
Millicent Sovari-Carmel


04-08-2015, 02:59 PM
I've decided to put this girl up for adoption since I no longer rp her. She currently has a sister, Absinthe that I hope she'll go find, She also has no connection with her father or his side of the family. I'd love for her to be active again and I hope I can find the right role player for her. I ask for Personality 200 word minimum, appearance 200 word minimum and Rp sample, 300 word minimum.


04-08-2015, 03:39 PM
Note: I'll be super picky on who gets her, please don't feel upset if you are declined!

Absinthe 1

04-08-2015, 03:54 PM
Another ref of Milli

Also note: Den plays her sister Absinthe, who is currently living in Fiori with her bud Bacchus and his family, who have taken her in. I can't really tell you if Abby is gonna be happy about her showing up out of the blue after everything that's happened, because she tends to write herself in the moment :P However, if she reacts well, she'll try and protect her sister forever (regardless of whether or not Milli is bigger) because Milli was always the more timid one and Abby feels like she owes it to Desiree to take care of her sister.
Or she'll just hate on her sister and be like 'lol bye'
Again, in the moment details.



3 Years
04-09-2015, 10:58 AM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2015, 12:06 PM by Mirabelle.)

APPEARANCE: WIP, need to see fullbody.

Overview here

+controlled: In most situations - after that ten-second freak out period - Milly is one who you want to have with you. She thinks things through, often to the extent of covering things that may or may not happen. She is very in-control of her emotions on a general basis, and won't lash out, unless seriously pushed.
+cheerful: Peppy? Bouncy? Boingy? These are the words that describe this unusual girl. It is very hard to find her sad or depressed; she will make the best out of everything, even when it looks like her world will just fall apart. She believes in the saying that you must have a positive attitude before you do something, or you will never be able to do it.
+considerate: Aside from when she feels those she cares about are being threatened, Millicent is actually quite considerate of other's feelings. She hates it when she hurts someone, feeling like she has done something wrong. She feels it is her duty to make everyone as happy and cheerful as her - and doing the opposite just makes her feel down. It's one of the few things that actually will make her depressed.

-vain: Despite her love of play-fighting and exploring, this girly hates remaining dirty. She is proud of her appearance - her golden eyes, her purple and redish-brown fur with spots. And to her, she has to remain looking her best at all times. Anything else is a disgrace to her and her family. When not on the move or helping out, you can often find her grooming herself.
-overreacts: While this girl is quick to forgive, she is also quick to react. When it comes to those she loves or cares about being in danger, this girl immediately overreacts. A small growl of annoyance at her sister could easily be interpreted by this firestarter as an about-to-attack growl
-unfocused: The epitome of "oooh shiny!" Milly often looses focus. She can start things, but she can't always finish those things, getting distracted by things that are more amusing at the time or even just getting bored and no longer having the will to do things anymore.

ROLEPLAY SAMPLE:;; (this will be as if I was starting a thread as my first post with her.)

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]



10 Years
Dragon Mod
04-27-2015, 02:35 AM
Are you still accepting applications for her?


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Absinthe 1

04-27-2015, 10:55 PM
Of course dear! Toss one up if you're interested!



10 Years
Dragon Mod
04-28-2015, 02:23 PM (This post was last modified: 04-28-2015, 04:38 PM by Enigma.)
Name: Millicent Sovari-Carmel

Appearance: Swathed in a smooth and silky coat of the most pure violet, this girl is certainly a sight. By night she appears like a raven, the moon highlighting the glow of her pelt. By day, the sheen of her silk is brought out by the rays of the sun. Her beautiful pelt is marred only by the intricate and exotic markings of another beast. Leopard prints seep through her violet visage, blending smoothly around the arch of her right eye nearly encircling its entirety, while her left eye only bears the marking just below it. Her long slender legs bear the leopard prints as well, making her appear as if she were a strangely exotic hybrid of wolf and leopard. If one didn't know better, a lesser being might think that is truly what happened. Completing the delicate frame of the exotic femme, her golden eyes set as vibrantly and as brightly as the purest of gems. Clear and friendly, yet may also hold a hint of malice should someone step upon her toes.
The babe stands at 36" in height, taller then her mother and instead, sizing up to the height of her father. She weighs one hundred and twenty five pounds, twenty more then her sister much to her dislike. Though she might be taller then her sister as well, Millicent bears a slender frame and dainty appearance. However, don't let that fool you. For underneath the luscious curves of her hips and body, a fighter ready to protect herself if need be. Slender spotted legs carry the dame, making her appear tall and graceful for her size as opposed to bulky and clumsy

Personality: Millicent bears a strong sense of loyalty to her sister and her immediate family. Betrayal to her is not an option else you find yourself shunned from her life. Forgiving is easy, and her philosophy "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. A third? Honey there won't be a third...because you better pray." Though generally, she is very kind and inquisitive. Wanting to gain as much knowledge as she can about the world. Even if it's useless information...she just likes to sound smart too. A know it all, a brainiac, a nerd. Who doesn't like a smart beautiful woman? A smile is ever present on her face, especially when she is around her sister or someone she thinks is cute. She just can't help herself. The babe is always calm, never starting fights she knows she won't win or can't finish. Though it may take alot to provoke her in the first place, unless of course it's against her family then prepare your body and your ears for she will unleash hell's fury both verbally and physically.

Ever cheerful and happy, the woman likes to make others smile and brighten up their day. She holds a level head on her shoulders, so thoughts and decisions are always made to say the right thing and not the wrong thing. Although the occasional slip up here and there is normal...she's human (figure of speech) after all. Fascinated by everything that is life, what holds the most fascination for her is the art of fighting and war. Though peaceful she can be, lying dormant within her soul is a secret that she doesn't even know. For whenever she does get into a fight, it's like a whole different person pours out and she can become as vicious and as dangerous as a wild cat. Perhaps there really is a leopard's soul entwined with her own! (who knew!?)

Roleplay Sample: Beauty within the night was where she remained comforted. Dual orbs of soft golden light reflected off the moon though hidden in shadow. Ahead of the spheres, an unsuspecting elk wandered quietly through darkness so thick it seemed as if it could choke. With a near inaudible rumble deep within her chest, the creature pulled forward in silent fluid motion. Delicately curved claws left shallow indents in the ground beneath her dainty feet. Glittering white teeth gleaming in the light of the night sky. Soon, behind the prey would come the predator. A pair of golden slits and pearly teeth. Much like the appearance of the cheshire cat but much more dangerous. The elk would walk on in blindness. Unsuspecting of what its fate was to be. The farther into the forest it went, the more its fate would seem to be made. It's existence soon to end. Ebony lips curled into a snarling grin, the rumbling in her chest growing slightly louder. One step. Two steps...drawing closer and closer.

The elk would then stop in its tracks, sniffing blindly as the wind seemed to suddenly die into eerie silence. No sound was to be made, as if the dark forest swallowed up everything and all of the worlds existence. One more step would bring the hunter into the pale glow, half her face would be hidden in shadow while the rest would be shown. Dangerously beautiful, the leopard queen focused on her intended prey. The shadows hiding the rest of her violet proportions while the leopard skinned parts of her were visible but only just. Proceeding with caution, the elk would begin to move. And this is when she would choose her moment to strike.

With a vicious sound that sounded as if it were neither wolf nor cat erupted from her throat. The babe startled her prey, but run it did not. She was too quick, too sneaky, too Dangerous. Teeth shut down upon a hind leg, the elk screamed in pain as it then tried to kick at her with its other leg. Millicent viciously shook her head, reveling in the taste of blood and the sound of cracking bones. A jolt of pain would send her careening to the ground, the wind knocked out of her and her vision full of stars. The elk had kicked her in the head, and as she lied there in a daze, it turned towards her with its antlers lowered. Charging at the fallen devil, Millicent reacted in the nick of time. The Elk not quick enough since she had broken his right hind leg. Rolling out of the way, She came to her paws and lunged at the creatures face. Teeth closing on the bridge of its muzzle. Her aim was to suffocate, and she would if it were the last thing to do. The elk threw its head back, shaking and flailing the dainty figure around as if she were no more then a toy. However, it was not enough. Yanking her body back using all her force, she would find the ground and brace her hind feet against the churned earth. The elk kicked at her with his front legs, yet she would not release her grip. Gripping harder, the elk would begin to weaken after several minutes. She could hear his breath growing shallower, his heart weakening. Soon, the beast fell to his knees, and at that moment she seized the opportunity to reach for his throat.

Jaws clamped shut around his jugular, and with an evident shudder his soul was released into the void. Dinner is served. The battering she received before the kill was totally worth this prize.

782 words, yay!
Other: There may or may not be the possibility of Millicent suffering from Night Terrors.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


04-29-2015, 02:12 PM


The girl is already quite tall, and will rise to tower over her sister as she reaches the age of a year old, at thirty-six inches in height. Her long fur makes her look larger than she really is, though, curls sweeping downwards as if they are trying to defy her wishes and do what they please. Her tail is bad enough, strands of wild fur all over the place on it. Unlike the rest of her fur, the fur on Millicent's tail will never do what she wants it to. But the rest of her fur is fine, and, if given the care it deserves, can make her look like a queen of sorts. But if she goes long without grooming it, the long curls tend to clump together, making her have a more ragged appearance. Millicent is already beginning to have the shaping of a warrior than a wolf who would hunt, the pup already becoming a little stronger.

Millicent takes after her mother with her base coat color. The color is a dark purple, almost as if the child wore a cloak rather than her actual fur. She resembles her mother closely in this matter, but in other ways she resembles other relatives and even her father, even if she believes that she got her eye color from her other mother. Without any markings, Millicent would look like a miniature version of her mother, only with a different eye color. But, as it is, the child has some markings that most others would not see on a wolf. There is a strand of reddish brown fur over her right eyebrow, and below her left eye. This color also coats her legs. But, if it were just left at that, it wouldn't finish her pelt as well. The spots of a leopard are scattered along these strips of brown, and on her legs as well.

Millicent's eye color finishes off her appearance quite well, golden gaze like a fire in her darker pelt, burning with a ferocity of their own. Her golden gaze is the same as her father's, even if she will most likely never know of it. With the leopard markings on her, some could say that Millicent's eye color could be that of a big cat's.


Millicent, having been alone for so long, is not as loud as she would have been. Lack of social contact has driven her into a shell of her own. She

ROLEPLAY SAMPLE: {This is after everything happens and she manages to get back. She doesn't know about what happened, so she kinda kept more of a hopeful look during this.}

Water sloshed around Millicent's leopard spotted limbs, the pup making her way to the den that she had called home for so long. She missed her family. She missed them so much that, even now, it hurt her. But she was so close. Any minute now, she would see her sister staring out the den, wanting to go out. And....And Abby would see her. And mommy and mamma....They would be so upset. But they would be happy, too. As she got closer to the den, she made her way to the sand. It scratched against her paw pads, and she stopped, her ears twitching as she stared at the den. It took a moment or two, but she managed to call out. "Abby?" Her voice came out cracked, and she waited. But there was nothing. Nothing at all.

That fact hit her hard, and Millicent moved closer, although it took longer than she would have wanted it to. She peered inside the den as she got close enough, but there was still nothing. No wagging tails, no mismatched gaze, no golden eyes. No purple and white sister running to greet her. Millicent stopped in her tracks, tears threatening to form in her golden eyes. Millicent shook her head, pushing the other thoughts to the back of her mind. They're just.....Visiting somewhere. They took Abby with them, and they'll be back any minute now. Millicent walked inside the den, and curled up, laying her head on her leopard spotted paws, her golden gaze staring out, ready to see another of her family at any moment. It seemed like forever before Millicent finally moved, and her heart plummeted. She had finally realized it.

They weren't coming back. Something had happened, something bad, and they had to leave. But....I thought we were gonna be together, a family, forever. I thought I was gonna protect..... Her thoughts were broken as she shook her head again. She had to be strong. For her family. She had to find them again. Then she would be with them again.

They would be a family again.

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
Athena I
07-25-2015, 03:54 PM
WIP obvs


This girl's appearance is striking in many ways. The first thing you might notice is the rich, royal violet that covers the majority of her form. It is a color she wears proudly as a symbol of her heritage. The pattern of a leopard is the next feature of her coat that catches the eye. This warm-hued pattern covers the entirety of each of her slender limbs as well as a curving mark above her right eye and under her left eye.

Her eyes are bright gold in color, giving you yet another eye catching feature. The golden color gives a lovely contrast against the violet and tan of the rest of her coloring. With her long legs and slender form she rises to stand at thirty-six inches tall. Her fur is thick and flowing across her body, falling across her in well groomed waves. Where her fluffy fur really shows is in her tail, her fur curling and flipping up in places.

200 words

RP Sample
300 words