
Nothing Else Matters



09-07-2014, 02:12 PM

Maija was, once again, angry. Hormones flew everywhere, thanks to the cycle she had grown to despise. Her golden form found itself in the Willows once more, the solitude something she was beginning to once again accept. A fireball of anger and hate together burned in her chest as she stalked the forest, ears being her radar for any other presences. She would be on the lookout for anything that would attempt to approach her. Paranoia was intense in this one.
Her golden paws carried her at a slow pace, for she was in no rush to be found. Her scent rose and fell upon the wind, something she didn't care about right then. Leaf-green eyes were focused, blood rushing through her veins at a slightly higher rate than normal. Adrenaline was threatening to kick in, for the raging thoughts in her mind were keeping her worked up. She didn't know why; all she knew was that she needed to release it.



09-07-2014, 02:26 PM

The scent, one not unbeknownst to him was carried into his nostrils, heat rising from his groin to the tips of his ears. He liked to believe he was loyal to Luce above all else, but he still had needs, as did every male. Possessed by the scent he rushed toward it's source, tongue hanging from the side of his mouth. A shiver rose up his spine as he saw her, an immaculate golden goddess, ripe to be picked. He approached her as silently as he could, approaching her from the rear, defined muscles carrying him closer to her with each step. "Bonjour." He said, the deep baritone of his voice caressing his fangs as the noise fled his jaws. "feeling a little tense?" He asked, his tail flicking with anticipation. All the sorrow in his heart could not keep the smile from his face, a new plan was forming in his mind, if he could not kill the Adravendi, he would at least out live them, and make sure he became immortal through his children.
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09-07-2014, 02:59 PM

She smelled him before he even appeared. The golden vixen had her mind tearing between two different parts of herself: the bitch that could tear him to shreds or the silent woman that thought he wasn't worth her time. Both personas melted into one and she listened to the words that slipped from his mouth. Ears delicately flattened upon her skull as she turned to look at him with a stone cold gaze. Her face remained clear of any emotion as she took her time looking him up and down. A specimen if she ever saw one...but she wasn't going to tell him that.
Slowly, hackles began to rise around her haunches. Fur began to stick out around her slender frame, and muscles began to tense even more as she turned to face him. Her eyes narrowed as her upper lip curled and she moved her head back to make her scruff double in size. Body became more robotic as she moved, placing one golden paw in front of the other. Maija began to circle him, gaze moving up to his vibrant, crimson pools. Her perfume rose as her tail flicked behind her, possibly filling the male's nose with even more of her scent. She decided to answer his question, so as she came upon his left side (for she had started to circle him on his right), she said, "Not until you arrived."
Her Romanian accent was rich and desirable, curling around the few, chosen words that left her golden lips. As she continued to move, she wondered if he would be inclined to pursue her angry fa?ade, or back away and disappear. If he did the latter, she wouldn't chase him. Why go after someone that couldn't tolerate her at her worst? Such thoughts helped her weed out the unworthy of males.
After circling him, she took a bold step or two forward. Defenses remained in place as the anger continued to dance throughout her body. The willows moved in the wind around them as she kept up her outer shell, pondering what he would do next. "But," she darkly whispered, defenses rising high enough so her snarl became a wicked grin, "I bet you already knew that." A growl slipped from behind her lips as she took another step towards him. "Want to make it worse?" The desire for a challenge was evident in her question, eyes glinting a hint of lust that hadn't been satisfied in a long time.

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09-07-2014, 04:13 PM

He stood still, allowing her to look him over from every angle, he had to be something of a sight to behold, creams, and blacks dancing all over his features in a way that seemed so methodical it was almost as if they were drawn on him. Slowly he would sit, a yawn escaping him but never fully breaking the grin plastered on his face. She asked if he desired to make her day worse and he could do nothing else but smile wider. "Perish the thought." He chuckled.

He allowed her to come as close to him as she desired, allowing his own musk of desire and need to waft toward her. He was going insane, just the scent of her was going to make him explode, he was going to make sure she enjoyed this, make sure she'd come to him every summer begging to be taken again. Luce was a distant and all but gone memory.
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09-07-2014, 05:02 PM

The stranger accepted her challenge and she slowly raised one eyebrow. For someone who was eager to dance with the vixen, he sure was laidback about it. The excitement that rolled through her frame was definitely ready to be used, so she decided to change tactics and be graceful about it. Maija wasn't usually the kind to put much effort into socializing with anyone aside from Sibelle and her children, so there was something about him to make her be this way.
Her gaze met his without hesitation and she slipped a soft chuckle from her closed lips. Her tail flicked behind her as she turned to walk away from him. Scent rose and fell in the air, combining with his own personal musk that had caught her attention without complexity. Her desire was going to become too much for her, but she held onto it as she took a few steps in the opposite direction. "Then do it," she heavily emphasized, low growl leaving her lips as she turned to look back at him. She wasn't going to have him without a fight.

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09-07-2014, 05:29 PM
He rose to his feet and approached her, he hadn't been with a woman since he was two years of age, and now here was one willing to give him exactly what he wanted, release, both physical and mental. But he wasn't going to simply take her, that wouldn't be fun. He was going to ravish her. He wrapped his forelegs around her hips in a tight, almost painful embrace, allowing the weight of his body to crush against hers. A small snarl ripped from his throat as his fangs plunged into her back, the heat of her taunting the swelling heat in him. Claws would dig into her thighs, small growls escaping his throat, magenta eyes swimming with lust and some unknown emotion that seemed akin to anger as he waited to see what she would do next.

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09-07-2014, 06:02 PM

What happened next made her crave him even more. He grabbed ahold of her thighs and sank both teeth and claws into her skin. His grip was harsh, rough -- exactly what she needed. Maija's head tossed back in pleasure, but the anger she had pinned up for so long finally started to leak around the fenced-in edges. Her eyes flashed and she turned her head sharply to the right, snarled lips exposing white teeth that were ready to chomp down on flesh. She pulled away from him, creating jagged lines and puncture holes to form along the lower part of her back. All for the sake of satisfaction.
Without hesitating, Maija lunged towards his throat, grabbing his scruff and pulling him towards her. She moved back in three steps, growl rumbling from her own throat as she worked with what she had been given. Tail flicked angrily behind her and she increased her grip upon his scruff while sharply jerking her head to the left. Vibrant eyes shimmered at him as she felt small droplets of blood creep into her enclosed mouth. A muffled laugh was made and she let him go before tenderly licking his neck and nuzzling the affected skin beneath his fur. Her chest bumped against his roughly, simply by her ramming against him with her full weight. Low snarls came from her as her lips moved into a wicked smirk. She took a few steps backward and began to circle him again, excitedly wondering what he would do next.

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09-08-2014, 01:49 PM

He was surprised, pleasantly so at the seemingly random turn of events. For a moment, release threatened to escape his body. He no longer wanted her, he needed her, and he was not going to have her without forcing her into submission. A thin, long grin broke across his features as she circled him, and with a harsh, breathy snarl, he charged her, throwing his weight against her ribs in an attempt to push her down to the ground on her left side. As a preemptive measure he bit into her scruff, to make sure her back never once touched the floor. No, too much pain would keep her from pleasure, he wanted this to last.
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09-09-2014, 11:03 AM

Her efforts would pay off in the long run, as would his. He became more enticing, more controlling of the situation and she craved the outcome of such actions. His teeth sank into her fur, making her skin prickle and break out in goose bumps. She refused to show any signs of desire or pleasure, for in her eyes, such an action was weak. Instead, her growling rose and lasted longer as she moved against his vice grip upon her scruff, muscles working in golden legs to maintain her balance. He wanted her to submit and she was unwilling.
Maija almost rolled back to the ground, but he made sure she didn't. A smile appeared on her face as leaf-green eyes shifted to meet his bright orbs. They held pent up anger, rage, and hate -- all three were what she had in her chest for so long. To find someone that danced with the devil himself was a relief and a diamond in the rough. She softly chuckled as his grip loosened from her neck, giving her the chance to rise upon all four paws. Since she was beneath him, her back met his stomach and she slithered up to his chest. Head turned back to look at him and salmon pink tongue slipped out from between golden lips to plant a kiss upon his chin. Her tail loosely danced around his male parts, inviting it out to play with a few flicks. "Dracu-mi" She knew he wouldn't understand her -- no one knew Romanian around Alacritis -- but she had to speak in her native tongue and oh, it felt so right.

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09-09-2014, 01:31 PM

He shivered slightly at the feeling of fur on skin, his eyes closing tightly with a small gasp. His eyes opened slowly to look into hers as she spoke. He cocked his head slightly at the unfamiliar words before chuckling and kissing her crown. He had no idea what she said, but he no longer cared, his body on top of hers had removed all thought process from his mind, his body was in control now, and primal urges were taking a vice like grip of him. He spread his legs out further behind them and with the weight of his whole body forced her head down to the ground, holding her roughly in place. "Bite me again and I'll tear out those pretty eyes and shove them down your throat." He snarled, drool dribbling onto the top of her head. He raised one of his back paws, digging his claws into her thigh to give him more leverage. No more games of cat and mice. No more playing. He had enough. It was time to act...

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09-09-2014, 10:16 PM

She couldn't help but chuckle as she heard his threat slip beneath his snarls. Her eyes closed and rolled to the back of her head beneath her golden lids as he moved her legs to gain access. Ears slicked back against her cranium as she imagined the pain she would go through. Words didn't automatically come, but snarls and low growls of pleasure took their place as she finally succumbed to his wants and her needs.




09-11-2014, 04:36 PM

He stood behind her, his chest still heaving from the excitement of the moment. He turned and laid beside her, licking at her neck and behind her ears tenderly. A low hum of satisfaction escaped his throat followed by a single word: "Neo." His tail drummed listlessly against her ribs, his tongue slipping out again to run against her muzzle as he waited for a response. A name or another invitation, he wasn't picky. And from the look of things neither was she. It would take a while before he knew for sure, but the thoroughness of their 'session' assured him that they had conceived. And if he was wrong, he would make sure she didn't walk until they had.

His lust was slain, but he still felt drawn to her, felt the need to stay with her, to be with her. This is what Luce would have wanted right? And even if she didn't the nameless femme had satisfied him in ways that Luce never had. He was almost ashamed to admit it; but he had moved on from Luce. Almost.
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09-11-2014, 05:20 PM

The encounter between the two lasted longer than Maija had realized. Her desire for a man's touch had been pressuring her for too long. To have someone other than Taurig please her the way this stranger had done was something she never thought would have happened. Her lower half slowly descended to the ground, firmly landing upon the cool earth as her partner lowered his whole body beside her golden frame. Tender licks and kisses were given and she accepted them without a fuss. For some reason, she didn't mind.
The man then told her his name and she looked at him through her peripheral vision. Leaf-green gaze twinkled in the light supplied by the surrounding sun as she returned his gesture. "Maija." Her name was soft and sweet upon her Romanian tongue. She wouldn't be surprised if it remained that way when it fell upon his ears.
Without a doubt, Maija knew she was going to be pregnant again. Although her children were yearlings -- almost two, in fact -- she hadn't given the idea of having more kids a second thought. Now, however, she had no choice, but she accepted it without fighting. The father of her future children had something about him that made her want them to come soon. The drive and anger he had in his eyes, along with how he acted, told Maija that he wasn't some petty little man that didn't know how to hold his own. The kind of man she desired and needed was the complete opposite.
Slowly, she turned her head towards him and both eyes faced his. Leaf-green easily burned into deep pools of bright fuchsia, emotions remaining far from her mind. Her salmon pink tongue slipped out and touched his nose before a sliver of a smile showed itself upon her lips. Breathing slowed down and she perked both ears as she softly remarked, "That was good...very good." Her tail lightly thumped beside her as she closed her eyes to feel the cool breeze touch her skin.

"You're gonna hear me roar"