
The Stars Place in the Universe



5 Years
03-27-2015, 08:37 PM

Astrea had been moping ever since the meeting where Voltage told the family the good news about the creation of the pack. Its not that she is not happy to be part of the pack, because she was; but she was unhappy about the prospect of not fitting into said pack. Everyone seemed to have their place, Serefina was the fighter, a compliment to her fiery personality, Locha was to do what she did best; swim, and even her storm brother was able to run like the wind when it was needed. But her? What was she good for, other than day dreaming and star gazing? She sighed, her ears going back on her skull. It seemed simple to her, she was a no use child, taking up room in a growing pack.

Astrea whined softly as she sank into the grassy bed she made for herself on her normal spot. She felt the old loneliness crop up, it was not like the feeling was ever truly gone, but it felt much like it did when she first realized the emotion, back on the volcano with Volt all those months back.

She traced the stars, her pale eyes sad. All she wanted was to fit in, to belong. But truly all she felt was left out, far away, the background to everyone's bright power. Sol and Salini was so absorbed in their own thing and the other to even see if the last of the triplets was even with them; hell they even go so far to drop her all together instead calling the other twin; she was not sure if the two understood how much more distance that created between her and them, even more then there was already. She called Sol and Selini her closest siblings but she was not sure anymore.

No it seemed to her that the closest sibling truly was Voltage, he was the only one to spend time with her, star gazing at night and even making sure she got fed. He seemed the only one able to even care about the youngest sibling, going so far to threaten her best friend just for looking for her. She smiled at the thought. Ten was her last lifeline it seemed, he was always just a thought away to chase away the awful feeling that was slowly expanding in the recent times.



6 Years
03-28-2015, 09:55 AM
Voltage had been, for lack of a better word, distracted. Since the day of the meeting he had had a lot happen in his life, which mostly all came down to one thing. Gaia. He had met her, spent a night with her, and since then he had been absolutely smitten. Glacier and Serefina knew, as they knew all his secrets (not that he was keeping his little cloud a secret) but it still kept him...distracted from his family. But he had vowed that he wouldn't let it come between him and his siblings, and that meant that he would need to spend more time with them. First, he would seek out Astrea. He knew of her sadness, knew how hard it was with the siblings they have for her to fit in, and he had seen some trace of all that at the meeting. Lightbutt needed to know that she was okay, or if she weren't, he would have to make her okay.

And he knew exactly where to find her!

With a gentle gate he would wander up to the viewing cliff with night enveloping them. Stormy eyes gazed about before he spotted her, along, in the usual spot. With a small smile he'd trot towards her, silent as he moved to her side. "Ah, if it isn't my little star." He said with a gentle smile, moving to lay at her side. He would rest his chin along her back, if she'd let him, and gaze up to the sky. "Have I missed my wish?" He asked softly, knowing full well he had missed the first star in the sky with her. But he had made it a habit, ever first star he saw he would wish for her answers, wish that she would feel her place amongst them. "You're unhappy.." He said, not a question but merely an observation. He knew that his little sister wasn't happy with her lot in life, confused as to why they chose the elements they had. He still didn't have an answer for her, because he was still so confused about his own element. "Will you share with your big brother?" He whispered, lifting his head to look down at her with a warm smile.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
03-28-2015, 11:10 AM

Astrea was about to close her eyes, maybe sleep will banish the growing melancholy; not that she was too hopeful she slept everyday and still awoke as lost and lonely as the day before. But as she begin her drift off into the dreamland she felt a wight on her back. Her eyes pop open and she looks back to see her brother. She gave him a weak smile, she was not so self absorbed to understand that her brother cared and worried for her, but that still did not stop her feelings from blooming.

She was about to try to sleep again when volt asked about the stars. She almost laughed, almost but the sound came out more sad then joyful. "Yes Volt." She looked up at the stars, she had watched their awakening like every day, but today was different, she did not make a wish, she just watched blankly as the other stars joined the eldest and then sank into her sour mood.

And he saw it. Which was not surprising, she had been moping about, not her normal lively self, well as lively as a shadow was. "Yes. But more so; I am confused." She sighed as her eyes traced the sparkling stars, they called her, even now. She closed her eyes, blocking out the very things that made her happy but spurred on this sadness. "Everyone seems to have a place on this world but me, my world is up there." She opened her eyes as she said that and traced the heavenly bodies that seemed to both love her and taunt her with there distance. "I feel the same about the pack..." She moved her head away from her brother, looking the other way. "I do not think I fit into the scheme. I do not have a place like everyone else."

She did laugh this time though, it was a bitter sound. "Even Sol knows what he wants in life." She closed her eyes. Hating herself for the jealousy that she should not be feeling. Not for Sol, who was nothing but caring, even to the shadow of the trio.



6 Years
03-28-2015, 01:40 PM
Voltage laid still, curling himself just gently around her back. He loved his sister dearly, and because they were three generations apart he felt some sort of parental feelings for her, as if she were his to take care of, to make thr world right for. So he would try his hardest, hoping to make the earth shine for her just as her stars did. When she explained her sorrow, or confusion as she called it, he would blink but not say a word. Intead, he stayed silent untill she finished, a small but knowing smile upon his lips. Stormy eyes were soft as he gazed at her before he hummed and slowly lifted his gaze to the sky. "Stars are amazing, arent they?" He said softly, laying his tail over her own as he did. He stared up at the sky, watching the twinkling diamonds. "They are rentlentless... They shine every night, come storm, or fire or hell or highwater. They shine behind the moons light, and even the suns. They guide us in our need, show us the direction to go, and paint beautiful pictures upon their canvas..

He would only then turn his gaze to her, nuzzling into the fur that lined her neck. " Their light extends to the earth, to help light the darkness and keep those that are lonely company.." He would pause then, closing his eyes as he nestled in closer, trying to wrap her in his embrace. "You have more power here than you may believe...every pack may have a leader or a fighter, but none have a wolf like you."

He would smile down at her then, a gentle look shining his eyes. "I believe you are the key to our mystery, in some way. Your connection to the universe. But even if your element is up there, your place is here...with us. " He knew that, more than anything. If she were to socialize with the family more she would see that too. Starlight is necessary for their existance... "When we were creating the ranks for the pack, we designed one especially with you in you know which one that is?"




5 Years
04-02-2015, 11:23 PM

She closed her eyes, trying to not look at her dearest older brother. She expected him to interrupt her, at least tell her she was wrong. But he did not. He lay comely, his face nuzzled into her neck listening at her bitter words. He was understanding and when she was done he thought before he responded, not calling her a child for her immature feelings. Instead he seemed to since what she needed, a friend and a loving brother. "Stars are always beautiful." She replied, tilting her ears back when he kept talking. He was right about how they always shine, and the lovely shapes they make, she knows, Astrea watches and traced them every night. Watched as they twinkle and flash, as they shine behind the moon. they where infinitely close but oh so far. The pull she felt, even now when melancholy was at its worst, even though she wished that she felt something more close to home.

She didn't respond when he went on about her power, for that was not true at all, she was the youngest, with the least power and no skills to back her. Everyone has a purpose, they fit into a cozy hole that just did not seem able to fit her as well. It was obvious to most of her siblings where they fit, Terrae knew plants so he can heal, Locha knew about tides so she can keep them all safe, Serefina can use her fiery nature to protect them. But her? She only knew about stars, what good was that? Yea she can tell you which way was north, what good was that to a wolf? You could just sniff your way around. Most probably got around just fine without even looking at the stars once.

"What good is a wolf like me volt? I am good at nothing. I cannot hunt or track if my life depended on it. I'm too small and weak to fight. All I do is day dream and look at stars."

She wanted to pull away from her brother at that point, She felt trapped. She felt like all she was doing was taking up space on a world that did not need her. "How can I be the answer? I do not know anything about our family, I was wrong about you after all. I thought I figured you out but it seems I was wrong."

She turned further in on herself, curling around herself tightly. "All I am is a burden." She was about to get up then, to walk away a failure. A unwanted child... Again. She hated those thoughts, she wanted to go back, to worry about nothing but the stars and her siblings. But she was unable to, she now knew that day dreaming about bodies stuck in the sky that she will never be able to look at up close was useless. But Volt kept talking this time bringing up her worst fear at the moment. She wanted to fit in the new pack, to be useful to her family, but nothing called to her like it seemed to her siblings, As the stars did.

"No, But im sure I will fit perfectly as something unskilled."



6 Years
04-07-2015, 01:46 AM
Voltage had a great deal of practice as a big brother, whether it was to guide in the right direction, play, teach, or just to lay still and listen as emotion became too much for one of his siblings. He would lay patiently, squeezing her just so gently to try and communicate just how much he loved her. Astrea was always a shining star in his sky, and he wanted her to know that. But sometimes life became so hard, became so...huge that it was hard to see what was so clear to others. Sometimes emotion could blind you, like looking directly into the fires of the sun. But he was patient, and he would hold her so gently. "And needed." He said softly, about the stars. "Imagine how empty the sky would look without them, how the moon would seem so lonely." He whispered softly, closing his eyes as he rested his chin on her back. "Like endless darkness without the light.."

When he heard her soft voice again he felt both like smiling and bopping her on the head at the same time. Ah, so that was it, wasn't it? He assumed some would find it hard to adjust to pack life, to find a place and purpose where before they had none. They had spent their entire life drifting on, either searching for a home or waiting (unknowingly) to be removed from it. But now they had a home, a life, and now a pack to commit too. It was daughting, really, even Voltage, who had planned it all, felt a little nostalgic over the endless days where he could bask in the sun. Now he had borders to patrol and boring politics to handle. But this wasn't about him, this was about his little lost shooting star, trying to find her place in the sky. "An Elementas is never useless. We are the world and the universe, and just as the stars play their part, so shall you." He said softly, lifting his head to gaze down at her. Stomy eyes were calm, shining brightly in the night as he looked at her with all the conviction, all the truth, all the love that he could manage. There were no sugar in his words, no sweet nothings, his lips moved with a purpose and no one could find a lie amongst them.

"There is no harm in being unlearned. You haven't yet been taught to do any of those things, Astrea. When all the wars are won..what do the warriors return home too? When all the mothers have their children, what do they seek?" He whispered softly, gazing at her. "Nothing has changed, Astrea, your place is still securely amongst the stars, we just have a name for your natural light." He would lay a kiss atop her crown, nuzzling into her fur softly. "Our pack is unlike most others. We require more than they. Serefina is our lone warrior, Terrae our healer, but that's what they have always been. Our pack is merely create structure, to allow them to learn and allow me to protect you with borders and natural law." He would lift his head gently once more to look directly at her. He wondered how he could get it through to her, just how important she was, just how vast her potential was, if she only chose to tap into it. "You were not wrong about me, how were you?" He said with a gentle smile. "You all are my element, my love, my life, and my energy. I don't see how you were wrong"

With a small sigh he'd turn his eyes up to the sky to trace the stars. "We may never get our answers, but you're as close to them as we will ever get. I can feel it, in my heart and soul. You're our connection to the universe, to the stars and the sky. You're the one that has the stories that can fill the silence, you're the one that can name our children so they do not feel what I feel..." He whispered so softly, wanting to get it through to her. And with a small sigh, he resigned to the fact that he might not be able to do. "You, my Astrea, my most beloved littlest star, are Relicus, our most precious rank."

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
04-19-2015, 07:22 PM

She did get up at that point. She paced, her life has turned upside down in little under a week. She wanted to run, she wanted to see Seerten. He always made her feel like she was special and great. But she could not run away, not now that would not change anything and it would not fix this problem about her place in this new fledged pack. "The moon would be fine without the stars, she always has the sun."

She looked at Voltage, really looked at him. He was happiest when he was with his family, she? She was happiest when she looked at the stars. She stopped, and looked up then. She traced the bright stars in the sky to only now get what Volt was saying, it was not that they where beautiful... She always knew where she was, she never got lost, for she was able to just fallow the stars. Could she just take that knowledge and give it to her family. Could she help guide them like the stars guide her?

But can she be able to? She was the youngest and the most inexspiacned, she hardly remembers the small island they grew up on and cannot even think up the face of there mother, how was she going to be able to tell the young of the orgins of the family? But there was something there... She understood the call where many of her siblings did not. She understood why Serefina was so energetic, why Terrae was so solid, why Locha was so adaptable. It was their nature, just like it was hers to be distant and dreamy. But maybe, just maybe she was also something else. Maybe she was a guide as the stars where guides...

She moved forward then, she looked Voltage in the eye. "Volt, You where not misnamed. I think you where named just right." She Tilted her head at him. "You're element is not the thunder and lighting in the sky... Its energy, the energy in the sky and the energy of the family!" This will be her first try at guidance. Hopefully this one leap into faith would pay off.



6 Years
04-21-2015, 05:11 AM
Voltage allowed her to move away from him, gentle letting himself unwrap from around her to allow her to pace. He knew how much movement could help thoughts, and pacing was healthy. He did have to admit, though, that he missed her warmth. It was always that way when his siblings moved away from him. At her response he chuckled, shaking his head. "The sun and the moon are opposites...when one sets, another rises. But the stars...oh, they're constant. They're always there, unyielding." He said with a gentle smile, watching his sister. Selini and Solaris may call themselves twins, but they were opposites. Selini was more outgoing, Solaris more unyielding, and Astrea was the magic and imagination between the two.

"Astrea, don't let me pressure you. It's all your decision. But trust me, I wouldn't lie to you about something like this." He whispered. She had to understand that he only wanted to help her. But it seemed she was coming to a good conclusion, at far as he could tell.

When she stepped towards him, her starlit eyes staring deep into his storms, he gave her a soft smile, encouraging. He didn't have to wait long for her to speak, listening as she told him he wasn't misnamed, just...misinterpreted. And he grinned his toothy grin as she seemed to pinpoint his element, his connection. Energy, family. Perhaps he had known it subconciously. "Atta girl." He whispered softly, sitting up to wrap her in an embrace, to pull her against his strong chest. "Energy, heh...Makes more sense why I'm scared of thunder." He laughed softly, eyes closed gently before he pulled back to look her in the eyes then. "I cannot live without any of you, as you cannot live without the star's light. When you are sad, I wont stop untill you are happy again. I am always here when you feel lonely, when you feel washed out by the moon's light." He whispered softly, trying to make it clear. They had only really known each other a short time. His grin wide as he would lean forward to place a kiss on her forehead. "I am the energy in your night. You're not alone, not ever...Please, help me guide our family, help us make sense of this mystery...teach our future children the wonders of our origin..."

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
04-21-2015, 07:14 PM

Astrea watched her brother, he seemed accepting of her declaration, like deep inside he already knew it. But it did not matter, he may have known subconsciously but he did not understand that knowledge, not without her putting it in words. She looked away from her brother to look at the sky, her eyes tracing the familiar. Her life it seemed was not what she expected, she had always thought that she was going to stay in the background, be the backdrop for her more showy siblings but little did she knew she was going to be in the center of things, the guide for a family that had many mysteries and many doubts about themselves.

Frankly, she was okay with that.

In fact the thought of being the ultimate guide for this life. She nodded liking the thought, she may not know many things but she does know the stars. "Yes, I will guide our family as the stars guide me, I will accept being the Relicus." With that she nodded, her mind made up about the whole thing.

She sat next to her brother, resuming her spot from before. She absorbed his warmth with a content hum. It felt like a weight was lifted from her, maybe voltage was also a guide... She looked up a studied the bodies that called to her like nothing else has ever... Well maybe them and Seerten. She missed him fiercely but at the moment her brother absorbed her thoughts. "I know I am not alone, I always have Sol and Selini and Arcus." She turned to look her brother in the eye. "I always have you." She closed her eyes and tilted her head, humming to herself. "I also have Ten. I know that, but sometimes..." She opened her eyes and looked back up at the bodies in the sky. "Sometimes the universe is to big to see the little things, so absorbed in self pity that you cannot see who you worry with that pity." She glanced at her dearest brother. "Thank you for guiding me, Volt." She smiled at him, her pale eyes filled with genuine gratitude. "Is there anything I can gift you with for a proper thank you?" She look back at the sky, tracing one star to the next, she never got tired of looking at them, ever.
