
Abandoned pup (Closed)



4 Years
03-20-2015, 01:57 PM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2015, 04:45 PM by Huata.)
Hello everyone. I understand that you would have to purchase a rogue pup pass for this, so the adoption for this pup will be for a longer time period than the other adoptions that i have done. So, hopefully someone will claim this young pup and let Huata become a mother xD. Alright, so enough with my rambling, here's the adoption.

Name: Anyone can come up with this.

Age: Pup

Gender: Male or female, player's choice

Appearance: This young pup is going to be of medium height when it grows up and will weigh around 100-110 lbs. The appearance will more than likely be darker with a hetero chromatic eyes that are piercing yellow on the right, and topaz blue on the left, but the player can choose the coat color if so desired.

Personality: This pup will be more of a depressed pup, but also curious and observant and ready to please.

Alignment: True Neutral

History: This pup had a rather rough past. It's mother had given birth to him alone in a dark den where she would have to travel all the time and not have any help, always wondering whether her pup would be killed or not. Well, when the pup was of a right age to be left alone, she had wandered off to go and hunt for the both of them, but, sadly, had not returned. The pup had waited desperately for her return, but had left and had ended up in the lands of Alacritia alone and desperate for someone to teach it the ropes. Due to not have eaten in quite some time and always ending up eating scraps, it has some bones exposed and when it happens to find Huata, it almost seemed like she was the right one to look after it.

Alright, so here's the adoption form:

Age: Pup
Gender: Male or Female
Appearance: 150 word minimum. (Would prefer a darker coat and for eyes to stay the same, but doesn't have to be)
Personality: 150 words minimum
Rp sample: 200 words minimum

Alright, I hope you all come and try and adopt this young pup so that Huata doesn't have to feel so lonely. The adoption for this pup will end on April 22nd at 9AM EST. Hope you all come and adopt. <3


03-20-2015, 07:59 PM

Name: Anaeia Nanuk

Age: Pup

Gender: Female

Appearance: When first encountering Huata, Anaeia will be a thin pup with her spine, hips and ribs visible beneath her skin. With some careful and much needed care from the woman, the child will grow into a healthy young woman. The color will flow into her long and flowy coat, a warm chocolate brown with a white patch on her chest and black lining her elbows as well as the back of her hindlegs, and finally just above her nose. On her back is a darker off-brown on her back, almost almond shaped with a smaller arrow-like black marking within that. She has heterochromatic eyes, her left being a light topaz blue and the right a golden yellow. Ana will be of medium build, standing at thirty inches ad weighing around one hundred pounds once she has reached her full height. Not being one to fight or cause trouble, her body will remain on the slender side, her thick fur causing her to appear a little bigger than she actually is.

Personality: In the first few months of staying with Huata, Ana will clearly be a depressed child. With the loss of her mother she feels as though she isn't important, like she wasn't good enough and was a naughty girl. She will spend a lot of time just hanging around the den, once in awhile tagging along with her new mother but only to get out of her usual routine. Once she starts to warm up though she will become curious about the world around her and the things within it, observing things more closely than before. Everyday she will explore further and further from the den, but even then she will still try to stay within sight in case something happens. When she finds something knew that is safe and small enough to carry, Ana will try with all her strength to bring it back and show her new mother, and if she likes it then it makes her feel special, proud. She will even go as far as storing that item as a momento. When she begins meeting new people she will be cautious at first, not really wanting to share information about herself because she fears they may be dangerous and attack her and her mother. Once she starts to warm up to them she will almost become attached, viewing the person as HER friend only, and someone that she wants to meet her mother and spend lots of time over like a sleepover. She doesn't quite believe in good and bad, only that people do the things they do because there is logic behind it.

Rp sample: She wasn't sure how long it had been now since she had starting living with this lady, but it wasn't long enough for her to begin calling her Mum, for now it was Mama Huata. Ana was starting to go out more though, that was for sure, even if it was just a few feet from the den every few days.

Tonight was one of those nights, and just like every other time she would take her sweet time before officially going out. Carefully she padded over to the entrance, stretching her neck out to only allow her nose to poke out first, sniffing at the air a few times. "I'm going out Mama Huata." She spoke sweetly, turning her head to look at the woman briefly for confirmation before turning back around and making her way out.

Once outside she would stand there for a few moments, looking around with those mismatched eyes of her, thinking of what she could do before it fully got dark. Then she had it, her eyes focusing in on a small light within the grasses just feet away. She would catch one of those and bring it to mama Huata. But when that thought formed the light was gone, disappointment clear on her features. Wait, there it was again! Ana would charge forward in an attempt to catch it before it disappeared again, but just as she parted her jaws it disappeared! Her little paws dug into the ground to bring her to a sliding stop, breathing heavy for a few moments as she looked around confused. Why was it leaving her? She wasn't going to hurt it.

Other: I have plenty of gems, so I could get the rogue pass almost immediately.



4 Years
03-21-2015, 03:10 PM
Azzy I cant get over your form for her. Croa said she might make a form as well as I'll wait for her to post before deciding and also checking to see if anyone else would post to have her.


03-21-2015, 04:16 PM
Alrighty, I asked Croa in the cbox and she said she won't be applying.