
my blood is a flood of rubies, precious stones it keeps my veins hot...



2 Years
03-08-2015, 09:19 PM
hello, I'm your martyr, will you be my gangster? Can you feel my trigger hand, moving further down your back?

Off in the distance, an obsidian beast sits upon her throne made of skeletal fractions. Her inner demons were resisting the urge to commence their righteous anguish, leaving her blood to boil. Little did she realize that a anthem of sync growls were bubbling up and festering, envisioning her brother's face in dark of the night, the stars above illuminating his physique as if he were really there -- standing in front of her. Her joints and appendages reacted as the image of him began to fade, her lip curling back in a snarl as her brother's vessel was dispelled by her neurotic actions. Fayelon dismissed her battle ready stance, her proportion was well set in stone as she shook off her gruesome attire. She wasn't crazy, no, but she had a feeling.. a strong sense that her brother was around here somewhere.. watching here. Her guard was reset and she cleared her head of anything that reminded her of that monster. It seemed her mind was playing tricks on her, wanting her to officially go insane -- but she will not bow to such monstrosities, she will prevail against them.

Fayelon took a moment to regain her sense of sell-control, trying to screw her head on as best she could before taking off across these dunes. Such a place that reminded her of her homeland, and as much as she'd hate to admit it.. she missed the damned place. She didn't have a sanctuary, or let alone a safe haven to come crawling back to -- maybe this is what she needs.. somewhere to call home. For the mean time at least. A heavy sigh fell from her parted mouth, breathing in sharply to let a groan of sorts to evolve from her thorax. Grumbling lightly under her breath, the onyx she-devil turned to her right and started off towards a rather roomy cave that caught her interest. Faye was running on negative zero percent of sleep in the past few days she has been in Ala, and with all the new wolves she's been bumping into she's found it hard to settle down under a tree and actually rest -- concerned and cautious that she'd get mauled in her sleep.

robb stark



9 Years
03-09-2015, 12:25 AM
A raucous, hacking squawk filled the air; a pheasant calling to its mate in the dark. The wolf crouched in the tall grass, shuffling silently through the thick, green stalks. He couldn't even hear his own paw-steps over the bird's loud cry. Grinning maliciously, he crept forward, parting the grass with his muzzle until the bird came into sight suddenly. It let out an awful sound and its colourful feathers puffed up in a threatening display; at the same moment, Xephyris heard shuffling nearby, signaling to him that its mate was fleeing while he stood against the predator. Hah! he laughed internally, yet out from his throat a deep growl rumbled as he lunged forward. His deadly traps snapped around the front part of the bird's chest; he closed his eyes as it tried to peck viciously at his face, but with a quick thrashing the pheasant was broken and dead, hanging lifelessly from his jaws. He dropped the carcass to the ground and immediately began to devour the meat, spitting out the feathers.

He was disrupted from his feast when he heard growling in the distance. He squinted and his brow furrowed as he attempted to find the source of the noise. At last his silver eyes caught movement against the black, starry night sky; an ebony wolfess atop the long grassy hill, snapping at thin air before she seemed to talk herself out of a trance and take off. The stars shined bright where her dark silhouette had blocked them. Xephyris licked the blood from his lips, and abandoned the rest of the bird's carcass, his paws carrying him swiftly.

He was curious to see where the lone she-wolf had gone. He pursued her over the dunes, chasing her scent and the slightest trail of trampled grass she'd left behind. The entrance to a large cave came into view, and her perfume lingered nearby. Her obsidian frame melded with the darkness, but he knew she was close. His gray and white coat were illuminated under the light of the moon, standing out like a sore thumb in the trampled grass. Charcoal-tipped hackles rose along his spine as he anticipated her stepping out into the open. Smirking, he seated himself in plain view where he knew she would be able to see him. "Why don't you come out into the moonlight, m'lady?" he called out, his gravelly voice rumbling through the air, "I saw you fighting demons under the stars... what a sight to behold." He then rose to his paws again, his thick tail lifting high, challenging her to reveal herself, silver eyes glaring into the darkness as he waited to see movement...



2 Years
03-09-2015, 10:33 AM
hello, I'm your martyr, will you be my gangster? Can you feel my trigger hand, moving further down your back?

The vixen prowled onward across the terrain, her bright nebula's were fixed on the outline of the cave just over yonder. As she neared it's welcoming encasement the breeze carried a strong odor of a masculine her way and not long after she detected his aroma in the atmosphere she could hear the pounding of heavy paws on the earth, the feel of the ground's rumbling carcass quaked with each sprint he took towards her. It seemed the boy wanted to play, a game she wasn't so familiar with but she'll give him a run for his money. With one quick leap the phoenix was bolting forward, her long legs that were built for stamina and endurance carried her faster onto her destination -- leaving the brute in her dust.

Masking her frame in the cave's gnawing darkness, her entire being was enveloped and with her black pelt she faded with the shadows. Fayelon awaited for him to arrive and when he did the woman kept silent, her sapphire and ocean green oculars glowed a metallic color as she began to analyze the male. His structure was built for heavy duty it seemed while hers was built for speed, sure she was strong in all aspects that involved fighting but she mastered in the arts of stealth and stamina. A few ear-bleeding moments went by as he just sat there, almost as if he were jut going to wait for her to eventually come out. But that was not like Faye, she'd rather stay locked in the dark then reveal herself to a stranger. Although when he spoke his rough vocals were laced with interest, tempting her a little more. She shook her dome in annoyance, her optics rolling in sync motion at his half-ass charming speech.

Fayelon didn't not move from where she stood, the onyx demon simply sat back and watched quietly as he patiently waited. This was getting ridiculous and the she-devil couldn't sleep with him hovering there all night so she might as well given him what he wants, which is her appeal. Without hesitation the woman defensively stalked out from the haven, carefully taking in the way his joints reacted and his limbs moved. He seemed to have a quick reflex, something to take note of if he decided to attack. The beauty wasn't going to let it slid without a fair warning, so she let loose her toxic miens and snapped violently near him. I don't care what it is you were doing following me, but I suggest you leave while you still can or things will get pretty ugly, pretty fast. Fayelon then straightened up, her posture was battle ready and crown loomed low to tuck in the nap of her heart-shaped chest. Ears pinned back against her skull, lips curling back in a gruesome way, her legs spread out evenly to give level out her weight on all four appendages. Her demonic growls never ceased as they poured out like venom.

robb stark



9 Years
03-09-2015, 11:17 PM
The fur at the back of his mane prickled as he saw the onyx vixen step out into the open, her posture hostile and ready for war. His gaze moved over her entire frame from head to tail as she approached him, noting her lean body and intriguing eyes. He grinned maniacally as she came in close proximity, tensing his body in readiness as she closed the distance between them. He pranced playfully out of range with a taunting chuckle as she made an aggressive snap towards him, a torrent of venomous lyrics escaping her jaws. His eyes flashed with malice in a moment of anger before he stuffed it down, instead responding with utter amusement. "M'lady, you're too cute!" he exclaimed with a laugh, "I don't want to fight you. I couldn't help but to seek you out, to see if you'd caught your demons." He chuckled some more, watching her face and trying to gauge her reaction while still staying out of her reach. He'd stall to see if he could avoid shedding her blood, yet he couldn't help but to tease her at the same time just to see what she'd do. To strike her ire might at least afford him some entertainment.

The demons she'd been fighting must have possessed her, for the growl leaving her throat became a constant stream. Yet it caused no alarm or uncertainty to Xephyris, it became background noise to him. "Come now, there's no need to be so inhospitable," he reasoned with a low, rumbling tone, tail swaying high in the air behind him. Then, cocking a brow he added, "Besides, I don't follow the command of strangers anyways. I'll humor you, if you insist, but don't take me too lightly, now." He licked his lips, letting his ivory canines flash as he did so, talons digging into the earth and tearing the grass under his paws.



2 Years
03-11-2015, 06:17 PM (This post was last modified: 03-11-2015, 06:18 PM by Fayelon.)
hello, I'm your martyr, will you be my gangster? Can you feel my trigger hand, moving further down your back?

The stones that she calls her nebula's of is an on-going raging inferno, colliding in a unique anthem that makes them dance over the male's skeletal embodiment. He seemed to pester her, trying to get her to open up and coincide with his idiocy. She was truly an arrogant brute who didn't know the ways a female organism works, which isn't much of a surprise since a quarter of them don't have half a brain to work with. The mighty queen bee shook her vertex in a dishonoring appeal, completely thrown back by his comment about humoring her in ways that she certainly had no desire to unravel. The goddess sat back and listened carefully to his demise, a crusading chuckle bubbling up in the depths of her larynx.

Fayelon rose to her foundations her attitude abruptly transmitted into something far more insidious, another expression that she herself has yet to be introduced too. Moving further out of the darkness that knelled at her command by her background structure, slowly fading further away and she could feel it's eerie grasp lift from her scapula's. The ebony vixen stood closer to him, diminishing the distance they had between one another in a matter of seconds and once again she settled back and gently spoke.. her rich Greek accent rung beautifully out in the midst of what felt like the most awkward upbringing of two strangers. My hostility is driven by your stalkerish capacities of my well being, therefore I have no need for your company or your empathy. And no need for humor, dear, and I'd hate to tell you this.. but to take you lightly in something like this is what I will do until you leave. Of course Faye was going to be blunt, it's in her nature.. especially when she's in heat, her hormones are out of wack and she can be quite the psychotic-bitch if fondled with roughly -- you must be fragile with her at this point in time. Although doesn't mean she's gong to be fragile with you.

Her lips edged apart to form a smirk, trying not to allow him to notice her grim look but it was all to good to be true. She flashed him her famous smile and then her expression became serious, her bicuspids creeping out and shining so proudly in the moon-lit night. Her claws anchored her to the ground, keeping her from springing upon the masculine. As for your statement about demons, I was indeed but you wouldn't know nothing of them unless you'd like to get a little taste of them yourself. My demons can be.. savage monsters, you could say they're in love with the blood pulsing through one's being. Just like I am.

robb stark