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6 Years
03-04-2015, 10:13 PM

((Warja and Rune first please, the other kids and any curious members may join afterwards.))

Alemea was burning up, the heat of summer pushing down upon her and no doubt was only amplified by the strain of her pregnancy. Even camped out in the shade of the trees along the edge of the pack denning site she felt like some part of her must be on fire. Then she felt herself cramp up… a wave of pain rippling up her abdomen and she knew exactly what was about to happen. The snowy woman tossed her head back and called for her children and husband. The woman wondered if she ought to try and move towards the den… but wasn’t sure she could make it on her own and would rather not risk falling.

Instead Alamea focused on her breathing, in in, out out.  At least this time she wasn’t stranded just off shore… in the middle of a storm. So far things were better than the first time around, and things had turned out alright with her first litter. That thought helped to calm the woman some.


Rune I


5 Years
03-07-2015, 03:59 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The closer it got to the time, the more concerned Rune grew. Was she eating enough? Was she resting enough? Did she feel any changes? Should she be doing something different? Was there anything he could do? Most of his concerns and questions he kept locked away inside his mind, but there they buzzed about incessantly, hitting walls, bouncing into each other, only to come back and hit the walls again. If he managed to ask even a few of them, he had a feeling he was going to get on his pregnant wife's nerves, and carrying a littler of pups all the way into summer was stressful enough.

Rather than become a nuisance, the light grey Guardian chose instead to keep his distance but with a watchful eye on the little white female. He never strayed very far, choosing duties and tasks that tended to keep him within the same vicinity that she chose to keep, and only occasionally venturing further when he thought he might be beginning to give himself away. He was careful about it, but he was glad of the decision when he heard Alamea finally, finally call out for him. There was no hesitation; he bounded off in her direction with full focus on being at her side through this. And this time there would be no stormy, seaside weather to make things anymore difficult than they would already be.

He stopped short beside Alamea, inclining his head toward her where she lay carefully minding her breathing. His nose skimmed over her side, his piercing blue eyes giving her a quick once over before they went to searching her face, his heart beginning to speed in his chest in both anxiety and delight. "Are you okay?" he asked, trying and failing somewhat to keep his deep voice even and calm. "What can I do?" Surely Warja would be there any moment to properly assist in the way only healers could. But he was her mate. He would do anything she asked to help her along this last stretch of her pregnancy.



4 Years
03-09-2015, 07:37 PM

Her mother's voice brought her at a run. The Gulley was her home and Warja knew it well; she found Alamea in minutes. Her father beat her there--something she would accept (just this once) without complaint because of the circumstances. As she approached the pair, the butterflies that had taken up residence in her belly began to beat frenziedly against their confinements. All at once she was excited and nervous, but she hid the nerves well, attempting to mask the anxiety and play it off as nothing but excitement. "I don't suppose you're taking orders, are you? 'Cause I'd like more brothers."

Grinning, she stopped before them. "How are you feeling?" It felt kind of odd to play doctor to her mom, to be the one in a position of authority, but she pushed through the feeling. Warja's eyes took in their surroundings. Eh, it could be better. She'd prefer it if her mother gave birth in her den. "Think you can make it to your den?" Unless she was, you know, actually on the verge of pushing puppies out that very second, Warja was going to insist Alamea be moved somewhere more secure.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
03-10-2015, 01:51 PM

Rune was the first to arrive, not surprising she had not failed to notice his choice of duties and suspected that he was doing his best to keep an eye on her, though she’d never tell him she knew. She smiled at his approach, wincing briefly before the smile returned. He nosed at her side before turning to look at her. "I’m fine." She spoke softly, though her words were undermined by another contraction rippling through her and causing her to wince. "Just being here is enough." Alamea did her best to assure him, knowing full well it couldn’t be easy for him to watch this and know there wasn’t much he could do.

Mercifully their daughter would arrive next. A small chuckle pulling from her lips as Warja spoke. "Should have asked earlier, I’m afraid it’s a bit late at this point.” She felt a pearl of pride at hearing her daughter’s question, knowing her little girl was taking charge of the situation. "A well as to be expected, the contractions are still spaced out a bit," she screwed her eyes shut for a moment feeling her abdomen tighten up again, "but always getting closer."  Warja spoke again and Alamea paused for a moment, mentally calculating before nodding.  "With some help I should be good." She looked at her mate, knowing he’d step in.

Slowly she shifted, folding legs under herself before slightly shakily rising to her paws. Leaning into her husband they began to the slow journey to the den. Alamea would falter ever so slightly during a contraction, grateful for the larger frame of her mate supporting her. Finally they would make it to the den and she slid gratefully inside. Just in time for another contraction.

With a slight whine she struggled to stay on her paws, unwilling to collapse as she so wished. Especially now any sort of fall could be disastrous and she was determined to protect the pups as long as possible. Sliding slowly onto her side she tensed again, feeling the contractions closing the gap between each one. No doubt the small walk to the den had helped with that.


Rune I


5 Years
03-10-2015, 10:09 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Of course she was not fine. He could see it plainly as her body contracted on her again, causing her expression to wince painfully in response. The burly grey male's ears tipped back sympathetically, but he knew his little mate was strong. She had done this before; she would do it again.

He offered her his company as she requested, staying by her side and glancing up and over at their daughter as Warja came in answer to her mother's summons. The edge of the Guardian's lips quirked upward in a rare half grin as she tried to ask for a brother, and though there was a part of himself that wished the same, for another son from this litter, he knew better than to think they could have had any influence over it. It was all a game of chance, and they would be lucky if all of them were healthy.

The typical healer's question followed, and Rune tried to settle himself with the thought that his daughter was now, in this situation, in charge. Alamea took to her easily enough, and he nuzzled the little wolf soundlessly in encouragement, amazed just as the first time that she was managing to keep herself together so well despite the difficulties of what she needed to do. And as moving to the den was brought up, Rune shifted quickly to accommodate Alamea, offering her his side and shoulder to lean against as he matched her pace and helped her to their den. He was glad she had still been in good enough shape to make the short trek. The den was a far better place to be born than right out here.

Not even once they were in the den did Rune leave her side, though he allowed her some space as she stepped further inside. Things seemed to be advancing along well, and he could sense that very soon the new litter would be wriggling about and crying pitifully beside their mother. He lingered there just inside the den, wishing to be near enough to watch her and make sure she was okay through the whole ordeal but knowing Warja's place in all this was significantly more important overall. He glanced back at his daughter and backed away, allowing her room enough to get by and to her mother to help her as only she could.



4 Years
03-13-2015, 08:53 PM

"Should have asked earlier, I’m afraid it’s a bit late at this point,” came the response to her attempt at humor and Warja was quick with a, "Aw, shucks." Of course she knew there was no way to pick the sexes of her new siblings, but if it were possible, she'd have done it. A bunch of little brothers sounded like a blast. "A well as to be expected, the contractions are still spaced out a bit, but always getting closer."

Warja hovered at her mother's side as they made their way towards the den. Once they were inside and her mother was settled, she took off to go rummage through her collection of plants. Once there she selected several plant mixtures and various substances that might be of use and, after bundling them up, darted back to her parents' den.

Worming her way into the den, Warja took over a corner and laid her things out. "How far apart are your contractions?" A bit didn't seem like much time at all and she doubted that there was anything she could give her mother that would help ease the contractions at this point. The majority of the things she'd brought were in case of complications, although she didn't expect any. Most likely all she was going to have to do was sit back and hope for brothers.

OOC: Feel free to PP Warja if you want to do the birthing in the next post.
