
Somewhere I Belong


03-23-2015, 11:35 AM
The young man would breathe out. He had been within Fiori for a little while now, and now the time had come to speak with the alphess, Epiphron, as to why he had chosen to come here. Why he settled within the pack. He missed his family, but he knew that settling down was the right decision. Cypress kept thinking about them, about his parents. Were they watching over him now? Were they watching over Laria, wherever she might be? He hated thinking that she might be gone. That she was on her own path. But at the same time he hoped she was somewhere making a name for herself. Perhaps... perhaps she had even gone back to see their siblings.

It was funny... He didn't know how life worked, but since coming to Fiori he found a bit of peace. Talking with Arian had eased his heartache some. Arian was kind, though she bore her own scars and pain. She had presented a thought that was one that Cy agreed with. Fiori as a whole was their family. He would think of that, of how Pip had adopted the girl, and how she accepted him. Those thoughts in mind the young man would tilt his head back, calling for the alphess of Fiori.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-29-2015, 02:28 PM (This post was last modified: 03-29-2015, 02:29 PM by Epiphron.)
Epiphron couldn't help but feel curious as to why Cypress had wanted to speak with her. It seemed he'd had something in particular to discuss, though what it could be was something she was entirely unsure about. When he called her, she was quick to answer him, moving onto all fours and heading toward his call with little hesitation. Her long legs would carry her with grace through the winding mangrove trees, feeling the water splash about her paws as she moved.

When she found him, she would dip her head in a low greeting, a smile painting her features. "Greetings, Cypress," she'd begin, her voice likely more pleasant than it had been when she'd first met him. Though she'd quickly warmed up to him, as he proved himself to be quite decent and seemed harmless, she'd initially been a bit harsh when she'd asked if he was bothering Arian --- though being defensive over one's daughter was not surprising. "Is Fiori treating you well?"

COPYRIGHT argent 2015


04-06-2015, 07:54 AM
Cypress was not alone long. Alphas, they had a tendency to be prompt. It was a good trait, and he would certainly appreciate that. He would dip his head in return, a gentle smile upon his lips. “A lovely day to you, Miss Epiphron.” He would say gently, the words rolling off his tongue naturally. His bi-colored eyes were shining gently, fixed upon the young woman. The alphess’ momentary harshness when they first met had been forgotten, and the young man would find himself settling into Fiori well.

“Quite well, actually.” The young man would respond gently. “Arian has made me feel very welcome here.” He wasn’t sure if the young woman had spoken to her mother about them yet or not, and so, deciding to leave that topic for them to discuss first, he would move on to the reason why he had called.

“Miss Pip, do you recall when I first joined that I said I had a reason for wanting to join your pack?” He would let his gaze trail to the sky, his thoughts turning in his head, back and forth. “Would you be ready to listen to the tale behind that?” He would ask, waiting for her answer.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-20-2015, 08:26 AM
Though her eyes betrayed the curiosity she felt, her expression was guarded still. She didn't know what to expect from this meeting, if anything at all. When he spoke, Epiphron would offer a pleasant smile and a gentle dip of her muzzle before straightening it and watching him carefully. Arian had already told her that she and Cypress had decided to be mates, and she couldn't help but wonder if it had anything to do with that.

"I'm glad," she stated, her words genuine. It could be hard to fit into a pack that was made up of mostly family, but it seemed that Arian had done her duty well of introducing him to life within Fiori. Initially she'd seem quite unsure of being given the task of watching over him for the first few weeks of his life here, but it seemed her decision had led to something even more than a friendship.

His next comment was a quite curious one. He'd said he had a reason for joining, though until now hadn't brought it up again. Did he have some sort of relation to someone here? Perhaps he'd been somehow involved with the previous pack, Ludicael? Her head would tilt in question as she onsidered the possibilities. "I'd be happy to hear," she ushered him on with a curt nod.
COPYRIGHT argent 2015


04-22-2015, 09:13 PM
The young man would take a breath, getting ready to begin his tale. He would close his eyes, mind turning back, remembering when it all began. "Once upon a time, long ago when I was first born it was here in the land of Alacritia. Here in the East, around a wonderful bay. My mother and father were primarily the ones there, and my sister. We had a aunt too, a wolf by the name of Ellis Cathal who cared for us deeply. We all lived there in harmony. Those were, in all honesty, some of the best days of my life.

As I grew my father would take me to see bits and pieces of Alacritia. He would explain to me about the different packs and the laws each had. When we had to leave one day, off to make our own pack, I was saddened. This was the land of my birth... I was happy here. There wasn't many days that went by where I had a want for something I didn't already have.

My parents were successful in founding their new kingdom though, for which I was grateful. They eventually had a second litter together... and that was around the time my family started to break apart. My mother fell ill and she sent my sister on a search for a flower I believed not to exist. When she died of her illness, and father later by heartbreak, I would track my sister here and deliver unto her the news."

Cypress would take a breath before he continued.

"I would wander here a while. I went back to the bay to find it had been claimed. I searched in my heart, trying to decide what I wanted to do. I was lonely... I needed a pack. A new family... new friends... I thought on it and decided that it wasn't right to go back there. Not without my family... so I continued on... and I found Fiori." He would look to her now.

"I met Arian... I thought that I would give this place a try. At first yes... it was more out of desperation so that I wasn't alone... but then... I..." Cy took a breath. "I fell in love with your daughter. It is... a unique love. But I swear to you, Epiphron, that I'm not going to hurt her. I'm not ever going to hurt her and I will personally dismantle anyone who so much as moves a hair out of place upon her body. I will not see her further hurt." The young man would dip his head.

"So... if I may... I'd like to ask for your permission to continue to be with your daughter. I apologize that I did not speak to you first but I... I guess I was too caught up in the moment of her company to care at those times."



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-27-2015, 07:30 AM
Epiphron was truly curious, and her gaze betrayed this. Cypress would briefly explain about his birth, his childhood, his voice holding a touch of sadness at the talk of his family. She could understand how he felt, in a way, and her eyes softened as she watched him -- unable to keep herself from empathizing with him. The names were unfamiliar to her, though she'd partially expected him to admit some sort of connection. But he simply admitted he'd joined Fiori out of desperation and the need to not be alone. It was a need she could relate with quite easily.

Her tail would curl tightly around her hindquarters as he continued, admitting he'd fallen in love with Arian.  "She has told me," she would tell him gently, her head nodding slowly in understanding. The thought of Arian being with anyone made her uncomfortable, but the same went for all her children; and she could picture no one better to be with Arian than this Cypress fellow. She'd watch him for a moment, searching his face as though they mind find something to help ease her worries.  "I am glad she has found you," Epiphron would state finally.  "I trust you will care for her and ensure she never finds harm." Her words, though warm, were fierce too. If anything happened to Arian while the two were together, her wrath would be strong.

 "I'll grant you permission," she'd state finally at his request, finding a smile playing on her features at his courtesy.  "Thank you for coming to talk to me about this." Another slow nod was offered, her joy at the news creeping through just slightly. She trusted no one more with her fragile daughter, and she knew Arian would be protected and cared for by him.

COPYRIGHT argent 2015


05-04-2015, 03:55 PM
So Arian had told her about their love already. Not that he should have been surprised... Epiphron was Arian's mother. The young man would wait for her further response on his ask for her blessing, and he would breathe out in relief as she spoke. So she approved, giving him the permission to court her daughter. Cypress would dip his head deeply, showing respect to the older woman. "I assure you my words are true, Epiphoron. I will keep Arian safe with every breath in my body. Should anyone dare try to harm her they will be met with my claws and fang. I am her shield, her knight."

He could feel the strength in her words too. The promise of her wrath should anything happen to her daughter. He would lift his gaze to meet Pip's own. "The only way someone will hurt Arian is over my dead body. I know Arian is fragile... but I can sense strength within her as well. She can overcome her limitations... and I'll be by her side the whole way." He would dip his head once more.

"No, miss Epiphron... thank you for listening to me... and for trusting me with your daughter. It is more than I could ever ask for."



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-04-2015, 04:58 PM
She'd never been given the chance to approve of any of the partners of her children. Since this was the first time, she appreciated Cypress coming to her more than she could've ever explained to him. Her blue gaze would remain fixed on him as he spoke, a gentle nod offered at his reassurance that he would always protect her. There was little need to warn him that she would feel inclined to punish him herself if he ever mistreated Arian.. certainly he didn't strike her as the type. "You are a fine man, Cypress," she'd remark softly, her brows furrowing as she mused silently to herself. "Arian is lucky to have someone like you looking out for her."

She'd grin in response to Cypress's comment about Arian's strength. It was true; she didn't doubt that her daughter was stronger than she knew. Perhaps in time she might seem whole again, with the help of Cypress and her own fierce determination. "I have no reason to distrust you," she'd state quite seriously. "And I have no doubts that you will make one another very happy, hopefully for years to come."

COPYRIGHT argent 2015