


03-14-2015, 09:49 PM

The young man was laying among the cattails, near the water's edge. He was content, breathing in and out after eating his fill of fish. His eyes were closed, a lazy look of lounging on the beasts form. Seeing Mystic home and safe, seeing his new siblings... Naoise felt happier. He was glad that he had listened to his aunt Yurella. She was really wise... perhaps smarter than even his dad. Not that Naoise thought of his father as dumb. No, the boy respected him much more now. There was a need to definitely spend more time with his father. His sister too. Perhaps he could convince them all to come and spend the day down here? Yes... that would be nice.

A smoke green eye would slowly open as Naoise looked at the water. The fish here were fat, lazy, and easy to catch. He knew his father didn't particularly like hunting big game, so the fish would be good. Though he did like their current place of residency as well. Everything seemed right with the world now, even if he would be helping his father with hunting for those vikings. Still... he was glad Mystic was alright. He would have felt terrible should anything have happened. He would flick his tail in thought. Perhaps he could take her here and catch her some fish. Would she like that?

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Shelby



6 Years
03-14-2015, 10:10 PM


Snap! Snap!

The sharp click of fangs closing on empty air was a hard sound for any wolf to miss. Kuwindwa silently cursed her luck as she missed time and time again. Her patience had paid off in waiting for the fish to come near her partially submerged forelimbs, but actually catching the slippery vertebrates was another matter entirely! Never mind the fishing had never been very good where she came from... so she had little in the way of experience concerning any techniques. Still, one could try. It beat an empty stomach...


And that was a frog. Damn thing was taunting her, she was certain!

Frustrated, Kuwindwa bared her fangs at nothing in particular until she heard that croaking again: to the left. The she-wolf lunged, teeth closing on nothing but empty air. Again.

A distinct plop told her even that small prey had escaped her warrior's prowess. Clearly, today she was going to go hungry...

Huffing angrily, the silvery woman all but stomped out of the creek, her limbs drenched. She didn't care that she was making so much noise, or that in a moment she would be spraying droplets everywhere in an attempt to dry. She was just hungry! And apparently incapable of catching the laziest of fish. Thank goodness there was no one around to see it... she'd have blushed! Drawing in a deep breath to collect herself, Kuwindwa decided she'd do well to try another fishing spot - further downstream perhaps.

The woman moved briskly for a time, stopping only when she caught a glimpse of something that was definitely not grass and not water: fur? Oh yes, definitely fur. The stout she-wolf stopped momentarily as if to consider before padding forward at a considerably slower clip, her head lowered as she drew near another wolf - this one younger than she.

Kuwindwa was still several yards off when she stopped properly and lifted her head again, bright bronze eyes watching, body poised and waiting. For a moment it seemed she would let him notice her in his own time, but it only seemed that way as she soon called out in greeting: "Good day."

i am . t i t a n i u m .
Plot with Kuwindwa


03-15-2015, 07:50 PM

It was a voice that disturbed his lazy lounging, and the brute would shift his gae toward the female who addressed him. "Good day." Naoise would look her over, a pretty fae with shining bronze eyes. Those eyes, caught in the sunlight, were the most unique part about the femme. He would dip his head back to her, a smile crossing onto his face. “Good day indeed~”  The boy would say happily. Since all the good news had washed over their family he was in a wonderful mood.

Naoise would take note of the wetness on the female, and he would sit up, grinning. “Have you been fisihing too? The fish here are pretty easy to catch compared to those at the falls.” He was becoming a bit chatty without even realizing it. “Get a good haul?”

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby



6 Years
03-15-2015, 09:30 PM

"Good day indeed," the young man would respond pleasantly enough, and after giving Kuwindwa a once-over (she was doing much the same to him at that very moment) he would continue... he was observant, that much was certain. Indeed, his green eyes shone with a refreshing intelligence. The last young wolf she'd met had been Psalm - and he had been rather simple. Precious as that trait was, it wouldn't necessarily get him far in life. This lad would be more promising... but he certainly was talkative, asking a complete stranger questions.

Kuwindwa supposed he was simply being amiable, as she might have been once upon a time. Now she only canted her head slightly and took quick note of her own paws as if to confirm his simple statement. For a moment her frustration returned, roiled around in her head, then was forcibly settled by the woman herself as her bronze eyes snapped back to the silvery boy.

"Yes. Or rather, I was attempting to," she explained, the slightest hint of exasperation slipping into her tone as she went on, "I am not accustomed to fishing." It was the only explanation she would give before seating herself where she stood. She would pretend that was exactly why she had been unable to catch those fish. Even their languid movements had been a little much for her. How pathetic.

"I am called Kuwindwa. What may I call you?"

i am . t i t a n i u m .
Plot with Kuwindwa


03-24-2015, 08:20 AM

The young man had to wonder what the young woman thought of him. He was being talkative, friendly... But that was simply how his parents had tried to raise him. Though of course it was only now that he was older that this nature was actually setting in. If it wasn’t for the gentle pushing and encouragement of his mother and aunt who knew where he might of ended up? Luckily his father had done a better job about making sure he was alright as well. Sure his relationship with his father was still a bit awkward but... He was doing better overall. They were all doing better overall.

He would blink as she said that she had merely been attempting to fish, that she wasn’t really accustomed to it. He would get up, offering a gentle smile. “I could catch you something... Then after you eat I could teach you how to fish here. Uhh... If you’d like that is!” He would shuffle a bit in embarrassment, gaze finding the ground as he answered her question.

“My name is Naoise...”

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Shelby