
Voltorb used Spark



6 Years
03-20-2015, 01:58 PM
Voltage had moved away from the meeting rather quickly after everything was said and done, wanting to nip a certain problem in the butt before it could fester and grow and dissolve all the progress he had made. He had noticed Glacier's odd emotion after Lightbutt's rather energetic welcome to Anais. But, was it really unexpected? Voltage loved everyone that he met, well...nearly, and he was so fully of energy. Especially in a place and time that he was excited about. But as far as the ice-king knew Voltage had only met the little mouse all of once, and it wasn't like they had had a full fledged conversation. It wasn't like he had meant to keep their meeting a secret, it was just that it had never came up between he and his big brother, and more important things seemed to keep cropping up. So as he headed away from the meeting he had nudged his brother, motioned to Anais before inclining his head away from the dens, along the edge of the beach that didn't get very much traffic. He needed to speak to them, because he knew his brother wouldn't bring up any ill feelings on his own, even if they talked about everything. And Anais, well, she was rather quiet wasn't she? With a near silent huff he would move into the shadows of the rocky walls and sit upon his haunches, waiting for his big brother and the little bird to catch up so they could talk, even if it was something that Voltage thought should be just obvious.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
03-23-2015, 01:33 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It felt...odd to be among Glacier's family, despite Voltage's incredibly warm welcome. They were all still a bunch of unfamiliar faces, and she could hardly tell if her presence was tolerated since most of them were so quiet and withdrawn. Was that because they were family and chose only to interact with their kin, or did they harbor unkind thoughts toward her and her friendship with their elder brother, their familial pack's leader? Because of her own uncertainty and nervousness, Anais had stayed close to the rock on which both Voltage and Glacier addressed the group, and when Voltage motioned afterward for her to join him she accepted the invitation willingly and with relief.

Though the meaning behind it was lost to her. She had been far too embarrassed by Voltage's very public welcome, too flustered by being ushered so quickly into Glacier's presence, and too self-conscious during the meeting to realize that something had happened to the big blue wolf that she liked so much. She had only seen what he had wanted her to see, the smile he put on for her and his friendly, welcoming tone. Anything that had gone on below the surface had been well masked and kept from her detection. Being clueless, Anais relaxed the further she and Glacier were led away from the family, beginning to smile a little more openly and wag her tail a little more freely. She trusted both of these wolves far too much to worry, and without an idea of what was coming she was just happy to be in good, friendly company again.
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
03-23-2015, 05:01 PM

The pack meeting had ended, and the Titan could only hope that all the members of his family where happy with the decisions that had been made during it. He had managed to push down the rush of emotion that had over taken him at the beginning of the meeting, and by the time that Voltage called him and Anais aside, they had been buried and forcibly ignored. He hadn't expected his brothers summens, and cast a quizzical look at Anais before silently following. His brother knew him well, but he was not certain if the other had seen the quick rise in emotion that he had so quickly pushed aside. Emotion never controlled Glacier, and he would be damned if he let it overrule him now.

He had decided what was important, and that had come formost in his commitments – the happiness of his littermate, and his closest friend. With these strong ideals placed firmly before him he would stop and look to his brother, waiting to see why the other had called him here, why Anais was here also, to understand what his brother wanted to tell him. Of course, Glacier had the situation about wrong as he possibly fathom it.




6 Years
03-26-2015, 11:41 PM
Voltage would sit in the shade of the cliffside, heaving a sigh as he stared out at the ocean. He wondered if he should meddle, or if it was even needed. He didn't know much of the goings on since he last seen Anais, and that was a while ago now. He didn't want to out his brother, especially if he was wrong (was that possible?) but it seemed that the slow moving ice king and the little mouse were not about to spill their feelings any time soon, and the least he wanted to do was to let Glacier think that had had any sort of romantic feelings for Anais. No, she was a sister to him already, one that he had accepted since that first meeting, and even more so since then. Stormy eyes would stare out at the ocean before he glanced to his side, watching as the two made their ways towards him.

He could almost feel the surprise, or rather, the questioning from his brother. Why had Lightbutt summoned them? Even Voltage wasn't a 100% sure, but he merely smiled at the pair. I'm sure you're wondering why I gathered you here today He said with a brilliant grin, moving to stand to dip his head to his brother, in formality or in jest he wasn't sure. "I merely wanted to set you two, or more so Glacier, straight without the prying ears of our family." His attention would land squarely on his brother. "Ill thoughts can fester, even without our knowledge, even after we hide them behind an icy facade." His grin would quirk before he shook his head.

"I don't have feelings for your little bird, Glacier." He said honestly, looking to Anais then with a brilliant smile. "Not that she isn't something special. No, I've already accepted her as a sister it seems." His smile would warm, his eyes the color of sky after a storm had cleared, warm and shining. "I went to see Anais, a while ago. I have forgotten to tell you, Glacier. I just...wanted to question her, and assure her feelings, since you are so difficult to read" A smirk would take his lips as he looked back at his brother. "I wasn't the Elementas she had been looking for, nor am I the one she needs the assurance from, am I?" He wanted to spark something, a conversation that they might not have had, hoping that he might get the slow moving and steady behemouth to open up to her fully. With a gentle shrug of his shoulders he planted his rump into the sand. "Besides, wouldn't it take more than a single meeting for me to fall for someone?" Oh how wrong he was. "Really, Glacier, no need to be jealous."



5 Years
04-04-2015, 01:47 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

As she came to stand beside the pair beneath the shade of the cliff, Anais still wondered wat it was that Voltage had seen fit to draw them all together for. Being close to Glacier in the presence of his family, especially this brother of his who knew so much about her feelings for him, made her nervous even if she did trust him, and though she tried not to let it show she could feel those nerves creeping around inside of her, getting her thoughts all in a buzz. Could Voltage and Glacier hear them too? Like a nervous child, she felt the impulse to fidget and squirm in place but she fought it, hoping that the twitch of her tail might only be mistaken as a random wag.

They were not forced to wait long for Voltage to explain why he had singled them out, though not even right away did the golden-eyed girl fully understand what it was he was trying to tell them. What did he mean by setting things straight? And why was that more important to Glacier for the moment? Anais's brows furrowed slightly as she glanced between them, but when Voltage came right out and stated plainly that he had no feelings for her her eyes went wide. Why had he said that? She glanced quickly at Glacier, searching for some meaning from him. After all, it had been for him that Voltage had started this. Only she could not quite fathom why, even as the energetic brother went on to talk about the visit they had shared back at the Fjord.

His words took on a sudden familiarity, reminiscent of a phrase Voltage had spoken during that meeting, and at the implications of it, the hidden meaning that only she could understand, Anais felt her face color beneath her fur with a deep blush. She wanted very much to duck her head, to hide her face and pretend that this conversation, that that conversation, was not being brought up in front of the object of her affections, the wolf who she was so quickly losing herself to. But it was impossible for her to pull her gaze from Voltage. She was stunned that he had even mentioned it, that their words spoken in confidence were being dredged up with such casualness. Would Glacier understand? Could it possibly be as obvious to him as it was to her?

At last she was able to drop her gaze, her ears splaying atop her head as she sat and stared at the dark sands before her feet, half wishing for those sands to open right up and swallow her whole, or for a wave to sneak up and drop her somewhere else along the beach. In her own inner turmoil, the embarrassed wolf nearly missed what Voltage had said last, and as it clicked she felt her stomach flutter unexpectely. Jealous? Was he? Curious despite herself, Anais lifted her head to peek at the quiet, steady giant beside her. Had he really been jealous that Voltage might like her? That she might like him too?
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.