
grease is the word



7 Years
Dire wolf
03-14-2015, 08:20 PM

Islands were something she enjoyed warily, after having washed up on one when she first arrived. They aroused a feeling of discontent in the celestial behemoth, reminding her of the emotions she first felt when she arrived in these lands. When Mithras had been taken from her by the storm. However, now she was trying to feel the love for it all. There was plentiful vegetation here, growing over and through crumbled stone structures. Immense paws thundered across the terra as she ambled aimlessly about, watching the surrounding landscape curiously. It was a strange looking place, and there was a structure in the midst of all the rubble that was truly interesting. Casual strides would carry her into the ruins, celestial pelt darkening when she disappeared from the embrace of light. Amethyst optics looked it all over. Vines climbed perfectly vertical walls, cracking through the monotone grey stone.

On the ground were scattered flat creations, which reflected the meager light that entered the structure. She padded closer, crown dipping between her shoulders so she could regard the closest one. She would frown, tilting her head this way and that to try and figure it out. It was a queer object, what looked like ice had been cracked for some reason, but the image beneath it was still mostly clear. It looked like a landscape, nothing familiar, with beasts roaming it that she didn't recognize. It was a savanna, but she had no idea what the creatures were, and that was upsetting. They were striped, and they looked like deer, sort of. Why would deer be striped? A low growl escaped her, irritated by the confusion this image caused for her. What was this place, why was it here? She didn't understand how any of this could have come to be.

Lip would curl in an aggravated snarl, silent but evident. Straightening, she would trudge off further into the cavern that wasn't a cavern. This was a ridiculous place, and she was feeling a sense of love-hate filling her. She was upset by the fact that it made no sense in any way, bu she wanted to see everything else this place might offer up. Two corridors were soon offered to her, one leading up and the other leading onward in the direction she was already heading. With a small frown, she would decide upon heading upwards. The method of heading toward the sky was strange, footholds in the ground inclining upward. It was odd at first, jerky rather than smooth climbing. However, she got into the rhythm quickly. When she reached flat ground again, it was much lighter. Holes in the wall let in a lot of light, which set her cosmic pelt to glowing. She sighed, following the tunnel again. Broken bits of wood were fallen across the floor in some places, other blocked openings in the wall. One was completely wedged in the hole closest to her, one that was probably about as tall as she was on her hind legs.

Glaring at it, she decided she didn't enjoy that she was being blocked from entering whatever space was behind it. Growling a little under her breath, she trotted toward it, and gave it an experimental shove with the topmost part of her skull. It groaned a little, but didn't budge in the slightest. Baring her teeth in yet another silent snarl, she reared onto her hind legs and braced her forepaws upon the surface. Now the wood screamed in distress, but didn't even splinter. Relieving it of her weight for a moment, she pushed against the door. Metal shrieked, hinges protesting. Again, she shoved harder. Wood splintered beneath the assault, so when she repeated the action, her paws fell through the slab. Grunting in surprise, rosy optics would widen. Inhaling slowly, she fought to withdraw her limbs. Not good, not good. The galactic dame would think in mild distress as she finally pulled her feet away from their prison. This time, one powerful shoulder would be wedged against the wood and the woman would grunt and huff as she strained to open it. When the wood finally gave, and splintered violently, she all but fell inward.

Stumbling through the opening in the stone, she ended up in a very strange room indeed. Shaking out her coat, she padded further within. A hole in the ground was full of murky, filthy water. Lip would curl in disgust. The stagnant pool was appalling, but that wasn't the most interesting thing in here. Glancing about, it appeared as though there were bits of pelt that weren't pelt, were partially eaten away by animals or mould. Snorting, she absently busied herself with investigating the strange room. What was going on in this place? What kind of creature could have dreamed up such a thing, as clearly the gods had not put this on the island.


Sessy as hell manip courtesy of the lovely Fox!



5 Years
Dire wolf
03-14-2015, 08:59 PM

"I'll break the silence and watch it fall to pieces"

Hoomans, as far as she remembered from the past the old elders had told stories of these places. Amachi hadn't payed too much attention, because it didn't affect her. However, how a creature could even attempt to make something like this was beyond her imagination. It was best to not question things though. She was never one to try and figure it out, because some things were simply just that...unexplainable. This place nearly seemed perfect for her to hide in, the huge building overgrown gave off enough stench to hide her scent. What she would be hiding from; there was nothing to hide from here. There never had been anything to hide from, maybe herself, but that was only back in the place she grew up in. Everything was better with her gone, her best friend and father to her dead children was dead; there was nothing for her there.

The strange veined behemoth would follow the trail without thinking, she didn't feel like concentrating on anything at the moment. Her tail swinging from side to side, it was easy to drown out the smell; she had smelt worse. Though her ears would pick up every sense of sound it could, the little scratching of rats and birds within the tree's and hard material that she couldn't put a word on. As soon as she heard water sloshing around inside, she stopped her body would instinctually start up. Though as her gray eyes blinked and looked forward, what brought fear to her was what she saw. Her chest tightened and she tried to keep her breathing low, make her existence not known. The wolf in front of her; was the same size as her. To the inch, the same height her coat glowed like a purple night lit up by stars. As Amachi felt her skin crawl, she looked like an animal who had been skinned herself. Veins covering and rooting her body, orange underbelly and red underneath her eyes and the tip of her tail.

In any normal situation, she would ignore the other, and move on. Yet something about it tugged in the back of her head, she had never met a wolf like her only heard rumors of the large wolves of her family line. Amachi was sort of scared of starting confrontation, but it wasn't like it was going to hurt. It could though, that was the worst part. A sigh escaped her lips before she looked around, she found a branch sticking out of the side of the sludge wall. Taking a massive paw, she prepared herself for another behemoth to look towards her. Another wolf with odd colorings, and perhaps it was a ghost. Slamming down on the branch, it snapped in half. Her gray eyes would stare outwardly though try not to make eye contact even if she sort of longed for that even.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
Dire wolf
03-14-2015, 09:23 PM

"Speech" thoughts actions

ooc. hover over speech for translation :)

The snap of something distinctly wooden called to her, attention stolen in a split second. Celestial crown snapped around to the source of the noise, a threat painted upon her face by reflex. This was a strange place, full of dangerous possibilities. Size and strength were key here. Audits were flat, hackles up, inky lips peeled back from ivory fangs. Pale amethyst gaze would rest upon a fellow giant, and their eyes would lock quickly. Cranium would rise above her shoulders, facade of danger never dropping. Slowly would her powerful form turn, facing the stranger. She was a strange creature indeed, looking like something that crawled from the fiery core of the earth. The opposite of me. She mused, looking the other over. She stalked closer, each immense paw landing precisely upon the cool stone underfoot. Optics would flicker over the frame of the stranger, taking stock of their pose. There was no threat in the female's stance, though wariness was evident. The cosmic titan would halt just a few paces from the other, drawing herself up straight.

"Može li da vi pomognam?" She drawled warily, eyes narrowing in scrutiny of the other. Galactic banner would whip to and fro behind her, curled over her hips. She was a strong creature, and with another of her size, it was only smart to act as confident as possible. Showing any semblance of weakness would or could mean her death. The branch beneath the paw of the veined goliath was taken into account, lips would slide back over her teeth, dominant posture remaining. Was this someone sent to bring her and her brother back, so they might be properly sacrificed before the sacred altar? Or simply one sent to kill them and let that be it, sufficient to please the gods. Either way, this knowledge must be acquired quickly, so she could find a course of action. It was her job to protect her brother, and little Ria. Her job, and hers alone. She wouldn't falter from that course.



5 Years
Dire wolf
03-14-2015, 09:33 PM

"I'll break the silence and watch it fall to pieces"

An uncomfortable feeling rested in her stomach as the other resulted in instant aggression. She could see why though, Amachi was just wrapping her head around how this wolf was the same height as her. Amachi didn't feel like fighting, she had no reason to so why would she. The stranger had done her no wrong, and threatened she may have felt but Amachi had never held herself in a dominant posture. Her mouth slightly hung open, her fur was flattened out and her head was just level with her spine. She could always stretch forward to offer the traditional greeting lick on the snout that a submissive wolf would do to a dominant but Amachi wasn't totally submissive. She wanted to figure out a way to make sure the other knew she meant no harm; Amachi didn't feel like fighting today but if she had to she had been in the front lines in a war that lasted nearly a season. Suddenly words left the others mouth that Amachi didn't know how to comprehend. A different language? This was going to be difficult and it made her want to cry a little.

"I uhh, don't know how to speak that but I can tell you I'm not here to hurt you." Her ears would flick as her gray eyes showed the obvious calmness but than again her heart wouldn't stop beating a thousand miles per second. She sheepishly took a step back, the uncomfortable aura was swirling around her. "I'm sorry, I... was just perplexed that I'm seeing a wolf the same height as me and.... with just as a unique coat as I." did the other even understand her. She hoped she did, or communicating would be difficult. Amachi did not know where this wolf came from or what she was feeling. That was the main reason the behemoth couldn't hate unless harm was inflicted fully on herself or friends, and at the moment she had no friends. Just a broken heart that she was just getting over.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
Dire wolf
03-14-2015, 10:02 PM

Her painfully basic knowledge of the common tongue allowed her brain to process the first thing to trickle from the others mouth. She meant no harm. That was good. Slowly her demeanor would shift, tail falling to rest against her heels, audits rising to capture the rest of the femme's speech. Apologies followed, hesitant English falling from her maw that made next to no sense to the poor girl. she caught snippets, words here and there. Yes, they were the same height. Around here, that was a very strange thing. Unique. What the fuck did that mean? Coat was a word she knew, but what kind of correlation did those two words have? Tail tip would flick irritably, aggravated by her own stupidity. Slowly in her mind would the sentence she would reply with form, and trickle down to her tongue. "Sorry." Husky lyrics would offer, initial apologies coming for her aggression.

"Not.. speak good.. common tongue." She continued slowly, wincing at the sound of her own faltering speech. Gods above, did she ever kick herself for not paying attention in her lessons. "Try.. speak easy. Slow?" She whined, brows knitting together. Why was she so fucking dumb? Tension would build in her shoulders, claws clicking against the stone underfoot as she flexed her toes. Amethyst optics would flicker to the ground, puzzling out what to do. Her mind would grip onto something she had forgotten, basic courtesies taught to bloody children. Cranium would snap upward, sheepish smile offered to the other woman. "My name Caia. You.. have name?" She would enquire softly, tilting her head to one side quizzically.


Sessy as hell manip courtesy of the lovely Fox!



5 Years
Dire wolf
03-14-2015, 10:34 PM

"I'll break the silence and watch it fall to pieces"

Amachi started to calm down when she realized the other hadn't meant no harm the same as she. She understood, seeing as it could be scary when you didn't know the common tongue, and you were as big as they. The fear she saw in Caia was the same as the pack wolves from her home kingdom. Her paws stepped back, head held a little higher for a moment but only as a sign that she was listening as she lowered it again. Oh, she was frustrated, every time she got annoyed it struck a hurtful chord. Amachi knew it wasn't her fault, but it just made her nervous sometimes. A smile grew on her face as she listened to the other though. She was beautiful, and even with how awkward Amachi could be she had met someone who was almost the same way.

She nodded her head, before watching the other behemoth tilt hers. Amachi stepped forward inch by inch before trying to settle a small reassuring lick on the side of her cheek. Body language would play an important role in this, so amachi would have to concentrate on friendly manners she had been taught at a young age. It was something she hadn't done in a while, except with her past lover of course. Was he even a lover? "Amachi Mackury." she would say her name, saying her last name was a bit of a habit entirely. The mackury family wasn't well known around here so it wasn't like it made much of a different.

"Friend?" Amachi would question, hoping that got through. It was always nice to make friends, and amachi felt maybe a tad bit more comfortable with the other oddity. It took some time for her to get used to anyone though, her legs tensed up and she backed away again not wanting to be too close. Her eyes darted to another side, trying to stop her heart from beating so fast.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
Dire wolf
03-14-2015, 10:48 PM

"Speech" thoughts actions

The introduction came slowly, following a friendly tongue against her cheek to offer encouragement. With a smile, the celestial titan would dip her head in greeting to the other. Amachi. It was a strange name, but it quite fit the woman. Her smile would falter for a moment, her brain seeking words desperately. Damn it all. "Nice to meet y-you." She finally stuttered, a cursory wag of her starry banner following. This woman was quite patient, it was something she accepted graciously. Sure, Mithras would stumble too, but never quite as much as she did. His sense of the language was much stronger, he could string together basic sentences at least. And Ria, gods above, Ria actually spoke the common tongue fluently. She was immensely lucky, as it looked to be. Anyone who could easily have a conversation was lucky, and the freedom that offered was brilliant.

When the question of the grey eyed female met her tall audits, the cosmic dame blinked for a moment. A friend? Yes, that would be mightily good! Her tail swished across her heels with barely contained glee. Her crown would bob up and down delightedly, and the femme all but bounced about with joy. "Yes, friend!" She would announce, husky lyrics booming from her maw. Her grin would become impossibly large, for this was the first friend she had made for herself in years. Even her meager amount of childhood friends had been made early on, and then abandoned her when it had been learned that she would be the victim of a sacrifice. Long strides would carry her quickly forward, chest colliding against that of her newly made companion in renewed greeting. This was a very good thing, to have a friend. "Friend Amachi," She began to speak, husky vocals tentative despite their hearty tone. "you teach me.. better.. common tongue?" The galactic fae would question, raising one brow. Learning to speak with the others here would be very good, and she could use the freedom of uninhibited speech around here. That way she could explore with out having to worry herself as to what she might do if she ran into a native of these lands.



5 Years
Dire wolf
03-14-2015, 11:57 PM

"I'll break the silence and watch it fall to pieces"

Oh gosh, this wasn't something she was used to. The other bouncing around when she agree'd made Amachi flinch. A natural reaction as the other suddenly was extremely close, she'd be able to feel her racing heartbeat but she hoped the celestial behemoth wouldn't notice. Her tail was tucked between her legs and she hadn't even noticed it herself. Nervousness settling in with Anxiety as she tried her best to feel comfortable but a stranger was still a stranger after all. Though her ears would flick towards the other as she mentioned Amachi teaching her how to speak common tongue. A small sheepish smile glowed on the veined wolf's face.

"Sure." she responded before walking a little ways away from Caia. She entered the room that the other was once in before, her paws were soaked but it was still something making her curious about it. Standing up on a dry pedestal, it was cracked strangely. Small green vines growing through it. "This place is strange." she mildly thought out loud. Looking at the other, unsure how to even begin to teach her.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
Dire wolf
03-17-2015, 04:11 PM

It was clear her boisterous attitude was not entirely welcome with the other female, but the celestial titan continued regardless. It registered in her mind that she should calm herself, though she was feeling rather bubbly now. It was a rare feeling, for sure. Most of the time she was fairly grumpy, stoic. Her new friend offered a small smile, and agreed to teaching her how to speak the common tongue more fluently. Or at least, she thought that was what this word meant. Sure. Sure? She ran the word about in her head, mulling it over and turning it this way and that. What a strange word. But it seemed to mean what she thought, so it was alright. With a peal of thunderous laughter, the cosmic dame grinned like an idiot. "Good, yes. Sure." She murmured, trying the new word out for herself. Sure.

Slowly she would trail after the veined woman, her kohl rimmed optics scanning over the area around them. Vines climbed the walls, foliage fought and tore its way through the ground. It looked strange, like the earth was trying to reclaim the place. The violet behemoth hardly noticed the others disappearance, until she glanced around and found her absent. Crown would rise, nostrils flaring to pick up her scent again. Direction would shift, following the familiar vocals into the room from whence she had appeared. There was a word there she did not understand. Brow would furrow, a frown forming upon her inky lips. "What is.. strange?" She enquired gruffly, sniffing at the wooden splinters all around the entryway. What kind of word was that? Strange. She would quickly abandon the investigation, and move over to the strange murky lake in the middle of the stone den.

"Means what?" She would grunt without looking up, busied suddenly by a hole in the wall that seemed to be inhabited. Soft squeaks erupted from the fissures in the stone as she sniffed around it. Mice, perhaps? Talons would scrape at the rough walls, catching on the edges of the cracked part in hopes of digging out whatever was inside.


Sessy as hell manip courtesy of the lovely Fox!



5 Years
Dire wolf
03-18-2015, 10:44 AM
Amachi was not entirely sure how to explain words. Especially since she didn't know thw foreign language she spoke. How did you explain emotions, feelings, observations. Amachi was scared to use examples for the girl might assume the object itself was the word. So it went through her head with difficulty. She made a frustrated face for a moment before looking around there was a cracked mirror on a wall and a painting in which was peeling away. Of course she didn't know what it was. Thet was also various weird stuff littered around the room. Amachi started pointing at the objects. "Strange, means like unknown." Please let the gods she knew what unknown meant. Amachis gray eyes looked at her newfound starry friend. "What is friend in your tongue?" She asked. Perhaps it would be better if she also learned the others language.

Her tail flicked for a moment, spending the day with caia would be intetesting, though it was obvious the two of them felt uncomfortable or even stupid with how to communicate. Amachi smiled crouching a little as she wagged her tail, she did not want to seem bored or unfond of the other. She enjoyed the company, even if she had anxeity there was times she just knew what to do.



7 Years
Dire wolf
03-26-2015, 05:31 PM

"Speech" thoughts actions

The soft, hesitant vocals of the darker woman filled the air again. Amethyst gaze would drift back to the veined form of the woman, blinking a few times in confusion. Eyes would follow the direction her friend looked, slowly grasping the concept of this new word. Eventually, realization would dawn upon her, jaws parting as a low rumble would escape her maw. "Aahh," would precede the translation into her native tongue "Čudno." The cosmic goliath's husky lyrics sounded much smoother when speaking in her own language, almost poetic when she strung together a simple sentence. In the common tongue, and just about any other, it was choppy and halting. She loathed that fact immensely.

When her companion asked her for a translation, she smiled lightly. It was a simple word, but she rather enjoyed the fact that Amachi was asking. She could sense that their friendship would last some time. "PriJatel." She would inform the dark female, returning to her investigation of the family that lived in the crack in the wall. She tried to stick her nose into the niche, to no avail. Surprisingly, no noise came from the crevice. Frowning, she glanced around. A group of small forms scurried across the stone floor, trying to escape her. A stunned growl that sounded a little more like a snort than anything would leave her as she pursued them. Terrified shrieks filled her ears, prompting her to pounce like a child. The sound of a hollow crack could be heard from under her paws. She winced lightly. Whoops. Lifting her paws, she found a single limp body amid the frantic movement of the rest of the family. Looks like papa mouse wouldn't be seeing any of his children any more. Trapping them between her chest and forelimbs, she watched the group try and escape. It was extremely entertaining. "Friend Amachi, come see!" She barked, grinning as she tore her gaze away to the form of her companion.



5 Years
Dire wolf
05-12-2015, 01:07 PM

Amachi was enjoying her time with the other simply put, they were the same size which made it easier to relate. Although any situation could throw her emotions off into a spiral that could make her feel uncomfortable. That situation would come close at hand, as she watched Caia a little bit, then was called forward. The struggling animals made her feel bad, her ears would come to rest on the back of her skull. As Amachi let a shrill whine leave her mouth out of slight discomfort. She didn't find it entertaining, it made her feel uncomfortable that the animal was running about trying to escape only to be prevented to by Caia. It would be much better to have put them out of their misery.

"Caia it would be better to kill it. That's mean." she would lift a paw and tap Caia on the head gently shaking her head in protest. Trying to immitate biting the mouse to back up her english words so the other understood. Along with her whine earlier. Of course Caia could get mad at her for feeling this way all she wanted. But she couldn't support the senseless torture of the mouse like that, even if her instincts on the inside were laughing at it.
