
Pokemon Story


04-09-2015, 04:50 PM
Either that week was the worst or the best. I wasn't sure which.

It all started when I was exploring, trying to get a grasp of the city I was in. So many of theses cities were too big. And, for a traveling trainer such as I, it was hard to take in all the sights. Ecspecially after you had defeated the elite four. I hadn't, but I wasn't even planning to. All my Pokemon had been sent to my little brother. Who knew where he was by now. I gave a small smile, jumping as something moved inside the trashcan as I walked by. Or rather, behind the trashcan. A small growl came from the creature, and, despite everything, I slowly made my way over. As I looked behind the trashcan, I saw the small Poochyena, nudging a limp gray body. The Poochyena mentioned was golden in color, and as it raised it's head to glare at me, I noticed that it had acid green eyes.

Well. That was certaintly strange. I crouched down, and the shiny backed away, obviously more afraid than angry. I reached one hand out, and the other creature backed away even more. I rubbed my hand against the other Poochyena's body. When I pulled it away, I stared at my hand. Blood? I glanced up at the other Poochyena, who hesitantly made it's way back towards me, tensing and ready to spring away at any time. It sniffed my hand, then wagged it's tail a little. I moved away, and the Poochyena began to follow me. Never letting me catch it, of course, but just following.

A few days later, I decided to write the green eyes off as nothing. The Poochyena seemed perfectly normal, even as it fought. You see, the little creature fought strange. It seemed to know what would be more effective, and what wouldn't. But, as it ran at another Pokemon, it fell with a yelp. I jumped up, racing to the Poochyena. As I picked it up, I noticed that it's paw pads were....strange. They were slowly turning acid green, and I shook my head. I had to get to the nearest Pokemon center.

As I raced back to town, the creature in my arms, I worried. What was wrong with my little friend? Was it okay? I eventually got to the center, and handed the tiny creature to the nurse, who nodded and told me to wait. I nodded and took a seat, so busy worrying that I didn't notice the person in front of me, until someone waved his hand in front of my face.

"You okay there?"

I glanced up, staring into the concerned eyes of.....My little brother? He had grown since I had seen him last. I shook my head, and he sat down next to me. "So, what was with that Poochyena?" I shook my head, glancing at the door.

"It's.....sick." The door opened, and the nurse motioned for me to come with her. I stood up, and my little brother stood as well. "Want me to come with you?" I shook my head, and he sat back down. I walked over the nurse, and she lead me through the hallway, until we were at another door. "Miss....That Poochyena you brought in, isn't going to make it. Years ago, there was a few lab experiments. One of them went wrong, and the creature was poisoned. Maybe if it had been brought in sooner...."


A girl sat at a grave, her head lowered with flowers held in her hands. "I could have saved you." Was the only thing she said. Her younger brother walked closer to her, followed by a Mightyena. The girl looks up at the Mightyena, staring into it's red eyes, reminded of the shiny from a year ago. And on the grave, the words were carved.

Little Friend