



5 Years
03-30-2015, 12:17 PM


They were going to find Mercury’s parents, finally deciding on a plan instead of drifting near the Fiori packlands. It was time to let go. But she still needed to do something, no matter her feelings of her family, which wasn’t exactly high, she had to say goodbye to her sister. They hadn’t seen each other in a while but at the very least Novel hadn’t left.  The woman shifted nervously, forest orb scanning the horizon of the lands that had once been her home.  

Glancing at Mercury she gathered her courage and tipped her head back to call for Novel and her little family. It occurred to Canta that Ara and her nephews technically were her family too. It seemed strange…

[Image: oLGAaTF.png]

Mercury I


4 Years
03-30-2015, 12:25 PM
The dark brute would stand by his... Canta. Though he spent every moment possible with the beautiful girl he still didn't feel confident enough to call her his mate. He'd made no verbal commitment other than to never leave her, and he'd not brought the conversation up since. They'd been living as loners on the outskirts of what used to be there home, never venturing quite close enough to really know what was happening behind the borders. He'd keep to his love, unsure what they might find out in loner lands. Eventually though they had decided to slip away, to find their own island and forget what had happened here.

They had some thing to sett;e first though. He hadn't seen his sister or much of his family since before he'd gone out on his own. He'd left easily a season before Dhiren lost his crown, and he'd not been able to say goodbye to his parents before. Their scent was very much gone from the pack though, and he wished desperately to see them before he and Canta made their getaway. They'd eventually come to the border, and tentatively he would add his voice with hers. He wanted to see Ara again, she was seemingly the last piece of his family left.



10 Years
03-30-2015, 05:28 PM
Novel hadn't heard that voice in far too long, she hadn't seen her litter mate since the pack meeting before Sawtooth had been taken over. She'd perk, her features lifting from her paws as she looked eagerly towards the sound of the call. For a moment she would hesitate, unsure of making her way to the border with out Ara by her side, but as her eyes caught sight of her tiny yearling son, Psalm she resisted the urge to wait to be fetched. Nuzzling the young boy Novel and he would exit the den together, the pair of them walking to find Canta and Mercury sitting on the border. The girl thought she might cry when she saw her sister's face. What had happened to her eye? Only cringing a bit, Novel would make her timid approach. Her tail was still hanging limply behind her, her ears lowered and her posture submissive. Novel still hadn't recovered much over the last year. Still, the happiness at seeing her sister was obvious. Her tail would wag slightly at her ankles, and even though her voice was soft the love she felt was there. "Canta," She wanted to offer her love and affection, but as she drew more near to the border she felt herself fall short. Canta would have to come forward or Ara would need to be at her side.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Psalm 1


2 Years
03-30-2015, 05:43 PM
The white marked boy would yawn as his mother woke him from his nap, he couldn't help but smile as he blinked his eyes open to her face. As he grew older he was becoming more aware of her seclusion and fear, and he knew very well she had difficulty leaving the den on her own. He was happy to accompany her, but deep down he hoped someday she would be able to walk fearlessly on her own. He would stick by her side, they were both almost the same size. He liked walking with her, and he grew excited about seeing family. He'd never even met his uncle Mercury, momma Ara's brother. His face would brighten as soon as he saw the pair, Psalm would wiggle at his mother's side but he refused to leave her. "Hi!" Would be an eager greeting, "I'm, Psalm."



10 Years
04-05-2015, 06:18 PM (This post was last modified: 04-05-2015, 06:22 PM by Ara.)
The voice of her brother, mixed with Canta's call, was surprising to Ara. She'd been away from her wife -- a fairly uncommon thing these days -- but the call had been meant for both of them. Surely she would find Novel there, and if not she would be happy to fetch her. Being pulled from her task at hand, she grasped a bundle of dandelion flowers firmly between her jaws and began to make her way toward the two that had called her.

She couldn't help but feel a bit strange about it all. Mercury had all but disappeared when Jupiter had taken over, but so had Faolan and Jendai. She had hoped they had left to find their parents and Steel, but the lack of their voices in their sudden song made it clear they hadn't. Though she had hoped they might stay in Fiori with her and Novel and their small family, but she understood that they had lives of their own too.

A gentle smile crept over her lips as she drew closer, noting that Novel and Psalm had already arrived. Ara found her tail beginning to wag gently behind her at the sight of everyone. Only when she moved closer to Novel did she drop the small bundle of dandelion flowers at the earth, moving forward unabashedly to embrace Mercury. Normally she might not be so touchy, but she'd hadn't seen him in so long that she couldn't help but greet him with such joy. `"Mercury!" she'd exclaim softly, her grin widening. "How have you been?" Briefly she glanced to Canta, noting her missing eye, though she said nothing as he gaze averted to her wife and son with an encouraging smile.



12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
04-06-2015, 10:48 PM

Hymn had been lounging near the waters, paws dangling off the edge and his toes causing the water to ripple slightly on its way out of the pack lands.  He wasn’t sure where his brother or where momma Ara was, though he was fairly certain he knew where momma Novel was. That thought was pushed from his mind though when a call rang out, two in fact; both calling for both his mothers.

Tilting his head to the side Hymn was unsure if he should be answering it, but curiosity was winning out and he trotted off to find out who it was that was looking for his mothers. Drawing up to the border, his cerulean gaze first fell upon his family, a grin splitting across his face and he approached Psalm first, nuzzling his smaller brother’s ear and without any sort of worry about the strangers before him moved off to brush against Ara, before once more turning around to stand beside Novel and grinning down at her.  


I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



5 Years
04-07-2015, 02:55 AM


Mercury would add his voice to hers, weaving together to form a song that was theirs. Canta herself wasn’t totally sure what they were, she cared for him but she wasn’t sure she could say she loved him… call it pessimism but little in her life had suggested to her that it was even real… after all hadn’t her father claimed to love them? Hadn’t her mother? They would allow their call to end, echoing off the trees of Canta’s childhood. Lowering her head again, the woman looked at Mercury a tiny smile pulling at her lips as she did so.

It wouldn’t take long for their family to arrive, Novel being the first and accompanied by a young male that could only be her nephew. She had never taken much time to visit them but she could remember the tiny bundles of energy… Time really had passed. She didn’t fail to notice the slight flinch from Novel and she resisted the urge to drop her head. Still the girl stopped short and Canta had to resist the urge to frown, the Novel she had known would have been pushing right up into her fur.

Her sister’s soft call was all it took and took a step forwards, stopping with her toes on the border. She craned her neck forwards, just able to nose at her sister’s muzzle.  A big smile would split across her face as Psalm spoke and Canta stepped back in line with Mercury. It wasn’t long before the rest of the family arrived, Ara bypassing Novel all together to make contact with her brother.

Canta awkwardly side stepped, not wanting to interrupt the sibling’s reunion, a question leapt from her sister-in-law’s lips and Canta was about to speak when the final missing member joined them, though he remained silent.

“I’m sorry it took so long.” She ducked her head this time, feeling the shame of her own inability to face her sister. “After what happened- After Jupiter I was bitter,” her thoughts briefly flashed to her aunt… to the woman who had sat by and not used her resources, her pack to save her own family, “in some ways I still am.” She lifted her head again and looked at Novel, fixing her with one eyed gaze.

“I was there… I saw Dhiren walk away, I heard mother saying Jupiter was free to take the pack lands… I was there when Jupiter vowed to take the pack prisoner.” There was a strain in her voice, all the raw emotion of that moment weaving in her tone. “I couldn’t- I couldn’t let that happen Novel… I fought; I was the only one who fought!” She had to pause, try to reign in her breathing… try to stop the rage from spilling out on her sister.

“The only reward I got for being the only one to fight for this family was losing my eye.” Then it was pain… the memory of her loss, of needing comfort and finding none. “Maybe the worst part was sitting there… staring at the ground and expecting to hear something… anything from mom… to feel her come to comfort her daughter after all she had gone through. Then looking up to see she wasn’t there…” Lids slid shut and Canta had to lock her jaw, bite down on the tears threatening to spill forth.

Maybe Novel didn’t need to know this… but it would never sit right with her to keep this from her. She needed to know the sorry state of their family. “I ran.” Her gaze finally shifted to Mercury, this part was as much his story as hers… hell he probably remembered more of it than she did. “At some point I must have passed out, I have no idea how long I was out. For all I know it could have been a few days. The next thing I remember was waking up to find Mercury… or rather to find he had found me.”

Her forest gaze searched his violet one, willing him to jump in if he felt the need. “We’ve been lurking near the border ever since… but we’ve finally come up with a plan.” She smiled again, having only eyes for him in this moment. They would finally have a life free of the shadow of her parents, or Jupiter’s terror. They would have a life together.

[Image: oLGAaTF.png]

Mercury I


4 Years
04-09-2015, 01:13 PM
It felt really good to sing with Canta, their voices would blend easily and he would bring a smile to her face. He'd return the gesture, reaching over to nuzzle her softly before the first of their arrivals found their way to their side. The woman at his side would receive a greeting from Novel while the boy that accompanied her eagerly said hello and introduced himself. Ara was next. His full attention would fall on her as Canta went to greet her sister and Mercury was allowed to greet his. He really hadn't been around as much as he might have liked. He wandered too much to have been considered a real brother. He wasn't even sure he deserved the enthusiastic greeting.

Still she would make him smile and he couldn't help but draw more near to her as she embraced him. "Ara, I missed you too." He hadn't even realized she had stayed behind here. Still, she looked amazing and vibrant, and he couldn't even describe the glow that seemed to emanate from her. Obviously her life had turned out for the better. "I've been well, though obviously not as well as you." She had a family, and he couldn't deny how good they all looked.

Though as their last participant arrived he would draw more near to Canta, knowing even as she started to speak that she would need all the comfort she could get. He'd barely squeezed the history from her, he knew that it was difficult for her to recite. He still felt terrible for leaving her to endure it all on her own. Eventually she'd get to the part where he found her and he'd nuzzle her again before finding her brilliant emerald gaze and smiling softly back at her. He didn't know what to call their relationship, but he knew he cared for her and only wished to see her smile. Especially after what she'd been through.



10 Years
04-09-2015, 02:23 PM
The only thing that could possibly make this reunion more joyous would be the sudden appearance of Faolan and Jendai. She knew that that would be too good to be true -- but it didn't stop her from hoping for it anyway. Her mood would lighten anyway at the arrival of Hymn, and she'd lean toward him to place a gentle lick to his cheek. So much had changed since she had seen Mercury last; she didn't even know where to begin, but she did know she was thrilled to see him again. Even if she wished he had stayed to begin with, she wasn't one to hold grudges; that was something her father had taught her. Bronze had left Silent not just once, but twice, and she had welcomed him back each time. She would always welcome Mercury with the same sort of enthusiasm, each and every time, no matter how many times he left without a word.

Her smile was genuine. It seemed Mercury realized the connection between she and Novel, judging by his comment, and she felt her tail beginning to wag behind her joyously. "I've been very good," she commented in agreement, nodding, glancing at Novel to see how she was reacting. Though Novel didn't speak much of the family that had abandoned her, she knew it had affected her more than she cared to admit. Was she okay with Canta's sudden appearance again? "Novel and I -- we have a family now," Ara would offer a bit warily as she watched the two boys from the corner of her eye. It seemed like she had been madly in love with Novel for as long as she could remember, but she knew she certainly hadn't been her mate the last time she'd seen Mercury. Her blue gaze was almost fearful as she watched Mercury, afraid he might disapprove of her choice, though in her heart she knew he never would.

Ara would grow quiet as Canta spoke, explaining what had happened. Her maim had been a result of fighting for the freedom of her family. Her tail, once waving gently behind her, stilled as it curled unconsciously between her legs. Ara hadn't fought for her family either -- and she'd never felt ashamed of it before but now she couldn't help but feel a sudden, painful guilt begin to gnaw at her heart. Even her own father, once a ferocious warrior, had not fought. But surely she should've tried...

The woman was silent as she listened to the story, stepping from Mercury to lean against Novel. She didn't know how she might react to the story and she support her wife, both physically and emotionally, for as long as she needed it. "A plan?" she'd echo gently, ears twitching curiously at Canta's words. It was obvious, by the way she looked at Mercury, that the two cared about one another.. but a selfish part of her hoped this plan would include their family as well.



10 Years
04-15-2015, 03:49 PM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2015, 03:50 PM by Novel.)
She would take all the affection that was offered, from Canta a simple gesture but Novel would lean into her touch. She felt more whole in that moment than she had in a long time. Not that she wasn't plenty full with Ara and her boys, but she'd felt distant from her family at best. Feeling Canta against her cheek was more than she could have asked for. She'd find herself smiling softly as Psalm introduced himself, the woman would seat herself back onto her haunches. Also glad to see Ara reuniting with her brother. Though her smile would shrink as she listened to Canta's words, her drooped figure enough to draw the white girl forward to comfort her sister.

She'd want to touch her muzzle to her dark ssiter as she explained, how she'd become bitter. Novel didn't have the whole story, only that when Her mother, brother, and many of the rest of their family had made the journey back to Ahlon. She'd known Canta was not among them. She and Ara had elected to stay so their boys wouldn't have to move. Had she known that she never had to fight? Why hadn't she left like the rest of their kin? What had caused her to try and prove herself against that vile woman? She'd listen to her sister though, she'd sneak out her tongue for a gentle kiss as she confessed all she'd been through. Novel knew her pain, knew what it was like to have all of her power stolen away from her.. The thought of Lel was still very much at the forefront of her mind, and a shiver would run through her as Canta slid back to Mercy and Ara found her way to her side. Novel couldn't help but to melt into her wife's side. She was her world, and the only reason she'd kept her sanity.

They didn't have to dwell on those painful memories though, the pair across from them had a plan. Mismatched ears would perk at the words, curious as Ara questioned them.

ooc. feel free to skip psalm
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



5 Years
04-23-2015, 01:34 PM
((Skipping Hymn as well. ))


Novel’s acceptance of her affection lifted a great weight from her chest, to know that despite her own guilt Novel was willing to accept her back. Despite it all, they were still family and Canta was glad to know that wasn’t about to change; she had so little family left to cling to.

A small smile would acknowledge Mercury’s support and she nudged him ever so slightly.  Her speech would end and the woman would find his violet gaze meeting hers, she’d return his earlier nuzzle and look back towards their sisters. Despite her less than happy tale she glanced at her sister(s) and nephews with a brightness that hadn’t occupied her expression in a while. There was no judgement against them, not on her end. They had kids to look after and Canta knew well enough that her own sister was no fighter; Canta’s choice to battle had been so they didn’t have to.

Ara questioned their plan and Canta briefly wondered if Mercury wanted to field this question, she glanced at him again before speaking. He was free to jump in any time if he wanted. “It’s time to move on… We can’t keep lurking around and joining just…” She glanced away then, her gaze growing distant as if seeing something approaching from the horizon. “It wouldn’t feel right.” These lands were her home, and yet they couldn’t be home ever again. Jupiter had taken that from her and even with a new alpha…

Canta wondered if Novel could understand how she felt about this. She hadn’t lost just her family or home… she had been stripped of her own childhood, unable, unwilling to look back. Sometimes she wondered if Jupiter hadn’t killed her after all, she certainly felt like a different person. But then maybe she had always been on this path? Maybe Cherokee leaving had been the cataclysm that had marked the death of a softer, more optimistic Canta; in her stead she had been reborn as the hardened, pessimistic woman she was now.

“We’re going to find a new home, not a pack but maybe an island or… or something.” They weren’t exactly settled on this yet, one step at a time. “First though… uh…” She brought her gaze back to Mercury. This was his part and it would probably sound better coming from him than her anyways, after all he had his own mission.

[Image: oLGAaTF.png]

Mercury I


4 Years
05-05-2015, 10:04 AM
He was surprised to know that his sister had settled down, but as he watched her retreat to the timid she wolf he couldn't help but think they belonged together. He'd smile approvingly, her wife and sons were lovely. Catching up wouldn't last much longer as Canta took back up the mantle and started the layout of their plan. Not that she would take the part about finding his parents and Steel. The dark beauty finished her words and handed the spot light to him. He'd gaze into Ara's eyes, she was really the one who needed to hear this Maybe she'd even have been able to point him in the right direction. "We're going to find mom and dad." He'd announce simply as his gaze watched Ara's reaction. What would she say? Did she knew where they'd gone after they left Ludicael? His ears would perk along with his features as his hopefulness became much too apparent.



10 Years
05-10-2015, 07:18 PM
Ara smiled as Novel reunited with her sister, watching the brief exchange between the two. Canta had been hurt, not just physically, but emotionally too.. and so had Novel. Perhaps the darker woman might never know all that Novel had been through, but she was proud her wife had reunited to her and she couldn't help the small smile that touched her lips as Novel pulled back and leaned into her.

Canta admitted they were going to find a new home, not among a pack but it seemed they wanted to live on their own. But that wasn't all. Her eyes fixed on Mercury as he began to speak, her ears pricking forward with interest at what he might tell her. His words surprised her, and her jaws would part slightly as she struggled for the words. They intended to find their mom and dad? "We're coming," She'd state quite matter-of-factly. They'd discussed wanting to find her parents, she and Novel, but this only solidified the plan. Ara would nod surely, though she'd turn her head to gaze at Novel questioningly. "When should we leave?" she'd probe Mercury gently. "Perhaps in a couple of weeks?"