
chin up kiddo


03-06-2015, 08:02 PM
He had been content to sit on the sidelines, watching the gathering of his wifes and her son's packs with mild interest. He would keep Aster and Viola at his side, keeping them in check even as Valentine's children greeted them rather passive aggressively. He wasn't really sure what was happening there but he wouldn't ask, just wouldn't allow it to escalate. After a while he would drift away from the children, massive male slowly rolling his way through the battlefield, every so often breaking up a battle that was getting a bit bloody. But more then anything he would simply watch, eyes cold and calculating as he sauntered through the group. He would see Valentine split off with his mother for a time and he would regard from a distance, not due to curiosity but simply because he wanted his turn with the boy when he had a moment.

Time would continue to roll by and slowly spars would turn into greetings and mingling before eventually Arcanum wolves began to head back to their dens and Imperium wolves been to head home. Kylar would linger, waiting as long as needed. It was later afternoon but there was still time. Eventually Valentine would reappear and Kylar would turn slowly, heading towards him with a small smirk dancing on his lips. "Hey kiddo..." Kylar would say, though his voice was gruff his tone was light and easy. Teasing almost. Kylar would attempt to approach from the front and head off the equally large and imposing male. He had wanted to spar with Valentine for quite some time and Kylar had a feeling the male wanted to do the same."Have time for one more spar? I won't keep you long..." Kylar would say, head tipping and a lazy smile stretching across his lips as he slowly backed up and attempted to allow them space to move.

The massive scarred male would move, attempting to place them head one and five meters away from each other before raising a brow and motioning to Valentine to take the first move. In the mean time the male would hunker down, head lowering to align with his spine before scrunching his neck to gather loose flesh around the vital parts of him. Chin tucked, jaw unhinged, eyes narrowing and nose scrunching to gather loose flew around delicate orbs. Ears folded against his skull, tail aligned with his spine before he spread his paws and loosened his joints. This was what he needed... He didn't plan on letting Valentine go without a fight, for the first time in months a light would dance in those acidic eyes, a challenge. Yes, this would be the perfect challenge.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
03-08-2015, 06:17 PM

"Hey kiddo..." A familiar deep voice halted his fatigue induced zombie shuffle. Kiddo? His ears perked and his head swiveled to take in his mother's mate. "Have time for one more spar? I won't keep you long..." Valentine's head lolled back as his eyes searched the sky. Man, he was tired, but how could he possibly refuse? "Alright, old man," he teased, eyes seeking out his opponent's verdant gaze. "You're on." Valen had no intention of backing down from the challenge. When Kylar motioned for him to take the first move, the brute complied without hesitation.

He accepted the distance and positioning Kylar attempted to place between them, something that placed them head on and at a distance of five meters. Valentine adopted his defenses with fluid ease. He widened his stance and splayed his toes as his knees bent and weight centered - effectively lowering his center of gravity and making it harder to displace him. His head lowered and his tail rose, these two defenses coming together to bring his spine into alignment. Along his back his hackles rose as his shoulders rolled forward and his chin tucked. Valentine's ears fell flat as his eyes narrowed, the skin around his eyes and along his forehead wrinkling.

In a flash he was off, seeking to close the distance between himself and his opponent rapidly. He sought to maintain their head on positioning--for now. A split second before his attacks began, the brute dodged to his left in an attempt to line the front of his right shoulder up with the center of Kylar's chest. Valentine jutted it forward, seeking to use the bony front of his right shoulder as a lance. His aim was to drive it into the lower portion of Kylar's throat just above his breastbone with the intention of stunning him and knocking the air from his lungs.

The Imperator's left forepaw rose and darted inwards towards his right forepaw. Valentine attempted to slam it down on the toes of Kylar's right paw. He sought to pin his opponent's toes and limit his movements while causing no small amount of pain. During this move his weight redistributed instantly to fix his compromised balance.

To complete his first round of attacks, Valentine's head snaked to his right. His crown tipped to his right as his jaws rose to his left (his head rotating in place), teeth parting as he attempted to move in for a bite. The brute sought out his opponent's upper throat just below his lower jaw. The aim was to sink his upper teeth into the left side (Ky's left) of Kylar's throat and his lower teeth into the right side (Ky's right). Valen didn't seek a life ending bite. Instead he simply sought a tight grip that would allow him control over his opponent and the ability to choke Kylar into submission.


(OOC: How many rounds do you want? I'm good with 2-3)


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.