
I hope your apple pie was freaking worth it

Absinthe 1

03-08-2015, 03:10 PM

if you knew- knew what the bluebird sang at you- you would never sing along

Tears had long since stopped falling from her eyes, though stains were still dark upon her downy cheeks. She would burst into tears renewed every few hours, when it all hit her again. It had been a few days now, since she'd seen it. Mama. She cried in her mind, desperate to learn it had all been a lie. Desiree, she was... The violet girl sniffled, blinking away a fresh wave of tears. It had been a little longer than that since she'd last eaten, and her tummy felt hollow with gnawing hunger. She didn't know where mommy had gone, though she had disappeared very quickly. Mama still lay there, despite the lavender child's best efforts. She'd tried to wake her mama up from what she'd thought was a nap. She was so cold. Came the unbidden thought, accompanied by a shudder. Why was her mama dead? Why was she all alone? Where was Milli, her sister? Did mommy kill her too, or did she run away?

The small factor of being lost had come as a surprise to the girl, after half a day of walking. She hadn't known where she was, and for quite some time, she had wailed for her mothers to rescue her. No such luck. No one had heard, and when her stomach had been growling so loudly it sounded like a lion roaring, no one had done anything, should they have been nearby. Her alabaster toes were caked in mud, her fur ridden with blades of grass and dirt from her sleeping on the ground wherever she dropped. Ivory stained features were growing gaunt, mismatched optics rimmed with red. She was tired and hungry, and most of all, she yearned for something or someone familiar. Everything was strange, and she didn't even have time to enjoy it. This adventure was far from fun, as all the rest had been (Save for the journey to see Auntie Cat, where she learned her parents had been wanting to abandon her and her sister).

When there was finally a glimpse of something familiar, she all but collapsed with relief. The mangrove. Bacchus lived here. Or maybe he had moved away. Everyone was leaving her, these days. Did they not like her? Was it because of the ugly white stain on the left side of her face? Yeah, maybe that was it. Or they were tired of her adventures taking her away from them. Either way, she was feeling no love from anyone nowadays. Aching paws stumbled closer to the mangroves, dull eyes focused on it with the intent of a hawk. Maybe Bacchus would know what to do, and he would help her. They were friends, right? Friends helped friends when they needed them.

When she felt soft sand under her sore pads, she dropped heavily onto her haunches. She was tired, and she was hungry, and come to think of it, she was a little thirsty. The glowing water of the mangroves didn't seem like a good thing to drink, but her throat was dry, and she was really starting to feel apathy for whether or not it was a good idea. With a whine, she decided to forgo it. A small, trembling song would leave her lips, calling for her friend to come. She missed Bacchus, he was nice. He would know what to do, right? Her tiny form had grown somewhat since last they'd met, but she was still a tiny little thing. The fact that the plumpness of her youth had faded and her ribs could be faintly seen under her lilac coat probably didn't help anything, either.

cast them out 'cause this is our culture, these new flocks are nothing but vultures


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!



2 Years
Extra large
03-09-2015, 01:25 PM

Life was continuing on at a slow pace, excitement seemed to fizzle out as the news of his father's reappearance moved to the back of his mind. He hadn't really left the territory, and found that sleep held him more often than not since meeting Absinthe. He felt apathetic and held little motivation, though he knew deep down that he should be training to be strong like his father said. He just didn't feel like it. As the days went on the boy would come closer and closer to asking his mothers what might be wrong with him. Why it was he had no desire to do much of anything.

He'd then hear the call, a familiar voice he hadn't quite expected to hear. Still Bacchus could not deny that he was super curious about what she was doing back here. He'd very much enjoyed meeting the purple nymph and knowing she'd come back to visit him sent an excitement through his belly and his limbs. Mismatched ears would perk as the boy rushed to see what had brought the girl back to the mangroves. As soon as he caught sight of her he knew something as wrong. When he'd last looked at her Abby had been plump, happy, and maybe a bit shorter. Now she was not but skin and bones and looked completely dreadful.

With a soft whine Bacchus wasted no time in bringing himself to her side. She seemed so sickly. "Absinthe.." He'd whisper as he tried to curl around her much smaller form. "What's happened, what's wrong?" He'd attempt to nuzzle her vibrant purple neck, not even taking into consideration that they had only met once before this.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Absinthe 1

03-09-2015, 10:19 PM

this is how an angel dies

He would appear soon enough, and it was all it took for the violet babe to burst into renewed tears. She'd missed him so much! Was Bacchus bigger now? Probably, though he was pretty big to start with. A soft sniffle and hiccups would accompany her tumultuous smile. Bacchus was here, he would know what to do, right? As he drew closer, it was evident that he was worried. She must really look terrible then. Abby sure felt terrible, like her tummy was gonna turn into a black hole soon and suck all of her into it so the hunger would go away. He offered a whine of consolation, curling up around her oh so delicate body and offering a gentle nuzzle into the rough fur of her neck. He asked what was wrong, though her body shook so much she found it hard to get out the words. What had happened? She wasn't exactly sure on the details, but it was clear- mama was dead. She wasn't gonna be here to take care of her or Milli no more.

Another series of sniffles could be felt through the entirety of her quaking frame, mismatched optics blinking wildly as she tried to get the tears out of her eyes. She didn't like the blurriness her vision had become, and part of her was still deeply curious to find out what the mangroves looked like during the light of day. Pretty, but the sight seemed to fall far from her hopes. Like food turned to ashes on her tongue. She just couldn't enjoy the sight. Resting her shoulder against that of her friend, she buried her cheek in the much softer fur of his ruff. Her throat was tight with her misery, rough as sandpaper with thirst. Words couldn't even reach her tongue for a few moments. Finally, a soft set of high melodies would finally announce the horror she'd witnessed a few days past. "Ma- mama is.. my mama, she's- she's dead, Bacchus!" Wailed the lavender child, body shivering with something that was not cold. "Mommy, she- she did somefin' to her! I- I 'unno what, but- but Bacchus, it was real bad!" She whimpered, vocals hoarse now. All she wanted to do was curl up in a hole, and maybe she would wake up back at home, and this would all turn out to be a real awful nightmare.

Horror gripped her, as it all came tumbling back into her mind. Optics would fix on something just out of sight, wide and unblinking. "She was cold, Bacchus. I thought she fainted, maybe. When mommy was gone, I went to wake her up." Plaintive voice would turn quiet as the grave. "Why did mommy do that? Mama never did nothin' wrong, and... she was just layin' there. Her eyes w- was closed, and she looked just like she was sleepin'. But, when I tried to wake her up, she didn't even move! She didn't feel right, even her fur was cold." Murmured the girl, sniffling a few times. Further would she press her form into the warm side of her friend, the image burned into her mind as clear as if she'd just seen Desiree's fallen features. Was Milli dead too? Or was she okay, and safe?

"What am I gonna do, Bacchus? I don't have any momma's left, and I don't know where to go.." Anxious vocals would whimper, desperately searching her friend's ruby optics for some sign that he knew what to do. He had to, she had no one else. Except Aunty Cat, but she hadn't seen Aunty Cat for a while now. Uncle Ky, maybe. But she wanted to see if Bacchus would help her, first. Bacchus was nice, and he wasn't so scary, like her aunty and uncle.

I blame it on my own sick pride


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!



2 Years
Extra large
03-11-2015, 03:31 PM

Absinthe was obviously crying as he curled around her, she looked almost as distraught as his mothers when they'd learned of Roman's death. After a few long minutes of weeping he would hold her until she finally spoke, her voice broken and the words just as devastating as he'd expected. She'd just lost her mother, and what was worse it sounded like she had been killed. He would hold her tight, whining again and nosing her softly for comfort. He wasn't sure if he could say anything to make it better, and so his silence would reign as she went on, the horrifying details were to much for such a young girl to be speaking. What had she been forced to witness?

As she pushed closer to him she'd ask what she was going to do, where she was going to go now that she didn't have anyone. "I bet you could share my mommas.", the good natured boy would tell her easily. He'd nuzzle her cheek encouragingly, "And you could stay with me?" He'd perk up slightly, but he doubted it was enough to cheer the somber mood. He wanted to be excited that Abby might stay with him, but she'd just lost her whole family and felt sad for her at the same time.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Absinthe 1

03-14-2015, 02:59 PM

and it's our time now if you want it to be, maul the world like a carnival bear set free

ooc. mayhaps pip or somebody soon?

Bacchus was so big, that her own meager size was glaringly obvious. What a pathetic and ugly thing she was, in her own head at this time. Small and sniveling, with her features stained by ivory. She was in a bad place, mentally, now that her mamas were gone. They must not have loved her enough, she must be broken somehow. Yes, that must be it. There was something wrong with her, to make her mommies want to abandon her so. The soft rumble of her friends voice offered aid, dragging her towards somewhere safe in her brain. Bacchus had two mommies too? How awesome! They must be destined to be friends. A soft sniffle wracked her entire frail body, and she tried to find it in her to smile. It was a weak smile, trembling and threatening to crack again. "Really?" She asked softly, hope flaring in her mismatched eyes. That would be nice, to have mommies again. She already found herself missing that, the love of her parents. It had been a while, and her mommies had been very distant before the whole.... coldness.

The warmth of her friend was so welcome, the lavender girl felt starved of all love and touch. It was a relief, to be here with Bacchus. His nose brushed against her cheek, and she let her lashes flutter towards her cheeks. It was okay for now, she was safe here, with her friend. When he offered that she might stay there, she found herself startled. Here? With him? That would be very nice indeed. This mangrove was very pretty, and living here would be a wonderful thing for sure! She smiled weakly again, nodding her head a little. "I like that idea." She agreed quietly, pressing her cheek against his shoulder again. How odd these two must look, just sitting here like this. It didn't matter to the violet babe, she'd been living under the title of odd for her entire life. Her brows suddenly furrowed, knitting together with a sudden expression of worry. "Is that okay?" She asked suddenly, searching his crimson eyes. "If I stay here?" She added, simply to clarify. If she wasn't allowed to stay here, it would be sad, but she could always visit Bacchus, right? She had nowhere else to go, but that was something she could figure out on her own, eventually.

sometimes I just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-26-2015, 09:16 AM (This post was last modified: 03-26-2015, 09:17 AM by Epiphron.)
The unfamiliar scent of an intruder hung heavy in the air, brought to her by a gentle breeze that swept through the mangrove. The scent was youthful and not inherently threatening, though she couldn't help but feel a nagging curiosity build in her chest. Not feeling as though she ought to hurry too quickly, she lazily made her way toward the scent. Only when she drew closer to it did she note that the scent was mingled with one of Amalia and Athena's sons. Perhaps it was a friend of his?

It was surprising, when she finally saw them curled together, that the girl was stunning in color -- a tiny thing cloaked in vibrant purple, like nothing she'd ever seen before. She was quite a bit smaller than Bacchus and looked significantly younger as well. "Bacchus," she'd greet her adoptive grandson with a gentle smile and slow dip of her head to the ground. "Is this a friend of yours?" The child's face was streaked with tears and the sadness in her was obvious even from a first glance, though she wanted to hear what had happened before making assumptions.



2 Years
Extra large
03-28-2015, 08:27 PM

She seemed so fragile curled against his side he was afraid he might break her if he moved too fast. Her frail voice would perk up as he offered the possibility of sharing his family with her, he hoped desperately at that moment his grandmother would allow her to stay. She was so sad, and she looked to sick. Surely his mother Amalia could make her better. With her healing as well as the mass amounts of love that flowed from her. Bacchus would gently sit around her, wanting to hug her like he would his smaller mother Ama, but he was reluctant in case he really did break her. Maybe when she felt better he could give her all of his hugs to show her that everything was going to be okay. He'd even earn a smile as she told him how much she liked the idea, his grin would widen. The boy would go to answer her, ready to tell her that he would have to ask his grandmother if she could really stay when he heard his name.

Surprise was evident on his features, he hadn't seen her approach or heard her or smelled her but suddenly his grandmother was looming over them. Her voice wasn't harsh, and she would easily enquire about the tiny Absinthe in his arms. "Yes, Grandmother." He would start, doing his best to be respectful to her. "This is Absinthe, and she just lost bother of her mommies and I told her she might be able to share mine.. If you don't mind." It was probably the fastest sentence he'd ever said, but as he ended his confidence would falter and he'd shrink back a little from his adopted grandmother. What did she have to think about Abby staying here?
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Absinthe 1

03-29-2015, 01:18 AM

just bid me some direction

The appearance of a strange lady with pale fur and part of her ear missing prompted the girl to huddle a little closer into the flank of her friend. There was nothing overly threatening about this female, but the lavender child knew better than to instantly trust anyone at this point in her life. Audits would lower warily against her skull, tail curling close to her rump. She wouldn't admit to being afraid, because she was supposed to be the bravest wolf of all. Just... nervous. The ivory lady addressed Bacchus softly, asking after the violet fae herself. Mismatched optics would gaze upon the woman with a sense of awe and fear. It suddenly entered her mind that she had trespassed on the territory of a pack, and that she might be in very big trouble. Her dark furred companion rose so he could place himself with his forelimbs on either side of her. The tired babe would rest her cheek lightly against a pallid forelimb, sighing. Bacchus spoke gently, calling this russet marked femme grandmother. Silently, the lilac youth would watch their exchange. He introduced her calmly, ever so respectful as he explained her situation.

Bacchus seemed a little worried after he spoke, and a little spark flickered to life in the purple whelp's chest. She had to help Bacchus with this, because he couldn't do everything on his own for the two of them. Growing bolder, she peered up at the woman and blinked a few times. "M' name is Absinthe Sovari-Carmel, a- and Bacchus is my friend. I'm sorry I came into the border without askin', but I was lost, an' I didn't know where else I could go." She piped up quietly, gentle melodies hoarse from sorrow and dehydration. "Mama, she.. she was real cold when I got to her, miss Bacchus' grandma, and... mommy is gone now, and I'm real scared." She murmured, tears welling in her eyes again. Why had mommy gone and done that? Why did she have to.. kill mama? Was that it, was mama dead forever and ever now? She didn't want mama to be dead. "But if ya.. dun want me to be here, I can go 'way again, I guess." She finally concluded with a heavy shrug of her narrow shoulders, dropping her gaze toward the ground. Sure, it hadn't been the most polite plea there ever was, but it was all the little girl had. Shoulder would brush against her friend's forelimb again, seeking comfort in touch.

I'll be your affection


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-06-2015, 07:05 AM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2015, 07:06 AM by Epiphron.)
Perhaps she had interrupted the moment they were sharing -- and this much was evident by the surprise that suddenly painted the features of Bacchus. Even still, she wanted to know who this girl was and why she had been welcomed here. The last thing she needed was an angry mother searching for a child that was being kept within her borders.

Quickly Bacchus explained this girl had lost her mothers, and he had offered to share his own. She had no doubt that Amalia would be willing to care for the girl, but she regarded her with a bit of wariness still.   "I see," she'd murmur softly as she assessed the situation. The girl named Absinthe seemed quite unnerved by her presence, shrinking back timidly into the touch of Bacchus, and her blue gaze would soften as she watched the tiny thing. She began to speak and her mismatched ears would twitch attentively. Her name was vaguely familiar.. Sovari... but she couldn't quite place it. She certainly had never seen any purple wolves like this girl before.  "Don't worry," she assured her with a brief shake of her head. She was no threat, and had no reason to be treated as such; it was clear that she was but a scared child.

Her admission sounded like her mother was dead. Who was she to turn away a child? A gentle sigh would leave her lips, wondering silently how it was that her pack seemed to attract wolves who had nowhere else to go. "You are welcome here, dear Absinthe, for as long as you need," she decided quickly. Perhaps she might not be the most useful contributor to the pack at this age -- or in this condition -- but she knew her family would flourish when surrounded by loved ones. Bacchus would likely be no exception. And truth be told, the leader had a soft spot for children after having two litters herself. "I am Epiphron. You may call me if you need me. Bacchus, please make sure she gets some water and something to eat soon," she instructed her adoptive grandson softly. but firmly. "If you need help, feel free to call me -- or your mothers."



2 Years
Extra large
04-06-2015, 02:13 PM

Bacchus would let Abby sink into his form at the appearance of his grandmother, he'd try to reassure her with a quick nuzzle behind the ear before his own attentions would be completely focused on Epiphron. He wouldn't give her an amazing amount of information, and when Absinthe spoke up he felt a bit relieved. Especially as the alpha would reassure his small purple companion, don't worry. He'd find himself smiling softly at teh statement, his white marked tail flopping behind him in pleasure as The rest of the story was given by Absinthe. Hers was an incredibly sad one, and he didn't show his approval at the loss of her mothers, he could never do that. However he would watch Pip's features as she mulled over the situation she'd walked in on. They would receive an answer even quicker than he would have expected. Yes, she would be able to stay here. His expression would brighten and his tail began to wag faster, he'd remain as calm and respectful still. "Thank you, grandmother! I will." He'd promise to take care of her, at least until she could do so on her own. He'd also have to introduce her to his mothers, Amalia in particular.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Absinthe 1

04-06-2015, 09:53 PM

I'm not gonna stop until the whole world knows my name

The soft nuzzle from her friend was not missed, and she thumped her tail once against the terra. The pale woman considered this, expression shifting each time the violet lass spoke. She assured the girl that there was no need to worry about a threat she might pose. It was a relief, for sure, that no one was going to yell at her or try and hurt her. A soft sigh would leave her, tension starting to ease from her tiny shoulders. Finally, the woman told her that she was welcome to stay here for as long as she needed to be. A great smile began to form upon her inky lips, teeth glinting as it grew. She had a home again! Tiny banner would wag with glee, a tiny yip of delight leaving her without bid. A name was offered. Epiphron. She told the lavender babe that if she would like, she may call upon the woman. Epiphron explained to Bacchus that he would need to get her water and food soon, and told him where he could find aid if he required it.

Bacchus was quick on his reply, thanking his grandmother heartily. The notes of respect weren't missed, and the lilac child bounced to her feet as well, mismatched optics wide and earnest. "Thank you, miss Epi- Epiph.. Epiphron. I won't let you down, I swear!" She stuttered, still not fluent in pronouncing everything quite yet. Her thousand watt smile was priceless with her little tail wagging at a thousand miles a minute behind her. Awkwardly, she would dip her head to the sovereign, trying to be polite and thankful. No one had taught her how to act around royalty, but she was trying her best not to make a fool of herself. Gaze would drift up to Bacchus, still smiling like the world was finally on her side. Which it most definitely was, for the first time in a while. "Where to now, Bacchus?" She'd ask him softly, looking between her friend and his grandmother. Was she gonna meet her new mommies now? Or would there be time to get a drink and eat first? She was buzzing with excitement now, ready to get a fresh start at life.

'cause I was only born inside my dreams


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!