
My Lipgloss is Poppin'



4 Years
02-27-2015, 01:37 AM

who do you think you are
The top is so high so your roots are forgotten, Giving is good as long as you're getting, What's driving you is ambition and betting, You're swelling out in the wrong direction You've got the bug, superstar you've been bitten, Your trumpet's blowing for far too long Climbing the snake up the ladder, but you're wrong.

It was pretty enough here, she supposed. I mean, it was nothing compared to her, but she was standing here. That definitely made this place a million times better. Plus it has shade so, that was kinda nice too. Her precious rust and white pelt did not look good when it was all stuck to her form when wet, so shade was pretty much the only way that the dame would allow herself to cool down. Because really, who wanted to look like a drowned rat? Nasty. Looking over her shoulder, her silver eyes narrowed. Oh great, she had lost sight of her brother. Again. She was so distracted by herself being in heat and showing off her goods, that she hadn't really kept her eyes on him like she normally did. "Claude ! Dépêchez- vous? La chaleur est trop pour ma forme fragile," she hissed at him, white tipped tail twirling behind her as she turned around. Stalking passed a few of the hanging willows, she grinned as they hung low to the ground to form a sort of curtain. As a shadow lingered on the other side, she nudged the tendrils away to let just her upper half show. Stretching out her tiger striped legs she winked, humming softly as she batted her long lashes. "Oh ma chérie , ce lieu est si romantique . Pourquoi avez-vous jamais me apporter ici?" her sweet voice called out in a teasing matter, ears pulling back slightly as she tried to act like a bitch in heat. Well, she was a bitch in heat. While she may adore her brother and keep all other woman away from him, she hadn't really thought of him that way. Much. She giggled darkly, still shifting herself through the willow tendrils. "Claude, don't keep me waiting mon amour."


Rozenn Simone Maxime

Claude is allowed to enter any thread that Rozenn is in, private or not. This is your warning.



4 Years
02-27-2015, 11:15 AM
He had taken to falling a considerable distance behind her, having little desire to get anywhere quickly. He hadn't a place in mind, so why should he rush? It seemed, though, that she had found somewhere at least remotely suitable, and so his ears would perk at the sound of her lilting voice drifting toward him. La chaleur peut ne pas être en mesure de vous entendre, mais je peux. Eyes of gold flashed in the harsh sunlight as he caught a glimpse of her white tendrils slipping away from him, into the darkness of a willow's hanging limbs. Il ne est pas sage de se glisser dans l'obscurité, sans même un regard, Rozenn. He slipped forward, giving a passing glance to the parts of the willow she had yet to explore. There seemed to be no danger awaiting them, and so the rusted man would slide beneath the hanging tendrils of the willow alongside his striped kin. His tail flickered idly behind him, moving slowly and with much grace. He had reason to be cautious. This was the season of their birth, and subsequently the season in which every man in the world would view his sister as a bitch in heat. It was his responsibility to keep the rutting dogs at bay, and he would succeed. Snow-blown face would butt into her right hip as he slithered alongside her, ruffing her fur all the way up her side until he reached her neck. He knew it would drive her nuts, as it would if she had done the same to him, but he also knew that he was the only being in the world that could ever get away with it.

Rozenn is allowed in any thread Claude is involved in, end of story.



4 Years
02-27-2015, 12:46 PM

who do you think you are
The top is so high so your roots are forgotten, Giving is good as long as you're getting, What's driving you is ambition and betting, You're swelling out in the wrong direction You've got the bug, superstar you've been bitten, Your trumpet's blowing for far too long Climbing the snake up the ladder, but you're wrong.

He had joked about the heat not hearing her, and she let out a scoff. She knew that the heat couldn't hear her, she wasn't daft. But at least he had caught up, her muscles relaxing at the sound of his voice. She hated it when he wasn't around her, she felt all tense and bug eyed. He truly was her everything, and sometimes she forgot just how awful it felt to not have him around. But then he spoke of not walking into dark places, and her silver eyes rolled rather dramatically. "Vous savez aussi bien que moi que je peux me débrouiller," she called after him, glancing over her shoulder to watch him come into the shade himself. Her eyes searched his snow blown face, an easy smile slipping on her lips. "De plus, il est beaucoup mieux ici, non?" It was quite nice, even she had to admit that. The willow tendrils drifted slowly in the soft breeze, offering them a good glance at the world outside while they remained in cover. It was an excellent place to hide and stalk others, which is probably where her brothers concern was coming from. It was odd, just how protective they were of each other. But Claude had been there for her in her time of need, and she would strive to be there for him. Plus, there was no one else out there who were better than these two. She was about to ask what they should do today, when her brother came up and pressed against her smaller flank. Roze eyed him carefully, about to lean into his touch when he started to walk to her front, brushing her coat the wrong way. The dame shrieked as her rust and white fur was pulled away from her, feeling very much how nails on a flat rock sounded. She jumped away from him, silver eyes narrowing into angered slits. "Comment osez-vous! Je vais trouver de la boue et de l'exécuter tout au long de votre manteau, et voir comment vous comme ça!" She called at him, tail tip quivering with irritation. Falling to her rump, she leaned back and began to groom her fur, placing it back down where it belonged. He was damn lucky that she liked him so much, otherwise he may be missing his face at this point. Growing huffy, when she finished with her coat she tossed her head up, looking away from him as her tail rose to curl towards her back. Damn him. He knew just how to get under her skin. Huffing, Rozenn refused to even look at him.


Rozenn Simone Maxime

Claude is allowed to enter any thread that Rozenn is in, private or not. This is your warning.



4 Years
02-27-2015, 10:31 PM
“Mieux vaut maintenant que nous avons réussi à éviter d'être mangé par une bête monstrueuse...” he mumbled. It was better to be in the shade, and he didn't blame her in the slightest for wanting to get out of the sweat-inducing heat, but he wished she would be just a bit more aware of her surroundings. His tail flickered behind him as she realized what he had done to her. A shriek fell from her rusted lips and he let out a loud and triumphant chuckle. His ears fell back, however, as his sister vehemently argued with him about his chosen tactic of annoying her. She was such a volatile creature, he couldn't help but tease her every now and then. He hadn't done anything really detrimental, after all. It wasn't as if he'd done what she threatened to do - muddied up her coat. That would have been blasphemy and certainly would have resulted in a scar marring his frame. His sister didn't take lightly to being mussed. He watched as she feverishly smoothed her coat where he'd ruffled it, casting her nose up in the air at him and glancing far off into the distance. “Ne pas bouder, sœur, ce ne est pas de devenir un visage si divine que le vôtre.” He swiped his tongue gingerly across the fur she'd smoothed, making sure to go in the proper direction to keep from mussing it once more. It was a gesture of affection, and perhaps of apology - though that wasn't something he'd ever admit. “Where are we going, Roz? Or did you intend to bask under the shade of this tree all day long?” The odds were, that was exactly what she intended, and he would go along with it for today. They had traveled far to get here, and he had no clue what 'here' was. Still, he couldn't help but wonder if there might be somewhere more... suitable for them to linger. He rocked onto his haunches and allowed his tail to curl neatly around his hips, the tip flickering idly between his front paws.

Rozenn is allowed in any thread Claude is involved in, end of story.



4 Years
02-28-2015, 12:34 AM (This post was last modified: 02-28-2015, 02:49 AM by Rozenn.)

She ignored his comment about the beasts, huffing as her tail fluttered behind her. This place was too damn hot anyways, and she needed the shade and fast. It didn't help that it was her season, which made her all the more cranky and moody. Not a good combination in a woman already full of so much sass and attitude. At times she felt sorry for her brother, to have to deal with her when she was like this. If she was him, she would have checked out awhile ago. But no... these two were different. There wasn't one that she trusted more than Claude. He really was all she had left in this shitty little world, but it was bearable with him here. At times like these though, when he literally rubbed her the wrong way, did she feel like sticking his face in mud. He laughed at her, and she bared her teeth as her insult fell like poison from her lips. His ears pulled back slightly, and she stood taller as her brow rose. Oh hell yeah she went there. Mud. Sure she was vain, but her brother hated to be dirty almost as much as she did. So when her nose turned up, his soft voice called out to her, commenting how pouting did not suite her face. Damn him, he knew how to push her buttons in both the wrong and right way. Huffing she looked over to him again, flashing him a toothy grin at his words. "And don't you forget it, ma chérie," Easily switching to the more common tongue, she moved to sit beside him as he moved his rump to the earth. He asked her where they were going, and she shrugged her rusted shoulders. "I'm not sure what this place even has to offer us... Or if it even deserves to have it graced with our presents." Rozenn said in a teasing matter, gently bumping her shoulder against his. Leaning softly against his taller form, she let out a content sigh. Silver eyes blinked up at his pale face, gentle smile dancing upon her lips. Honestly, she didn't care where they were, as long as he was with her.


Art by Evelyn

Claude is allowed to enter any thread that Rozenn is in, private or not. This is your warning.



4 Years
02-28-2015, 12:57 PM
She moved, effortlessly gliding to his side and resting to her haunches near him. Her shoulder bumped his as she teased him. Their relationship may seem strained at times to the naked eye, but the two of them were nearly conjoined at the hip. A smile creased his features as a retort slipped from his lips. “It definitely does not deserve our presence, darling. Then again... what place does?” His eyes scanned the distance, peeking through the hanging tendrils of the willow. He knew there had to be somewhere better out there, somewhere cooler and more comfortable than this. There had to be beauty and seclusion in the world somewhere - and he would find it. “I think we should head North, it should be cooler there. We won't have to hide in the shade so often.” It was only logical that the climate should be cooler the further north they went, and he had every intention of finding cooler weather - even in the midst of summer. “We should find something to eat as well,” he noted as his stomach lurched. He leaned into her for a moment before rising to his paws. “Allons, nous avons persisté logn suffisante.” He reached over with his muzzle to poke at her neck before laying a careful swipe of his tongue along her fur (in the proper direction, of course). A smile stretched his snow blown face as he shifted his weight forward and strolled out from beneath the willow. Golden eyes sifted through the varying textures and figures on the horizon, examining everything before him to determine whether or not it could be defined as prey. They were phenomenal hunters due to their teamwork, but even phenomenal hunters were dependent on one factor: there had to be something to hunt.

Rozenn is allowed in any thread Claude is involved in, end of story.



4 Years
02-28-2015, 01:27 PM (This post was last modified: 02-28-2015, 01:28 PM by Rozenn.)

Rozenn chuckled softly as her brother tossed a quip right back at her, playfully trying to nibble on her ear. "Why no where, of course! Us just being here has added more beauty to this land than these trees could ever hope for." She turned her nose up in sign of her higher status over the tree, letting out another soft breath of laughter. It was at least something to look at though, the soft branches twisting and turning in the wind. But when she looked at Claude, she saw that look of determination on his face. Oh boy, he had locked his mind on something and she knew that it wasn't going to budge. Oh great, more walking then? She just wanted to relax for a little bit! Although when he spoke of somewhere colder, her rusty ears pulled forward as she eyed him with interest. Cooler, eh? Probably less wolves up there in the summer, so less to protect her from. Clever boy. Plus he was probably growing tired of all her stops along the way to rest in the shade, but she couldn't help that it was so damn hot here! If she could change that she would have done that weeks ago. She was about to grumble about it when Claude's belly sounded an alarm, and he made a comment about getting food. She chuckled, dipping down to try and reach her head between his legs, trying to push her cold nose into his stomach. "I hear some noise down here, perhaps we should get you something to eat," she teased, pulling up and licking him on the cheek. He told her that they had lingered here too long, licking her fur in the right way. She hummed softly, but sighed when she rose to her paws. "Je suis fatigué de la marche. Que sommes-nous courons de toute façon?" Rozenn asked, raising a brow at her similarly coloured brother. They had been moving pretty much non stop since getting here, but why? She knew she was in heat, you didn't have to tell her twice, but he could just shove her in a cave and roll a bolder in front of it or something! She didn't want to walk any further, and by the level of heat here, the North was still a long way off. Letting out a huff, she watched her brother look around for prey behind the screen of the willows. "Ce est le milieu de la journée, Claude. Ils sont probablement tous persistante dans l'ombre aussi."


Art by Evelyn

Claude is allowed to enter any thread that Rozenn is in, private or not. This is your warning.



4 Years
02-28-2015, 03:41 PM
He had forgotten how playful she could be. Her season had brought about the worst in her, and although he loved her he found himself forlorn at times that she might never return to the way he truly liked her. But alas, she was his sister and he would put up with just about anything she dished out. She poked at his stomach and he felt it tense, his paw reaching to bat playfully at her muzzle. “We do not run,” he spoke simply and commandingly. A Maxime never ran. “We are trying to keep you from being impregnated by what I can only assume are thousands of horny dogs running around this land.” His voice was exasperated, as it was quite the challenge to keep men away from his sister at this particular time of year. He had to admit the scent of a bitch in heat was a calling card no man could deny, and so it was tasked of him to do the denying. He wouldn't let just any beast procreate with his sister, children or no children. He eyed her carefully, golden gaze deducing that she was tired of walking and needed a longer respite from their travels. She voiced that the prey were probably lingering in the shadows as she longed to continue doing, and he let out a sigh of defeat. “Très bien, nous allons attendre jusqu'à ce que ma soeur fragile a retrouvé sa force.” He knew there was no sense arguing, and it wouldn't hurt to remain here for just a while longer. He slipped back into the shade, feeling the temperature change as he did so, and relaxed onto the dry earth. His right side basked upon the earth while his paws curled up against his stomach and his tail flickered idly. “Tell me about your ideal home, Roz. What kind of place do you fancy yourself living in?”

Rozenn is allowed in any thread Claude is involved in, end of story.



4 Years
02-28-2015, 04:05 PM (This post was last modified: 02-28-2015, 04:50 PM by Rozenn.)

He swatted her muzzle, causing her to snort on the very belly that she was prodding at. Pulling back she sent him a spiteful glance, but said nothing as he spoke of them not running. Just trying to keep all the horn dogs away from her. She let out a laugh, standing and trying to walk a tight circle around him. "Mais je suis tellement difficile de résister, le frère le plus cher. De plus, est-il si mauvais de vouloir juste se amuser un peu?" She asked, knowing that even the thought her getting it on with just some stray mutt would drive him nuts. But this endless pressure and need to be touched and pleased was driving her absolutely mad. That is what drove her mood into over drive, her body thrumming with the constant energy and a plea for sex. But when his voice sounded so tired and stressed like that, she really couldn't resist the tease.

She felt his golden eyes on her, and her own metallic gaze rose to meet his own. She knew why he wanted to be constantly moving, so that the scent of her heat wouldn't spread too far. By the time any male picked it up, they would have been long gone. But her paws were sore, and damn she just wanted to get humped. It was very tiring, really. But as soon as she heard that sigh, she had known that she had won. Yes! Rozenn was the only one to budge him out of his stubborn ways, but even then it was often a struggle. But him calling her weak was not acceptable. "Vous essayez de marcher autour avec seulement la pensée de se faire baiser dans votre esprit. Ensuite, vous pouvez me dire à quel point «fragile» que je suis." she spat, fur fluffing up along her spine. Eyes narrowed dangerously as she watched him settle back down in the shade, flopping to her side. Letting out a quick huff, she simply could not refuse the thought of curling into him. While being touched gave her pleasure, it was different when it came from her brother. Carefully she spread herself across his limbs, back arching into his belly. When he asked about an ideal home, all her anger melted away. She looked up and tried to meet his gaze, her shoulders shrugging slightly. "Really, anywhere with you is okay,"she said softly, lowering her head onto the upper portion of his foreleg, body twisting up into a more comfortable position. "But somewhere were we don't have to interact with the more common wolves often, with lots of food."


Art by Evelyn

Claude is allowed to enter any thread that Rozenn is in, private or not. This is your warning.



4 Years
02-28-2015, 04:48 PM
Was it not so bad for her to want a little fun. He snorted at the thought. There was fun, and then there was fun with the proper sorts of men. The latter was entirely more preferable. “Il est si mauvais quand vous êtes si merveilleux.” he breathed, audible annoyance in his voice. The thought of her with any less than suitable man was perhaps the worst thought he could ever face. She deserved better, the best and no wolf without a decent bloodline and intelligence would ever be worthy of her. She would ask him to try walking around only thinking about getting with a woman. He snorted, followed by a laugh. “Bienvenue dans mon monde, Rozenn. Si vous vous souvenez, il a été un certain temps depuis que je ai eu une femme. Vous ne me voyez pas là la mendicité pour monter toute chienne qui marche par, vous faire?” Golden eyes glared in her direction stubbornly. “Desire is weakness.. resisting is strength.” She would curl up along the length of him, the curve of her spine fitting smoothly into the curve of his belly. Her description of her ideal land was vague at best, and he found himself in continuation of his stressed and altogether bad mood. “You're painfully vague, did you know that?” He inched his muzzle forward to take her ear into his jaws, vice grip closing carefully and gingerly upon the sensitive flesh. “Emmerde,” he mumbled through closed teeth, a chuckle following shortly after. Oh, did he love her.

Rozenn is allowed in any thread Claude is involved in, end of story.



4 Years
02-28-2015, 05:56 PM

Rozenn's tail swirled behind her as he complimented her once again, although you wouldn't hear her thank him for it. He was just stating the truth, she was quite beautiful. She really should be flattered by her brother trying to pick her the best of the liter, just as she was pretty strict about woman around him. But when it was reversed, it just didn't feel as good. It was boring. Just one little romp in the woods, how was that bad? But then she remembered what came after the harmless night of fun. Puppies. Oh stars above she did not want children. They would ruin her perfect body! Her face twisted up at the thought, knowing that he was right. It was fun without ending in tiny little monster destroying her body. Gross. Okay, moving on then! He turned her own words on her, saying that he didn't just climb up any woman's back. Giving him a soft grumble, she knew that he was right. Which is exactly why she stayed very silent. There was no way that she was ever, ever going to admit that she had been wrong. Maybe when hell froze over, but even then it was only a maybe. Stubborn asshat told her that giving into lust was a weakness, and she stuck her tongue out. At least it felt good, even if it was a weakness. So instead of all that stupid crap they were talking about before, she focused on him calling her vague. She sneered up at him, tail flipping behind her as her head shook slowly. "Well what do you want me to say? I want a den under a tree, but it has to be made of rock. I want it facing East, with a gentle brook to the left of it. There has to be three rabbit holes five paces North, or its not going to work," she said mockingly, but her tale was cut short by his teeth gripping her ear. She froze, letting out a soft growl as he called her a pain in the ass. Oh, was she now? Mischief gleamed in her eyes as her hind leg rose, shooting out and trying to kick him right in the left ass cheek. "Comment est-ce pour une emmerde?"


Art by Evelyn

Claude is allowed to enter any thread that Rozenn is in, private or not. This is your warning.



4 Years
02-28-2015, 07:36 PM
He supposed he held her rather tightly in his grasp, metaphorically of course. She was his only remaining sibling and he believed it to be his right to be protective of her. He would, to this day, be equally or more so protective of Narcisse and Tatienne if the two had survived. Even his watchful eye had not been able to save them from what took them. A sigh drifted from his lips as the silence overtook them and his mind wandered to them. He missed Narcisse so, but it was Tatienne's death that truly pained him. She had not even begun to live when the fever had taken her. She had been his princess, and he had been forced to lay her to rest. He didn't like to think back on that day. He shook his head, as if that might rid her temporarily from his thoughts. It had never worked before, but it was worth a shot now. She offered him a more descriptive (and sassy) response, to which he would snort and feign a doting-brother response through teeth that still ensnared her ear. “Comme vous le souhaitez.” He released her when he was through speaking, just as her hind foot made contact with his behind. Claude would click his jaws in protest, an ear falling back - glued to his skull. He flopped then entirely on his side, allowing half of his face to make contact with the earth. He took a deep breath and allowed it to hiss out through slightly gapped teeth. “I want to live near water,” he confided just then. His sister might not approve of water, but he loved it. It was the only way he could ensure he was perfectly clean. “Maybe a rivière, or a spring.” He lifted his head, glancing at her features - trying to read her reaction.

Rozenn is allowed in any thread Claude is involved in, end of story.



4 Years
03-02-2015, 12:51 AM

She felt his mood shift, his body growing tense and knew well what kind of thoughts were plaguing at him. It happened more often than she wanted to admit, but she tried to keep thoughts of them out of her head. It brought her down to a level that she never wished to dwell in, that she had seen her brother suffer through. Her head raised as her silver eyes inspected his face, brows pulled together in worry. But he snapped out of it soon enough, grabbing her ear and holding in in her jaws. Even through all the sass she gave him, he was still here, still as sweet as can be. Huffing at him, she tried to gently tug her head away to get it out of his mouth. "Vous êtes baver sur mon oreille." she said softly, some of her tone leaving her voice. He grunted when he kicked her, but didn't say much else. Just that he wanted to live by water. She bristled somewhat, but slowly nodded her rusted head. For a moment, her beautiful features were soft as she looked up at her brother, nuzzling against his cheek. "You know, I don't say this often enough, but I love you Claude. Honestly I would go to the end of the world for you," her voice was hardly above a whisper, but of course the moment didn't last long. It never did with her. "But if you dare try to toss me in the water I will chew your toes off and feed them to snakes." Standing up, she moved from his side and licked at her coat. A sigh whistled through her jaws, metallic eyes resting on him. "On y va?" She asked, striped legs stretching out before her. She could feel her paws grow restless again, moods shifting with little warning. The quicker they got to the North, the better. Now... how to get there?


Art by Evelyn

Claude is allowed to enter any thread that Rozenn is in, private or not. This is your warning.



4 Years
03-16-2015, 02:46 PM
“I love you too,” he mumbled under his breath. It wasn't as if he were embarrassed to say it, it's just he hadn't said it in a while and it felt weird coming out of his mouth. He breathed a sigh, returning her gentle pressure against his cheek. Their moment of bliss didn't last long, as Rozenn's inner bitch reared it's ugly head. He smirked, a brow raising. “The snakes are hardly good enough to feast upon my toes,” he jested with a note of arrogance. It seemed she had had her rest, and was ready to go as she prompted him with a simple 'shall we'? He nodded and rose alongside her, stretching as he did so to limber up his sore muscles. Eyes sought the proper direction from the confines of the shade, and his mind calculated the path they would need to take to get where he wanted to go. “Come now,” he chided softly, pacing out of the shade and into the blazing sun. There was a plains ahead of them, stretching out for a mile or so. He had a feeling based on the sun that that was the direction in which they were to go - and so they would go.

Rozenn is allowed in any thread Claude is involved in, end of story.