
We Are Divines, The Apples In Their Eyes.



4 Years
09-06-2014, 12:49 PM (This post was last modified: 09-06-2014, 03:41 PM by Anzhelika.)
The ivory Queen had recently been accepted into the pack of Abaven from the wonderful Bass, the leader of the pack. Yet, she had been a little disappointed when she had been put in the beginning ranks of a guard in the pack. Yet, 'twas only fair, getting a high beginner rank and being the best the ivory Queen could be, just wouldn't be fair to her other pack mates.

The girl was suddenly remembered the pale and obsidian woman that presented herself next to the Azat when she had been accepted into the pack. The woman was of strong posture, most possibly a warrior. Maybe even lead warrior in Bass's pack. Yet, she also remembered her words about how the two divines could take a walk and discuss things. Anzhelika figured this could best be an opportunity to improve her guard skills- and friendship with the woman. So the ivory Queen would pace around the Abaven borders, Sabre absent from her neck. Today he seemed to be missing, exploring the new pack lands and probably creating new scaled friends.
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-06-2014, 07:49 PM

It was of the late morning hours. The colossal sun had warmed all the lands enough to drink any remaining dew drops that rested upon the vegetation. Though, the ground remained moist where the soil had absorbed some of the liquid within itself. Temperatures were comfortable, though, soon it would become almost unbearably hot; however, the heat was far more welcome than the cold.

It had not been long since the ecru woman had been accepted into Abaven. Uneasy feelings about the girl sill surged through her veins. At first she set out to spy on the woman, though, she felt it only proper as Kashkar to study her suitably. Stalking was only fit for those with sinful intentions - though, she would not hesitate to turn down an opportunity to rip into the gal's flesh. Besides, she needed the practice, did she not?

Regal, extraterrestrial mass would float toward the woman's perfume. It was unmistakable. Strange and tainted with its feminine musk. Galactic body eased its way quietly and confidently to the woman's right side. Sliding into view elegantly and without intention to startle the gal. Starlit gaze directed straight forward seemingly staring into nothingness. How are you finding your new home? Marbled eyes would then shift to meet the woman's gaze, though head remained forward in direction.

Envy and jealousy raged inside the galactic body. Ravaging her heart and pleading for her to send this woman away. Though, she had to push aside this darkness. She had to respect her King's desires and what he built his pack upon. It took all of her strength it seemed to hold back the baring of fangs and pinning of ears - the usual signs of aggression.

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4 Years
09-06-2014, 08:23 PM
"Oh Sabre, Sabre, Sabre, how I miss you so.." The ivory Queen would say with a elongated sigh, gold and violet gaze flicking over to a rock next to the ivory sadist. "Hmm, nice rock, what a nice rock.. No, damn you, stupid rock," she would say with an annoyed growl rising from her throat, tossing the rock away from her with a kick of her hind paw. "Ssssabre, Sssssabre, Sssssabre, comes to thhee resssscue, my Queen," The snake would say as he would appear out from a small hole in the earth, slithering out and slowly dragging a sandy pelted mouse out, from behind him. "Here, my Queen," Sabre would say as he pushed the kill to her feet, bowing his head at her. "Hmm, thank you Sabre. Come, come. Sit upon my neck. You're my best accesory," Anzhelika would say with a smile as the snake would slither up her body and wrap himself around her neck, taking his usual place upon her body.

An obsidian and pale form would reach the corner of Anzhelika's gaze, catching her attention. "Ahh, Venus. 'Tis nice to see you, we were expected to take a walk and speak about things, no?" Anzhelika would finish saying before Venus would ask about how Anzhelika was finding her new home. "Yes, it is quite great, thank you for asking," Anzhelika would respond without hesitation, yet she would tell no one how she desired her own throne upon the pack's ranks, and to be high in loyalty and rule, rule all she could. The ivory Queen would look down and step on a passing bug, crunching it under her large paw. This wouldn't be a bad place to start.
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-07-2014, 05:19 AM

The presumptuous woman toyed with her serpent. The creature slithered around her neck taking its rest there. Kaleidoscopic eyes would glance at the serpent momentarily before turning her attention back to the Medusa. Each syllable the woman spoke was analyzed, observing the way her lips curved around each word and the tone in which each word was spoken. Eyes momentarily grew hard, but quickly relaxed. The succubus shifted anxiously, paws flexing subtly upon the turf. Ah, how to address this arrogant woman?

She craved to prove dominance over the ecru lady. To rip into her delicate flesh and to feel her crimson life wash over her lips. Though, such desires were quickly pushed aside. Besides, she would more than likely get her opportunity in time. Right now she needed to focus on the safety of Bass's kingdom and her own ranking. She did not need to risk tainting the trust that the King had for her. No, she wanted to be his Naharar.

Expected? No. . . I grace you with my presence and an opportunity to learn. Whether you accept or not is up to you. Though, I am sure the king would be pleased if you were to follow through. A touch of venom was in her voice. Toxic. Poison in which begged to pour over the Medusa. Though, quickly as words continued to flow, she would gather her voice into its usual angelic, soft timbre with a hint of majesty and a bit of dominance in its tone.

Motley eyes darted toward the ground when the woman would take the life of a passing insect. Ah, such a mindless murderer that possibly hid inside this one's soul. Body would then shift to stand directly in front of the woman. Frame shifted gently as it would hold itself in its proud, queenly manner. Head held high, shoulders squared perfectly, and neck stretched elegantly. Eyebrows were raised slightly and gaze would lock onto the woman's bi-colored eyes as she awaited for whatever response were to come.

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4 Years
09-07-2014, 11:15 AM
The ivory Queen would smile as the pale and obsidian woman would speak, pale ears flicking in her direction as she would speak. "Then, yes. I would like to take the opportunity to do this, and learn whatever knowledge you wish to share with me," Anzhelika would say with a small nod, watching the pale and obsidian woman to stand in front of her. Her stance was a dominant one, and even though the ivory Queen just wanted to pounce and play with her own dominant role, she wasn't an idiot. She knew what the woman wanted, and this was merely a test. So the girl would follow through in the correct manor, bowing down to this Queen of nothing.

Her eyes would be the first to lower, knowing holding her gaze would only show dominance in Anzhelika as well. Her crown would dip and her tail would even tuck in between her damn legs to show submission. Her ears would pin against her head. Her body would then slip her form into a cowar, her large bodice leaned closely to the ground, her form trying to appear smaller than the pale and obsidian woman's. Sabre would dip his head as well, following the Queen's actions. So she stayed in that damn submissive position not only for this Queen of nothing, but also for her future in the high throne held next to Bass, Azat of Abaven.

(OOC; Sooo. I dunno how a wolf would be submissive, so I took whatever knowledge I held from movies- especially the Twilight ones xD I did get some help in chat, as well by Elisandra :D Sorry if there is something wrong, or something missing >~<)
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-07-2014, 07:38 PM

The succubus would nod elegantly when the Medusa would agree to accept her invitation. It was not exactly the time to train her in battle and to feed her thirst for blood, but rather a time for her to question the woman's goals. Perhaps unlocking some hidden desire that rested inside her mind. Untying clues in which would give an idea what she was after or if she was an honest member of Abaven. This was important to ensure the safety of Bass's pack and his members. She was the king's Kashkar and she had no intention in letting the man down. Mind was set to fulfill her role perfectly and nothing less.

The ecru woman would show submission to her authority, though, whether it was genuine had yet to be proven. Toes would shift gently as her mind toyed with the next words to be spoken and the next actions to be taken. So, tell me before we start. . . What are your goals and weakest areas that need improving? You are pursuing the role of a warrior. I would like to see you hunt. . . alone. Yes, indeed watching the gal's skills in hunting would give her an idea of how she would fight. The way she would position herself before the kill, her stealth and ability to observe her prey. Though, no simple rodent would do. It would have to be something a bit larger - a fawn, maybe?

Though, the woman may not agree to such a task. If she were to decline, Venus would welcome a practice spar with the gal to get familiar with her moves; however, she would much prefer to observe her tactics before jumping in blind. Venus herself was not a fair fighter. In her opinion there was one simple rule to fighting, and that was to win. Do not cower before me any longer. . . Instead, prove to me you are worthy of standing proudly in my presence. No warrior of mine will show the cowardice of a pup.

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4 Years
09-07-2014, 08:59 PM
Anzhelika would rise when the pale and obsidian woman would speak, the woman asking the ivory Queen what her goals were. "My goals? Well, I didn't have much before I joined, but now I am willing to risk anything to protect this pack. I will push myself to be anything I can for the pack until I fall apart. I haven't really ever had much of a family, and I'm proud to say the least that this is my home. As for weakness in skills- perhaps fighting, and being. . . Productive and effective in battle. I've only done a few spars here and there, so increasing my knowledge in fighting wouldn't hurt." She would say in all honesty and then pause before flicking her pale ears around. She would want the pale lady to hunt for something, on her own. She wasn't entirely sure what, though, so she would watch Venus as she would continue speaking. The obsidian and pale woman would want Anzhelika to prove the Ivory Queen was worthy of standing in her presence. Ha. Anzhelika should be standing over the bitch and telling her otherwise. Yet, of course Anzhelika would keep her thoughts to herself, a soft smile on her ebony lips as her eyebrows rose in question. "What may I hunt for you today, my Queen?" She would take a deep breath and look into her rose and sapphire eyes, awaiting for her to wish upon Anzhelika to fetch her prize.
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-07-2014, 09:41 PM

Kaleidoscopic eyes would squint at the words the Medusa would sing out. The gal seemed confident in her murderous path. . . Too confident to lack experience in war. Though, maybe she was purely driven by the metallic taste of liquid life. Some were simply born for the need to kill. . . vampires of some sort seeming to thrive only on the sanguine fluid. She knew the kind well. Three years being enslaved by demons. Perhaps, this is why the woman placed a bad taste upon her tongue. Though, did she not seek comfort in Goliath? Her personal Hades in which reminded her so well of her puppeteer.

She could not help but question the truth in the words the woman spoke. Part of her believed the words and then most of her felt as if they were lies. She would give her a chance, nonetheless. It was how Bass built his kingdom and so she would uphold his law regardless of her personal feelings.

The next words to follow would agree to her suggestion of a hunt. Besides getting familiar with the gal's tactics, warriors were also expected to hunt. Venus admired the way the woman would address her as Queen. Deserving to be a queen and nothing less in her own opinion. Ah, but she was not a Queen and nor should she be deemed as such. It was disrespectful to the true queen of these lands, or at least she felt so. Please do not address me as your queen. I am your Kashkar. Venus would only be proper. Words were no longer toxic. Lyrics were spoken in her soft, elegant timbre - though firm.

A deep breath would intrude upon her lungs. Air held prisoner for a moment before releasing. Eyes would close with its inhale and open on its release. Ah, but luck seemed to be on her side today. The aroma of wild goat painted the air. There seems to be a wild goat or two toward the West. . . Perhaps you would be up for such a challenge?

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4 Years
09-07-2014, 10:41 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2014, 03:34 PM by Anzhelika.)

"Mmm, Venus it is." Her voice would be soft toned with a more forgiving timbre than her usual one laced with hatred. She had gained a bit of respect for the obsidian and pale woman- Venus. The woman would offer up the challenge of bringing down a wild goat. . . Now, Anzhelika knew what a goat was, but she had never really seen one up close, much less hunted one. Yet, the ivory woman was used to fawns, but her favored one was small game. She wasn't sure how large goats could get, but knowing she was a fairly tall and large wolf herself, she would nod to Venus, tilting her crown into the air and taking a deep breath, nostrils inhaling the scent of the prey animal that the obsidian and pale woman had mentioned.

Her large, ivory bodice would pick up and run in the Western direction that the goat was located in, an easy gallop of a gait being held by the girl. She would casually drop into a low crouch in the grass, the sun beating it's firey rays upon her back. If she worked herself too much, the girl could over heat, and if she didn't catch the goat in time from being too slow, she would have failed. So the ivory woman would take a deep breath, keeping the scent of the animal familiar within her nostrils. She would slowly stalk up to the side of the goat, being granted a hiding place within some tall grasses and bushes. "Maehh-maehh," the goat went, the animal seeming to call out to his friend. But, his friend seemed long gone. Anzhelika would take another, deep sniff of the air, knowing the animal was just a few feet from the other side of the bush. She would slink her large bodice to her side of the bush, taking one final breath. All she had to do was pounce, and that poor, not to mention, pathetic- goat would be dead within her jaws. She exhaled a silent sigh and stuck her ass into the air, spreading her toes evenly and digging her claws into the earth for a spring. Her eyes would narrow into small slits, gold and violet orbs pinned forward for her hunt. Her ears would move against her skull, the girl taking in a quiet breath. Her core and abdomen would tense and finally her jaw would drop open and her nose and face would scrunch up in a silent snarl, revealing the girl's alabaster fangs.

Suddenly the wind would shift, sending the girl's scent into the wind, towards the direction of where the animal was grazing. The goat would hesitate, calling out before it began to gallop away. But Anzhelika used those precious moments it took for the animal to slowly start bounding away before it's gait changed into a gallop. She leaped through the bush in a high jump, quickly running behind the animal and pulling her paw against it's rump, attempting to slow the animal down and eventually make it lose it's balance. Anzhelika would once again drag her large paw and smack the hind-end of the goat, her second try making the goat lose it's balance and twist his legs out from under him, the animal tumbling to the ground on it's side with a loud 'thump'. "Maehh-Maehhhh!" It would cry hysterically for anyone's help, but Anzhelika would quickly step over the animal and clamp her jaws shut on his throat, shutting off it's cries forever.

She would sink her fangs into the animals throat and slowly pull back, picking her large, pale bodice up off of the now dead animal. She licked the blood from her alabaster fangs, her muzzle now temporarily stained with the crimson of blood. The heat had definitely worked her to a bit of her limits, so there she awaited Venus, large chest rising and lowering quickly as she panted.

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-08-2014, 07:47 PM

Eyes would blink slowly, eyebrows raised slightly when the Medusa would speak. Timbre mocking her own in tenderness. The challenge she offered the woman was accepted and she would take in the aroma that emitted from the goat. Although medium in size, the mammal's horns would be a threat and so it would be a phenomenal test for the gal's skills. Although Venus carried a strong distaste for the woman, she hoped that she would succeed in the task. For Abaven could use all of the warriors it could get to ensure the safety of their home.

Shadowed frame would stalk quietly toward the Western horizon, following behind the hurried ecru woman. Ah, thoughts of attacking the gal behind to test her abilities further intruded upon her sadistic mind; however, she had to be fair to the alpha's followers. Had the pack been her own things would have been different. The ability to recover from a surprise attack would be beneficial.

Body would lower itself in the shadows of the grasses. Disguising her frame perfectly as she would watch from a rather close distance, observing each twitch and sound that radiated from her apprentice. The gal would not use the shadows to her advantage, instead allowing the sun to be a spotlight on her location. Though, it was a forgivable mistake due to her pelt's golden colors as it blended well within the vegetation that had been cooked from Summer's sun.

The wind would tell of the woman's direction and would warn the prey of her presence; however, this could not be helped. The woman made a good recover by darting out as soon as the animal picked up her perfume. The succubus admired the way the gal attacked the goat's balance from behind, being wary of the dangers of the creature's horns. As quickly as it fell, she finished off the creature with a bite to the jugular while it struggled helplessly to rise to its feet - still in nature's flight mode.

Venus would make her way to her apprentice after the goat had bled it's last drop. Regal frame stood close to her right side. Claws shifted carefully as she replayed the dance through her mind. You did fine. I admire the way you were aware of the goat's weapons. Marbled eyes glanced at the dead creature's horns and then locked onto the woman's bi-colored gaze. Be more aware of your surroundings. The way your pelt blended in so well with the tall, sun dried grasses would have allowed you to have gotten closer - allowing you to reserve even more energy for your killing leap. Believe it or not, it helps to growl viciously when you bound for your attack - releasing even more adrenaline through your veins for a more powerful bite.

Though, the hunt was simply to get an idea of the woman's abilities there was no need to waste such nutrition. The ecru woman would get to eat for, after all she collected the meal and Venus would gnaw on what was left over. Even though she was jealous of the Medusa, the gal would hopefully be beneficial to the alpha's pack. A strong warrior that would, hopefully, mind her manners and not draw unneeded attention to these lands. Mmm, it would be a shame to exile such talent.

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4 Years
09-08-2014, 08:43 PM

The pale and obsidian woman would pull up into Anzhelika's right side, complimenting the pale lady on the way she had brought down the animal. "Thank you, Venus." She would say softly, dipping her ivory crown in respect.

She would look the pale and obsidian woman into her rose and sapphire eyes as she would lock her own gold and violet audits. Venus would tell the ivory Queen how her own creme painted pelt blended well with the tall sun dried grass, which meant she could have used less energy and gotten closer to the animal. "Believe it or not, it helps to growl viciously when you bound for your attack - releasing even more adrenaline through your veins for a more powerful bite." Her own brow would raise at the pale and obsidian woman's words, a smirk pulling her lips upon her right side. "Thanks for the extra tips. I'll make sure to use them for my advantage," she would tell her with a small nod, her attention turning back to the kill at their feet. The goat was definitely a decent size. "You first," she would tell Venus as she took a step back, referring to the kill, a polite smile on her maw. She knew manners enough and would always let her pack mates eat first, and Venus was a pack mate. She wasn't terribly hungry either, so she sat back upon her haunches and licked her crimson stained muzzle, watching the pale and obsidian woman.

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-09-2014, 07:44 PM

Left eyebrow would raise as the ecru lady would thank her. Whether or not it was genuine was still to be decided. The gal would dip her head respectfully following her words of appreciation. The tips she had given would definitely help in future hunts. The lady had potential and her skills could only grow over time; however, Venus would remain hesitant with further training until she could trust her to at least some degree. Training an untrustworthy wolf would be to much of a risk for Abaven.

The Medusa would insist that Venus eat first and it was an offer she could not deny. Hunger grew all the more raging with each passing moment. It had been a short while since she had devoured a meal of any sort. Maw would grip the goat's flesh, ripping small pieces of muscle at a time from its skeleton. The taste was tangy, definitely not as delicious as a tender fawn or hare, but it was satisfying.

After eating her fill, she licked her blood stained maw, savoring the last of the metallic fluid. Perhaps the blood from the kill would satisfy the cream gal's murderous hunger for at least a short time. So, Anzhelika. . . how long do you plan to stay with Abaven? We could definitely use dedicated warriors. Though, she half hoped the stay was temporary, Abaven really was in need of permanent warriors to protect their home.

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4 Years
09-09-2014, 10:11 PM

Anzhelika would patiently wait back on her haunches as Venus would eat, her large head turning back as her maw would open, the girl yawning.

The obsidian and pale woman would pull herself up when she had finished, her tongue trailing across her crimson stained muzzle. She would speak up, and Anzhelika would perk her pale ears up at the woman, listening to her carefully. She would ask Anzhelika how long she planned to stay in Abaven, noting how they needed devoted warriors. "Well, I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. I don't really have any other place to go," she would tell her honestly, violet and golden hued audits flicking off into the distance, a soft sigh escaping her obsidian lips.

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-10-2014, 08:51 PM

Ah, but of course the woman would plan to stay. Nothing ever seemed to work in her favor. Body would shift so starlit gaze could scan the Medusa's actions. A faraway look seemingly washed over her face. Perhaps something bothered the woman, though, Venus honestly had no interest in the gal's problems; however, it may not be problems that was running through her mind. Those with psychotic minds usually did not dwell on issues or even really give them much though, did they not? Maybe she was planning some twisted murderous plot within her mind. Eyebrows would raise questioningly, though, lips would not express her concerns. Well, you have a home here as long as you want I am sure. Bass is a kind King. Just don't go bringing unwanted attention to Abaven. It would be terrible to exile such talent. Words were not venomous, but strong. Intentions were not to sound cruel, but firm. Abaven really did not need any enemies in result of her presence.

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4 Years
09-10-2014, 09:13 PM

( OOC; Mmm you used that sessy table cx )

Her thoughts would trail back to the obsidian and pale woman as she would speak, her mismatched gaze of gold and violet hued audits watching Venus as she would speak. "Well, you have a home here as long as you want I am sure. Bass is a kind King. Just don't go bringing unwanted attention to Abaven. It would be terrible to exile such talent." Anzhelika's eyebrows would furrow a bit in confusion, lyrics coming out in a soft timbre. "Wasn't planning on it," she would tell the obsidian and ivory woman, blinking as her orbs flicked to the ground. She was telling her the complete truth, never planning to bring her new family any troubles. Even though they might not be her favorite people, she would never inflict any sort of troubles upon them. It almost made the pale Queen sad that Venus would think of her like that, obviously not having any trust in the girl.

Anzhelika would huff a sigh and her audits would flick in the direction of Venus, unsure what to do at the moment.

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-12-2014, 07:29 PM

Eyebrows would raise in pure curiosity at the woman's expression and words. The succubus still considered the gal deceitful even though she seemed to take orders well. Perhaps it was a mask hiding her true face. A false good covering over hidden intentions. Galactic vision would rest upon the horizon, taking in the beauty of it all. Thoughts could not help but to rewind to her joining of Abaven. Intentions were not set to stay. Rather, she had sought out the pack for a temporary home while she set out on her journey to lead a pack of her own; however, as time inescapably passed - she had found these lands leaving a permanent etch in her soul. And now she simply desired to lead beside the young Bass as his Naharar. It was funny how time changed oneself. Though, maybe we never really change. Maybe time allows us to blossom, becoming who we really are and we simply get lost in our paths to get there. Marbled eyes would return to the ecru woman and she would speak in her honeyed timbre. Then I will leave you to explore the borders. Though, invisible eyes will be watching. She would take a few steps backwards and give a final, intense look before setting off to her Kashkar duties.

; exit venus unless stopped ;

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4 Years
09-14-2014, 01:38 AM

Anzhelika Zinaida Rusakov
The ivory Queen wasn't sure if the pale obsidian woman was stupid, or just brave. She had a real nice nerve talking to the Queen like that, but Anzhelika respected her determination. She didn't love her nor hate her. Just simply accepted and acknowledged her presence in respect. And if Venus kept respecting the Queen, it would all turn out good. She didn't necessarily liked the idea of being watched. But this wasn't her pack, and she did have certain limits. Or maybe Venus just admired the pale, envious Queen from afar. The possibilities were endless, really.

And, with that, the ivory sadist turned around gracefully and disappeared off into the distance, becoming a mere silhouette in the world of darkness and shadows.

(OOC; ~Exit Anzhelika)

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!