
show me (fia)



3 Years
09-05-2014, 09:58 AM

Well, well, it seemed the girl would want proof of their abilities and loyalties after all. A task she would set them each, to prove they were capable of being... useful. It would be interesting to see what each task turned out to be - the contents of each task could say a lot indeed about this child-ruler's priorities and plans. And the more you knew about such things... Yes, this would do.

Rather than call for the young girl like a supplicant begging for scrapes of attention, Skoll had walked confidently along her scent trail to where it was hottest before stopping. Undoubtedly she was close, though the underbrush and the mists would hide even her brightly colored form. "Empress," his voice cracked the silence sharply, an amused lilt coloring his tone at speaking the soi-disant empress' title. "I believe you have a task for me."



5 Years
09-10-2014, 04:12 PM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2014, 04:16 PM by Fiamette.)

Velveteen nostrils quiver as the vaguely familiar scent of a man whisks across her nose, her right brow cocking as the curve of a smile begins to crease her lips. Skoll, one of the rogues who had answered her summon, was already seeking her out for his task. She did not know anything about him or his capabilities, but being an older man she assumed he had some battle training. She needed someone to call a training session together, and who better than the white man who seemed to be full of ambition? After all, he was silently stalking her scent trail, not bothering to call for her and make his presence known. She knew he was following her though, and she would keep walking as if he was not there, and as if she was unaware of his presence. She does this to see how long he will decide to follow her before intervening and stopping her in her path, as she wishes to see how sneaky this man thinks he is. She hears him speak, and she simply picks up her pace, her sleek bodice winding between the trees that lay within the mist cloaked forest. "speech"

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



3 Years
09-13-2014, 09:12 AM

The would-be empress didn't stop at the sound of his voice - if anything she increased her pace. A frustrated tic contorted the side of his muzzle for a moment but the grimace was forcibly smoothed. Bitch wanted to play childish games, did she? He'd been leading raids on neighboring packs long before her age without these idiotic teasing little gambits, so it wasn't simply her age... she was just a fool. And if he was willing to follow her, what did that make him? His breath hissed between his clenched teeth. Clinging to his pleasant mien with metaphorical tooth and claw, and barely at that, he steeled himself to let himself fall into her stupid trap. He bounded forward with the intention of setting himself in her path, trusting to his much longer legs to carry him over the ground faster than the girl could go at eight inches shorter. "That task, Fiamette?" Despite the faint smile and pleasant expression that lingered, his voice was as hard and sharp as the fangs that flashed within his mouth as he spoke the words, his disapproval bared as he chided her. He'd given her title once and she'd ignored him - he would not give her that now.




5 Years
09-13-2014, 06:26 PM

He is quickly catching up to her now, his longer limbs carrying him at a quicker pace than she was moving. Suddenly he pulls ahead if her, and is standing before her, putting himself directly in her path. She stops herself suddenly, her ebony dipped tail raising to align with her spine. They are inches away from each other now, and despite having her personal space invaded she does not move- but instead, admires his persistence.

"Yes, your task..." Her voice is low enough for him only to hear, her mischievous tone hinting at her sinister expectations. Her volcanic eyes aim to align with his icy glare, as she wants to make eye contact when giving him orders. "I do not know how capable in battle these wolves are, including you. Who's to tell the elite from the needy? Who will cause havoc, and who will stand at the side lines? Your task shall be to rally our members, and have them spar, so we can see who has been trained and who has not. We will begin training at once, I want our members to be ruthless murders, not pansy's who run in the face of war." She thinks of her mother when she says this, as she is still sickened by her cowardly disappearance.

Now that she has given him his task, she seeks to see just how far this mans boundaries can be pushed. She attempts to lean toward him now, seeking to have her right shoulder / right portion of her chest fall gently into him. (Unsure about their exact positioning) Her skull turns toward her left so she can get a better look at him, her right brow lifting as she wants to see how he reacts to a damsel leaning in suddenly. "Can you do this for me, Skoll?" She questions, mischief gleaming within her magma hued eyes.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



3 Years
09-15-2014, 11:40 AM

His attention and interest is captured by her task for him. Ahhh, she appealed to the warrior within him, the flame nurtured and nourished by years of training to live up to the potential past to him in his very blood. "Were you wanting me to train them, or simply gather everyone together to test our mettle against one another? I would imagine the latter as you don't know me any more than you do them yes?" Though who would judge the matches was beyond him, since this child had surely seen no true battle let alone participated. "Very well, it will be as you say."

He became aware, suddenly, of her movement as she sought to lean against him sensually. He stiffened, the slight smile freezing on his muzzle, turning as icy as his suddenly hard, sharp blue eyes, before melting away to a cool expressionless mask. He stepped very slowly, deliberately, away from her, intending to remove himself from her reach. In contrast his voice crackled with lightning intensity. "I am a warrior, empress, and I will fight for you and I will follow your command in battle and the hunt and I will give you my loyalty but I am not a child molester and I will not condone nor participate in any action that would appear as such." He paused in his declaration, cold gaze staring down at her heated one. "To be clear, do not touch me again. Now, if you will excuse me, I will gather your people for spars, as you commanded."

With that he whirled away from her to stalk back into the mists. Inwardly he seethed, furious, that she would dare lay profane hands upon his body, that she would imply by her very actions that he would enjoy or heaven forbid continue such an encounter with a child. A deep rumble vibrated his ribs, disgust and anger vying within him as he sought to disappear.

-exit Skoll unless stopped-