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Alacritian Times - 1st Edition



04-07-2015, 07:51 AM
Alacritian Times • 1st Edition, April 2015

These last few months on Alacritis have been extremely busy! Not only have we had two sieges occur, but tons of new site additions and even an advertising contest! Things have been extremely successful since moving to our own domain and we'd like to thank everyone for their patience lately as we work to bring everything up to speed, and as we constantly work on improving the site for everyone.

Some reminders for members - judge tryouts are OPEN, but not for long, so hurry on down and sign up. Also don't forget the survey and the activity check! If you haven't aged your wolves this quarter, do that now! Spring, Summer, and Autumn wolves should all have been aged up this quarter.


In a last ditch effort to go out in style, Natalya called Cataleya to the battleground for a fight to the death. Even though Natalya was weakened by her sickness, she fought against the silver woman until her very last breath. Cataleya walked away the victor, while Natalya's life was ended in a way that all fighters dream of -- in battle.

The action between the packs has been heated this month, with two sieges breaking out at once. Imperium marched on Lydovne, only to be met with disappointment as silence met them. Lydovne was soon dissolved afterwards, and Imperium gained a new land to add to their pack. At the same time, Ebony crossed into Arcanum's borders, and soon declared war against them. All the fights ended up favoring the Ebony wolves, as well as the wolves from Fiori and Abaven who assisted them.  A fight to the death broke out between Aerndís, Sigmarr and Sindri, with Sigmarr and Sindri taking out the scar-ridden Aerndís. Arcanum too, was dissolved, riding Alacrita of two packs.

Even after what seemed to be bad blood, Imperium and Abaven leaders have met up to discuss being allies. Will it fall through because of what happened between Rhythm and Bass, or can they look past it all?

Donostrea has risen as the newest pack, led by Voltage and Glacier Elementas. The pack is made up mostly of their own large family, and they have claimed Obsidian Beach as their home.

Did you hear about all the new puppies being born in Alacritia? Ashmedai was born to Esti and Valentine in Imperium, a baby boy for the couple. Rune and Alamea of Secretua had a baby boy named Icarius and a girl named Sarai. Titania gave birth to a single girl named Azula, and they roam the lands together.

Of the Months

The Pack of the Month for March is Donostrea and Ebony! Donostrea is the up and coming family pack of the Elementas ruled by Voltage and Glacier. Ebony, ruled by Kassander, has just won their siege against Arcanum/Saviree.

The Duo of the Month is Voltage and Gaia! Though their feelings for each other are new the once princess Gaia and Ferax Voltage have obviously found something special in one another. With Gaia just losing her fiance and Voltage just creating a pack seeing where their relationship will go will certainly be interesting.

The Thread of the Month is Knock Knock! Everyone loves a good siege! Though by the looks of things in this thread Arcanum/Saviree never stood a chance against Ebony.

The Member of the Month is Nyx!! Our favorite admin and most wonderful of staff, Nyx has been the go-to for pretty much everyone. She deserves a lot more credit than she's given, so everyone should show her the love this month (and all the time). Thanks for being awesome, Nyx!

And finally, the Character of the Month is Kyarst Armada! This handsome hunk of wolf is active, loyal, and very much attractive (you can ask the girls in Imperium about that one). He's a fun character, you never know how a thread with him might turn out.

Behind the scenes

Have you ever wondered just what it was staff members spent all their time doing? Curious about the inner workings of the site? Well, you've come to the right place!

First a big thank you to the people who donated to the site previously. Eve, Fox, Lazuli, Sea, Toothless, Keno, Den, Riv, Rakshra, Outcast, Tiff, Aly, and Dee, thank you for your generous donations. You have not only enabled us to move to the new site, but you are providing for continued hosting, coding goodies, and many other things for the site!

So, what has changed in the past quarter? There have been a few minor changes to the siege rules made since our two sieges. We have specified an age for participants, clarified who may enter sieges and when, and are currently in discussion about streamlining the process if a pack defaults during an active siege.

Outside of siege rules we have added a rule concerning the use of multiple aliases - something that was already against the rules but we clarified our stance on it. We have added a section to the guidebook with a more detailed explanation of gemstore items and have been working on getting more items added there as needed. A more detailed explanation of requirements for claiming and challenging for a pack has been added to the Packs and Alphas section, and it has been decided that secondary alphas can no longer be considered heirs in the event of failing alpha activity checks. The guidelines for companions have been reworked to make things a bit easier on staff and players looking at what species they can get. Due to a growing need, a section has been added to the mating and birthing rules concerning litters with multiple fathers. We have also been hard at work on other sections of the guidebook, adding to the herb guide and creating a prey guide. The northern continent's large prey guide is nearly completed - check it out!

Another thing that's been added to the guidebook is a section concerning raiding, which is now available. In case you missed it, raids consist of a small group of wolves attempting to sneak into another pack's territory to take some resource from them, whether that's water in a drought, herbs, food, or some other thing. If you have any questions concerning raids feel free to ask a staff member!

On the pack side of things, we have added activity requirements that must be completed before challenging, claiming, or creating a pack. To challenge for, claim, or create a pack, a player must be able to prove that the character has been active for at least two months prior to the challenge, claim, or creation of the pack. The activity must follow alpha activity requirements (for challenges and claims, the character must have made five posts a week, for creation they must have made ten posts a week) for those two months. Like alpha activity requirements in general, some leeway will be given for weeks where the requirement was not met, but they MUST make up the difference in other weeks to come to the proper total (40 for claims/challenges, 80 for creation) at the end of those two months prior. Please be prepared to show proof of this when challenging, claiming, or creating a pack.

So what is in store for the future? You can look forward to the introduction of a hunting game, a healing challenge, and more in the next quarter! Maybe we will even see the long-awaited reveal of skills! Stay tuned!

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