
The Bird And The Worm


04-04-2015, 11:06 AM

The time had finally come, and Akemi was both excited and a bit nervous about what she was about to do. The herd had been tracked for a day prior, monitoring their movements, where she estimated them to be when they stopped to feed. The whitetail wouldn’t even know what hit them when the wolves came to hunt. With fall coming the young were growing larger, stronger, but there were still those who would make a good meal for the pack. An aging cow was Akemi’s chosen target. If she stayed much longer there was the chance she would sustain an injury or illness anyway that could hinder the herd.

The small female would stand with her son, sure her daughter would be along shortly as well. Secreutua had truly become stronger. Her single orb would shine brightly, the remains of her ears giving a slight twitch. Not to mention the fact her baby was a year old now! He was indeed massive, a sight to see. He was larger than his father by far, heavier, though he was exactly what Akemi had envisioned him to be. Now would just come the matter of getting him training. There was no doubt in what he wanted:: To be a fighter.

Akemi had, honestly, thought to bring Tiny too. But with the speeds the wolves would need to run and the chance of the critter falling off and getting trampled she had, in the end, told him to wait back at the den in his nest. She would tilt her head back, calling to her fellow Secretuans, wondering who might come to join her and her son to participate in a pack hunt.

"Hear me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'
"Hear Tiny talk," 'but read Tiny's thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno


04-04-2015, 11:31 AM

The boy stood beside his mother, tall, proud. He was a beast that towered over her small frame, just about doubling her height minus a pawful of inches. Red-violet gaze would search the land around him, his tail flicking slowly back and forth in thought. It had been a year since he was born, and finally the young man had come into his full skin. He was, in short, a tank. A creature who in theory should be able to overpower any opponent. Such a shame theories were not often correct.

The boy knew he wanted to fight. But his mother dwelt more on hunting now due to her position in the pack. On the other paw as well, well, she was far smaller than him, so practicing moves with her would not be in the best interest. The last thing Einarr wanted was to accidentally hurt her. Perhaps though he could ask Eirik to help him with spar practice? The older boy was just a bit smaller than him, and probably the closest in height to him in the pack. He would smile a little. He rather liked Eirik... The other young man was nice.

As his mother let out her howl Einarr would resist the urge to throw back his head and join her. Even at this age he was still quite close with her. She was his world, in a sense, as was Zisa and Tiny. His family was more than just those three though, he was realizing. But still, it felt hollow. He still couldn’t believe that Freyr had just walked away. It had... It had hurt. Hurt his mother and sister more than it had him. But still, he couldn’t just forgive him for this. He would seek his stepfather out someday. There were still things to discuss, and feelings to be laid out on the table.

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby



2 Years
04-05-2015, 02:01 PM
{Croa has no adult tables for Zisa, so this pup table will have to do.}

At the howl, Zisa uncurled herself, getting to her paws slowly as she made her way towards the others. She was not much taller than her mother, only two inches, and that wasn't anything as she stood beside her, trying to seem as if she weren't upset. Her ears were pricked, and she seemed alert, but if another looked in her violet eyes they would see the pain that came from her stepfather leaving. Glancing up at her brother, Zisa realized with a jolt just how much taller he was; if he wanted to, the male could carry her in his jaws. Shaking her head, she glanced at her mother, giving her mother a small smile. It seemed that whatever was going on today was going to be something about hunting, something to do with her mother's position in the pack. Glancing up at Einarr, she wondered what position in the pack her brother would be.

A warrior, most likely, because of his large size. But the female herself wanted to be something that would help the pack, and she wasn't the best at hunting; maybe she could talk to Rune about it. Zisa sat down, wondering where her stepfather was right at the moment, amethyst eyes closing as she waited for others. Maybe she could meet up with Mingan again and talk to him some more about everything. She liked the male, finding that he was a good friend, one that she wanted Einarr to meet at some point. Maybe he would think of Mingan as a brother, and then the male wouldn't have to worry about his brother not getting along with him. Zisa gave a small snort at that thought. It wouldn't just work out like that, work out perfectly. After all, it never did, did it?

Zisa stretched out one limb, probably being too energetic. She hated the fact that Freyr wasn't there with them, and was a little mad at them.




9 Years
04-06-2015, 04:50 PM

Ravine had only been a part of Secretua for a few days but that hadn't mattered to him when a woman had called out for other wolves from the pack. He was Secretuan now and he had promised Rune that he would do what he could to help out. Besides this was a hunt and he was a hunter. He would make his way to her only to be stopped in his tracks upon arrival. There were already three wolves there and he knew none of them. Two women, one of them he assumed was the owner of the voice he had heard and the other a large male. He hadn't expected to meet three new wolves all at once then again he had no idea how many wolves were apart of his new pack.

Both women were much smaller than himself, but in a way he still feared them. He didn't know their strengths or weaknesses but none of that would matter anyway as if they decided to attack him he would loose. He sucked at fighting. It wasn't the women who had stopped him in his tracks though, it was the large boy that had. He was much younger than himself but also seven inches taller and much stockier. He was built like a warrior but he was here as a hunter. Ravine would take a deep breath and then inch his way to them with his muscles tensed and ready to run away.

He was part of Secretua but that didn't mean they would know that, especially since he had only been here a couple of days. The only wolf he knew was Rune, and hell for all he knew he didn't smell like a pack member yet. He couldn't smell himself very well so he honestly had no clue as to how he smelled, all he knew was that he didn't know these wolves and they didn't know him.




3 Years
Extra large
04-09-2015, 04:37 AM
Summer hadn't been good for Kismet. He wasn't sure how much he had actually missed of it now but there were times it felt like forever. Once he had finally shaken the illness from his body however he'd been left with other issues, although Warja had indeed made sure he'd eaten something he'd still lost weight and certainly suffered from a bit of strength and energy loss for a while afterwards. The latter two had pretty much gotten back to normal now and though he wasn't quite back to his normal weight just yet he was definitely looking much more like himself and was very ready to throw himself back into pack activities.

The boy may have been a guard, though it felt like so long since he had seen anyone but Warja and since he had done anything that seemed particularly useful that he certainly wasn't about to ignore the summons for the pack hunt. He was certain they wouldn't turn down any extra help anyway and so it wasn't long before he found himself amongst the gathering crowd. A small group so far, Akemi and Einarr he had seen several times before, the girl, Zisa, wasn't as familiar though there was also a man Kismet was certain he had never laid eyes on.

Einarr however was who would catch his attention, the yearling was just another little reminder of just how long he had been ill for. The last time Kismet had laid eyes on him the Adravendi man had still been the taller of the pair, a last growth spurt had apparently hit they boy rather well in the Summer though and now Kismet had finally had someone to make him look a little more normal in terms of height. He wouldn't stare though and instead would simply settle down and wait for any others to arrive and for this event to kick off. He was definitely ready to get going.

Eirik I


3 Years
04-09-2015, 10:44 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Eirik was taken a little by surprise by the sudden call to gather, though only because group events were so rarely done. He knew his father wanted each of them to fall right into a sort of routine that got them through their work and required as few meetings as possible, hoping to establish each of them as self-sufficient so that the whole pack could be, and after the festival in the spring he had not expected much else to happen that needed them all to be in the same place. But it only took the recognition of the voice for him to realize what purpose they would be given, and grinning at the prospect he set off for the Gulley.

As a bit of the casual type, there was naturally no rush to his answer of the summons, and unsurprisingly he was not the first to arrive. There was, of course, Akemi present, as she had been the one to call them. Eirik offered her a friendly smile and tail wag as he stepped up to join the group, happy to see she was fitting nicely into her role as Huntress. She was a strong, capable lady who deserved respect and admiration because of her talents and circumstances, and rather quickly he had started to look up to her - metaphorically speaking. Her kids were close by, and though Eirik knew less about Zisa because of her absence he was at least able to see the growth in Einarr already. His brows rose a little as he looked at the not-so-little kid, and already he knew what his father was going to be thinking: there was another Guard for the pack.

Of those that remained, there was one man that the young Guard could not identify. His dark coloration and unique markings set him apart from the rest of the pack, but though he was unknown and for all accounts a stranger Eirik was not worried. His dad kept such a sharp watch on their borders that no one who was not welcome was going to sneak in, and so he knew this man had to have been given his father's approval. He was probably just new. Eirik offered him a smile and glanced lastly at Kismet, who seemed to be looking better all things considered. Being the only other Guard, he had noticed the taller male's absence, but afraid of earning the wrath of the pack's spitfire Healer for bothering one of her patients he had stayed away. There would be plenty time later, he told himself, to get to know the guy better. Though now, when they were beginning a hunt, did not quite fit the bill as a good time either.

Being the friendly sort, he did not entirely feel comfortable just taking a seat and waiting as the rest of their group seemed to be doing. Their festival was supposed to have brought them together and made them closer, not made them all clam up like this when they finally got together again. And if no one had done anything to stir things up and cool the air... As he stopped and took a seat, he cleared his throat quietly and asked, "Hunting time?" to everyone at large, smiling around hopefully at those gathered to see if he could get any smiles or at least an easier atmosphere in return.

Saga I


3 Years
04-16-2015, 06:52 AM

No matter how reclusive Saga Destruction was, she knew one thing -- she had a duty to Secretua, and she intended to contribute as much as necessary.. though probably not any more. It was only because of Eirik that she had even stayed. Eirik, and her unwillingness to return to her own family. The mere thought of her mother's abandonment, and of her littermates that hadn't even tried to find her, and of Descant's death, made her stomach sink. Somewhat begrudgingly she would pull herself from the darkness of her hidden den, knowing the call meant a hunt. She was unused to working with others, often content to hunting the smallest game by herself, but she knew this was required of her and so she would not ignore the call.

With ease, the tiny girl would hurry forward. Only when she approached the group did she realize she had not reacted as quickly as some. Half a dozen wolves had already arrived before her. Light green gaze danced about the group, quickly settling on Eirik. As the most familiar wolf here, she was often drawn to him, and today would be no different. Nearly silent, her paws carried her to his side, though she kept a respectful distance from him as she settled to her hindquarters and gazed upon the woman that had called them. Only the faintest of smiles was offered before it disappeared on her stoic features, her eyes bright as she greeting him silently.


04-18-2015, 06:09 PM

Others would swiftly join her, though some perhaps not as quickly as others. Zisa would appear beside her, and Akemi would offer her daughter just a bit of comfort by leaning into her slightly. She was here, and she wasn't going anywhere. Despite her size, her seemingly weak stature, she was strong. She was a Secretuan, the Huntress, and she was not as weak as she seemed. No. Her scars were a sign of her strength and her resolve to survive. Her single bright red gaze would focus on those who had also arrived -- a man, whom she did not know. Kismet, the young guard who worked beside Eirik. Eirik himself, of course, and Saga.

It was Eirik's question who had her smiling warmly, and believing no more would show she would get right down to it. "Aye Eirik, it's hunting time!" Perhaps her nature was a little more enthusiastic than was perhaps necessary but Akemi was truly happy. Her gaze would settle on the girl beside him, Saga. "Congratulations you two~ In being the last to arrive you've virtually volunteered yourself to be the runners for this little hunt. I do hope that's not going to be a problem?" Her excitement was practically bubbling over now, and her gaze would flick around.

"Our quarry is a herd of whitetail deer. There are a couple of prime targets, older does, a lame male. They're off yonder." She would motion with her nose. "You two shouldn't have too hard a time finding them. Now..." Her gaze would shift to the unknown male. "You. You're new to Secretua hmm? How would you feel about taking the killing blow? Or would you prefer to hang back this hunt and maybe give it a go next time?" Akemi would speak gently. Her son and daughter were, in her eyes, a bit young yet to take the glory of the killing blow. Kismet she knew had been a bit ill over the summer so she wanted to hold off asking him first. Though, if the young man didn't feel up to it, well, then he would certainly be the next to get the question.

Ooc:: Alright so next round due by 4/26. Sound good? I'm going to need Eirik and Saga to head off to where the deer are located and Ravine to answer Akemi at the very least. Thank you guys~

Talk, Think


04-18-2015, 06:18 PM

So it would begin. His mother's excitement was almost infectious, and he would find himself smiling some. A stranger whom entered their midst was not given a second glance -- he knew Secretua was protected and if he were a threat by now his mother would have been all over him. Not to mention the guards Eirik and Kismet as well. No, this man, despite being a stranger, was supposed to be here. The boy would let his gaze flick to his sister, standing on the other side of their mother. Zisa was just a bit bigger than her now, a lot more like the woman than perhaps he was. But there was nothing wrong with that in his mind.

Einarr would frown some as the tasks were given out to the older, more experienced members of the pack and even this newcomer! The boy would narrow his red-violet eyes slightly, a huff of jealousy that his mother had even asked him over himself or Zisa! But there was no room for internal feuds and with his mother in such a good mood the boy was not looking to spoil it. He would give a sigh, letting his gaze fall to Kismet. Was the guard upset over not being asked too? Was he just being overly grumpy? Why did pack life have to be so confusing?


Table by:: Eldarwen



9 Years
04-20-2015, 09:35 AM

The three wolves who had been here before him had done nothing but give him a glance only to look away as if they were uninteresting. As if he belonged. That was a feeling he hadnt felt in a long time and though three more wolves would arrive, Ravine could feel himself relaxing and becomeing more excited than skittish. Yes, this was more like his old self. He loved hunting and everytime he went, excitement filled his veins. He had never let it affect how he hunted or behaved though so he wouldnt begin today.

One of the men would ask if it wass time to hunt and one of the two women that where here before him answered his question. It was time and with her orders he could now place a face to the name Rune had given him. This was Akemi, his direct supervisor. The others were still unknown to him but he didnt care at the moment, he was listening to the woman in charge. It was only when she pinpointed him that he would visably hold himself a bit more respectfully. "Yes ma'am, im new and it would be my pleasure. Ive not sat out of a hunt since I was just a pup."

He would glance around at the otheres to see if anyone opposed and stopped on the large boy who hhad been here upon his arrival. He kind of looked hurt. Like Akemi had chosen a puppy over him but he would choose not to say anything. He would only give him an apologetic look as this would be a good way to prove his worth to both of his superiors.


Eirik I


3 Years
04-20-2015, 01:02 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

He was not sure how the rest of the pack took his unnecessary question, but at least Akemi seemed to like it. He earned a smile and a positive response from her and his own smile brightened in answer. Already he could feel that their hunt was off to a good start. If their Huntress was in such a good mood, then the rest of them were sure to follow it, and he was all about having a good time, especially when there was work to be done.

A sideways glance was given to Saga as she joined their hunting party, taking a seat close to him as seemed to be her preferred spot. Eirik tried not to puff up at the thought that she might actually be seeking that spot because she liked him, though it was just as likely it was because he was the only one she knew. She did give him the impression she did not talk to others all that often, and he could not recall ever seeing her in the company of anyone else. But was it too much to think he might be capable of catching a pretty girl's notice?

Akemi was quick to get things going after he and the tiny Hunter arrived, using their lateness in comparison to the others as a means of singling them out to acquire their target. Eirik gave a short, quick laugh, his surprise evident. Well, that was awfully fast, but at least it was something he thought he could do. "Not a problem at all, Miss Akemi," he assured her, turning his head to properly share a smiling look with Saga. Yeah, they could do this. So long as the little Hunter was fine with it too.

He let his rosy gaze settle again upon the Huntress as she began debriefing them on their target, a herd of deer with plenty of options. It all sounded incredibly promising, and the Kaname boy nodded his head in understanding. As the conversation turned to the ever important task of taking down their target, Eirik leaned down to nudge Saga's shoulder gently with his muzzle. "C'mon." He got to his feet, glance once more at Akemi, and then turned to walk away from the hunting party, presumably with Saga in tow.

Glancing over one shoulder as he moved in the direction their Huntress had motioned toward, he asked, "What do you think will be a better target? The lame one or one of the old ones?"



3 Years
Extra large
04-21-2015, 08:50 AM
Only two others arrived after Kismet before Akemi began to speak once more. Eirik he knew more of than Saga, the former was of course Warja's brother, apparently annoying at times and whilst he hadn't been the first to assume there was more than a friendship between the little healer and the Adravendi guard, Kismet had no idea how much Eirik had teased Warja. Saga on the other hand, Kismet knew very little about, she too had suddenly burst into the pack's meeting during the storms though had certainly pulled it off in a manner that didn't grab quite as much attention as his own grand entrance. Just as quietly now she would slip in and find her way to Eirik's side.

Akemi would swiftly confirm they would be hunting before moving on to assign specific tasks to certain wolves. His own job he presumed would simply be helping as much as he could which was fine by him. Unlike Akemi's now scowling son, Kismet felt no jealousy about not being selected for anything. Allowing their two runners to lead, he would quietly follow behind.

Saga I


3 Years
04-27-2015, 11:44 AM

Saga had retreated long ago to the solitude of her own mind. It was safer to stay unattached to others, to keep the company of few and to remain hidden in the shadows for as often as possible. She'd already hurt enough for a lifetime, and she had decided she wouldn't endure any more pain. She watched, silent as a mouse, as Akemi dished out tasks for the hunters. Her tail would twitch once in pleasure at being paired with Eirik and being put as runners for the hunt, for there was no one she would rather work with. She would offer Akemi a meek nod of acknowledgement at the orders she was given. It would be up to she and Eirik to run the deer down while the others closed in from the sides.

Saga nearly flinched when she felt Eirik nudge her shoulder. The touch was surprising, but not entirely unwelcome and she would turn to follow him without hesitation, eventually loping forward a bit more to move at his side. If they were to simply run straight at their target, they would end up tired and hungry.. and likely without a meal. "One of the lame ones," she'd answer, her voice void of much emotion, her gaze focused as she eyed the herd from a distance. "If we have some scout a bit ahead and come in from both sides, it should be an easy kill." ..though only if the lame male was as slow as Akemi seemed to assume.


05-02-2015, 10:25 AM

There seemed to be no disagreements when it came to tasks, much to her pleasure. Akemi would watch Eirik and Saga go off ahead, her gaze settling on Ravine as he answered her. “Very good then. It’ll be left to you.” She would swish her tail, starting to fall in behind Saga and Eirik herself. She was glad that everything seemed to be running smoothly thus far. The female could sense that Einarr was a bit disappointed, though she hoped to make things up to her son in a private lesson later on.

The small female would listen to the conversation started by her two runners, giving an approving nod when she heard Saga’s suggestion. “A pincer movement... Not a bad idea, Saga. As the runners you two will go on ahead, along with Kismet and Einarr. Zisa and and I will come in from behind to help weigh it down and Ravine will come in for the killing blow.” The female would give further instruction to the other wolves, looking around her.

Ooc:: Wait for Eirik and Saga to start this round guys. We're going to get into the thick of it. Just try and get your posts in as quickly as possible~ <3 Thanks guys!

Table by:: Tealah