
What A Load Of...!


03-14-2015, 08:19 PM

The female would let a hiss out of her mouth as she flopped down upon the earth. The male she had met upon the strange vessel had left a sour taste in her mouth. The wolves of this land were indeed strange beasts, and she wasn't too pleased with how they conducted themselves. They were nothing like her siblings and all, nor the tribe. But still... She wasn't sure why she felt so frustrated but she was. She wanted to chase something. She wanted to sink her teeth into something. Gosh, she was just so frustrated! Men sucked. Royally. But perhaps that one would get what was coming to him.

Sunniva would let her red gaze wander, taking in the different sounds around her. Birdsong, critters scurrying through the trees. She would frown some, wondering what life was like for them. For the animals that they were hunting. The gray and red female would try to calm herself down, taking slow breathes in and out. It was certainly going to be a long day, but she wouldn't mind it. Perhaps she would find a good distraction soon. Hopefully though, not some other annoying stranger.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Art by:: Tealah



4 Years
03-14-2015, 09:21 PM (This post was last modified: 03-14-2015, 09:24 PM by Rozenn.)

Being in heat sucked, and it sucked even more when she didn't have anyone to hump her brains out. Ugh. It made everything even more annoying than... well everything. Only her brother was a good enough wolf to really make her feel better. Nothing in this freaking block of land even stood up to the two of them. With an extremely loud groan she walked through the pines, looking for something to take her mind off of everything else. Someone to play with when Claude was not looking. And that is when she saw the beast of red and gray lurking in the woods, and she caught her attention right away. She had to pout when she saw that the woman was taller, as well as having quite interesting markings. Well shit, did everyone here drink beauty water or something? Only she was the natural beauty, they had to be taking something. Maybe a magical deer that granted beauty. Yes, that sounded like quite the good solution. But now she really had to inspect out this chick, see what she was about. Plus, she was bored out of her mind. Maybe this woman wouldn't mind giving her a bit of release....

Clearing her throat, the woman strutted her way towards the towering beast of a woman. Silver eyes flashed up at her, a coy smile on her lips. "Merde, vous jolie femme," she said as a greeting, but looked as if she weren't insulting her. "greetings." Rozenn offered in the more common tongue, her thick accent strong in her English words. Eyes roamed her form with little need to hide it, taking in the markings around her ankles. Interesting... she felt as if she had seen those before... A brow rose as she eyed her face, awaiting a reply.

Art by Keno

Claude is allowed to enter any thread that Rozenn is in, private or not. This is your warning.


03-19-2015, 08:23 PM

Maybe she was being a bit unfair too. So he had a bit of an attitude... Thought a bit highly of himself. Last she checked that wasn’t really a crime, now was it? No, she had to admit, it really wasn’t. But whatever, chances were she would never see him again. She would let her mind wander a bit further until she heard a sound that was out of the norm. Not birdsong or insect buzz, but instead a sound of another predator. She would shift her gaze, letting her red orbs fall on another.

Ah... Now what was this? A stranger, a pretty little thing. She spoke in a foreign tongue, different than the common language here. Yet it was not the language of her tribe. Not that she was familiar anyway. Sunniva would give a nod as well, taking note of the heaviness of the accent the female had n her words. “Greetings indeed.” The female would respond, letting her gaze wander. There was something about the physique of the other, as well as her clear foreigness, that had Sunniva wondering.

“Stranger to these lands as well, are you?” She would say softly. “You look and sound too pretty for these lands to be your home.” She would give a compliment, somewhere between a smile and a smirk on her lips. “Might a lady get another’s name?” She would ask. Perhaps this was the distraction she sought.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Art by:: Tealah



4 Years
03-24-2015, 12:29 PM

The woman's eyes roved across her form, and a smirk slowly spread across her maw. Good, this one realized the beauty that stood before her, unlike so many others who didn't dare to give her a second glance. Stupid creatures they were, but this one was a keeper. Brains and looks, a combination that she only thought possible of her own bloodline. When the one before her replied, she noted the accent within her own words. Ah, another not from these parts. Well that would certainly explain why she was so different, all the wolves she had met thus far were all daft little critters. Figures that the giant was not from around here, although Rozenn felt comfort in that. Once the red marked woman spoke, her smile grew even wider as her rust and white tail flicked behind her like a pleased cat, head raising a little higher. "Indeed, ma chère, I was not born in these boring lands. And I take from your voice as well as your brain that you were not as well. All others here are far too inferior to be birthed at the same place to one as wise as yourself." A compliment? From Rozenn? Had hell truly frozen over? Must be, as her silver eyes drank in the sight of the pretty one before her. The taller woman asked her name, and slowly she lowered herself to her haunches, tail curling at her side as she did so. "Rozenn," she said, the 'r' rolling delicately off her tongue. "and yourself? I doubt something like 'Sue' or 'Betty' is what you are called. If so, I will be most disappointed. A foreign looking wolf deserves at least a name to accompany it." She said, tossing a wink in the woman's direction. Oh yes, it was time to play.

Art by Keno

Claude is allowed to enter any thread that Rozenn is in, private or not. This is your warning.


03-28-2015, 02:21 PM

The young woman definitely found the accent of this stranger to be hypnotic, so sweet sounding to her red tipped ears. Ahh, and what a kind compliment in return. Sunniva couldn’t deny that her ego was being stroked here, making her chest swell a bit. But she wouldn’t let it get completely to her head. She would not mimic the other woman’s actions as she lowered herself to the ground however, instead eyeing her with curiosity as she spoke her name. Rozenn. It was beautiful, truly. Especially how it rolled off the other lady’s tongue.

She would let a light laugh leave her lips as Rozenn inquired about her own name as well. “Well I certainly hope you won’t be disappointed! That would be quite tragic.” The female would give a swish of her tail, edging a bit closer to this beautiful woman to get a better look at her features. “My name is Sunniva, my dear.” The wink had not been missed, and Sunny would circle around the other creature, tail flicking back and forth curiously. “So what does bring a being of such beauty out here anyway?”

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Art by:: Tealah



4 Years
04-15-2015, 02:44 PM

The larger woman edged closer to her, and she watched her with a careful eye. She didn't very much like being touched, and no matter how pretty this one was, it was still a no-no. But she let a smooth chuckle leave her maw at the woman's words. Yes, it would very much be a shame to leave her disappointed, she didn't like that one bit. She introduced herself as Sunniva, and she let out a soft hum. Silver eyes followed her large form as she wrapped around her in a circle, vivid red markings standing out against her coat. She was asked what brought a pretty thing like her here, and she let out another laugh. "I could have asked you the same thing. My exotic darling, you are obviously not from around here. However, I live up here with my brother. I couldn't resist coming up here to gaze upon your rather... interesting form." Rozenn's words were a soft purr, rusty red and white tail flicking out in hopes to swat against the females flank. She enjoyed this little game they were playing, and although she had hopes that she was the one in charge. It was rather hard to picture who had the ball in their court though, Sunniva was a clever little woman. Well... not little at all.

Art by Keno

Claude is allowed to enter any thread that Rozenn is in, private or not. This is your warning.


04-23-2015, 10:41 AM

Oh this lady was simply divine! Sunniva would chuckle softly, the soft purr of her foreign companion like music to her ears. "Just to gaze my dear? Not to touch?" What was this? My my she was feeling frisky today. That was answered as the other female's tail flicked out, swatting against her flank. She would smirk, the game that they were playing amusing the both of them it seemed. She would lean in closer to Rozenn, breathing softly against her cheek as she spoke again.

"What a naughty little minx you are." The female would rumble. "Maybe I should punish you?" It might have been hard to tell who had the ball in their court at the moment, but it was clear who was trying to steal it in that moment. Sunniva would let a smirk dance upon her lips, her eyes aglow with mischief.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Art by:: Tealah