
LA'KOVA, zyrix



3 Years
03-09-2015, 09:29 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Kyleybrr
Age: 16

Character's Name: Zyrix La'Kova
Character Age: 3 years
Season of Birth: Winter
Adult Height: 36" and 175 lbs
Appearance Description: the main pigment of her coat is that of an underlying tone of light ashen accents, dappled with streaks of obsidian and occasional appearances of alabaster. streaks of ebony appear almost paternally as one travels up the length of her backside, albeit becomes sporadic upon reaching her shoulder blades, the under portion of her cranium being decorated in mainly ivory. upon her countenance, the black reappears prominently around the areas of her cheekbones, under the eyes, and across the muzzle. her pelt is thick to protect her against the restless assault of the barren, white months and she sheds annually in the spring. hairs on the neck and shoulders stand up when she feels piqued or threatened, and make her appear even larger than the goddess already is. her tail is thick, slightly bushy, and rather long -- optimal BALANCE.

her legs are designed for running, structured to chase and tire larger prey. due to this, the rest of her body follows this example; her chest is narrow and thus so are her hips. like many wolves, her toes move individually, heavy paw pads protecting her against the wreckage of the terrain. like dogs and wolves alike, the claws are blunt and do not retract. because her wolf counterparts were built to bring down large prey, her bones are under high strain, and thus are incredibly strong. her bone structure also makes her physique streamlined, including narrow collarbones and wrist bones. her skull is also long and narrow, allowing her to hold unto prey. in addition, her brain is enlarged to enhance survival, tactical, and social skills, and thus she is naturally incredibly intelligent and her head is rather large. to accommodate, the rest of her body is larger as well, making her an overall large and powerful animal.

she has scent glands near the side of the tail closest to the backbone, emitting an odor that distinguishes her identity. she also has scent glands along the roof of her mouth and between her toes, which help in marking territory when she marks trees or bites other animals. she has ten times the ability of a normal dog to detect odors and 100 times that of human beings. her strong jaws allow her to bite with twice as much pressure as a german shepherd, and her tongue have projections called papillae that help her groom and rip meat from bones.

her eyes, unlike many wolves, are not yellow or maroon -- but blue. her eyes effectively detect motion and she has strong peripheral vision. her night vision is superb, and like many canines, she has a third eyelid that functions to move across the eyelid and lubricate it with natural oil in harsh environmental conditions.

her ears are smaller than domesticated dogs, because dogs were bred to have larger ears. as a wolf, her ears are also more rounded than they are pointy. she can swivel her ears in different directions, letting her hear more effectively. she also uses this motion to communicate with other wolves. her hearing is 16 times more sensitive than the human.

Proof of Purchases: n/a



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