
Howdy, Neighbor

Rune I


5 Years
04-13-2015, 02:54 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Some time had passed since he had heard the call from the lands bordering Secretua on the south. The band of wolves that lived on the beach had finally made their claim official and were now a pack, next door neighbors to Rune and his family. It should have been concerning news to the guarded, paranoid Secretuan leader, but so far Rune was unconcerned. True to their word, the Elementas family had stayed on their side of the border and had caused no trouble or discomfort to the pack they lived beside. In fact, they were something like the perfect neighbors to Rune because of their quiet, peaceable ways, and congratulations on their establishment was in order now that the chaos of the first few weeks was behind them.

The Guardian traveled through the open grasses of the Prairie toward the pack land's southern border, and still on his side of the scent marker that mingled both the scents of Secretua and of their neighbors he stopped. Pale, frosty blue eyes surveyed the stretch of land that stood as the beginning of the seaside territory, spying no neighbor wolves yet but their scent was still strong. They were taking no chances in demonstrating their claim. With an impressed huff, Rune tipped his head back and howled for the inhabitants of this new pack. There was a hope in him that the giant blue wolf would be the one to greet him - after all, a familiar face would have made the easiest welcome - but he was curious whether none of the others would come to inspect their unexpected visitor.



5 Years
04-13-2015, 03:06 PM

And come she would.

Like an arrow from a taunt bow, Serefina shot forward with surprising speed when a howl was heard. She had been lounging on the beach, annoyed that the summer weather was quickly melting away to the cooler breeze of Autumn. This is when she became even more grumpy and was constantly looking for something to do. She had hoped that the call was a fight, but as she slowed and the wolf came into view, she let out a huff. His scent was strong of their neighbour pack, and she gave a disappointed frown. But... he was rather handsome. Mmm, maybe she could play with him for a little bit until one of her brothers showed up. "Hey there, handsome," she greeted, winking as she got closer to his gray form. "I'm Serefina, you called for us? Perhaps a.. play date if you will?" Brows wiggled suggestively, until she broke her mask and cracked up. Oh goodness she was bad at flirting when she wasn't really in the mood for it. Lowering her flame dusted bodice to the ground, she took a seat and dipped her head at the alpha. "Sorry, I'm ah... moody when the weather starts to take a turn." She muttered truthfully, shoulders shrugging as her tail curled about her. "I am lead warrior here, although if you wanted to speak to my brothers I have no doubt that Voltage will be here soon. Glacier took a nasty fall and bumped his head quite well, big oaf can't manage his massive paws." The tip of her salmon tongue poked out of her maw, another giggle leaving her mouth. She was upset that her biggest brother was hurt, but really. You would think that a wolf that big would be able to chase a rabbit without knocking himself out cold.


Rune I


5 Years
04-13-2015, 04:10 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

His wait was short - a fact that garnered further praise upon his new, official neighbors - but Rune quickly realized the wolf that approached him was not the one of this pack that he had met before. She was considerably smaller than the giant blue wolf, though obviously she carried his same propensity for unnatural colors. Where the other wolf had been of a deep, midnight blue, she was covered in fire, composed of dark smoke and brilliant flame. Rune's brow furrowed a little as he wondered how many other wolves here were colored unnaturally aside from the two he had so far seen. Was this a common feature among them, or was this as colorful as the lot of the family got?

The Guardian straightened himself up as the wolf approached, releasing a quiet breath as he prepared himself for further diplomatic interactions, but rather than be greeted with formality he was greeted with...something else. The frown the serious individual wore managed to deepen at the flirtatious words of the red-colored woman and his patience began to wear. He had not decided to visit his neighbors in order to get hit on by one of their own, nor did he think the behavior appropriate for greeting anyone who was visiting a pack land's border. He began to question the type of pack the blue wolf Glacier had intended to run with this family as the woman Serefina laughed at her own behavior, attempting to excuse herself because of the weather. He only breathed out a short, unimpressed, "Hmph," in response, still suddenly unsure of his neighbors.

Finally seeming under the control of her senses again, the fiery wolf went on to claim herself as the pack's Lead Warrior and her brother Voltage as their Alpha. Her story about Glacier was instantly concerning, especially since Rune had not associated the large male with any sort of clumsiness that would warrant him being given the name "big oaf." He had handled himself well when he had visited Secretua the first time, had gone away without any harm either. Had Rune maybe been fed a completely wrong impression of these wolves from the start?  "He visited my pack before your family became one," Rune answered bluntly, just a hint of concern within his voice for the injured wolf though it was likely overridden by the irritation he still felt. "told me your family wouldn't be a problem to mine." Maybe that only meant if they stayed on their respective sides of their shared border and did not try to associate with each other. "He didn't strike me as the clumsy type."



6 Years
04-13-2015, 04:42 PM (This post was last modified: 04-13-2015, 04:43 PM by Voltage.)
"Nor is he one." Voltage's deep tones echoed as he approached, catching the very last bit of Rune's words. He missed Serefina's teasing flirting, but from the look on her face and the one Rune sported, he was sure that something had happened. Serefina was as unpredictable as she was firey, and he knew that her first impressions were always fun. With a gentle smile and a very polite dip of his skull he reguarded the male that stood on the other side of the joining border. Voltage was tired, exhausted, and it showed. He barely slept a wink since Glacier fell, too busy helping Terrae find herbs or to ensure that the puma hadn't returned. He barely slept and when he did it wasn't peaceful, too busy worrying to death over his brother. With a gentle sigh he'd lift his head to look up at Rune. "He was protecting our lands from an angry puma, and happened to accidentally plant his foot in a rabbit hole in his haste. He wasn't clumsy, just stupidly brave." He would grin then, looking towards his sister.

"I want to extend my apology for whatever she said." He teased with a laugh, giving her a smirk. "Her brand of humor is an...acquired taste." He would give her a playful swat with his paw before he became all business again, turning his attention fully on his neighbor. "Also, I apologize that I haven't gone to introduce myself to you and yours. My name is Voltage Elementas, the "Big Oaf" is my brother and littermate. Welcome to Donostrea, our home." He said with a prideful smile, inclining his head as he welcomed him in. "Would you like a tour? I'm sure Serefina would love to go get us some fish, you an apology." He said with a grin, looking in her direction. Fish meant water, and water was her krytonite. It was a tease, a joke, and he was sure she would lash out at him for it. But he merely smiled back up at his company, his tired eyes shining. "Let's get a little more comfy, talking over a scent line is so...unfriendly, don't you think?" With a tilt of his head he'd move to turn, hoping Rune and Serefina would come with him.
