
nothing autotune cant fix



10 Years
Extra large
03-24-2015, 12:33 PM
Dark paws danced across the verdant terra, ethereal movements soft despite her size. The pallid dancer was finding herself in more and more interesting places each day, it seemed. Languid strides carried her toward a strange landscape. Green foliage became bleached of all colour, even the trunks of the trees seemed ghostly. Mercury pools would drink it all in silently, awed by the view. It was quite beautiful, in a simple kind of way. Powerful paws would traipse toward the nearest tree, seeking to inspect it further. It looked unharmed, maybe it was just a special kind of tree. Never before had the alabaster dame seen a tree so pale, even birch trees bore leaves that turned from green to gold and charcoal scores upon its trunk. Sniffing at the bark cautiously, she would note that it didn't smell off in the least. With a low huff, she would back away and continue on her path. It was quite nice here, the sky was dark with the promise of rain. That left it cool, albeit ominous. Tail would sweep across her tall heels with each stride, slender hips swaying to and fro.

As the towering ivory woman crested the hill, the true beauty of this place showed itself. Immense stones stood in a protective circle around a babbling stream. A soft gasp would escape her, shivers rolling down her spine. This place seemed something straight from the tales of her youth, otherworldly and promising faeries. A small smile would play upon inky lips as the woman strode forward, gaze flicking all over. Carved into the monoliths were runes she didn't recognize, old and well worn by the elements. Flank would fondly brush against the immense slab, offering affection and respect to the mysterious rock. Delicate steps would pull her toward the stream, which wasn't in fact a stream at all. It was a softly glowing spring, illuminated by forces she couldn't name. Had the gods done this? Or was it the faeries? Peering over the edge into the crystalline aqua, audits would perk curiously. What a strange and lovely place this was.

Movement stirred within the depths of the spring, silvery forms rippling through the darkness. Mind would tease at fanciful tales and a childhood of Russian stories and lessons in royalty. A low hum would rise in her throat, an attempt to coax the fictitious beasts from the depths. Maybe they would grant her a wish, she mused with a hint of sarcasm. It wasn't that she didn't believe in the supernatural, more that she wasn't one to believe things she didn't see. Cranium would lower toward the waters edge, muzzle dipping below the surface of the water. With a grin, the pale femme forced air from her lungs, which escaped her nostrils in a plethora of bubbles. Crown would rear back and shake droplets from her whiskers. Quietly she would laugh, tail wagging at her rump.



8 Years
03-24-2015, 01:01 PM

Days had grown long as Summer took over the lands. It was the heat that reminded her of her youth, days of old that were slowly working their way out of her mind. Age was only a number, but she was getting higher up there. Gray had yet to taint her pale coat, but she was starting to feel aches and pains in her muscles as the day wore on. No longer did she have endless energy, the weight of her mental condition had aged her much more than time itself. Most of her reserve of energy was put into keeping herself sane, although as her mind grew tired of the games it seemed to be calming itself. It wasn't as hard to control her emotions any more, although it still shocked her at times. It was still an unpredictable beast, holding her in its dark claws until her dying days. While its grip may have loosened, it was bound to her for eternity. A curse, something that could not be cured by herbs and chanting around a fire. No, it was a fate, a destiny, something that could not be altered or controlled. It only gave false hope and being tamed, a soft humming lull to render you calm. And then it struck out, taking over while you were at your weakest point. Those were the thoughts that consumed Othello's mind as she walked, pace slow as she tried not to rose the sleeping beast. It always had one eye open, on the lookout for the best place to oose its poison through her veins.

The forest changed before her very eyes, taking on the quality of her own coat as she brushed against the smooth bark. She had been here once before, years ago before her babies had been brought into the cruel world. Her elongated tail caressed the curve of one of the trees, a soft hum vibrating in her throat as she strode through the familiar place. She remembered the well of water covered by pale stones, only moss and time covering their appearance. Those markings etched in the stone that she had traced with her claws, following the curves of the strange language. It was a time when her mind was much darker, no attempt to quell the beast within her. But she had mellowed out since her youth, changing with each season. And now here she was, and even though she had become much more in control, she still felt like a shell of the wolf she once was. The passion and fire had been lost to her, snuffed out by the true evils of the world. The loss of her children from her den, the distance between those and all she held dear. It had been all that kept her fire burning, and without them, only cold ashes remained. Back then, oh those were the times. Her fire burned red hot as it scalded even herself. But at least it was there, instead of a teasing flicker of light, even though it wasn't a true flame. A spark, a flash of ignition, only to be coiled around and stolen before it could burst into her very soul. No, she was a quiet, timid thing now. The great whirlwind of emotions had passed, leaving a tired old wolf with no where to turn.

Slowly her purple gaze fell into focus, picking up on the black and white creature. She watched with mild curiosity as it bent down, blowing out into the well that shone like a star. A small smile pulled at her cheeks, tail wagging behind her as she paused at the crest of the hill. It was like looking at all the innocence of the plain of existence, all shoved into one massive bodice of a wolf. Head tilted to the side as she watched the others regal movements, the thickness of her coat telling her that this was not where she was born. A foreigner in a dying land? Perhaps the poor dear could get out before it too consumed the goodness of her heart. "They say that the well will grant you your hearts desires," she called softly, a slight breeze buffering her pale coat. Only the black markings down her face tainted her coat, much like only the strangers stockings of coal coloured hers. They were much alike, although the differences were obvious there was still something of theirs that matched. Slowly picking her way down the hillside, she brought herself to the other side of the stones, features turned down towards the waters. "Too bad that I don't believe it. I could use a wish right now."

baby you're all I need



10 Years
Extra large
03-24-2015, 04:06 PM
The vocals of another were soft as they called to her from somewhere to her rear, drawing her attention. Briefly, she would admit, she was a little startled by the approach. She had been too distracted by her fun with the bubbles she was making in the spring to even realize someone had come up to her. At the woman's words, the girl would frown. Mercury gaze would drift quizzically back to the spring, head cocking to one side somewhat. She would love to have such desires granted- if only she knew what they were. The decision to come here had been really spur of the moment, and she wasn't quite sure what she wanted anymore. Coal black paws would carry her toward the smaller woman, who had the look of one who had seen many things in her days. No doubt she was the alabaster titans senior, but it would be impolite to ask. Crown would lower between narrow shoulders as she stood before the woman, desiring to meet her eyes without forcing the other to crane their neck. They were a lovely shade of violet, one that the dame herself quite envied. Why couldn't she have such brilliant eyes?

The added statement was a little disheartening, and the lass wondered why the other female needed a wish. She paused a few paces from the other, gazing quite blankly at her. She hadn't decided yet which expression to paint her own features with. "I'm somewhat on the fence, as they say, about it all. I need to see something to believe in it, and so far I haven't seen anything new to me." She crooned softly in reply, a tiny smile coming to play at her inky lips. It was somewhat bashful, as her tail tip flicker at her heels. "When I was much younger, I lived in a mangrove where the waters glowed when you touched them. Somewhere in the eastern regions, I'm pretty sure." Heavily accented melodies mused quietly, shrugging her shoulders. Hunches would fold delicately, rump falling to rest on the ground lightly. The other femme looked rather under the weather, and part of her wanted to see if she could help. Banner would remain out behind her as she sat, but the gentle breeze provided by the overcast day ruffled the thick fur of her chest. Twin feathers danced a cobalt ballet upon her breast.

"What would you wish for, ma'am? If you don't mind me asking." She would enquire lightly, tilting her cranium to one side. It wasn't often that she got so intrusive with another so quickly after their meeting, but it seemed like the woman could use someone to talk to. If it had been herself, the pallid dancer would want someone to open up to. Maybe the violet eyed fae did as well? Lashes would flutter briefly as she blinked, trying to keep her expression as neutral as possible. All in all, it wasn't a difficult task. She was a very neutral wolfess to begin with.