
While I'm Away

Rune I


5 Years
03-02-2015, 04:10 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The thought of venturing out had been on his mind an awful lot of late. The pack was a year old now, strong enough to be self sustaining and bonded enough after their festival for him to see things starting to feel warmer and more encouraging between the pack members. He liked what he was seeing, felt pride in his growing family pack, and figured it was about time he started backing off to let them govern themselves for a bit. They were good wolves who lived there, trustworthy in their own right and capable of keeping everything running if he gave them their own lead. Which was just what he needed if he intended to pay any of his neighbors visits.

One potential permanent neighbor had already been by to visit him, but he knew there had to be more. And his own lack of knowledge about them made the overprotective Guardian even more restless to get moving. He had come from the Prairie and only stopped once he had reached the pack's densite, glancing about as he made sure it was more or less clear. This was only going to be a meeting for those of the higher tiers, just something to let them know of his intentions though it would be between him and his mate when exactly he would make the trips. With her pregnant and ready to give birth any day, he did not want to place unneeded stress on her.

Rune inclined his head back slightly and parted his jaws in a quick, quiet howl, summoning his Tier Two and Three wolves to him. It would be a small gathering - just Alamea, Akemi, and Warja - but they were the leaders of the pack below him, those entrusted with the care of the day to day activities. Their input was going to be needed. He ended his call quickly and reclined to sit down and await the chosen few.



6 Years
03-04-2015, 09:33 PM

She felt ready to burst, was she this big the first time around? No doubt she’d be giving birth soon and despite the fact she enjoyed the overall experience she was ready for the pups to be born. Movement was the biggest issue facing the heavily pregnant woman so when her mate’s call reached her Alamea had resigned herself to be the last to arrive, forced to waddle awkwardly and slowly in the direction of Rune’s call.

However she was surprised to find she was the first to arrive. Summoning a smile the woman toddled over to her mate and licked at his cheek. The snowy female settled herself, with some effort, beside her mate and waited for her daughter and pack mate to join them.




4 Years
03-04-2015, 10:06 PM

Warja arrived in a timely manner. She breezed up to her mother's side, moving to gently place a kiss on her cheek as she went by. From there she moved to stand before her parents, her gaze darting between her their faces with a question printed across her features. The call had been kind of vague, a simple summons and nothing more, so she was clueless as the reason the advisers were gathering. Suddenly her interest piqued as a thought struck her. Maybe something was finally happening? Was Secretua finally coming out of hiding? Oh, she hoped so! Warja definitely wasn't cut out for the quiet life. She was beginning to tire of simply existing, of residing on a plateau of comfort and mundane, everyday monotony. The healer was nearing a point where she was going to have to make a decision. It was a decision she was dreading, but one she was going to have to face sooner or later. Maybe this meeting would help point her in the right direction.



03-11-2015, 05:40 PM

What was there to do when life went on in a way unexpected other than pick up the pieces? Akemi had been hurt terribly but Freyr's decision to be a loner, to basically condemn himself to death. Yet, at the same time, she could not have asked Rune to keep a pack member who had showed no sense of loyalty to the pack that had so graciously taken them in. She found herself caring for her daughter and sons in the meantime, keeping herself distracted, and monitoring what she could of the pack lands. Her desire to reach out to other Secretuans grew more, and she found it easier to embrace that thought. This was her home... the wolves here her family. She had no reason to hesitate speaking to any of them.

The female would heed the call of Rune a bit late, thanks to a rather clingy pair of sons not wanting her to go. In the end Tiny had hitched a ride with her, sitting on her head and clinging to her fur with his little paws. The female would lope up to find that both Rune's lovely wife and daughter had already arrived. The huntress would tip her head to the three, settling upon the ground as a warm greeting found it's way from her maw. "Good to see you all." Tiny would readjust himself on Akemi's head, his little ears twitching as he squeaked. "Is everything okay mister Rune? There's not another intruder is there?"

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno

Rune I


5 Years
03-15-2015, 04:51 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Alamea arrived first. She stepped forward with an awkward waddle, the sight of which drew an uncharacteristic yet unabashed smile to the proud Guardian's face. Any day now he knew she was going to give birth to their second litter, and she really did look like she was ready. He rose to meet her part way, understanding that her condition did not make even the simplest of tasks easy on her and glad to do anything that he could to lessen the burden those new lives placed on her - though he knew she would never speak of them as such. Rune nuzzled against her cheek as his little mate kissed his, drawing back enough to place a kiss of his own against her muzzle and peer over her face, searching it compassionately. "They aren't causing you too much trouble, I hope?" he asked softly, the tone just slightly teasing. She was strong, he knew, and this whole adventure was nothing new to her.

She settled in at his side and together they waited, though of course not very long. With their Healer being of the incredibly punctual type, there was practically no waiting to be done for Warja to arrive, which she did with a kind gesture of affection for her mother. Rune watched the young girl with approval, happy to see at least one of his children striving for something other than simplicity in their lives. Maybe all of his ambition had been funneled solely into her.

There was a short wait before Akemi arrived, and as he turned his pale blue eyes on her he nearly missed the little creature who clung to the top of her head, only noticing the addition once she had nearly reached them. There was just a slight edge of hesitancy in Rune with the little companion joining them - he had not considered eavesdroppers - but in the end he stifled it. Tiny was harmless after all, and considering what he had planned would eventually spread to the rest of the pack anyway there seemed no point in keeping anything from his group just because there was one unanticipated guest.

In fact, the little creature was quick to pipe up and ask about their purpose, offering the perfect opening for the conversation. "Secretua is safe. There are no dangers lurking on our borders," he stated, addressing all three of them even if his answer covered Tiny's question. "Which is why I wanted to speak with the three of you. We've been here a year now, growing and gaining stability. I feel like we're close to being stable, if we aren't there already," he explained, "and since we're doing so well I feel like it might time for us to start becoming more aware of our surroundings." Rune paused just a moment, glancing at each of them, before he pressed on. "I think it's time I began meeting with our neighbors, getting to know the other packs around us. We've proven we aren't going anywhere, and I think it would do us good to get an idea of what the rest of the world is like."

He felt better with his thoughts out in the open, spoken before those of the pack he trusted most, but also uncertain. They had stayed quiet so long, deterring any advances their neighbors might have attempted during that time. How might the world react to them, these secret individuals, when they finally came out into the light? "I wanted your opinions first, and to discuss it before anything was decided. I wouldn't go anywhere until you were absolutely ready," he added directly for Alamea's benefit as he was sure the thought of him venturing off on diplomatic ventures when she was giving birth soon would not go over well, "or before each of you thought the pack would keep itself together." Perhaps that was a bit offensive in a way, as if he doubted their ability to manage the pack in his absence, but he wanted to hear from them that they were able, that they were confident in themselves, just to put his mind at ease.


04-04-2015, 10:52 AM

The woman was honestly glad that Rune hadn’t commented on Tiny being present. The little thing had insisted on coming with her, and, honestly? Most of the time he was never far from her. He didn’t like being left alone and Akemi didn’t like leaving him alone. He was an easy meal for some predator and her heart had gone out to the critter. He was truly her son, treated no differently than her daughter Zisa or her son Einarr. They were her babies, all three, and no matter what happened she would never let anything happen to them.

The female would listen to Rune with interest on the matter he called them for. Secretuais safe, as well as stable. In her eyes anyway they were doing well, but she could see the point that Rune had to make. They were a strong standing pack, one that wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Definitely not. She would fight to help protect this pack, her family, from danger, just as any of them would. She was confident in the abilities of her packmates, especially of Rune and Warja, to help hold the pack together. So the female would play her part as well. The female would speak up first, giving her honest opinion on the matters.

“There is little doubt in my mind, Rune, that Secreuta is definitely stable. I feel confident that we’ll be able to hold to fort down while you’re away. Warja has already proven to me firsthand how capable she is, and I have little doubt Alamea is more than capable as well. Secretua will not crumble while you’re out and about, though there might be some of us missing you.” The female would add the last bit with a small smile. “But you’re right. The time has come to become more familiar with those around us. Knowledge itself can be the greatest power.”

Tiny would blink his little eyes as he listened to Rune and his mother speak. So Rune was leaving? The little critter would let out a little whine. “But you gotta promise not to be gone too long! We like you!” The pygmy jerboa would squeak. “...and you’re a daddyyyy you can’t leave the babies too long!”

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno