia's being.

COPYRIGHT argent 2015


03-19-2015, 08:18 PM

They were glad to have her? But what use could she be? Ritselli was so uncertain. She resisted the urge to look the way her father had gone, instead focusing her attention on the other who had suddenly arrived. This female would answer her other question. Nice wolves... That was good. She wanted to like it here, especially since she had to stay. It would be no good at all if she didn’t! The woman sounded nice too. She made her think a bit of her mama... She would shift a little on her paws as the woman spoke again.

The woman would show her around... Give her some food. Playmates. Ritselli felt her stomach give a loud rumble, begging for food. She certainly needed the care, as much as she wanted to be with her father. He could not give the care she needed... And he couldn’t take care of himself while trying to care for her. Plus the pretty lady had such a nice smile... And was being really nice. Ritselli would give a small nod. “I... I’d like that.” Ritselli would bound up to her side, her gaze shifting to Epiphron. She would give a nod of her head, smiling some as her tail gave a little wag.

“Mmkay... Thank you.. For taking me in.” The puppy would look up at Amalia again. “How many sons do you have? I had two sisters... But they went missing with mama...”

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby



7 Years
03-24-2015, 01:51 PM

Her mother casually fit the darlings name into the conversation, seemingly shocked to see her here. Her little stub of a tail was wagging a mile a minute behind her, her whole back end swaying with the motion. Epiphron explained their relation, saying that she was staying and Ritselli could trust her. Well of course she could trust her, Amalia wouldn't hurt a fly! It seemed that the child was trying to put on a brave face as well, saying that she would like to go and grab some food. Her poor little belly rumbled in agreement, making the woman laugh a little "Of course, I can get the boys to go out and hunt you something fresh while I give you some yummy herbs to munch on." The pup made her way to Ama's side, looking up at her and thanking them for taking her in. Her heart broke, blue eyes looking up at her mother for a moment. She tried to catch her gaze, blinking away the tears that started to threaten to fall. No no, don't cry in front of the girl. She squeezed her eyes shut as she controlled her emotions. And then Ritselli asked how many sons she had, making a comment that her sisters went missing with her mother. Oh good gosh, she didn't think that she would be able to hold back the tears any longer. Letting out a shaky sigh, she opened her eyes again and smiled down at the little girl. "I have four sons, a pretty big family! But you know what, I know they are going to love you. They always wanted a sister."



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-26-2015, 09:33 AM (This post was last modified: 03-26-2015, 09:33 AM by Epiphron.)
Epiphron couldn't help but be reminded of the conversation she'd had with Amalia recently about imagining her with a daughter rather than sons. If she trusted anyone to care for this girl, this orphan that she had been entrusted with, it was Amalia. The girl, though still a bit wary and tearful -- which wasn't surprising in the least -- seemed to brighten considerably as Amalia began talking to her.

Though she tried to hide it, Amalia seemed to empathize deeply with the girl -- she swore she saw tears begin to well in her eyes. A kind smile grew on her lips as she watched the two interact. She alluded to including her in her family and she felt the emotions tugging at her own heart at the scene. "It seems you have things figured out," she'd speak quietly to Amalia. "I'll leave you two then. Ritselli, please know you can call me any time if you need something." She highly doubted Amalia would leave her with any needs, but she wanted her to know she had more than one wolf to confide in here. With that, Epiphron would turn to leave, letting Amalia and Ritselli get to know one another.

COPYRIGHT argent 2015