
Show my cards, give you my heart


09-06-2014, 01:09 PM

So she had been in hiding for two years in these craggy mountains, a quiet phoenix amongst evergreen forests and stone mountains. "It's so great to be isolated... to be without disturbance... to be alone than with someone untrustworthy..." Since fleeing the old Ebony lands, the firebird had found a resting place in the gargantuan mountaintops and galactic peaks of the night. In the heat of summer, it was not unbearably hot like many other eastern lands, and once one who was sure-footed finds their way about the maw of Fenrir, they are a true hiker. She had settled in a cavern inset in one side of the inner mountains of the valley, and she enjoyed life alone...

It was the brink of dawn, and dew clung to the air, a gentle vapor of moisture settling at the peaks of the mountains, a fog forming in the deepest parts of the valley. Aroused from her sleep by the call of one of the local birds, the phoenix rose, her crown first looking out the landscape, eying the mysterious glow of the sun. Cyan gems traced the silhouettes of the sun perfectly, as a melody began to sing in her mind, that of a peaceful bedtime memory. "Oh... sing me a mel-od-y of the sun. A sweet mel-od-y of the moon. Such sweet har-mon-ee." From splayed lips came the gentle melody, a sweet song across the maw. There was no family left for her to trust and love; she may as well make the most of it.


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
09-06-2014, 03:08 PM

These lands were all knew to him, more places to explore as he tried to find the rumored new Ebony. His old lands were gone, run by vipers who destroyed all they touched. The mountains seemed to sing out to him, calling him with a promise of exploration. The height was nothing for the tall wolf, and it was a rather easy climb for him. He was chasing the sunrise, seeing if he could beat it to the tip of the mountain. Perhaps then he could sleep at last, exhaustion was waring at him. The climb was perhaps the best thing for him, it tired his body and mind and promised him a dreamless sleep. Those were very few and far between, a rare blessing for the royal wolf. So on he went, keeping his bi-colored eyes open for a possible cave for some rest.

It was then that the song reached his audits, auburn ears facing forward. It couldn't be... Vasilisa? His heart began to pound in his chest as he picked up the pace, nearly stumbling as he raced to see if it truly was her. He had thought her dead, like he did the rest of his family. And why would be think otherwise? Hardly anyone made it out of that war. Eyes searched for sight of her form, and at last she appeared before him like a mirage. He had seen things before because of his lack of sleep, so his eyes were wary as he approached the smaller girl, tail slowly wagging behind him. "Vasilisa?" He called softly, her name sounding even foreign to his own ears. It had been two long years since he had even dreamed of seeing her again, and here she was before him. Fendar closed the gap, pushing his larger body into hers softly. He was met with real flesh and fur, knowing that she was truly here before him. "Oh my dearest sister." He whispered, picking up one of those long limbs and draping it about her.


09-09-2014, 05:02 PM

A grunt of annoyance would follow the first hint of a new arrival, as her song would recede, crown turning to glare at whoever would interrupt her solitude. Paws became crossed just before seeing the long legs of someone she knew. "Fendar?!" A snort of amusement would follow her feeble words, as she rolled her eyes. Obviously she was going insane. Fendar was dead. The phoenix hadn't seen anything of him since the coup, and not much before. Her legs would skim the ground as she approached the hallucination endearingly, tail swaying behind her like a veil. Her rather mangy pelt would unfold as she descended with great skill, meeting the looming shadow of her brother with ease. The mountains had been a new frontier to the hallucination, but his long legs must have helped him a lot in the endeavors it had taken to bring her down here. A gentle voice would elicit from the ghost's lips, speaking of her name. Cyan gems rolled in their sockets as she backed up, chuckling in amusement. "How wouldn't my own hallucination known my own name?" Her tail would flick indignantly as a snarl would come from her own lips, clearly annoyed by her so-called "hallucination". "Goddamnit. I must be going insane. Fendar, you are dead! I haven't heard anything from you since the coup. You're just a hallucination. I know it isn't real." Her foreleg would rise and stomp on the ground, hackles rising. Cyan gems disappear behind golden curtains as her crown shook multiple times. Why wouldn't it get out of her head? She must be reaching the other side by now.

Except she wasn't.

The vision would approach, seemingly materializing from the fog more clearly. Hallucinations weren't so real; so vivid. "No... It can't be..." Those mismatched eyes were so genuine, the right a burning flame and the left of silver, and his figure was so foreign, but familiar. The vision didn't seem to know quite if the phoenix were real or not, confusion plainly written on it's face. One long limb would extend forward, wrapping about her in an embrace. It was real. He was here -- right now. The past suddenly meant nothing, nor did the future, only the present. Jaws would slide open in disbelief, as cyan gems softened. Hackles smoothed at the first hint of his foreleg brushing her skin. It sent electricity through her bodice, that of reminiscence and familiarity. "F-fendar..." Emotion sparked within her bodice; a dying flame rekindled. This was what she needed. What she wanted. Tears stung at cyan orbs as her own bodice would rise, pressing tightly against her brother as her forelegs crossed about her tall brother's neck, head resting on his left shoulder, her muzzle pressing into his neck, inhaling his scent. Watery eyes gave way to tears streaming down her cheeks. "I-I'm sorry." Words were painfully shed from inky lips, garbled by tears and emotion. "I t-thought you were just a v-vision. I t-thought I was going in-insane." All that mattered in the world to her was Fendar. She wanted to feel him before he was gone, as if he would disappear with the wind any moment now.
