
Come together fall apart



3 Years
04-16-2015, 04:17 PM
It was strange how much the loss of a pack, the loss of purpose in her life had actually had such a drastic effect upon her. Once Talvi had struggled to fit into the ranks, to find her place in a pack and yet once she had overcome that she'd progressed in leaps and bounds until eventually finding herself in the position of beta; a rank she had never really expected to hold though had certainly been grateful for. Now though it wasn't any sort of power that she missed, she had always been rather good at melding back into the shadows it seemed. The pack life itself was something that she had come to enjoy.

Perhaps it was simply that she had kept to herself for far too long. Only the odd fellow rogue spotted here and there on her travels had been there for any sort of company and assistance in passing by the time. She'd never exactly been the most sociable of wolves, she could cope with the quiet and had never relied too heavily upon family or friends. She'd be lying if she said she didn't miss the few that she had had.

Her goal had once been to find Pandora, perhaps even meet more of those mysterious half-siblings that she knew so little about though to date she hadn't been successful. Perhaps she could have tried to find Caeto, continue upon the start of their little adventure and quest to find the island she'd been born upon, though truth be told there were others that she needed to see before her friend. She had more family she cared about, Athena and her children, and she had been told where to find them. Talvi simply hadn't felt right in following them on their path, much in the same way she hadn't felt right in following Drashiel on his.

Though she still lacked any real goal in her life and certainly hadn't achieved anything else, it was time to catch up with someone she cared about. She'd spent the end of the summer in the North once more, a season away from the terrain had certainly left her missing the place she had come to call home and though some nostalgia had kicked in it was indeed the people that she had missed the most. It had been enough to kick her into action, set her on her path South to find her sister and right now brought her here to the Soulless Forest. She couldn't say she'd explored the area before and though she was used to tall trees, there was something almost unsettling about the place and the thick undergrowth was terribly annoying.



2 Years
04-16-2015, 04:44 PM

He often ventured to the forest. It was a very short trek off of his usual beaten path through Imperium's territory, and it was a trip he could take in a mere hour or two if he didn't intend to be gone long. On this particular day he didn't mind how long he was gone. Bryn fluttered high above him and slightly ahead as per usual, though she was well within chirping distance should she spot anything worth noting to him. It had taken him some time to teach her that trees and inanimate objects were not of any interest to him, and she needn't identify each type of plant she saw as they passed it. Slowly but surely she was learning. He rolled his eyes as they entered the forest and she seemed to become flustered. Just about anything could fluster her. He let an ear casually roll forward toward her as she flew closer to him, alerting him to the presence of.. surprisingly.. a wolf. “There is one over there!” she chirped loud enough for the 'one' to hear. Emerald eyes rolled and he allowed a snort to burst free from his nostrils. He followed her lead, picking up a bouncy trot to discover who this wolf might be. He had run into a male in this forest before, and he was oddly curious to see if he'd come across the german lad again. “Hello there,” he offered in greeting as he became near enough to see the woman. She was oddly familiar in appearance, and he found his paws freezing where they'd fallen as he looked her over. He knew this woman, but he couldn't quite place her. He shifted his weight, eyes fixated upon her features. It wasn't every day that he ran into someone he knew, and it irked him that he couldn't come up with her name. His tail flickered behind him as he broke his hard gaze from her, trying not to stare her down completely. Perhaps she could shed some light upon the situation.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
04-16-2015, 05:18 PM
Onwards she continued, now with a destination in mind she intended to continue on with her travels as swiftly as possibly, minimise the delays of dawdling and taking time to notice something strange about a place. Of course the strange occurrence here truly couldn't be ignored as a voice above her suddenly began shouting about something. Icy gaze flicked upwards in hopes of spotting the noisy creature, curious as to what the 'one over there' actually might be and who on earth they were actually speaking to. Surely not herself?

There was no sign of the bird to begin with and her gaze would soon drop, particularly as she heard the tell-tale rustling sounds that suggested someone else was approaching. The offenders of the noise soon came into view the wolf was clearer, the first thing she spotted the smaller figure of the bird far easier to miss. The wolf was far more interesting anyway, to begin with she could have easily mistaken the male for Sendoa. She'd never known the Glaciem Queen all that well at all though Talvi had certainly learnt who she actually was.

This wolf certainly wasn't the former Queen however, he was a male for starters and he was significantly younger, perhaps even around her own age. It was a strong possibility, Isardis had sired many children after all and at least half the population had been children when she had been a pup there herself. Did she recognise this man? She hadn't exactly known many of them overly well, perhaps the lack of relation to them had put her at a disadvantage when it came to connecting with them. Of course now she knew better, those wolves had all been aunts and uncles to her, not that the cat had ever been let out of the bag on that one.

"Hello." She responded, her own mind working just as hard to try and place him in her mind. She was sure she recognised him from somewhere other than his similarities to other Armadas.  Perhaps it was better to simply reintroduce themselves rather than speculate over these things. "I was beginning to think I wouldn't see another in this forest. I'm Talvi Zaldun." Her surname meant little really, there didn't seem to be many that bore it, certainly not in these lands anymore. Perhaps however the connection would be made to her mother if nothing else, not that she longed to be recognised as Argent's daughter so much anymore.



2 Years
04-16-2015, 06:31 PM

It wasn't the sort of recognition where he could perfectly describe the time and place when he'd met her. It wasn't even the sort where he could begin to fathom her name. He only knew that he knew her, somehow, albeit vaguely. Her voice came, offering a simple hello in response to his greeting. Well, that was a start. Now how was he to go about politely telling her he had no clue who she was? Surely she recognized him, after all who wouldn't? 'I was beginning to think I wouldn't see another in this forest. I'm Talvi Zaldun.' Zaldun. That part didn't do much for him (for he really hadn't heard about Argent's surname in all the time he'd known her), but the Talvi part rang a bell. Talvi. She was one of Argent's children. His tail flickered idly as his eyes softened their previously studying gaze. “Talvi,” he voiced with more certainty. “I am Kyarst Armada.” He took a sure step forward, knowing she must recognize his name. He offered a dip of his head and then settled his hips upon the earth gently. “It's been quite a while,” the cobalt Armada mused. How long had it been? Nearly the entirety of his life. He'd only been a child when he'd met her - and he couldn't honestly remember meeting her, only observing her... well, existence. She was a pretty thing, he noted with mild interest, swathed in her mother's silver and cloaked in the Armada blue. A brow raised at this notion, for he knew that she wasn't of his father's own blood. Which Armada had donated the blue, he couldn't begin to guess, but the fact alone was enough to intrigue him.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
04-17-2015, 04:20 AM
It was a long shot that any would recognise her name, Argent perhaps had been better known as one of Isardis' women, another former Queen from his reign in Glaciem. Something about her name apparently struck a chord however and the young man introduced himself, as she had thought he was an Armada and now she heard the name there was definitely a sense of familiarity about it as well. No official introduction had ever really been made, though she had certainly seen he and his brother amongst the pack when they were young. His brother of course not quite so much, quieter and slinking around far more though Kyarst had been another who wasn't afraid to be vocal in training sessions.

"It certainly has." She responded, settling herself as well. Honestly she couldn't actually recall the last time she might have really seen him within the pack. There had definitely been a point that it seemed that nearly everyone was vanishing. It was touching how loyal some had been to their king, fleeing with them though she certainly wished that same loyalty had expanded to the entire family, in her case at least that her mother would have stuck around. Had Kyarst been amongst those who had followed Isardis, or had he faded away earlier? Unfortunately the lack of any real connection meant the memories all blurred together, she really couldn't place the moment he had gone.

It was a wonder none had tried to guess her parentage earlier in her life. The blue tint of her coat she had learnt wasn't merely a coincidence after all though Isardis had never claimed any relation to her or her littermates at all. There were only a few that had known about Taurig and Argent's affair, Talvi was content to let it stay that way. These wolves shouldn't like her purely for blood alone, she'd keep her Zaldun name and her heritage remain a secret.

"You appear to be doing well, where has life taken you these days?" Had he reunited with any of his family, there had after all once been many of them roaming around at one point. Perhaps there still were simply more scattered than they had previously been.



2 Years
04-17-2015, 11:20 AM

She seemed to be of calm nature, and traveling alone hinting at her disconnect with the family. It seemed the Armadas had splintered off quite a bit - many were probably not in the area at all anymore. This was a humbling fact, and a disappointing one. She didn't smell of any particular pack, or any particular wolf. Could she simply be a wandering vagabond? He almost hated to believe it. The thought of shards of his family wandering aimlessly was a haunting one. Still, perhaps she wandered by choice - which was much less of a disturbing truth. He'd had his wandering days, too. 'You appear to be doing well, where has life taken you these days?' and with this he would return to the present from his idle musing. “Life took me away from Alacritia for a while, but has since brought me back.” He paused, for once in his life trying to determine how much information he really needed to give. Normally he was rather generous with his life story, but today he was feeling particularly aloof. “I've reunited with my half-sister Lysis, I'm not sure if you remember her or not - she was sickly most of her childhood, and we've taken up residence in Imperium of the South.” There, that seemed a suitable enough response. It would be easy enough to turn the question upon her, and so he would - lacing in his own characteristic charm. “You've grown up well,” he noted. “Have you found somewhere to call home?” It wasn't exactly how he'd intended to word it, but it was the best he could come up with under the circumstances. He wasn't sure exactly how prying he could be for information, and so he had to tread carefully if he wanted to learn anything from his half-niece. His tail curled tightly around his hips while the tip twitched between his forepaws. An ear flickered back as he heard the rustling of Bryn settling somewhere in the trees above them - probably silently judging Talvi. The bird could be extremely critical, and often didn't like anyone he came into contact with, but at least this time she was being quiet about it - for now.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
04-21-2015, 05:14 AM
Her colouration may have been a large hint to her Armada heritage though there was little other association that Talvi had with the family these days. Many of the Armada's had no idea of her parentage, her half siblings, children of Argent and Isardis, were her only well-known association to the Armada's. She was a rather finicky girl when it came to family anyway, blood didn't matter so much, that alone didn't make you family. Unfortunately for Kyarst though, it was unlikely, given the big secret, that Talvi was ever likely to officially call him her uncle. She still didn't intend upon revealing the big secret that Taurig had another bunch of children running around, perhaps now it was simply for the ease of continuing to be so picky with her family.

He had been away, it explained why she hadn't seen much of him for a long time. Though she had a name for the face now, Talvi still couldn't recall when they had last seen each other, Lysis likewise though she could recall the girl. She was amongst the first that had really attempted to build any sort of relationship with Talvi, she had been friendly although confused as to why there was only one parental figure in the younger girl's life. She hadn't realised that Lysis had been sickly though, was that the reason any hopes of a real friendship had diminished?

"I do remember Lysis." She confirmed for him. "Is she well too?" Curiosity led her to inquire as much as hoping that Lysis had overcome any of those childhood illnesses that had plagued her. Talvi was certain she would have done, though it was polite to find out how she was doing now too. Perhaps she would have to pay a visit to Imperium after all.

"I had originally stayed in our childhood pack; Glaciem, Bevroren, Regium, it went through several different names with each new alpha. The pack disbanded back in the Spring though after Roman's death. Drashiel and his children came to Imperium though I believe." How were they all doing? The loss of Roman had of course hit them the hardest. "I've not yet settled anywhere else. I've never had such wide open opportunities before, it's quite a refreshing change of pace I suppose. I'm sure I'll find somewhere to call home eventually but for now the experience is one I feel I need to live. I'm sure you understand, you went far further than I have."



2 Years
04-26-2015, 08:53 PM
ooc; sorry this took so long!

He was genuinely pleased to have run across his niece, having been previously worried that the rest of his scattered family had been lost to the wind. It seemed likely that many still were missing or worse, but at least one more had been found. There came the confirmation that Talvi did remember Lysis, which pleased Kyarst. So many didn't remember his half-sister and closest sibling simply due to how sick she had been as a child. He hadn't known her until she was nearly six months old. "She is," he offered, a nod accompanying his simple answer. "We are settling into Imperium rather nicely," he added on as an afterthought. His tail twitched between his front paws, reminiscent of an anxious field mouse. It lay still, though, as she mentioned Drashiel and Roman. Did she know what had happened? "Yes Lysis and I have met with the children," for they had only met and had certainly not reunited. He left off any inclination of Drashiel, suddenly worried he would have to be the one to deliver the news to her of his death. Kyarst was not the best bearer of bad news. She went on a moment later to speak on enjoying the freedom of wandering and not calling anywhere specific home. He nodded, the smile on his lips twisting a bit wider. "I certainly understand, I sewed my wild oats for quite some time before settling down. It took all of that freedom to let me know what I truly wanted," and that was somewhere to call home.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
04-28-2015, 06:08 AM
Though she still wasn't sure joining it would be the right idea for her, perhaps Talvi would have to visit Imperium at some point if only to see Lysis again and of course see how the children had grown for herself. Such plans would be tucked away for now, Athena and her own children held more priority for her really, they were family after all.  "I'm glad to hear that" She responded genuinely.

Whilst the visit may not have seemed any sort of urgent matter right now, what Talvi of course didn't realise was the very news that Kyarst sought to keep from her now. Whilst Drashiel had never been officially recognised as family to her, she certainly had nothing against the man and perhaps at one point could have grown to call him a friend. The children too could have earned a place in her lives, the news would indeed be bad.

Talvi still didn't know what she really wanted, perhaps the answer would eventually come to her just as it had to Kyarst. She hoped so, though for now it was an enjoyable experience, somewhere down the line Talvi liked to think she'd be able to settle and find another place to call home. "I'm hoping the answer will eventually come to me." Talvi confessed.



2 Years
05-04-2015, 07:47 PM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2015, 02:47 PM by Kyarst.)

He remembered fondly the time he'd spent away from Alacritia, when he'd been nothing but a youth exploring endless possibilities. For a moment he wondered what it was that had truly brought him back. He'd used the excuses of family obligations, and missing the comforts of home, but the real reason had always been, and would always be her. Lysis was the only solid thing in a world of uncertainties. She was the only thing he knew, the only thing he loved - at least the only thing he still loved. His mother was gone, his father gone, his brother.. gone. She was the only one left, and it would be she that he would hold onto like a child with his favorite toy. She was his, and he wouldn't let her go again. "It will," he finally offered in reassurance to the woman from his past. "In time you'll know what you want, and who knows.. perhaps you already have it." Perhaps wandering suited her best, it had suited him for some time. "I do selfishly hope that those answers might include me somewhere in the mix - I wouldn't turn down a visit from you every now and then." A gentle smile swayed across his lips as he allowed his tail to tap the earth. He had mere fragments of his past left, and though he didn't know Talvi well - he knew he wanted to see her at least once in a blue moon.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
05-07-2015, 03:10 PM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2015, 03:11 PM by Talvi.)
Right now Talvi had no idea what it was she could possibly be looking for in her life. She didn't feel quite as lost as she had as a child suddenly brought to Glaciem, the new life in a large pack though there was certainly a hint of that same confusion, that same lack of goal. She'd found it there eventually, quickly exceeded even her own expectations and perhaps that was why she was lost now, no pack to give her loyalty to, no goals to reach or duties to do. She was rather picky though, loyalty couldn't just be handed away to anyone and she was content to wonder but there was no denying she was lost.

To her surprise he would hint at a hope to run into her again at some point. It was a strange thought, they had barely known each other before and even now knew so little about each other and yet already he declared a wish to keep in touch. There were few that Talvi expressed that desire with and sadly right now she couldn't definitely put Kyarst alone in that category. Perhaps this was her problem, so cold and eager to shut out the world, how could she find her way in life?

"Perhaps" Talvi responded, maybe if only to see Lysis again, Drashiel and the children at some point. Their paths could well cross again though she doubted right this moment it would be specifically to see Kyarst. "I do have several reasons to visit Imperium it seems." He could include himself there if he wanted but she wasn't going to lie and make him feel special.



2 Years
05-07-2015, 04:35 PM

It wasn't strange at all in his mind for him to invite her to visit him. Kyarst was a very sociable fellow, and the fact that he had known Talvi before warranted a future meeting - if she desired it. It seemed, however, that she wasn't exactly eager to run into him again. It was understandable, they hardly knew anything about each other, and if not for this chance meeting they likely would never have missed each other. Still, it seemed she had more reason than just him to visit Imperium, and he could accept that. He imagined Lysis was one of those reasons, and perhaps Drashiel, or the children. Kyarst honestly didn't know what filtered through the woman's mind, and it didn't seem as if she were keen on telling him. "I'll leave you with a bit more advice, Talvi." He paused, for nothing more than dramatic effect, it seemed. "Don't take any decision lightly. If you decide a pack is what you desire, then do your research. Most don't take lightly to halfheartedness. If you want to pledge yourself to one, make sure you are prepared for all that comes with such a pledge." Another pause, as his tail tapped the earth in good nature. "But you're smart and I'm sure you knew all that already." She couldn't have lived this long as a fool. His hips rose slowly as he stood to his full height, offering a gentle sway of his tail. "I probably should be heading back. If you decide to visit, just head West of here and you'll be sure to run into Imperium. I warn you though, we're rough on intruders, so stick outside the border and howl." The last thing he needed was to see one of his pack mates tearing her a new one. He turned on his heels, directing his bodice West. His head tilted back, craning over his right shoulder. "Lysis would like to see you, I'm sure." With that, he would slowly pace onward, back to his home.

- exit unless stopped


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
05-07-2015, 05:20 PM
Kyarst's little words of wisdom were facts that Talvi had indeed already been aware of herself. Loyalty was not something she gave away so carelessly in any part of her life in fact. Even family had to earn her respect and their right to such a title a pack she would most definitely be very cautious with. Had she been so desperate to join one she likely would have followed her sister in her quest or perhaps even gone with Drashiel's original plan to join Imperium which it seemed had been successful. Not being sure of her best option had led her to this point now; wandering around Alacritia as a loner.

Talvi would be polite to Kyarst however, rather than rudely pointing out she was perfectly capable of knowing all of that to begin with she simply responded with a brief nod of understanding. She may not had been close to him, though she held no dislike towards Kyarst, he had even acknowledged the fact that she probably knew to be cautious anyway. She would remain polite if nothing else.

Even his additional words of warning not to trespass on a pack's lands was yet more knowledge that she already knew of, again she would simply quietly take on his words than point out she already knew. She would likely return, though even that she didn't wish to make any promises on, it seemed there truly were so commitment issues within her. "I shall bear that in mind." She informed him. "Goodbye Kyarst." For a few moments longer she watched him head off, perhaps if only to ensure he had no other little tidbits to add though it wasn't long before Talvi also continued on her way.