
Storm Song (AW)



4 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-31-2015, 02:01 PM (This post was last modified: 03-31-2015, 02:05 PM by Hani.)

She didn't have much of a purpose at this point. She roamed around, got drugs, got drugged, then roamed around some more. Her creamy coat was tinged with dirt, though she wasn't exactly filthy. Her paws were darkened from digging up her beloved herbs and her claws were blunt and rounded from the wear and tear. She would wake up at night after seeing Natalya's death in her dreams. She would be shaking and at this point she wasn't sure if it was from nightmares or withdraw. Luckily for her, the herbs cured both. She needed the herbs, she always had them on her or was on her way to get more. She had learned how much to take to simply numb her pain, and she had learned how much to take to make her leave this world. She wasn't sure, but she thought she had tried at least twice to eat them until she died, but she always woke up after the same nightmares, even if she didn't remember where she was or why she was there.

The birds were singing and Hani hummed along. Her eyes were lightly closed and she swayed with their music in something of a dreamy state. She wasn't high enough to hallucinate, but she had taken enough to feel really good. Her head tilted downwards and her wight shifted back and forth, trying to feel the music. Thunder cracked in the distance, but loud enough to feel. It vibrated in Hani's chest and she growled with a toothy smile forming on her face. The thunder grew closer and the birds grew quieter. Rain drops fell with their tapping beat to the ground. The coolness reached Hani and she lifted her face towards the sky, her teeth bared in a snickering laugh. Through her closed eyelids, Hani could see the flashes of color from the lightning. The crashing thunder shook her body and, after a moment, the song was emphasized by frogs. The film on Hani's coat began to get rinsed off. How long had she been standing here? She didn't know. She didn't care. Her body was numb. She was in the storm. She was a part of the storm's song, smiling and laughing along. How many plants had she eaten again?




3 Years
04-07-2015, 12:16 PM" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#0c0909">
Ah, great. It was raining now. No, not just rain. In addition, there was lightning, thunder. It rattled above him, shaking the ground and forcing uneasy breathes to stream from his maw. the moment, it didn't matter much. Whether the lightning was close or not, he didn't mind. Just the uncomfortable feeling of being soaked like this just didn't bring him such pleasure. Also...this itchy undergrowth. Not very pleasurable, either. Ixionn grunted gently and shook his soaked face, lunging forward and breaking into a run. Mud and lingering water from the rainfall sploshed at his heels, caking his lower limbs in watery earth. But, once again, the slight mess didn't bother him. The only thing that bothered him now was his twisted thoughts and confusion of everything.

Even with so much time, he still hasn't processed his whole life. His many parents, the many packs that he has been apart of, the wolves he's met, the amount of times he's been betrayed...he couldn't process it all so quickly and easily. He had nightmares, over and over again. He'd wake up in tears, shaking uncontrollably, wishing his real father were there to comfort him. Or, maybe his little sister, or even Chione! Someone, anyone. It seemed these thoughts and dreams would never fade away. It made him want to throw himself off a cliff. But...just as many have said, you should never do something so reckless for a temporary situation. Even so...he just...couldn't help it. Ixionn grunted in effort and continued to speed away along the wet earth, his whole body soggy with mud.

But suddenly, he tripped over something...someone, and went flying forward right into the mud.

When he landed, he let out a quiet yelp, mud spraying up from where he sat. The boy whined and looked up, before shifting upward and slipping once again, only to fall back into the pool of mud he got himself stuck in. "Damn it." He spat, his ears falling back against his head. What in the world did he trip over? A stump, a rock? He tried to look up and figure it out...but through the rain, he could see as little as a dark figure just lying there. A growl tore from his vocals, and he began to stand again, eyes narrowing dangerously. Why did these things always happen...?!

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-07-2015, 12:27 PM

Her song was interrupted when Hani felt a pressure at her side. As her eyes opened, she noticed the world was spinning then she was lying on her back in the mud. She smiled. Mud was great. Hani could hear the raindrops plopping around her, beating lightly on her chest. She had half a mind to close her eyes and go back to sleep, but then she heard the soft cursing of another. The woman rolled over onto her belly, the mud dripping through her already soaked fur and down her back. There was a brown wolf, or maybe a wolf covered in mud next to her. This was great! Now she had a friend. Hani slid towards the male, not quite feeling like standing up. Her back legs propelled her, her rump in the air, as she slid, her chest dragging in the mud, toward the male. Mud slipped through her coat, dripping down her back and haunches as she pushed forward in the rain. Her electric eyes stayed on the visitor, perhaps a little too wide and a little too dilated to be normal. She smiled when she neared him and spoke softly, "Psst... Hey..." If she could have slid on top of the male, she would have, but for now she was happy just sliding as close to him as possible.




3 Years
04-07-2015, 01:00 PM" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#0c0909">
Ever time he attempted to stand, he slipped and fell. So after all that effort, he lied there in exhaustion, unaware of the drunken female that was just a few feet from him. Ixionn sighed quietly and lowered his head to the ground. Would he wait until this rain stopped? Maybe he could just sleep here...surely, when he woke up, it'd be sunny and warm. Maybe a little breeze, but it'd dry him off, right? Then he could get a bath. Yeah...that'd be nice. A gentle smile blossomed across his face, when suddenly, the sound of sliding reached his sensitive ears. At first, he ignored it, thinking it was nothing but some larger droplets of rain, or maybe a frightened snake. But he was very wrong. Very incorrect. "Psst...Hey." It was a voice. And pressed against him was a light-colored lady, her facial expression shaking him to the core. She looked dazed. Like she was in another world of her own. But it scared him nevertheless.

Quickly squirming and flailing away from the dame, he picked his head up and perked his ears, his heart thumping quickly in his chest. At least he stopped himself from shrieking like a little pup! Ixionn growled quietly and backed up again, slipping and sliding in the mud.  "Are you...okay?" He asked with unease, trying to act as nice as possible. This was a girl who looked no older than him. She deserved respect, too. But did she have to get on him like that? Was she lost?  " you need help, miss?" He whispered through the pattering rain, his ears, once again, flattening against his head. He felt helpless. If she were hurt, he couldn't help! What did he know about healing or directing!?

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-07-2015, 01:20 PM

Hani pulled back slightly when the boy acted all scared. This wasn't scary! The boy scrambled away from her and Hani slid closer one step at a time. He asked her if she was okay and she nodded, briefly dipping her nose under the mud and blowing a few mud bubbles. He then asked her if she needed help and Hani flopped to her side, "Do I look like I need help? I'm fine. Just enjoying the storm and the mud like yourself. In fact, maybe I'm here to help you, whatcha think? Wanna let me help you?" She tried to smile nicely, "First, tell me what's wrong. I'm a healer after all. My medicines are- oh, uh somewhere where i was standing. Physical, Emotional, I have stuff to make you feel alright, now, what's your name and your condition?" Hani would roll to her belly again, but she would not chase the other. Rain washed mud down her face and Hani shook her head lazily to keep the stuff from getting in her eyes. She had a task, now. She was going to help this fella out a bit, she was sure of it.
