
Turn eachothers heads


09-05-2014, 08:13 AM


He really had a hard time believing this could even possibly be like his old pack. It couldn't be the same family, be the same in its ways, even in the slightest. He knew very little about this pack actually besides its name, but once he had heard the name Ebony he immediately made a bee line for its borders. If there was even a slight possibility that this could be a reincarnation of his old home he had to at least give it a chance.

Of course he had that low, rumbling fear that this was a pack created by the family who had killed his friend and torn his leg apart and were now using the name of Ebony in some final show of disrespect, but for his own sanity he couldn't let himself believe that. His he padded toward the boarders with his slightly uneven gait he held himself with a certain calm reality that he had forced himself to maintain. Part of him, even in his self imposed exile, had felt the need to keep himself well groomed and healthy. It would have been easier to accept the fact that he hardly ever spoke to anyone and to let himself go, but instead he kept himself fed, kept his coat pristine, and trained as often as he could in case someday he could be reunited with his family. Maybe now his work could finally pay off.

He reached the scent markers of the Ebony pack and without hesitation he lifted his muzzle toward the sky to let out a call for the ruling wolf of this pack before he had a chance to reconsider it. It was now or never.



3 Years
09-05-2014, 10:06 AM

Valeriya was getting to the point where howls were expected daily. She had not gone long between meeting one wolf at the border before another would make itself known. Not that she was complaining. The vague memories of her puphood spoke of many more member than they could currently claim. She hardly blamed Katja, though. Her mother had been very charismatic to hear folk talk of her. Still, Val wanted to do well by her legacy, so rogues seeking safety was hardly something she would complain about. The man, when he finally came into view, drew a quiet laugh from within her chest. Another one... The odds were enormous yet here they all stood. Perhaps she had missed some sort of memo, some sort of message all the Old Ebony wolves seem to have gotten. "Greetings," she said with a smile, wondering how he would take her arrival. "I am Valeriya Xanilov, Queen of this pack." She would sit a number of paces away, waiting for his own reaction, his own words. A soft smile would sit on her lips, and she couldn't help but grow a little bit more excited. She could not wait to begin, to answer this brutes questions and to hear his own wisdom in return. She wished desperately that her mother had been there to see this, or that Sigmarr and Sindri or even Svetlana return to share this moment with her. She prayed for their safety, and it struck her that this dull russet man might know, as she hoped with all rogues.

"Talk" "You" Think


09-08-2014, 07:45 AM

Well, maybe he could be wrong. In fact, it looked like he could be very wrong. He had come here with so many doubts, but that marking was undeniable. He briefly considered the fact that she might be among the nobility who were not directly related to the royal family like himself, but of course she would introduce herself and dash even those doubts. He had been just over a year old when the attack had taken place, so he might not be as attached to the Xanilovs as some others from his homeland, but his last happy memories were from those early days in his life. That made him all the more eager to believe that they might hold the key to putting his life back together.

At her introduction he dipped his head in a small, respectful bow. "Well, this is certainly a pleasant surprise," he replied as he lifted his head once more and a smile found his face. "I am Nikolai Bierne. It is very nice to meet you, Valeria. It has been quite a while since I have seen a friendly face. I heard rumors that this pack was ruled by an Xanilov and I had to come see for myself and see if it was true."




3 Years
09-19-2014, 08:15 AM

So the word was getting out, was it? Valeriya smiled and tilted her head the smallest bit. Nikolai Bierne? That was... She racked her brain for the lessons her mother had taught her. Bierne, Bierne, Bierne... They were upper nobility in Old Ebony, a fairly large and well-adjusted family. But Raisa had never told her what side they'd fallen upon during and after the coup. "A pleasure, Lord Bierne." Whether he was high ranking enough in his family to deserve the title of Lord she couldn't say, but it was a formality and courtesy she felt no strain in offering. "You've heard correctly. My name is Valeriya Xanilov, firstborn daughter of Raisa Xanilov." She paused for a reaction from the man, waiting for the shock that often followed that admission. The auburn queen liked the way it seemed to unearth joy in the Old Ebony wolves, liked the excitement... And it was a bit of an ego boost too, if she was being completely honest with herself. "We hold sway here over a plot of ruins, and in the forest surrounding a nearby lake. Are you looking for a place to rest your head for a while? You're more than welcome to stay here." She allowed herself another smile, a crinkly grin which sparked a youthful light behind her eyes. Another day, another duty, but she could hardly say she minded things like this.

"Talk" "You" Think

OOC: I'm so so so sorry I didn't realize it was my turn in this omg this is so late im sorry Shelby please forgive me ;_;


09-19-2014, 07:58 PM


He was sure that it was obvious that he was rusty on his mannerisms, but he tried his best to act like the nobility he came from. They were memories that he had honestly never expected to need to use again and therefore had not tried to retain them at all. Her title for him brought a small smile to his muzzle. She went on to explain her relations and he blinked in surprise. "That is a name I haven't heard in quite some time. I'm honored to meet her daughter." He silently wondered if Raisa was here as well. He remembered her well enough and certainly knew of her place in the Xanilov line. They hadn't been close, but they had been similar in age so he had crossed paths with her.

Nikolai took note of the territories she spoke of and dipped his head thankfully at her offer. "I would enjoy that, madam. I stayed in our old homeland longer than I really should and because of that stayed on the run and in hiding so I haven't found a new home yet... If I may, your majesty, I would like to offer you my services in this new Ebony. It would be an honor to serve under the Xanilovs again."



3 Years
09-20-2014, 08:05 AM

His pledge of allegiance brought a smile to the auburn Queen's face, but not for the reasons one might suspect. She was not excited to have gained a new subject, or that she had adding to her packs ranks and thus power, but that she had been able to find another wolf from Old Ebony who needed refuge, and she was able to give it to them. The atrocities had been unbelievable, if her mother and the other refugees could be believed. "You are most certainly welcome here, for as long as you choose to stay." She debated telling him of Raisa's troubles, of her disappearance and the absence of her siblings but... Perhaps that could wait for another day. He was likely weary from his journey after all, and she would not want to delay him in finding a place to rest. "I will pay heed to your birth and offer you the title of Lord, if it suits you?" She could only hope that his more noble upbringing would lend her some assistance in matters beyond feeding the pack and keeping them healthy. She was always in need of dignitaries, advisers, things of that nature. Her own brother could only do so much after all, though she trusted Kass's wisdom with her life. She paused, cocking her head to the side, waiting for a response.

"Talk" "You" Think


09-20-2014, 09:19 PM

Nikolai felt relief when Valeriya agreed for him to live here in Ebony. It was a weight off his shoulders to know that he finally had somewhere to call home, somewhere he could relax and feel safe. He couldn't remember a time in the last two or so years that he could stop watching over his shoulder. His best memories were some of his oldest, the first year of his life when he was still living in the old Ebony. A major part of those memories were the Xanilovs so he had no reason to believe that he would have to expect any differently now.

She spoke of a rank for him and he nodded gratefully. "Being a Lord would be an honor, my Queen." He was glad that his lineage meant something to her. It had been something he had been running away from and it was a nice change of pace to see that it was actually working in his favor for once. He rose to his paws, saying, "I would like to go find a place to sleep for the night, if that is okay with you. Perhaps once I get settled in we can chat again? I would love to catch up with your mother as well if she has the time."




3 Years
09-26-2014, 09:53 AM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2014, 09:55 AM by Valeriya.)

Val allowed herself to swell with pride. Another wolf of Old Ebony, come and settled in her lands. With each addition they grew stronger, more capable of whatever might come their way. Even so, her mind turned to her mother. It'd been two long seasons since she'd seen her, nearly half a year. How long until she had the ranks to scour the region for her? In her darker dreams the auburn Queen saw Raisa held captive by another pack, by a rogue band, or worse yet captured by the new regime from Old Ebony. He was enough to rack her with a shudder, a chill gripping her even in the summer heat. It would seem Nikolai was on a similar thought path, only he was somewhat less informed. "A sad tale, that," she said as she tried to withhold a grimace. "And perhaps one for another day. Suffice to say that Raisa is not with us at the moment, but we can discuss it when you are a bit more comfortable. Please, feel free to call upon me with any questions or needs!" She would back away and give the man a respectful bow, forcing a small smile. It was a somewhat sour ending to an otherwise sweet victory, but she would not let it get her spirits down. After all, she was her mother's child, and in her better moments Raisa had been a force to be reckoned with. If only Val had had more time to study with her (something she'd always loathed in her youth) or had taken the lessons she did receive more seriously... She would give almost anything to be in her mother's presence again. The anger remained, but how it would manifest?... She couldn't say.

"Talk" "You" Think

OOC: -EXIT Val- (Unless stopped)