
Paradise Lost

Marina I


7 Years
03-11-2015, 05:24 PM (This post was last modified: 03-11-2015, 05:24 PM by Marina I.)

So take me and make me, weakened and save me
This hate that you gave me keeps saying the same thing
To sing when you hurt and to sing when you cry
To sing when you live and to sing when you die

And here at the end, at the end of the hurt
All the pain ain't the same when it's your turn to burn
We're the heart for the heartless, the thoughts for the thoughtless
The lies for the honest, we're the gods of the godless

Let it all burn, I will burn first
God I've tried, am I lost in your eyes?
Just let me burn, it's what I deserve
God I've lied, am I lost in your eyes?

It left her burning up inside. Lydovne being no more, the children now under her care, or rather Necro and Ganja. They had settled on this thrice damned island, Nephilim Island it was called. It was no home, not the way the shrine and forest had been. The beast felt nothing but anger in her heart for the loss of it all. For failing Dione and Novaro in a sense... in not being enough for the children Dione had placed under her care. "Go with aunt Rainbow." Dione had said. She had trusted her to protect them. To care for them as she would. But what did the she wolf know about proper care of babus alone? She would heave a sigh, thoughts muddling her mind.

It was time she had confronted the kids after a sleepless night. They needed to figure out what they were going to do from here on out. What the children wanted to do was at the top of her list, but there were also her own goals that she was considering. The female had vowed, with the fall of Lydovne, she would carve out a pack in honor of the two alphas she had served so briefly under. This was far from over, she swore, someday there would be retribution. It may have been Dione's error that brought this about... but it was the blue alpha's gal to drag more than one being into it that spurred Rainbow's actions.

Rainbow would let out a breath and sat on the beach, looking out towards the water. Eyes would watch for a long moment before she tilted her head back and let out her howl for her two charges; It was time to talk.

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



2 Years
03-12-2015, 12:45 PM

They had to move. Again. Though this time it was with out her mother and father. In addition to losing her plant the losses would throw Ganja into a depressed state. She didn't eant to play, she really didn't even want to eat. She just wanted to curl up next to her momma and eat her plants like they used to do. It had been so long since she'd been able to eat the buds with her mom. Surely by now it had been forever.

Where had they gone? What were her and her siblings not allowed to follow? Didn't they care about them anymore? Even Toxin had run away. She'd spend her days and most of her nights in the little cave she'd found. It was an odd hole in a sea wall and even though she got sand in her fur she liked how tiny it was and that it fit her perfectly. The only part about the island she even remotely enjoyed. Tears still streamed down her face as she heard Rainbow's call. Her 'aunt' was nice enough but Ganja wanted her mom. She barely knew her new caretaker, and she'd never been there to eat marijuana with her.

Sighing heavily she'd remove herself from her little alcove, and quietly would bring herself through the island's terrain to sit before the woman who'd called her. Sitting heavily on her haunches the girl would look at ehr paws as she waited what might be happening to them next.

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Marina I


7 Years
03-24-2015, 09:41 AM

She would wait, but only one of the children would show. The little girl, the one whom Rainbow had a softer spot for simply because of her gender. She reminded her so of her own daughter, her own little baby. Kaitlyn. The female would draw closer to the child, gently circling around her before sitting. She wasn’t sure if Ganja would move away, but all the same Rainbow would try to be a source of comfort, a presence like a mother. A soft sigh would pass her lips as she began to speak to the child.

"Ganja, I know that you do not know me well. But I want you to know that I am here for you. I want to protect you. I want to avenge the fall of your parents pack... of their loss. They loved you, you know that they did, but those Imperium wolves stole everything away." Rainbow would let a low growl escape her. "I want to create a pack and get our revenge on them. To make them pay for hurting our family. But... for right now I need to make sure you kids are somewhere safe. To make sure you can be happy... I know it's hard. But... I want to know what you want to do."

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



2 Years
03-25-2015, 01:40 PM

Necro was nowhere to be seen, her brothers just like her parents had left her. It really didn't feel good to know that her family had been so thoroughly destroyed. She had no one left, though her 'aunt' did do her best to offer Ganja her care she was no Dione. The woman who's call Ganja had heeded would move to envelope her, probably wishing to offer comfort to the lost girl. Ganja wasn't sure if she wanted it but she wouldn't shy away. The only part of her to move was her ears swiveling back at the voice while her bright red eyes lingered on her toes. "those Imperium wolves stole everything away." Tiny ears would fall to her skull at the words, no she was wrong. Their family was torn apart because her mother and her father didn't want her anymore. She'd hear Rainbow's growl and the words that followed. "make them pay for hurting our family." No. that wasn't how it was supposed to work. Ganja didn't want to get revenge on anyone. It was no one's fault but Dione and Novaro's. Their family would still be together if they hadn't left. Eventually the woman would give Ganja the ability to speak her mind. "Rainbow, Imperium didn't hurt our family. Even if we don't have a pack family is still family. Mother and father hurt our family," tears would start to fall from her eyes now, "They're gone, they left. We could have been together again after the pack was gone but they left me." Very obviously Ganja would blame her missing parents, she'd sniffle helplessly at the tears. "I just want to feel happy again." She'd eventually tell the older woman, not able to get out many more words after that.

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Marina I


7 Years
03-28-2015, 02:29 PM

The beast would raise a brow as Ganja spoke. She didn’t want to admit the girl was right, but, in some senses, she was still wrong. Imperium was still at fault for dragging the pack into a matter that should have been settled between the two alphas. It was something that was not going to be forgotten. Not ever. She would breathe in, gently nuzzling the poor child’s head. Her eyes would close, thoughts coming to mind. She wanted to argue that Dione had not destroyed their family... But it was true. Lydovne was gone... And they were just picking up the pieces now.

“I know that they left... And... I don’t know why, Ganja. I will not lie to you. I thought they would come back.” The Rainbow woman would open her eyes again, speaking again. “But I do know this. I’m not leaving you or your brother. We’ll find a way to carry on, and find happiness. We’ll move from here, back to the mainland, and search for a place where we can live. My mate Fenris will come with us... And we’ll do our best to make you happy again.” The woman would move, so that she could meet Ganja’s eyes as she stood before her.

“We can even find more of those plants I noticed you liked to tend to. I’ll help you start a new garden...” Rainbow would give a gentle smile. “...We’ll rebuild our family. Different, but stronger. I promise.”

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



2 Years
03-31-2015, 10:58 AM

Rainbow had been sure that her mother and father were going to return as well, but they hadn't. They were gone, and Ganja was beginning to feel like they'd never loved her, was she even worth keeping around? Why was rainbow so determined to rebuild what was lost, what was the point? Obviously Ganja and her brothers were not worth keeping. Rainbow was determined to make a better life for her, she wanted Ganja to be happy again. But could she even do it? The little green girl's features wouldn't show the hope that the woman was surely trying to instill back into the young girl.

Her 'aunt' would offer many things, a promise of her plants and of family, but could she really provide what she offered? "But how? Everyone is gone." She was still devastated, but hope did return to her voice, maybe life would be okay. She'd lean into the darker form above her, wanting all the comfort the woman would offer her.

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Marina I


7 Years
04-06-2015, 07:02 PM

A sad smile would cross onto Ganja's face when she asked how they would rebuild their family. The female would close her eyes, speaking truly from her very heart, her very soul. "By building a family with wolves anew." The female would take a breath, opening her eyes and looking up at the sky.

"Ganja, let me tell you something. When I first came to your family's pack I was looking for a new place to belong. My own family... they were taken from me when I was young. They were murdered..." Rainbow would give a soft sigh. "...and I was so different from them. Where I came from wolves like me, like us, were considered a curse. But my family refused to believe that. They loved me. They truly did. But they are gone. I met another... a young man who gave me a beautiful son and daughter... and due my desire for revenge, my thirst to avenge my parents and brother I ended up losing them too." The woman would look back at the child.

"...and then I met your mother. She gave me a sense of purpose. A sense of belonging. I felt... at home again. Wanted. Ganja... you're all that's left of this new family of mine. If we need to rebuild our family with new wolves then we will. We'll shape a new path for ourselves. We'll spit in the face of the world and those who doubt us. We'll be strong... but we won't cause unnecessary trouble. I... Ganja... I want to keep you safe because you're all I have left too. Being alone hurts more than anything else." The female would speak honestly.

"So if you say it isn't worth revenge, that it was your mother's fault that Imperium invaded then I won't bother them further. We won't bother them further. I don't want to risk losing you over some foolish, selfish whim." Rainbow would give a little whine.

"I want to go somewhere to start anew... somewhere we'll both like... Ganja... will you try and help me build this new future? I'll do all I can, but I can't do it alone."

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



2 Years
04-29-2015, 10:51 AM

At first her aunt's answer was seemingly simple, but even the young child could see the amount of heart and soul the rainbow wolf believed it. Could they really just make a new family on their own? Though as the other's ruby eyes opened Ganja's would follow them to the sky. She'd never really realized they'd had the same color iris. Of course the absent minded child would think of such random thoughts in such a serious conversation. Though as the older wolf mentioned murder Ganja's attention wouldn't stray again. This was her aunt's history. "gave me a beautiful son and daughter." Another odd thought would pop into her head, she knew next to nothing about reproduction. Had her father given her and her brothers to her mother? Where had she been before that? How did her father give her to her mother if she'd come out of Dione? She knew that much because her mother had always complained about them ruining her body. She couldn't focus on that though! Marina had lost all of her family and all she could think of was where babies came from.

Her gaze would find the ground as the other wolf got to he part about her mother. About how precious she was to be th eonly family left. Imperium would be forgotten, because the risk of losing her was too high, Ganja felt a relief as this and she wouldn't hesitate to draw more near to Rainbow. Ganja hadn't given in and offered cuddles to anyone since her mother had gone, and she realized how much she missed snuggling into her momma's fur. Ganja would fall forward onto Rainbow's front legs, tears welling up in her eyes. "Yes! Yes I will," Ganja would cry, her heart hurt from missing her mother she couldn't imagine what Marina felt.

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