
Aramada Pup looking for a home!



4 Years
03-01-2015, 03:16 PM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2015, 04:09 PM by Integra.)
Hello Ala peeps!

So Muse is bowing out of having Narcissa Armada.  This pup has never been played and the profile was never completed so wide open possibilities!  She'll need a new name for sure as well so the floor is wide open for whatever you come up with.  

Anyway, here are some basics to know about her.  She is the daughter of Roman and Drashiel Armada, former rulers of Regium now disbanded.  The shadow of tragedy follows this little family.  Roman was slain by a bear:  Here  Their father took them  to Imperium but soon succumbed to his own injuries.  Her other sister, Bellona, was also found dead, there was no thread for this though.

The pups are now doing their best to raise each other and raise a little hell around Imperium.  The pups were born in Winter and would be about 6 months old now, for most of that time this pup will have been very ill (we sort of played her as being either super, super tired or comatose but feel free to expand on that if you so desire):  Here

but here's looking for a miraculous recovery!

Additional information:

Father's profile:  Here

Mother's profile:  Here thank you Tea for finding it in the cache

Integra (sister):  Here

Sirius (sister):  Here

Atreides (brother):  Here

Here's the application form:

[b]Description (at least 100 words)[/b]:
[b]Personality (at least 150 words)[/b]:
[b]Other[/b]: Anything else you feel I should know?  Plot ideas? Other quirks? Dreams for the future?


EDIT:  Also, you may have noticed a lot of dyed fur markings, it was a tradition and show of loyalty in Roman's beliefs to dye markings on the fur so she has markings and Atreides and Integra likely will too.  Also jewelry was fairly commonly used as well.  Their father wore a dragon armlet that Integra will likely inherit.  So yes, you can feel free to get a little crazy with this pup later on when you can afford the accessories.

Fox is a talented sweetheart and made some designs for this pup!  Check 'em out!

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]


03-03-2015, 03:40 PM
Name: Abelia Armada

Description (at least 100 words): Abelia is a large female at 36 inches, although maybe not the healthiest. Fur clings to her flesh, her fur ruffled as if she's been sleeping for a long time.....Which she has. Around her ribs, the fur is extremely thin. The bones press up against her skin, making it obvious that she isn't the healthiest female. Ever step she takes is hesitant, the female usually not even pressing down with her full weight, afraid her slender, weak legs couldn't hold her up. Shivers usually rack her body, her thin fur not keeping her warm enough. And if she talks, her voice is a soft rasp.

Abelia takes after her father with pelt color.

Personality (at least 150 words):

Other: As she gets older, and stronger, she won't be as sickly, if I get her.


03-03-2015, 08:18 PM
-sighs and adds app- I cave >.>

Name: Minerva “Minnie” Armada

Description (at least 100 words): As a sickly child, Minerva never grew to the same towering heights as her siblings, which only adds another dimension to her childhood nickname. Unlike the tall lineage from which she comes, she has maxed out at a meager 29 inches, just barely managing to claim a “medium” frame size. Her legs are thin and spindly, looking frail and weak, and the rest of her has fared no better. Her facial structure is all angles and sharp edges, her torso sculpted around her chest with a noticeable dip inward over her stomach. Her fur is not so smooth or fluffy or flattering, but instead clings to her frame in a thin, meager covering, ruffling up about her scruff and tail and seeming unkempt. She moves softly, daintily, and often cannot exert herself overmuch because of her weakened state. If pushed too far, she is forced to stop and catch her breath, a fact which will limit her activity in the long run.

In coloration, she takes primarily after her mother. Her coat might not be the same unmarked white that the regal Armada woman wore, but the same brilliance can still be seen across her upper body and covering much of Minerva’s face. The white darkens into a light shade of grey along her sides and covers her stomach and chest, flowing down each of her legs. A deeper, darker grey adorns her in particular markings, creating socks on each of her feet, coating the tip of her tail, covering each of her ears, only to spill down the back of her head and neck to end at a point midway down her back. The same dark grey wraps around each of her eyes and draws out from the corners into points, the darkness accentuating their vibrant, purple color. (Design #2)

Personality (at least 150 words): To start, Minerva is not her biggest fan. She detests the fact she got sick when she was younger to the point she was never able to keep up with her siblings, and resents them somewhat because of their good health and even better luck. A prideful creature by nature, she wishes to be self-sufficient and capable of doing things without assistance, but even so there is a part of her that still expects others to be willing to wait on her if and when she cannot or will not do for herself. She wants to push herself into bettering her overall stamina, to grow out of the frail thing she has become, but fears overdoing it.

The isolation she has lived in has altered her. While it has somewhat darkened her perception of her family and herself, it has also caused her to take up muttering her thoughts aloud when she thinks she is without company, and sometimes she may be caught doing it by others though immediately it will stop when she realizes someone is listening. Her odd mixture of pride and self-loathing make her a quiet individual, and highly critical of those she meets in the hopes of picking out their flaws in order to make herself feel better about her own. Even on her own siblings will she turn her critical stare, but as they are all she really has left in the world she tries not to give them an excuse to leave her alone as often as she had been during the initial months of her life.

Her harsh sentiments toward her condition will eventually alter as she ages, and her frail body will hide a mind both capable and conniving. She will use that frailty as a mask behind which to hide, learning to prey upon those who think her weak and fragile in order to feel powerful and in control. As she cannot keep up with fighters and hunters, she will likely take up the healer’s craft as a means of making herself useful, though it will be politics and the subtle art of manipulation that will appeal to her and give her the advantage she longs to have over her peers.

Other: I wanted to try going in a different direction compared to her siblings since it was available with her being sick and weak and confined until she was better, so hopefully that came across well (if something about it doesn't fit the current history, it can be changed). I’m also thinking she’ll be of a Neutral Evil alignment, so not too far off from her parents. I don’t have any plans in mind that I can think of aside from just seeing her possibly mature into the woman that I described for her personality. I did, however, want to mention that I would like for her to get one of the dyed fur markings, but don’t have a design for one presently. I might need some help with that if I get her, if anyone would be willing.



3 Years
03-06-2015, 05:56 AM
Name: Tit "Titan" Armada
Description (at least 100 words):
Personality (at least 150 words):
Other: I am willing to make her a 42" wolf maybe so she could have like a big growth spurt but she grows these bigass gangly legs which don't fill out until she's about a year old? Her real name could be Tit, but she changes it to or wants to be called Titan.



4 Years
03-12-2015, 07:02 PM
Congratulations to Mouser! Minerva is yours, thanks for the application! :)
[Image: yKuOSHo.png]