
two types of clever



9 Years
03-20-2015, 08:16 PM
The male wolf laid under the tree. Resting on the soft grass he spread his legs out showing his belly, he was wishing for a relieving breeze to flow through the air and onto his fur. The weather was hot and sticky, he would have jumped in the small pond except it looked like it was on the verge of drying up. His energy was depleted and he didn't really feel like doing anything, he rolled over to flop on his other side. He pawed at some grass in boredom,'I should really get up.' he thought. He drug himself up into a sitting position, there was really nothing to do here. He looked around for some form of entertainment, 'I could watch the frogs slowly die.' he thought about doing so but decided not to he himself wasn't directly causing it so he didn't really bother. He slid back down into a laying position, 'ugh, why does it have to be so warm?'



10 Years
Extra large
03-20-2015, 08:52 PM
Slender limbs would draw the ethereal dame forward, through the gentle caress of the willow trees. Their soft songs were a thing to be appreciated, and she felt as though this place was in need of exploration. There had been so many places she hadn't gotten to see in her childhood, though as she'd grown older she'd grown more fond of exploration. Places like these called to her, though quite a bit stronger than they did now. There was so much in her mind it was hard to be occupied by such places anymore, as depressing as that notion was. Softly the towering ghoul would pad silently across the warm terra, humidity clinging to her fur unpleasantly. Mercury optics would idly scan over the willows, languid strides effortless as she crossed the landscape. Pallid banner would sweep gently across her tall heels, slim hips swaying with each impossibly long stride.

Pale audits would flick toward the sound of another, gentle sounds of movement somewhere to her right. Cranium would swing toward the sounds, tilting ever so slightly to one side. Dark paws would carry her toward the kerfuffle, seeking to find the creature responsible. It wasn't too grand a break in the peace of this place, but she wasn't entirely happy to have the ambiance disturbed. The other would come into view quickly, russet for the most part, mottled with various shades of brown. Moonstone orbs would gaze upon the stranger with mild curiosity, blinking once. The male lay in a rather curious pose, though she could hardly blame him. Her thick coat made the sweltering heat almost unbearable, and yet she remained. Clearly she must be mad in some aspect, right? Not a muscle would be moved, nor would her expression shift from anything other than blankness. Masks were something she wore constantly, at ease with a facade of cold severity.

This wasn't the first wolf she'd met here, and surely he would not be the last. Decidedly, he was a small and shaggy beast, without much appeal to her. Softly would a snort escape her, not one of derision or harshness, simply of thoughtfulness. Another sound would not escape her, though her neutral stare downward at his form was no doubt unnerving enough. Her mothers eyes had been described as consuming and ethereal, she recalled, and her own must be no better; being the same in colour. Brows would knit together in the slightest, waiting for a reaction. What would the other do, when faced with another of such stature and presence as herself. Surely it would be odd, but she couldn't think it would be all that unpleasant. Tactics played out in the back of her mind, calculated strikes of weak points upon the males body should he prove hostile. Meanwhile, opalescent orbs would continue to flick nonchalantly over his form. Stance was nonthreatening as she could be, tail hanging casually at her rump; tip twitching on occasion. Coiled muscles would remain taut, but hackles remained low and audits were shoved forward- the only sign of true curiosity.



9 Years
03-21-2015, 05:54 PM
He lifted his skull to look at the approaching female, she had light bluish white eyes that looked like glowing moonstones. She looked at him with curiosity but hardly moved a muscle almost as if she was a statue. He felt uncomfortable under her gaze and her massive size obvious to him. He stood up while he flicked his eyes over her trying to get a grasp on her personality. The give away was in the face, a wolf with that cold a face had something to hide it just wasn't natural. He tried to look for some fatal flaw in the wolf, she didn't show her true personality and seemed to have some issues. Her muscles were taut, she was relaxed in ever other way but she still looked as if she were braced for an attack. 'She must have not have had enough good experiences with males' he thought. He came up with the right words to selectively break down her personality until she was returned to the form of a blubbering pup. "Who are you to come up to me and not show your true personality?"



10 Years
Extra large
03-21-2015, 06:07 PM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2015, 06:15 PM by Lirika.)
The male looked startled by her presence, but that was something she was used to. A slow blink from the alabaster woman would follow as his features shifted to the expression of vague frustration. What was there to be frustrated about? One brow would quirk in the slightest, expression mildly quizzical as she watched him. He rolled to his feet, and she took a step back so he would not bump into her. Sharing personal space with a stranger was not ideal for her. He did not offer a greeting, but instead burst out with a rather aggressive demand. Lip would curl in disdain, tail tip flicking with irritation. Who was this wolf to speak to her so? Tail would curl over her slim hips, audits lowering toward her skull as she stared down her snout at him. "Who are you to speak to a stranger with such a tone?" She would reply coldly, accented vocals edged with a growl. What an uncouth man, he was. His parents did not teach him manners, obviously. His family did not raise him right, and look at where that left him. The temptation to cuff him solidly over the head was very real, though she was leaning more toward knocking him right back onto the ground instead.

Crown would lower to fix her silver gaze upon his features, much closer to his face this time. This was no way to speak to anyone, and it would not take much at all to make sure he did not forget that. However, she would refrain. Better to await his reply, find out where in his brain it said that such manners were acceptable. It had better be a good reason, or she would not hesitate in knocking him down a peg much longer. What a rude little beast he was, for one in such a disadvantageous position. Outweighed by what was no doubt quite a bit, and on the bad side of a princess and her temper. What a fool, this male was. Eyes narrowed, expression expectant- a reply had better be hasty in its forthcoming.



9 Years
03-21-2015, 07:05 PM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2015, 07:06 PM by Kreft.)
The larger female replied to him with a sassy remark, 'Who am I' he thought 'I am Kreft of the land of loners.' She fixed her gaze on him invading his space, she narrowed her eyes. The woman looked ready to spring on him, he loved the thrill of chaos. The female was much more bigger than him, but if it came to it he could handle her. He didn't love being in fights he preferred to cause them and break other wolves down through their emotions, although fighting was his next favorite thing. His stance changed to where his tail was tucked between his legs and his legs were spread out to balance his weight, he dug his claws into the soft earth and braced himself. If a fight was going to happen he would be ready. He realized he hadn't even replied to the wolf so he said the most simple words he could think of "The name is Kreft, and who might you be?" as he said these words a small evil twinkle entered his eye. Looking at the female he thought  'you will learn my friend, you will learn the hard way.'



10 Years
Extra large
03-22-2015, 06:35 PM
This male was a furious little thing, eager for the thrill of battle and so haughty it was physically repulsive. He braced himself, limbs spreading to distribute his meager weight over the ground, tail tucking between his legs. She snorted, unable to help the tiny smirk that played upon her lips. Gods above, this was a rather pathetic display. No doubt that shaggy pelt was infested with fleas and disease, which would only hinder him should she lower herself to a fight with him. A reply would be forthcoming, but it was about as helpful as a rock to the face. Kreft. A rather blunt name, but fitting. It was blunt and jagged, like his personality so far. He begged to know who she was, and the pallid femme lifted her cranium so she might take her gaze from the features of the other. Stance would shift, toes splaying in the dirt as her look of disdain became a sneer. "I am Lirika, if you must know." She retorted simply, returning her mercury gaze to his face. If wolves like this were more plentiful here, she might think that returning home had been a truly bad idea indeed. The look in his eye of superiority was both infuriating and laughable, but she chose to simply ignore it.

"You did not answer my question, dearie." She cooed, accented vocals honeyed. "What in that little head of yours says that you have the right to treat a complete stranger with such blatant disrespect?" She inquired, tail tip flicking as it lowered. Audits would perk, pushing forward atop her crown so she might catch every snippet of his reply. Evidently it must be something grand, for only the best could be so idiotic as to have no manners at all. Or maybe he was a lunatic, and a frantic master would come bursting from the foliage to collect their charge. How amusing that would be. A low snicker would bubble up in her throat, escaping parted lips with a small grin.



9 Years
03-22-2015, 08:29 PM
The female sneered at him and stated that her name was Lirika, she then again said the same question as she had earlier who was he to disrespect her. "Psh I'm a loner, if you came here expecting respect go to the packs princess." He said the word princess sarcastically. "Loners 'round here we ain't got to respect anything, we live by our own rules. So if you intend to stay alone for long you best learn our ways." He tensed his muscles and narrowed his eyes, he was ready to fight this woman she had to learn the ways of a loner. He looked at her intensely finding the best angle to attack from. He would snicker to himself as he thought about the woman's stupidity, 'Never expect respect from a loner.'